Class GeoMagneticField

  extended by

public class GeoMagneticField
extends Object

Used to calculate the geomagnetic field at a given geodetic point on earth. The calculation is estimated using spherical harmonic expansion of the geomagnetic potential with coefficients provided by an actual geomagnetic field model (e.g. IGRF, WMM).

Based on original software written by Manoj Nair from the National Geophysical Data Center, NOAA, as part of the WMM 2010 software release (WMM_SubLibrary.c)

Thomas Neidhart
See Also:
World Magnetic Model Overview, WMM Software Downloads

Constructor Summary
GeoMagneticField(String modelName, double epoch, int maxN, int maxNSec, double validityStart, double validityEnd)
          Create a new geomagnetic field model with the given parameters.
Method Summary
 GeoMagneticElements calculateField(double latitude, double longitude, double height)
          Calculate the magnetic field at the specified geodetic point identified by latitude, longitude and altitude.
 GeoMagneticElements calculateField(GeodeticPoint gp)
          Calculate the magnetic field at the specified geodetic point identified by geodetic objet.
 GeoMagneticElements calculateField(Vector3D point, Frame frame, AbsoluteDate date)
          Calculate the magnetic field at the specified point identified by the coordinates of the point and the reference point.
static double getDecimalYear(AbsoluteDate date)
          Utility function to get a decimal year for a given AbsoluteDate.
static double getDecimalYear(int day, int month, int year)
          Utility function to get a decimal year for a given day.
 double getEpoch()
          Returns the epoch for this magnetic field model.
 String getModelName()
          Returns the model name.
 void setMainFieldCoefficients(int n, int m, double gnm, double hnm)
          Set the given main field coefficients.
 void setSecularVariationCoefficients(int n, int m, double dgnm, double dhnm)
          Set the given secular variation coefficients.
 boolean supportsTimeTransform()
          Indicates whether this model supports time transformation or not.
 GeoMagneticField transformModel(double year)
          Time transform the model coefficients from the base year of the model using secular variation coefficients.
 GeoMagneticField transformModel(GeoMagneticField otherModel, double year)
          Time transform the model coefficients from the base year of the model using a linear interpolation with a second model.
 double validFrom()
          Returns the start of the validity period for this model.
 double validTo()
          Returns the end of the validity period for this model.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public GeoMagneticField(String modelName,
                        double epoch,
                        int maxN,
                        int maxNSec,
                        double validityStart,
                        double validityEnd)
Create a new geomagnetic field model with the given parameters. Internal structures are initialized according to the specified degrees of the main and secular variations.

modelName - the model name
epoch - the base time of magnetic field model epoch (yrs)
maxN - the maximum degree of the main model
maxNSec - the maximum degree of the secular variations
validityStart - validity start of this model
validityEnd - validity end of this model
Method Detail


public double getEpoch()
Returns the epoch for this magnetic field model.

the epoch


public String getModelName()
Returns the model name.

the model name


public double validFrom()
Returns the start of the validity period for this model.

the validity start as decimal year


public double validTo()
Returns the end of the validity period for this model.

the validity end as decimal year


public boolean supportsTimeTransform()
Indicates whether this model supports time transformation or not.

true if this model can be transformed within its validity period, false otherwise


public void setMainFieldCoefficients(int n,
                                     int m,
                                     double gnm,
                                     double hnm)
Set the given main field coefficients.

n - the degree
m - the order
gnm - the g coefficient at position n,m
hnm - the h coefficient at position n,m


public void setSecularVariationCoefficients(int n,
                                            int m,
                                            double dgnm,
                                            double dhnm)
Set the given secular variation coefficients.

n - the degree
m - the order
dgnm - the dg coefficient at position n,m
dhnm - the dh coefficient at position n,m


public GeoMagneticElements calculateField(double latitude,
                                          double longitude,
                                          double height)
Calculate the magnetic field at the specified geodetic point identified by latitude, longitude and altitude.

latitude - the latitude in decimal degrees
longitude - the longitude in decimal degrees
height - the altitude in kilometers above mean sea level
the GeoMagneticElements at the given geodetic point


public GeoMagneticElements calculateField(GeodeticPoint gp)
Calculate the magnetic field at the specified geodetic point identified by geodetic objet.

gp - geodetic point
the GeoMagneticElements at the given geodetic point


public GeoMagneticElements calculateField(Vector3D point,
                                          Frame frame,
                                          AbsoluteDate date)
                                   throws OrekitException
Calculate the magnetic field at the specified point identified by the coordinates of the point and the reference point.

point - cartesian point
frame - frame in which cartesian point is expressed
date - date in which cartesian point is given
the GeoMagneticElements at the given cartesian point
OrekitException - if point cannot be converted to body frame
OrekitException - if the specified year is outside the validity period
OrekitException - if getDecimalYear() error occurred


public GeoMagneticField transformModel(double year)
                                throws OrekitException
Time transform the model coefficients from the base year of the model using secular variation coefficients.

year - the year to which the model shall be transformed
a time-transformed magnetic field model
OrekitException - if the specified year is outside the validity period of the model or the model does not support time transformations (i.e. no secular variations available)


public GeoMagneticField transformModel(GeoMagneticField otherModel,
                                       double year)
                                throws OrekitException
Time transform the model coefficients from the base year of the model using a linear interpolation with a second model. The second model is required to have an adjacent validity period.

otherModel - the other magnetic field model
year - the year to which the model shall be transformed
a time-transformed magnetic field model
OrekitException - if the specified year is outside the validity period of the model or the model does not support time transformations (i.e. no secular variations available)


public static double getDecimalYear(AbsoluteDate date)
                             throws OrekitException
Utility function to get a decimal year for a given AbsoluteDate.

date - date in AbsoluteDate format
the decimal year represented by the given day
OrekitException - if TimeScalesFactory error occurred


public static double getDecimalYear(int day,
                                    int month,
                                    int year)
Utility function to get a decimal year for a given day.

day - the day (1-31)
month - the month (1-12)
year - the year
the decimal year represented by the given day

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