Uses of Interface

Packages that use EOP2000HistoryLoader

Uses of EOP2000HistoryLoader in org.orekit.frames.configuration.eop

Classes in org.orekit.frames.configuration.eop that implement EOP2000HistoryLoader
 class BulletinBFilesLoader
          Loader for bulletin B files.
 class EOP05C04FilesLoader
          Loader for EOP 05 C04 files.
 class EOP08C04FilesLoader
          Loader for EOP 08 C04 files.
 class RapidDataAndPredictionColumnsLoader
          Loader for IERS rapid data and prediction files in columns format (finals file).
 class RapidDataAndPredictionXMLLoader
          Loader for IERS rapid data and prediction file in XML format (finals file).

Methods in org.orekit.frames.configuration.eop with parameters of type EOP2000HistoryLoader
static void EOPHistoryFactory.addEOP2000HistoryLoader(EOP2000HistoryLoader loader)
          Add a loader for EOP 2000 history.
static EOP2000History EOPHistoryFactory.getEOP2000History(EOPInterpolators interpMethod, EOP2000HistoryLoader loader)
          Get Earth Orientation Parameters history (IAU2000) data using a specific loader.
static EOP2000HistoryConstantOutsideInterval EOPHistoryFactory.getEOP2000HistoryConstant(EOPInterpolators interpMethod, EOP2000HistoryLoader loader)
          Get Earth Orientation Parameters history (IAU2000) data using a specific loader.

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