Class CunninghamAttractionModel

  extended by org.orekit.parameter.Parameterizable
      extended by org.orekit.parameter.JacobiansParameterizable
          extended by org.orekit.forces.gravity.CunninghamAttractionModel
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, ForceModel, GradientModel, AttractionModel, IJacobiansParameterizable, IParameterizable

public class CunninghamAttractionModel
extends JacobiansParameterizable
implements ForceModel, GradientModel, AttractionModel

This class represents the gravitational field of a celestial body.

The algorithm implemented in this class has been designed by Leland E. Cunningham (Lockheed Missiles and Space Company, Sunnyvale and Astronomy Department University of California, Berkeley) in his 1969 paper: On the computation of the spherical harmonic terms needed during the numerical integration of the orbital motion of an artificial satellite (Celestial Mechanics 2, 1970).

The implementation of this class enables the computation of partial derivatives by finite differences with respect to the central attraction coefficient.

Warning: using a 0x0 Earth potential model is equivalent to a simple Newtonian attraction. However computation times will be much slower since this case is not particularized and hence conversion from body frame (often ITRF) to integration frame is necessary.

Fabien Maussion, Luc Maisonobe, Véronique Pommier-Maurussane
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
static String RADIUS
          Parameter name for equatorial radius.
Fields inherited from interface org.orekit.forces.gravity.AttractionModel
Constructor Summary
CunninghamAttractionModel(Frame centralBodyFrame, double equatorialRadius, double mu, double[][] C, double[][] S)
          Creates a new instance.
CunninghamAttractionModel(Frame centralBodyFrame, double equatorialRadius, double mu, double[][] C, double[][] S, int degreePD, int orderPD)
          Creates a new instance.
CunninghamAttractionModel(Frame centralBodyFrame, Parameter equatorialRadius, Parameter mu, double[][] C, double[][] S)
          Creates a new instance using Parameter.
CunninghamAttractionModel(Frame centralBodyFrame, Parameter equatorialRadius, Parameter mu, double[][] C, double[][] S, int degreePD, int orderPD)
          Creates a new instance using Parameter.
Method Summary
 void addContribution(SpacecraftState s, TimeDerivativesEquations adder)
          Compute the contribution of the force model to the perturbing acceleration.
 void addDAccDParam(SpacecraftState s, Parameter param, double[] dAccdParam)
          Compute acceleration derivatives with respect to additional parameters.
 void addDAccDState(SpacecraftState s, double[][] dAccdPos, double[][] dAccdVel)
          Compute acceleration derivatives with respect to state parameters.
 Vector3D computeAcceleration(PVCoordinates pv, AbsoluteDate date)
           Method to compute the acceleration.
 Vector3D computeAcceleration(SpacecraftState s)
          Compute the acceleration due to the force.
 boolean computeGradientPosition()
          This method returns true if the acceleration partial derivatives with respect to position have to be computed.
 boolean computeGradientVelocity()
          This method returns true if the acceleration partial derivatives with respect to velocity have to be computed.
 EventDetector[] getEventsDetectors()
          Get the discrete events related to the model.
 double getMu()
          Get the central attraction coefficient &mu.
Methods inherited from class org.orekit.parameter.JacobiansParameterizable
addJacobiansParameter, addJacobiansParameter, addJacobiansParameter, supportsJacobianParameter
Methods inherited from class org.orekit.parameter.Parameterizable
addParameter, getParameters, supportsParameter
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.orekit.parameter.IParameterizable
getParameters, supportsParameter

Field Detail


public static final String RADIUS
Parameter name for equatorial radius.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public CunninghamAttractionModel(Frame centralBodyFrame,
                                 double equatorialRadius,
                                 double mu,
                                 double[][] C,
                                 double[][] S)
                          throws IllegalArgumentException
Creates a new instance.

centralBodyFrame - rotating body frame
equatorialRadius - reference equatorial radius of the potential
mu - central body attraction coefficient (m3/s2)
C - un-normalized coefficients array (cosine part)
S - un-normalized coefficients array (sine part)
IllegalArgumentException - if coefficients array do not match


public CunninghamAttractionModel(Frame centralBodyFrame,
                                 double equatorialRadius,
                                 double mu,
                                 double[][] C,
                                 double[][] S,
                                 int degreePD,
                                 int orderPD)
                          throws IllegalArgumentException
Creates a new instance.

centralBodyFrame - rotating body frame
equatorialRadius - reference equatorial radius of the potential
mu - central body attraction coefficient (m3/s2)
C - un-normalized coefficients array (cosine part)
S - un-normalized coefficients array (sine part)
degreePD - degree for partial derivatives
orderPD - order for partial derivatives
IllegalArgumentException - if coefficients array do not match or degree and/or order for partial derivatives is higher than degree and/or order for acceleration


public CunninghamAttractionModel(Frame centralBodyFrame,
                                 Parameter equatorialRadius,
                                 Parameter mu,
                                 double[][] C,
                                 double[][] S)
                          throws IllegalArgumentException
Creates a new instance using Parameter.

centralBodyFrame - rotating body frame
equatorialRadius - reference equatorial radius of the potential
mu - parameter representing central body attraction coefficient (m3/s2)
C - parameter representing un-normalized coefficients array (cosine part)
S - un-normalized coefficients array (sine part)
IllegalArgumentException - if coefficients array do not match


public CunninghamAttractionModel(Frame centralBodyFrame,
                                 Parameter equatorialRadius,
                                 Parameter mu,
                                 double[][] C,
                                 double[][] S,
                                 int degreePD,
                                 int orderPD)
                          throws IllegalArgumentException
Creates a new instance using Parameter.

centralBodyFrame - rotating body frame
equatorialRadius - reference equatorial radius of the potential
mu - parameter representing central body attraction coefficient (m3/s2)
C - parameter representing un-normalized coefficients array (cosine part)
S - un-normalized coefficients array (sine part)
degreePD - degree for partial derivatives
orderPD - order for partial derivatives
IllegalArgumentException - if coefficients array do not match or degree and/or order for partial derivatives is higher than degree and/or order for acceleration
Method Detail


public void addContribution(SpacecraftState s,
                            TimeDerivativesEquations adder)
                     throws OrekitException
Compute the contribution of the force model to the perturbing acceleration..

Specified by:
addContribution in interface ForceModel
s - current state information: date, kinematics, attitude
adder - object where the contribution should be added
OrekitException - if some specific error occurs


public final EventDetector[] getEventsDetectors()
Get the discrete events related to the model..

Specified by:
getEventsDetectors in interface ForceModel
array of events detectors or null if the model is not related to any discrete events


public boolean computeGradientPosition()
This method returns true if the acceleration partial derivatives with respect to position have to be computed..

Specified by:
computeGradientPosition in interface GradientModel
true if the derivatives have to be computed, false otherwise


public boolean computeGradientVelocity()
This method returns true if the acceleration partial derivatives with respect to velocity have to be computed..

Specified by:
computeGradientVelocity in interface GradientModel
true if the derivatives have to be computed, false otherwise


public Vector3D computeAcceleration(SpacecraftState s)
                             throws OrekitException
Compute the acceleration due to the force..

Specified by:
computeAcceleration in interface ForceModel
s - current state information: date, kinematics, attitude
acceleration in the SpacecraftState frame
OrekitException - if some specific error occurs


public Vector3D computeAcceleration(PVCoordinates pv,
                                    AbsoluteDate date)

Method to compute the acceleration. This method has been implemented in order to validate the force model only. The reason is that for the validation context, we do not want to set up an instance of the SpacecraftState object to avoid the inertial frame of the spacecraft orbit.

(see Story #V82 and Feature #34 on

Out of the validation context, one must use the method Vector3D computeAcceleration(final SpacecraftState s)

Fixes bug #97: Numerical stability errors for high order gravity field. (see The error and was due to the acceleration being computed as r^n * (cn * gradC + sn * gradS). As order n increased r^n increased up to exceed floating point limits whereas the gradient decreased. In fact r^n * grad was always a normal floating point number despite both terms were not. The fix involved changing the loops so the gradients did include the r^n part.

pv - PV coordinates of the spacecraft
date - date
acceleration vector


public final void addDAccDState(SpacecraftState s,
                                double[][] dAccdPos,
                                double[][] dAccdVel)
                         throws OrekitException
Compute acceleration derivatives with respect to state parameters..

Specified by:
addDAccDState in interface IJacobiansParameterizable
s - spacecraft state
dAccdPos - acceleration derivatives with respect to position
dAccdVel - acceleration derivatives with respect to velocity
OrekitException - if derivatives cannot be computed


public void addDAccDParam(SpacecraftState s,
                          Parameter param,
                          double[] dAccdParam)
                   throws OrekitException
Compute acceleration derivatives with respect to additional parameters.
No parameter is supported by this force model.

Specified by:
addDAccDParam in interface IJacobiansParameterizable
s - spacecraft state
param - the parameter with respect to which derivatives are required
dAccdParam - acceleration derivatives with respect to specified parameters
OrekitException - if derivatives cannot be computed


public double getMu()
Get the central attraction coefficient &mu..

Specified by:
getMu in interface AttractionModel
mu central attraction coefficient (m3/s2)

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