Class EclipseDetector

  extended by
      extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, EventDetector

public class EclipseDetector
extends AbstractDetector

Finder for satellite eclipse related events.

This class finds eclipse events, i.e. satellite within umbra (total eclipse) or penumbra (partial eclipse).

The default implementation behavior is to continue propagation when entering the eclipse and to stop propagation when exiting the eclipse. This can be changed by using the following constructors:

Pascal Parraud
See Also:
Propagator.addEventDetector(EventDetector), Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class
Fields inherited from interface
Constructor Summary
EclipseDetector(IDirection occulted, PVCoordinatesProvider occulting, double occultingRadius, double maxCheck, double threshold)
          Build a new eclipse detector.
EclipseDetector(IDirection occulted, PVCoordinatesProvider occulting, double occultingRadius, double maxCheck, double threshold, EventDetector.Action entry, EventDetector.Action exit)
          Build a new eclipse detector with defined actions when entering and exiting the eclipse.
EclipseDetector(IDirection occulted, PVCoordinatesProvider occulting, double occultingRadius, double maxCheck, double threshold, EventDetector.Action entry, EventDetector.Action exit, boolean removeEntry, boolean removeExit)
          Build a new eclipse detector with defined actions when entering and exiting the eclipse.
EclipseDetector(PVCoordinatesProvider occultedBody, double occultedBodyRadius, GeometricBodyShape occultingBody, boolean totalEclipseFlag)
EclipseDetector(PVCoordinatesProvider occultedBody, double occultedBodyRadius, GeometricBodyShape occultingBody, boolean totalEclipseFlag, double maxCheck, double threshold)
EclipseDetector(PVCoordinatesProvider occulted, double occultedRadius, GeometricBodyShape occultingBody, double lightingRatio, double maxCheck, double threshold)
          Build a new eclipse detector based on a lighting ratio.
EclipseDetector(PVCoordinatesProvider occulted, double occultedRadius, GeometricBodyShape occultingBody, double lightingRatio, double maxCheck, double threshold, EventDetector.Action entry, EventDetector.Action exit)
          Build a new eclipse detector based on a lighting ratio.
EclipseDetector(PVCoordinatesProvider occulted, double occultedRadius, GeometricBodyShape occultingBody, double lightingRatio, double maxCheck, double threshold, EventDetector.Action entry, EventDetector.Action exit, boolean removeEntry, boolean removeExit)
          Build a new eclipse detector based on a lighting ratio.
EclipseDetector(PVCoordinatesProvider occulted, double occultedRadius, PVCoordinatesProvider occulting, double occultingRadius)
EclipseDetector(PVCoordinatesProvider occulted, double occultedRadius, PVCoordinatesProvider occulting, double occultingRadius, boolean totalEclipse)
EclipseDetector(PVCoordinatesProvider occulted, double occultedRadius, PVCoordinatesProvider occulting, double occultingRadius, boolean totalEclipse, double maxCheck)
EclipseDetector(PVCoordinatesProvider occulted, double occultedRadius, PVCoordinatesProvider occulting, double occultingRadius, boolean totalEclipse, double maxCheck, double threshold)
EclipseDetector(PVCoordinatesProvider occulted, double occultedRadius, PVCoordinatesProvider occulting, double occultingRadius, double maxCheck)
EclipseDetector(PVCoordinatesProvider occulted, double occultedRadius, PVCoordinatesProvider occulting, double occultingRadius, double maxCheck, double threshold)
EclipseDetector(PVCoordinatesProvider occulted, double occultedRadius, PVCoordinatesProvider occulting, double occultingRadius, double lightingRatio, double maxCheck, double threshold)
          Build a new eclipse detector based on a lighting ratio.
EclipseDetector(PVCoordinatesProvider occulted, double occultedRadius, PVCoordinatesProvider occulting, double occultingRadius, double lightingRatio, double maxCheck, double threshold, EventDetector.Action entry, EventDetector.Action exit)
          Build a new eclipse detector based on a lighting ratio.
EclipseDetector(PVCoordinatesProvider occulted, double occultedRadius, PVCoordinatesProvider occulting, double occultingRadius, double lightingRatio, double maxCheck, double threshold, EventDetector.Action entry, EventDetector.Action exit, boolean removeEntry, boolean removeExit)
          Build a new eclipse detector based on a lighting ratio.
Method Summary
 EventDetector.Action eventOccurred(SpacecraftState s, boolean increasing, boolean forward)
          Handle an eclipse event and choose what to do next.
 double g(SpacecraftState s)
          Compute the value of the switching function.
 PVCoordinatesProvider getOcculted()
          Get the occulted body.
 IDirection getOccultedDirection()
 double getOccultedRadius()
          Get the occulted body radius (m).
 PVCoordinatesProvider getOcculting()
          Get the occulting body.
 boolean isTotalEclipse()
          Get the total eclipse detection flag.
 boolean shouldBeRemoved()
          This method is called after EventDetector.eventOccurred(org.orekit.propagation.SpacecraftState, boolean, boolean) has been triggered.
Methods inherited from class
getMaxCheckInterval, getMaxIterationCount, getSlopeSelection, getThreshold, init, resetState
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public EclipseDetector(PVCoordinatesProvider occultedBody,
                                  double occultedBodyRadius,
                                  GeometricBodyShape occultingBody,
                                  boolean totalEclipseFlag)

Build a new eclipse detector.

The new instance is either an umbra detector or a penumbra detector with default values for maximal checking interval (AbstractDetector.DEFAULT_MAXCHECK) and convergence threshold (AbstractDetector.DEFAULT_THRESHOLD).

occultedBody - the body to be occulted
occultedBodyRadius - the radius of the body to be occulted (m)
occultingBody - the occulting body
totalEclipseFlag - umbra (true) or penumbra (false) detection flag


public EclipseDetector(PVCoordinatesProvider occultedBody,
                                  double occultedBodyRadius,
                                  GeometricBodyShape occultingBody,
                                  boolean totalEclipseFlag,
                                  double maxCheck,
                                  double threshold)

Build a new eclipse detector.

The new instance is either an umbra detector or a penumbra detector with default values for maximal checking interval (AbstractDetector.DEFAULT_MAXCHECK) and convergence threshold (AbstractDetector.DEFAULT_THRESHOLD).

occultedBody - the body to be occulted
occultedBodyRadius - the radius of the body to be occulted (m)
occultingBody - the occulting body
totalEclipseFlag - umbra (true) or penumbra (false) detection flag
maxCheck - maximum checking interval (s)
threshold - convergence threshold (s)


public EclipseDetector(PVCoordinatesProvider occulted,
                                  double occultedRadius,
                                  PVCoordinatesProvider occulting,
                                  double occultingRadius,
                                  boolean totalEclipse)

Build a new eclipse detector.

The new instance is either an umbra detector or a penumbra detector with default values for maximal checking interval (AbstractDetector.DEFAULT_MAXCHECK) and convergence threshold (AbstractDetector.DEFAULT_THRESHOLD).

occulted - the body to be occulted
occultedRadius - the radius of the body to be occulted (m)
occulting - the occulting body
occultingRadius - the occulting body radius (m)
totalEclipse - umbra (true) or penumbra (false) detection flag


public EclipseDetector(PVCoordinatesProvider occulted,
                                  double occultedRadius,
                                  PVCoordinatesProvider occulting,
                                  double occultingRadius,
                                  boolean totalEclipse,
                                  double maxCheck)

Build a new eclipse detector.

The new instance is either an umbra detector or a penumbra detector with default value for convergence threshold (AbstractDetector.DEFAULT_THRESHOLD).

The maximal interval between eclipse checks should be smaller than the half duration of the minimal pass to handle, otherwise some short passes could be missed.

occulted - the body to be occulted
occultedRadius - the radius of the body to be occulted (m)
occulting - the occulting body
occultingRadius - the occulting body radius (m)
totalEclipse - umbra (true) or penumbra (false) detection flag
maxCheck - maximal checking interval (s)


public EclipseDetector(PVCoordinatesProvider occulted,
                                  double occultedRadius,
                                  PVCoordinatesProvider occulting,
                                  double occultingRadius,
                                  boolean totalEclipse,
                                  double maxCheck,
                                  double threshold)

Build a new eclipse detector .

The new instance is either an umbra detector or a penumbra detector.

The maximal interval between eclipse checks should be smaller than the half duration of the minimal pass to handle, otherwise some short passes could be missed.

occulted - the body to be occulted
occultedRadius - the radius of the body to be occulted (m)
occulting - the occulting body
occultingRadius - the occulting body radius (m)
totalEclipse - umbra (true) or penumbra (false) detection flag
maxCheck - maximal checking interval (s)
threshold - convergence threshold (s)


public EclipseDetector(PVCoordinatesProvider occulted,
                                  double occultedRadius,
                                  PVCoordinatesProvider occulting,
                                  double occultingRadius)

Build a new eclipse detector.

The new instance is a total eclipse (umbra) detector with default values for maximal checking interval (AbstractDetector.DEFAULT_MAXCHECK) and convergence threshold (AbstractDetector.DEFAULT_THRESHOLD).

occulted - the body to be occulted
occultedRadius - the radius of the body to be occulted (m)
occulting - the occulting body
occultingRadius - the occulting body radius (m)


public EclipseDetector(PVCoordinatesProvider occulted,
                                  double occultedRadius,
                                  PVCoordinatesProvider occulting,
                                  double occultingRadius,
                                  double maxCheck)

Build a new eclipse detector.

The new instance is a total eclipse (umbra) detector with default value for convergence threshold (AbstractDetector.DEFAULT_THRESHOLD).

The maximal interval between eclipse checks should be smaller than the half duration of the minimal pass to handle, otherwise some short passes could be missed.

occulted - the body to be occulted
occultedRadius - the radius of the body to be occulted in meters
occulting - the occulting body
occultingRadius - the occulting body radius in meters
maxCheck - maximal checking interval (s)


public EclipseDetector(PVCoordinatesProvider occulted,
                                  double occultedRadius,
                                  PVCoordinatesProvider occulting,
                                  double occultingRadius,
                                  double maxCheck,
                                  double threshold)

Build a new eclipse detector.

The new instance is a total eclipse (umbra) detector.

The maximal interval between eclipse checks should be smaller than the half duration of the minimal pass to handle, otherwise some short passes could be missed.

occulted - the body to be occulted
occultedRadius - the radius of the body to be occulted in meters
occulting - the occulting body
occultingRadius - the occulting body radius in meters
maxCheck - maximal checking interval (s)
threshold - convergence threshold (s)


public EclipseDetector(IDirection occulted,
                       PVCoordinatesProvider occulting,
                       double occultingRadius,
                       double maxCheck,
                       double threshold)
Build a new eclipse detector.

The occulting body is a sphere and the occulted body is a direction; the concept of umbra/penumbra does not apply to this detector.

The default implementation behavior is to continue propagation when entering the eclipse and to stop propagation when exiting the eclipse.

occulted - the direction to be occulted
occulting - the occulting body
occultingRadius - the occulting body radius (m)
maxCheck - maximal checking interval (s)
threshold - convergence threshold (s)


public EclipseDetector(IDirection occulted,
                       PVCoordinatesProvider occulting,
                       double occultingRadius,
                       double maxCheck,
                       double threshold,
                       EventDetector.Action entry,
                       EventDetector.Action exit)
Build a new eclipse detector with defined actions when entering and exiting the eclipse.

The occulting body is a sphere and the occulted body is a direction; the concept of umbra/penumbra does not apply to this detector.

occulted - the direction to be occulted
occulting - the occulting body
occultingRadius - the occulting body radius (m)
maxCheck - maximal checking interval (s)
threshold - convergence threshold (s)
entry - action performed when entering the eclipse
exit - action performed when exiting the eclipse


public EclipseDetector(IDirection occulted,
                       PVCoordinatesProvider occulting,
                       double occultingRadius,
                       double maxCheck,
                       double threshold,
                       EventDetector.Action entry,
                       EventDetector.Action exit,
                       boolean removeEntry,
                       boolean removeExit)
Build a new eclipse detector with defined actions when entering and exiting the eclipse.

The occulting body is a sphere and the occulted body is a direction; the concept of umbra/penumbra does not apply to this detector.

occulted - the direction to be occulted
occulting - the occulting body
occultingRadius - the occulting body radius (m)
maxCheck - maximal checking interval (s)
threshold - convergence threshold (s)
entry - action performed when entering the eclipse
exit - action performed when exiting the eclipse
removeEntry - when the spacecraft point enters the zone.
removeExit - when the spacecraft point leaves the zone.


public EclipseDetector(PVCoordinatesProvider occulted,
                       double occultedRadius,
                       PVCoordinatesProvider occulting,
                       double occultingRadius,
                       double lightingRatio,
                       double maxCheck,
                       double threshold)
Build a new eclipse detector based on a lighting ratio. The occulted and occulting bodies are both spherical.

The lighting ratio, whose value is between 0 and 1, establishes when an eclipse event should be triggered. If 0, an event is detected only when the occulted body is completely hidden (equivalent to an umbra detector), if 1, an event is detected every time the occulted body is just partially hidden (equivalent to a penumbra detector).
As a general rule, the lighting ratio is equal to 1 - the ratio between the hidden apparent area of the occulted body and its total apparent area.

The default implementation behavior is to continue propagation when entering the eclipse and to stop propagation when exiting the eclipse.

occulted - the occulted body
occultedRadius - the occulted body radius (m)
occulting - the occulting body
occultingRadius - the occulting body radius (m)
lightingRatio - the lighting ratio: 0 when total eclipse events should be detected, 1 for penumbra events.
maxCheck - maximal checking interval (s)
threshold - convergence threshold (s)


public EclipseDetector(PVCoordinatesProvider occulted,
                       double occultedRadius,
                       PVCoordinatesProvider occulting,
                       double occultingRadius,
                       double lightingRatio,
                       double maxCheck,
                       double threshold,
                       EventDetector.Action entry,
                       EventDetector.Action exit)
Build a new eclipse detector based on a lighting ratio. The occulted and occulting bodies are both spherical.

The lighting ratio, whose value is between 0 and 1, establishes when an eclipse event should be triggered. If 0, an event is detected only when the occulted body is completely hidden (equivalent to an umbra detector), if 1, an event is detected every time the occulted body is just partially hidden (equivalent to a penumbra detector).
As a general rule, the lighting ratio is equal to 1 - the ratio between the hidden apparent area of the occulted body and its total apparent area.

occulted - the occulted body
occultedRadius - the occulted body radius (m)
occulting - the occulting body
occultingRadius - the occulting body radius (m)
lightingRatio - the lighting ratio: 0 when total eclipse events should be detected, 1 for penumbra events.
maxCheck - maximal checking interval (s)
threshold - convergence threshold (s)
entry - action performed when entering the eclipse
exit - action performed when exiting the eclipse


public EclipseDetector(PVCoordinatesProvider occulted,
                       double occultedRadius,
                       PVCoordinatesProvider occulting,
                       double occultingRadius,
                       double lightingRatio,
                       double maxCheck,
                       double threshold,
                       EventDetector.Action entry,
                       EventDetector.Action exit,
                       boolean removeEntry,
                       boolean removeExit)
Build a new eclipse detector based on a lighting ratio. The occulted and occulting bodies are both spherical.

The lighting ratio, whose value is between 0 and 1, establishes when an eclipse event should be triggered. If 0, an event is detected only when the occulted body is completely hidden (equivalent to an umbra detector), if 1, an event is detected every time the occulted body is just partially hidden (equivalent to a penumbra detector).
As a general rule, the lighting ratio is equal to 1 - the ratio between the hidden apparent area of the occulted body and its total apparent area.

occulted - the occulted body
occultedRadius - the occulted body radius (m)
occulting - the occulting body
occultingRadius - the occulting body radius (m)
lightingRatio - the lighting ratio: 0 when total eclipse events should be detected, 1 for penumbra events.
maxCheck - maximal checking interval (s)
threshold - convergence threshold (s)
entry - action performed when entering the eclipse
exit - action performed when exiting the eclipse
removeEntry - when the spacecraft point enters the zone.
removeExit - when the spacecraft point leaves the zone.


public EclipseDetector(PVCoordinatesProvider occulted,
                       double occultedRadius,
                       GeometricBodyShape occultingBody,
                       double lightingRatio,
                       double maxCheck,
                       double threshold)
Build a new eclipse detector based on a lighting ratio. The occulted body is a sphere and the occulting body is a GeometricBodyShape.

The lighting ratio, whose value is between 0 and 1, establishes when an eclipse event should be triggered. If 0, an event is detected only when the occulted body is completely hidden (equivalent to an umbra detector), if 1, an event is detected every time the occulted body is just partially hidden (equivalent to a penumbra detector).
As a general rule, the lighting ratio is equal to 1 - the ratio between the hidden apparent area of the occulted body and its total apparent area.

The default implementation behavior is to continue propagation when entering the eclipse and to stop propagation when exiting the eclipse.

occulted - the occulted body
occultedRadius - the occulted body radius (m)
occultingBody - the occulting body
lightingRatio - the lighting ratio: 0 when total eclipse events should be detected, 1 for penumbra events.
maxCheck - maximal checking interval (s)
threshold - convergence threshold (s)


public EclipseDetector(PVCoordinatesProvider occulted,
                       double occultedRadius,
                       GeometricBodyShape occultingBody,
                       double lightingRatio,
                       double maxCheck,
                       double threshold,
                       EventDetector.Action entry,
                       EventDetector.Action exit)
Build a new eclipse detector based on a lighting ratio. The occulted body is a sphere and the occulting body is a GeometricBodyShape.

The lighting ratio, whose value is between 0 and 1, establishes when an eclipse event should be triggered. If 0, an event is detected only when the occulted body is completely hidden (equivalent to an umbra detector), if 1, an event is detected every time the occulted body is just partially hidden (equivalent to a penumbra detector).
As a general rule, the lighting ratio is equal to 1 - the ratio between the hidden apparent area of the occulted body and its total apparent area.

occulted - the occulted body
occultedRadius - the occulted body radius (m)
occultingBody - the occulting body
lightingRatio - the lighting ratio: 0 when total eclipse events should be detected, 1 for penumbra events.
maxCheck - maximal checking interval (s)
threshold - convergence threshold (s)
entry - action performed when entering the eclipse
exit - action performed when exiting the eclipse


public EclipseDetector(PVCoordinatesProvider occulted,
                       double occultedRadius,
                       GeometricBodyShape occultingBody,
                       double lightingRatio,
                       double maxCheck,
                       double threshold,
                       EventDetector.Action entry,
                       EventDetector.Action exit,
                       boolean removeEntry,
                       boolean removeExit)
Build a new eclipse detector based on a lighting ratio. The occulted body is a sphere and the occulting body is a GeometricBodyShape.

The lighting ratio, whose value is between 0 and 1, establishes when an eclipse event should be triggered. If 0, an event is detected only when the occulted body is completely hidden (equivalent to an umbra detector), if 1, an event is detected every time the occulted body is just partially hidden (equivalent to a penumbra detector).
As a general rule, the lighting ratio is equal to 1 - the ratio between the hidden apparent area of the occulted body and its total apparent area.

occulted - the occulted body
occultedRadius - the occulted body radius (m)
occultingBody - the occulting body
lightingRatio - the lighting ratio: 0 when total eclipse events should be detected, 1 for penumbra events.
maxCheck - maximal checking interval (s)
threshold - convergence threshold (s)
entry - action performed when entering the eclipse
exit - action performed when exiting the eclipse
removeEntry - when the spacecraft point enters the zone.
removeExit - when the spacecraft point leaves the zone.
Method Detail


public PVCoordinatesProvider getOcculting()
Get the occulting body.

the occulting body


public PVCoordinatesProvider getOcculted()
Get the occulted body.

the occulted body


public double getOccultedRadius()
Get the occulted body radius (m).

the occulted body radius


public IDirection getOccultedDirection()
the occulted direction


public boolean isTotalEclipse()
Get the total eclipse detection flag.

the total eclipse detection flag (true for umbra events detection, false for penumbra events detection)


public EventDetector.Action eventOccurred(SpacecraftState s,
                                          boolean increasing,
                                          boolean forward)
                                   throws OrekitException
Handle an eclipse event and choose what to do next.

Specified by:
eventOccurred in interface EventDetector
Specified by:
eventOccurred in class AbstractDetector
s - the current state information : date, kinematics, attitude
increasing - if true, the value of the switching function increases when times increases around event
forward - if true, the integration variable (time) increases during integration.
the action performed when entering or exiting the eclipse.
OrekitException - if some specific error occurs


public boolean shouldBeRemoved()
This method is called after EventDetector.eventOccurred(org.orekit.propagation.SpacecraftState, boolean, boolean) has been triggered. It returns true if the current detector should be removed after first event detection. WARNING: this method can be called only once a event has been triggered. Before, the value is not available.

Specified by:
shouldBeRemoved in interface EventDetector
Specified by:
shouldBeRemoved in class AbstractDetector
true if the current detector should be removed after first event detection


public double g(SpacecraftState s)
         throws OrekitException
Compute the value of the switching function. This function becomes negative when entering the region of shadow and positive when exiting.

Specified by:
g in interface EventDetector
Specified by:
g in class AbstractDetector
s - the current state information: date, kinematics, attitude
value of the switching function
OrekitException - if some specific error occurs

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