Class LyddaneLongPeriodPropagator

  extended by org.orekit.propagation.AbstractPropagator
      extended by org.orekit.propagation.analytical.AbstractLyddanePropagator
          extended by org.orekit.propagation.analytical.LyddaneLongPeriodPropagator
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, MeanOsculatingElementsProvider, Propagator, PVCoordinatesProvider

public class LyddaneLongPeriodPropagator
extends AbstractLyddanePropagator

Lyddane long period propagator.

Lyddane propagator is an analytical propagator taking into account only mean secular and long period effects of J2 to J5 zonal harmonics.

This propagator is valid for orbits with eccentricity lower than 0.9 and inclination not close to critical inclinations

$Id: 17582 2017-05-10 12:58:16Z bignon $
Emmanuel Bignon
See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.orekit.propagation.analytical.AbstractLyddanePropagator
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.orekit.propagation.analytical.AbstractLyddanePropagator
Fields inherited from class org.orekit.propagation.AbstractPropagator
Fields inherited from interface org.orekit.propagation.Propagator
Constructor Summary
LyddaneLongPeriodPropagator(Orbit initialOrbit, double referenceRadiusIn, double muIn, double c20In, double c30In, double c40In, double c50In, Frame frameIn, ParametersType parametersTypeIn)
          Constructor without attitude provider and mass provider.
LyddaneLongPeriodPropagator(Orbit initialOrbit, double referenceRadiusIn, double muIn, double c20In, double c30In, double c40In, double c50In, Frame frameIn, ParametersType parametersTypeIn, AttitudeProvider attitudeProvider)
          Constructor without mass provider.
LyddaneLongPeriodPropagator(Orbit initialOrbit, double referenceRadiusIn, double muIn, double c20In, double c30In, double c40In, double c50In, Frame frameIn, ParametersType parametersTypeIn, AttitudeProvider attitudeProvForces, AttitudeProvider attitudeProvEvents)
          Constructor without mass provider.
LyddaneLongPeriodPropagator(Orbit initialOrbit, double referenceRadiusIn, double muIn, double c20In, double c30In, double c40In, double c50In, Frame frameIn, ParametersType parametersTypeIn, AttitudeProvider attitudeProvForces, AttitudeProvider attitudeProvEvents, MassProvider massProvider)
          Generic constructor.
LyddaneLongPeriodPropagator(Orbit initialOrbit, double referenceRadiusIn, double muIn, double c20In, double c30In, double c40In, double c50In, Frame frameIn, ParametersType parametersTypeIn, AttitudeProvider attitudeProvider, MassProvider massProvider)
          Generic constructor.
LyddaneLongPeriodPropagator(Orbit initialOrbit, double referenceRadiusIn, double muIn, double c20In, double c30In, double c40In, double c50In, Frame frameIn, ParametersType parametersTypeIn, MassProvider massProvider)
          Constructor without attitude provider.
Method Summary
 Orbit mean2osc(Orbit orbit)
          Convert provided mean orbit into osculating elements.
 Orbit osc2mean(Orbit orbit)
          Convert provided osculating orbit into mean elements.
Methods inherited from class org.orekit.propagation.analytical.AbstractLyddanePropagator
computeSecular, convertFrame, propagateMeanOrbit, propagateOrbit, propagateOrbit, resetInitialState, setThreshold, updateSecularOrbit
Methods inherited from class org.orekit.propagation.AbstractPropagator
acceptStep, addAdditionalStateProvider, addAdditionalStateProvider, addEventDetector, basicPropagate, clearEventsDetectors, getAttitudeProvider, getAttitudeProviderEvents, getAttitudeProviderForces, getEventsDetectors, getFrame, getGeneratedEphemeris, getInitialState, getMode, getPVCoordinates, getPvProvider, manageStateFrame, propagate, propagate, setAttitudeProvider, setAttitudeProviderEvents, setAttitudeProviderForces, setEphemerisMode, setMasterMode, setMasterMode, setOrbitFrame, setSlaveMode, setStartDate
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public LyddaneLongPeriodPropagator(Orbit initialOrbit,
                                   double referenceRadiusIn,
                                   double muIn,
                                   double c20In,
                                   double c30In,
                                   double c40In,
                                   double c50In,
                                   Frame frameIn,
                                   ParametersType parametersTypeIn)
                            throws OrekitException
Constructor without attitude provider and mass provider.

initialOrbit - initial orbit
referenceRadiusIn - reference radius of the central body attraction model (m)
muIn - central attraction coefficient (m3/s2)
c20In - un-normalized 2nd zonal coefficient (about -1.08e-3 for Earth)
c30In - un-normalized 3rd zonal coefficient (about +2.53e-6 for Earth)
c40In - un-normalized 4th zonal coefficient (about +1.62e-6 for Earth)
c50In - un-normalized 5th zonal coefficient (about +2.28e-7 for Earth)
frameIn - frame in which model coefficients are expressed (must be inertial or quasi-inertial).
parametersTypeIn - initial orbit parameters type (osculating or mean)
OrekitException - thrown if failed to build initial state or coefficients frame is not inertial


public LyddaneLongPeriodPropagator(Orbit initialOrbit,
                                   double referenceRadiusIn,
                                   double muIn,
                                   double c20In,
                                   double c30In,
                                   double c40In,
                                   double c50In,
                                   Frame frameIn,
                                   ParametersType parametersTypeIn,
                                   MassProvider massProvider)
                            throws OrekitException
Constructor without attitude provider.

initialOrbit - initial orbit
referenceRadiusIn - reference radius of the central body attraction model (m)
muIn - central attraction coefficient (m3/s2)
c20In - un-normalized 2nd zonal coefficient (about -1.08e-3 for Earth)
c30In - un-normalized 3rd zonal coefficient (about +2.53e-6 for Earth)
c40In - un-normalized 4th zonal coefficient (about +1.62e-6 for Earth)
c50In - un-normalized 5th zonal coefficient (about +2.28e-7 for Earth)
frameIn - frame in which model coefficients are expressed (must be inertial or quasi-inertial).
parametersTypeIn - initial orbit parameters type (osculating or mean)
massProvider - mass provider
OrekitException - thrown if failed to build initial state or coefficients frame is not inertial


public LyddaneLongPeriodPropagator(Orbit initialOrbit,
                                   double referenceRadiusIn,
                                   double muIn,
                                   double c20In,
                                   double c30In,
                                   double c40In,
                                   double c50In,
                                   Frame frameIn,
                                   ParametersType parametersTypeIn,
                                   AttitudeProvider attitudeProvider)
                            throws OrekitException
Constructor without mass provider.

initialOrbit - initial orbit
referenceRadiusIn - reference radius of the central body attraction model (m)
muIn - central attraction coefficient (m3/s2)
c20In - un-normalized 2nd zonal coefficient (about -1.08e-3 for Earth)
c30In - un-normalized 3rd zonal coefficient (about +2.53e-6 for Earth)
c40In - un-normalized 4th zonal coefficient (about +1.62e-6 for Earth)
c50In - un-normalized 5th zonal coefficient (about +2.28e-7 for Earth)
frameIn - frame in which model coefficients are expressed (must be inertial or quasi-inertial).
parametersTypeIn - initial orbit parameters type (osculating or mean)
attitudeProvider - attitude provider
OrekitException - thrown if failed to build initial state or coefficients frame is not inertial


public LyddaneLongPeriodPropagator(Orbit initialOrbit,
                                   double referenceRadiusIn,
                                   double muIn,
                                   double c20In,
                                   double c30In,
                                   double c40In,
                                   double c50In,
                                   Frame frameIn,
                                   ParametersType parametersTypeIn,
                                   AttitudeProvider attitudeProvForces,
                                   AttitudeProvider attitudeProvEvents)
                            throws OrekitException
Constructor without mass provider.

initialOrbit - initial orbit
referenceRadiusIn - reference radius of the central body attraction model (m)
muIn - central attraction coefficient (m3/s2)
c20In - un-normalized 2nd zonal coefficient (about -1.08e-3 for Earth)
c30In - un-normalized 3rd zonal coefficient (about +2.53e-6 for Earth)
c40In - un-normalized 4th zonal coefficient (about +1.62e-6 for Earth)
c50In - un-normalized 5th zonal coefficient (about +2.28e-7 for Earth)
frameIn - frame in which model coefficients are expressed (must be inertial or quasi-inertial).
parametersTypeIn - initial orbit parameters type (osculating or mean)
attitudeProvForces - attitude provider for force computation
attitudeProvEvents - attitude provider for events computation
OrekitException - thrown if failed to build initial state or coefficients frame is not inertial


public LyddaneLongPeriodPropagator(Orbit initialOrbit,
                                   double referenceRadiusIn,
                                   double muIn,
                                   double c20In,
                                   double c30In,
                                   double c40In,
                                   double c50In,
                                   Frame frameIn,
                                   ParametersType parametersTypeIn,
                                   AttitudeProvider attitudeProvider,
                                   MassProvider massProvider)
                            throws OrekitException
Generic constructor.

initialOrbit - initial orbit
referenceRadiusIn - reference radius of the central body attraction model (m)
muIn - central attraction coefficient (m3/s2)
c20In - un-normalized 2nd zonal coefficient (about -1.08e-3 for Earth)
c30In - un-normalized 3rd zonal coefficient (about +2.53e-6 for Earth)
c40In - un-normalized 4th zonal coefficient (about +1.62e-6 for Earth)
c50In - un-normalized 5th zonal coefficient (about +2.28e-7 for Earth)
frameIn - frame in which model coefficients are expressed (must be inertial or quasi-inertial).
parametersTypeIn - initial orbit parameters type (osculating or mean)
attitudeProvider - attitude provider
massProvider - mass provider
OrekitException - thrown if failed to build initial state or coefficients frame is not inertial


public LyddaneLongPeriodPropagator(Orbit initialOrbit,
                                   double referenceRadiusIn,
                                   double muIn,
                                   double c20In,
                                   double c30In,
                                   double c40In,
                                   double c50In,
                                   Frame frameIn,
                                   ParametersType parametersTypeIn,
                                   AttitudeProvider attitudeProvForces,
                                   AttitudeProvider attitudeProvEvents,
                                   MassProvider massProvider)
                            throws OrekitException
Generic constructor.

initialOrbit - initial orbit
referenceRadiusIn - reference radius of the central body attraction model (m)
muIn - central attraction coefficient (m3/s2)
c20In - un-normalized 2nd zonal coefficient (about -1.08e-3 for Earth)
c30In - un-normalized 3rd zonal coefficient (about +2.53e-6 for Earth)
c40In - un-normalized 4th zonal coefficient (about +1.62e-6 for Earth)
c50In - un-normalized 5th zonal coefficient (about +2.28e-7 for Earth)
frameIn - frame in which model coefficients are expressed (must be inertial or quasi-inertial).
parametersTypeIn - initial orbit parameters type (osculating or mean)
attitudeProvForces - attitude provider for force computation
attitudeProvEvents - attitude provider for events computation
massProvider - mass provider
OrekitException - thrown if failed to build initial state or coefficients frame is not inertial
Method Detail


public Orbit osc2mean(Orbit orbit)
               throws OrekitException
Convert provided osculating orbit into mean elements.

Warning: Used algorithm often consists in an iterative algorithm with a convergence criterion. As a result convergence is not always ensured, depending on the underlying theory.

orbit - an orbit (osculating elements)
mean elements of provided orbit
OrekitException - if conversion fails


public Orbit mean2osc(Orbit orbit)
               throws OrekitException
Convert provided mean orbit into osculating elements.

orbit - an orbit (mean elements)
osculating elements of provided orbit
OrekitException - if conversion fails

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