Class SolarRadiationPressure

  extended by org.orekit.parameter.Parameterizable
      extended by org.orekit.parameter.JacobiansParameterizable
          extended by org.orekit.forces.radiation.SolarRadiationPressure
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, ForceModel, GradientModel, IJacobiansParameterizable, IParameterizable

public class SolarRadiationPressure
extends JacobiansParameterizable
implements ForceModel, GradientModel

Solar radiation pressure force model.

The implementation of this class enables the computation of partial derivatives with respect to absorption, specular reflection or diffusion reflection coefficients.

Fabien Maussion, Édouard Delente, Véronique Pommier-Maurussane, Pascal Parraud
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
static String REFERENCE_FLUX
          Normalized reference flux.
Constructor Summary
SolarRadiationPressure(double dRef, double pRef, PVCoordinatesProvider sun, double equatorialRadius, RadiationSensitive spacecraft)
          Complete constructor.
SolarRadiationPressure(double dRef, double pRef, PVCoordinatesProvider sun, double equatorialRadius, RadiationSensitive spacecraft, boolean computePD)
          Complete constructor.
SolarRadiationPressure(Parameter refFlux, PVCoordinatesProvider sun, double equatorialRadius, RadiationSensitive spacecraft)
          Complete constructor.
SolarRadiationPressure(Parameter refFlux, PVCoordinatesProvider sun, double equatorialRadius, RadiationSensitive spacecraft, boolean computePD)
          Complete constructor.
SolarRadiationPressure(PVCoordinatesProvider sun, double equatorialRadius, RadiationSensitive spacecraft)
          Simple constructor with default reference values.
SolarRadiationPressure(PVCoordinatesProvider sun, double equatorialRadius, RadiationSensitive spacecraft, boolean computePD)
          Simple constructor with default reference values.
Method Summary
 void addContribution(SpacecraftState s, TimeDerivativesEquations adder)
          Compute the contribution of the force model to the perturbing acceleration.
 void addDAccDParam(SpacecraftState s, Parameter param, double[] dAccdParam)
          Compute acceleration derivatives with respect to additional parameters.
 void addDAccDState(SpacecraftState s, double[][] dAccdPos, double[][] dAccdVel)
          Compute acceleration derivatives with respect to state parameters.
 Vector3D computeAcceleration(SpacecraftState s)
          Compute the acceleration due to the force.
 boolean computeGradientPosition()
          This method returns true if the acceleration partial derivatives with respect to position have to be computed.
 boolean computeGradientVelocity()
          This method returns true if the acceleration partial derivatives with respect to velocity have to be computed.
 EventDetector[] getEventsDetectors()
          Get the discrete events related to the model.
 double getLightningRatio(Vector3D position, Frame frame, AbsoluteDate date)
          Get the lightning ratio ([0-1]).
Methods inherited from class org.orekit.parameter.JacobiansParameterizable
addJacobiansParameter, addJacobiansParameter, addJacobiansParameter, supportsJacobianParameter
Methods inherited from class org.orekit.parameter.Parameterizable
addParameter, getParameters, supportsParameter
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.orekit.parameter.IParameterizable
getParameters, supportsParameter

Field Detail


public static final String REFERENCE_FLUX
Normalized reference flux.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public SolarRadiationPressure(PVCoordinatesProvider sun,
                              double equatorialRadius,
                              RadiationSensitive spacecraft)
Simple constructor with default reference values.

When this constructor is used, the reference values are:

sun - Sun model
equatorialRadius - spherical shape model (for umbra/penumbra computation)
spacecraft - the object physical and geometrical information


public SolarRadiationPressure(PVCoordinatesProvider sun,
                              double equatorialRadius,
                              RadiationSensitive spacecraft,
                              boolean computePD)
Simple constructor with default reference values.

When this constructor is used, the reference values are:

sun - Sun model
equatorialRadius - spherical shape model (for umbra/penumbra computation)
spacecraft - the object physical and geometrical information
computePD - true if partial derivatives wrt position have to be computed


public SolarRadiationPressure(double dRef,
                              double pRef,
                              PVCoordinatesProvider sun,
                              double equatorialRadius,
                              RadiationSensitive spacecraft)
Complete constructor.

Note that reference solar radiation pressure pRef in N/m2 is linked to solar flux SF in W/m2 using formula pRef = SF/c where c is the speed of light (299792458 m/s). So at 1UA a 1367 W/m2 solar flux is a 4.56 10-6 N/m2 solar radiation pressure.

dRef - reference distance for the solar radiation pressure (m)
pRef - reference solar radiation pressure at dRef (N/m2)
sun - Sun model
equatorialRadius - spherical shape model (for umbra/penumbra computation)
spacecraft - the object physical and geometrical information


public SolarRadiationPressure(double dRef,
                              double pRef,
                              PVCoordinatesProvider sun,
                              double equatorialRadius,
                              RadiationSensitive spacecraft,
                              boolean computePD)
Complete constructor.

Note that reference solar radiation pressure pRef in N/m2 is linked to solar flux SF in W/m2 using formula pRef = SF/c where c is the speed of light (299792458 m/s). So at 1UA a 1367 W/m2 solar flux is a 4.56 10-6 N/m2 solar radiation pressure.

dRef - reference distance for the solar radiation pressure (m)
pRef - reference solar radiation pressure at dRef (N/m2)
sun - Sun model
equatorialRadius - spherical shape model (for umbra/penumbra computation)
spacecraft - the object physical and geometrical information
computePD - true if partial derivatives wrt position have to be computed


public SolarRadiationPressure(Parameter refFlux,
                              PVCoordinatesProvider sun,
                              double equatorialRadius,
                              RadiationSensitive spacecraft)
Complete constructor.

refFlux - parameter representing the reference flux normalized for a 1m distance (N)
sun - Sun model
equatorialRadius - spherical shape model (for umbra/penumbra computation)
spacecraft - the object physical and geometrical information


public SolarRadiationPressure(Parameter refFlux,
                              PVCoordinatesProvider sun,
                              double equatorialRadius,
                              RadiationSensitive spacecraft,
                              boolean computePD)
Complete constructor.

refFlux - parameter representing the reference flux normalized for a 1m distance (N)
sun - Sun model
equatorialRadius - spherical shape model (for umbra/penumbra computation)
spacecraft - the object physical and geometrical information
computePD - true if partial derivatives wrt position have to be computed
Method Detail


public Vector3D computeAcceleration(SpacecraftState s)
                             throws OrekitException
Compute the acceleration due to the force.

Specified by:
computeAcceleration in interface ForceModel
s - current state information: date, kinematics, attitude
acceleration in the SpacecraftState frame
OrekitException - if some specific error occurs


public void addContribution(SpacecraftState s,
                            TimeDerivativesEquations adder)
                     throws OrekitException
Compute the contribution of the force model to the perturbing acceleration.

Specified by:
addContribution in interface ForceModel
s - current state information: date, kinematics, attitude
adder - object where the contribution should be added
OrekitException - if some specific error occurs


public double getLightningRatio(Vector3D position,
                                Frame frame,
                                AbsoluteDate date)
                         throws OrekitException
Get the lightning ratio ([0-1]).

position - the satellite's position in the selected frame.
frame - in which is defined the position
date - the date
lightning ratio
OrekitException - if an error occurs


public EventDetector[] getEventsDetectors()
Get the discrete events related to the model.

Specified by:
getEventsDetectors in interface ForceModel
array of events detectors or null if the model is not related to any discrete events


public void addDAccDState(SpacecraftState s,
                          double[][] dAccdPos,
                          double[][] dAccdVel)
                   throws OrekitException
Compute acceleration derivatives with respect to state parameters.

Specified by:
addDAccDState in interface IJacobiansParameterizable
s - spacecraft state
dAccdPos - acceleration derivatives with respect to position
dAccdVel - acceleration derivatives with respect to velocity
OrekitException - if derivatives cannot be computed


public void addDAccDParam(SpacecraftState s,
                          Parameter param,
                          double[] dAccdParam)
                   throws OrekitException
Compute acceleration derivatives with respect to additional parameters..

Specified by:
addDAccDParam in interface IJacobiansParameterizable
s - spacecraft state
param - the parameter with respect to which derivatives are required
dAccdParam - acceleration derivatives with respect to specified parameters
OrekitException - if derivatives cannot be computed


public boolean computeGradientPosition()
This method returns true if the acceleration partial derivatives with respect to position have to be computed.

Specified by:
computeGradientPosition in interface GradientModel
true if the derivatives have to be computed, false otherwise


public boolean computeGradientVelocity()
This method returns true if the acceleration partial derivatives with respect to velocity have to be computed.

Specified by:
computeGradientVelocity in interface GradientModel
true if the derivatives have to be computed, false otherwise

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