Class EOP1980Entry

  extended by org.orekit.frames.configuration.eop.EOPEntry
      extended by org.orekit.frames.configuration.eop.EOP1980Entry
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, TimeStamped

public class EOP1980Entry
extends EOPEntry

This class holds an Earth Orientation Parameters entry (IAU1980).

Luc Maisonobe
See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.orekit.frames.configuration.eop.EOPEntry
Constructor Summary
EOP1980Entry(AbsoluteDate adate, double dt, double lod, double x, double y, double ddPsi, double ddEps)
          Constructor with an AbsoluteDate parameter.
EOP1980Entry(AbsoluteDate adate, double dt, double lod, double x, double y, double ddPsi, double ddEps, EOPEntry.DtType type)
          Constructor with an AbsoluteDate parameter.
EOP1980Entry(DateComponents datec, double dt, double lod, double x, double y, double ddPsi, double ddEps)
          Constructor with DateComponents parameter.
EOP1980Entry(DateComponents datec, double dt, double lod, double x, double y, double ddPsi, double ddEps, EOPEntry.DtType type)
          Constructor with DateComponents parameter.
EOP1980Entry(int mjd, double dt, double lod, double x, double y, double ddPsi, double ddEps)
          Simple constructor.
EOP1980Entry(int mjd, double dt, double lod, double x, double y, double ddPsi, double ddEps, EOPEntry.DtType type)
          Simple constructor.
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class org.orekit.frames.configuration.eop.EOPEntry
getDate, getDX, getDY, getLOD, getUT1MinusTAI, getX, getY
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public EOP1980Entry(int mjd,
                    double dt,
                    double lod,
                    double x,
                    double y,
                    double ddPsi,
                    double ddEps,
                    EOPEntry.DtType type)
             throws OrekitException
Simple constructor.

mjd - entry date (modified julian day, 00h00 UTC scale)
dt - UT1-UTC or UT1-TAI in seconds (see parameter type)
lod - length of day
x - X component of pole motion
y - Y component of pole motion
ddPsi - correction for nutation in longitude
ddEps - correction for nutation in obliquity
type - type for dt (UT1-UTC or UT1-TAI)
OrekitException - if UTC time scale cannot be retrieved


public EOP1980Entry(DateComponents datec,
                    double dt,
                    double lod,
                    double x,
                    double y,
                    double ddPsi,
                    double ddEps,
                    EOPEntry.DtType type)
             throws OrekitException
Constructor with DateComponents parameter.

datec - a DateComponents instance
dt - UT1-UTC or UT1-TAI in seconds (see parameter type)
lod - length of day
x - X component of pole motion
y - Y component of pole motion
ddPsi - correction for nutation in longitude
ddEps - correction for nutation in obliquity
type - type for dt (UT1-UTC or UT1-TAI)
OrekitException - if UTC time scale cannot be retrieved


public EOP1980Entry(AbsoluteDate adate,
                    double dt,
                    double lod,
                    double x,
                    double y,
                    double ddPsi,
                    double ddEps,
                    EOPEntry.DtType type)
             throws OrekitException
Constructor with an AbsoluteDate parameter.

adate - an AbsoluteDate instance
dt - UT1-UTC or UT1-TAI in seconds (see parameter type)
lod - length of day
x - X component of pole motion
y - Y component of pole motion
ddPsi - correction for nutation in longitude
ddEps - correction for nutation in obliquity
type - type for dt (UT1-UTC or UT1-TAI)
OrekitException - if UTC time scale cannot be retrieved


public EOP1980Entry(int mjd,
                    double dt,
                    double lod,
                    double x,
                    double y,
                    double ddPsi,
                    double ddEps)
             throws OrekitException
Simple constructor.

mjd - entry date (modified julian day, 00h00 UTC scale)
dt - UT1-UTC in seconds
lod - length of day
x - X component of pole motion
y - Y component of pole motion
ddPsi - correction for nutation in longitude
ddEps - correction for nutation in obliquity
OrekitException - if UTC time scale cannot be retrieved


public EOP1980Entry(DateComponents datec,
                    double dt,
                    double lod,
                    double x,
                    double y,
                    double ddPsi,
                    double ddEps)
             throws OrekitException
Constructor with DateComponents parameter.

datec - a DateComponents instance
dt - UT1-UTC in seconds
lod - length of day
x - X component of pole motion
y - Y component of pole motion
ddPsi - correction for nutation in longitude
ddEps - correction for nutation in obliquity
OrekitException - if UTC time scale cannot be retrieved


public EOP1980Entry(AbsoluteDate adate,
                    double dt,
                    double lod,
                    double x,
                    double y,
                    double ddPsi,
                    double ddEps)
             throws OrekitException
Constructor with an AbsoluteDate parameter.

adate - an AbsoluteDate instance
dt - UT1-UTC in seconds
lod - length of day
x - X component of pole motion
y - Y component of pole motion
ddPsi - correction for nutation in longitude
ddEps - correction for nutation in obliquity
OrekitException - if UTC time scale cannot be retrieved

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