Class AnalyticalIntegratedEphemeris

  extended by org.orekit.propagation.AbstractPropagator
      extended by org.orekit.propagation.AnalyticalIntegratedEphemeris
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, BoundedPropagator, Propagator, PVCoordinatesProvider

public class AnalyticalIntegratedEphemeris
extends AbstractPropagator
implements BoundedPropagator

This class stores sequentially generated orbital parameters for later retrieval.

Instances of this class are built and then must be fed with the results provided by Propagator objects configured in ephemeris generation mode. Once propagation is o, random access to any intermediate state of the orbit throughout the propagation range is possible.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.orekit.propagation.AbstractPropagator
Fields inherited from interface org.orekit.propagation.Propagator
Constructor Summary
AnalyticalIntegratedEphemeris(List<AbsoluteDate> initialDates, List<AbsoluteDate> finalDates, List<SpacecraftState> initialStates, AbstractPropagator propagator, AttitudeProvider attForcesProvider, AttitudeProvider attEventsProvider, boolean isForward)
Method Summary
 Frame getFrame()
          Get the frame in which the orbit is propagated.
 AbsoluteDate getMaxDate()
          Get the last date of the range.
 AbsoluteDate getMinDate()
          Get the first date of the range.
 SpacecraftState propagate(AbsoluteDate target)
          Propagate towards a target date.
 SpacecraftState propagate(AbsoluteDate start, AbsoluteDate target)
          Propagate from a start date towards a target date.
protected  Orbit propagateOrbit(AbsoluteDate date)
          Extrapolate an orbit up to a specific target date.
Methods inherited from class org.orekit.propagation.AbstractPropagator
acceptStep, addAdditionalStateProvider, addAdditionalStateProvider, addEventDetector, basicPropagate, clearEventsDetectors, getAttitudeProvider, getAttitudeProviderEvents, getAttitudeProviderForces, getEventsDetectors, getGeneratedEphemeris, getInitialState, getMode, getPVCoordinates, getPvProvider, manageStateFrame, resetInitialState, setAttitudeProvider, setAttitudeProviderEvents, setAttitudeProviderForces, setEphemerisMode, setMasterMode, setMasterMode, setOrbitFrame, setSlaveMode, setStartDate
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.orekit.propagation.Propagator
addEventDetector, clearEventsDetectors, getAttitudeProvider, getAttitudeProviderEvents, getAttitudeProviderForces, getEventsDetectors, getGeneratedEphemeris, getInitialState, getMode, resetInitialState, setAttitudeProvider, setAttitudeProviderEvents, setAttitudeProviderForces, setEphemerisMode, setMasterMode, setMasterMode, setOrbitFrame, setSlaveMode
Methods inherited from interface org.orekit.utils.PVCoordinatesProvider

Constructor Detail


public AnalyticalIntegratedEphemeris(List<AbsoluteDate> initialDates,
                                     List<AbsoluteDate> finalDates,
                                     List<SpacecraftState> initialStates,
                                     AbstractPropagator propagator,
                                     AttitudeProvider attForcesProvider,
                                     AttitudeProvider attEventsProvider,
                                     boolean isForward)

initialDates - list of initial dates
finalDates - list of final dates
initialStates - list of initial states at initial dates
propagator - propagator
attForcesProvider - attitude provider for force computation
attEventsProvider - attitude provider for events computation
isForward - true if propagation is forward, false if propagation is backward
Method Detail


public SpacecraftState propagate(AbsoluteDate target)
                          throws PropagationException
Propagate towards a target date.

Simple propagators use only the target date as the specification for computing the propagated state. More feature rich propagators can consider other information and provide different operating modes or G-stop facilities to stop at pinpointed events occurrences. In these cases, the target date is only a hint, not a mandatory objective.

Specified by:
propagate in interface Propagator
propagate in class AbstractPropagator
target - target date towards which orbit state should be propagated
propagated state
PropagationException - if state cannot be propagated


public SpacecraftState propagate(AbsoluteDate start,
                                 AbsoluteDate target)
                          throws PropagationException
Propagate from a start date towards a target date.

Those propagators use a start date and a target date to compute the propagated state. For propagators using event detection mechanism, if the provided start date is different from the initial state date, a first, simple propagation is performed, without processing any event computation. Then complete propagation is performed from start date to target date.

Specified by:
propagate in interface Propagator
propagate in class AbstractPropagator
start - start date from which orbit state should be propagated
target - target date to which orbit state should be propagated
propagated state
PropagationException - if state cannot be propagated


protected Orbit propagateOrbit(AbsoluteDate date)
                        throws PropagationException
Extrapolate an orbit up to a specific target date.

Specified by:
propagateOrbit in class AbstractPropagator
date - target date for the orbit
extrapolated parameters
PropagationException - if some parameters are out of bounds


public AbsoluteDate getMinDate()
Get the first date of the range.

Specified by:
getMinDate in interface BoundedPropagator
the first date of the range


public AbsoluteDate getMaxDate()
Get the last date of the range.

Specified by:
getMaxDate in interface BoundedPropagator
the last date of the range


public Frame getFrame()
Get the frame in which the orbit is propagated.

4 cases are possible:

Specified by:
getFrame in interface Propagator
getFrame in class AbstractPropagator
frame in which the orbit is propagated

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