Uses of Class

Packages that use SatelliteTimeCoordinate
org.orekit.files.general This package provides interfaces for orbit file representations and corresponding parsers. 
org.orekit.files.sp3 This package provides a parser for orbit data stored in SP3 format. 

Uses of SatelliteTimeCoordinate in org.orekit.files.general

Methods in org.orekit.files.general that return types with arguments of type SatelliteTimeCoordinate
 List<SatelliteTimeCoordinate> OrbitFile.getSatelliteCoordinates(String satId)
          Get the time coordinates for the given satellite.

Uses of SatelliteTimeCoordinate in org.orekit.files.sp3

Methods in org.orekit.files.sp3 that return types with arguments of type SatelliteTimeCoordinate
 List<SatelliteTimeCoordinate> SP3File.getSatelliteCoordinates(String satId)
          Get the time coordinates for the given satellite.

Methods in org.orekit.files.sp3 with parameters of type SatelliteTimeCoordinate
 void SP3File.addSatelliteCoordinate(String satId, SatelliteTimeCoordinate coord)
          Adds a new P/V coordinate for a given satellite.

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