Uses of Interface

Packages that use DragSensitive

Uses of DragSensitive in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.assembly.models

Classes in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.assembly.models that implement DragSensitive
 class AeroModel
          Class that represents an aero model, based on the vehicle.
 class DragLiftModel
          Class that represents an drag and lift aero model, based on the vehicle.
 class GlobalAeroModel
          Global aero model for generic user-provided aero coefficients.

Uses of DragSensitive in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.stela.forces.drag

Classes in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.stela.forces.drag that implement DragSensitive
 class StelaAeroModel
           This class represents a STELA aero model, based on a spherical spacecraft.

Constructors in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.stela.forces.drag with parameters of type DragSensitive
StelaAtmosphericDrag(DragSensitive inSpacecraft, Atmosphere inAtmosphere, int inSquaringPoints, double inEarthRadius, double inAtmoThreshold, int inDragRecomputeStep)

Uses of DragSensitive in org.orekit.forces.drag

Constructors in org.orekit.forces.drag with parameters of type DragSensitive
DragForce(Atmosphere atmosphere, DragSensitive spacecraft)
          Constructor with multiplicative factor k = 1.0.
DragForce(Atmosphere atmosphere, DragSensitive spacecraft, boolean computePDPos, boolean computePDVel)
          Constructor with multiplicative factor k = 1.0.
DragForce(double k, Atmosphere atmosphere, DragSensitive spacecraft)
          Constructor with multiplicative factor k.
DragForce(double k, Atmosphere atmosphere, DragSensitive spacecraft, boolean computePDPos, boolean computePDVel)
          Constructor with multiplicative factor k.
DragForce(IParamDiffFunction k, Atmosphere atmosphere, DragSensitive spacecraft)
          Constructor with multiplicative factor k.
DragForce(IParamDiffFunction k, Atmosphere atmosphere, DragSensitive spacecraft, boolean computePDPos, boolean computePDVel)
          Constructor with multiplicative factor k.
DragForce(Parameter k, Atmosphere atmosphere, DragSensitive spacecraft)
          Constructor with multiplicative factor k.
DragForce(Parameter k, Atmosphere atmosphere, DragSensitive spacecraft, boolean computePDPos, boolean computePDVel)
          Constructor with multiplicative factor k.

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