Uses of Interface

Packages that use SolarActivityDataProvider

Uses of SolarActivityDataProvider in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.signalpropagation.iono

Constructors in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.signalpropagation.iono with parameters of type SolarActivityDataProvider
BentModel(R12Provider r12Provider, SolarActivityDataProvider solarActivity, USKProvider uskProvider, BodyShape earth, Vector3D inStation, Frame inFrameSta, double freq)
          Constructor for the Bent ionospheric correction model.

Uses of SolarActivityDataProvider in org.orekit.forces.atmospheres.solarActivity

Classes in org.orekit.forces.atmospheres.solarActivity that implement SolarActivityDataProvider
 class ACSOLFormatReader
          This class reads ACSOL format solar activity data
 class ConstantSolarActivity
          This class represents constant solar activity
 class ExtendedSolarActivityWrapper
          This class is a solar activity data provider fed with: a user-defined SolarActivityDataProvider A averaged duration d It is built with the following convention: It returns solar activity from user-provided solar activity data provider if date is within timespan of the user-provided solar activity data provider. It returns an average of first available solar data over user-defined period d if date is before lower boundary of the user-provided solar activity data provider. It returns an average of last available solar data over user-defined period d if date is after upper boundary of the user-provided solar activity data provider.
 class NOAAFormatReader
          This class reads ACSOL format solar activity data
 class SolarActivityDataReader
          Represents a basic solar activity file reader.

Methods in org.orekit.forces.atmospheres.solarActivity that return SolarActivityDataProvider
static SolarActivityDataProvider SolarActivityDataFactory.getSolarActivityDataProvider()
          Get the solar activity provider from the first supported file.

Methods in org.orekit.forces.atmospheres.solarActivity with parameters of type SolarActivityDataProvider
static double SolarActivityToolbox.getAverageFlux(AbsoluteDate date1, AbsoluteDate date2, SolarActivityDataProvider data)
          Compute mean flux between given dates.
static double SolarActivityToolbox.getMeanAp(AbsoluteDate minDate, AbsoluteDate maxDate, SolarActivityDataProvider data)
          Compute mean flux between given dates (rectangular rule)
static double SolarActivityToolbox.getMeanFlux(AbsoluteDate date1, AbsoluteDate date2, SolarActivityDataProvider data)
          Compute mean flux between given dates using trapezoidal rule

Constructors in org.orekit.forces.atmospheres.solarActivity with parameters of type SolarActivityDataProvider
ExtendedSolarActivityWrapper(SolarActivityDataProvider innerProvider, double duration)

Uses of SolarActivityDataProvider in org.orekit.forces.atmospheres.solarActivity.specialized

Fields in org.orekit.forces.atmospheres.solarActivity.specialized declared as SolarActivityDataProvider
protected  SolarActivityDataProvider
          Solar data container

Constructors in org.orekit.forces.atmospheres.solarActivity.specialized with parameters of type SolarActivityDataProvider
AbstractMSISE2000SolarData(SolarActivityDataProvider solarData)
ClassicalMSISE2000SolarData(SolarActivityDataProvider solarData)
ContinuousMSISE2000SolarData(SolarActivityDataProvider solarData)
DTM2000SolarData(SolarActivityDataProvider solarData)

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