Uses of Class

Packages that use ExtremaThreeBodiesAngleDetector.BodyOrder This package provides interfaces and classes dealing with events occurring during propagation. 

Uses of ExtremaThreeBodiesAngleDetector.BodyOrder in

Methods in that return ExtremaThreeBodiesAngleDetector.BodyOrder
static ExtremaThreeBodiesAngleDetector.BodyOrder ExtremaThreeBodiesAngleDetector.BodyOrder.valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static ExtremaThreeBodiesAngleDetector.BodyOrder[] ExtremaThreeBodiesAngleDetector.BodyOrder.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Constructors in with parameters of type ExtremaThreeBodiesAngleDetector.BodyOrder
ExtremaThreeBodiesAngleDetector(PVCoordinatesProvider bodyA, PVCoordinatesProvider bodyB, ExtremaThreeBodiesAngleDetector.BodyOrder bodyC, double maxCheck, double threshold, EventDetector.Action actionMin, EventDetector.Action actionMax)
          Constructor for the min and max three bodies angle detector with specified action for both minimum and maximum.
ExtremaThreeBodiesAngleDetector(PVCoordinatesProvider bodyA, PVCoordinatesProvider bodyB, ExtremaThreeBodiesAngleDetector.BodyOrder bodyC, double maxCheck, double threshold, EventDetector.Action actionMin, EventDetector.Action actionMax, boolean removeMin, boolean removeMax)
           Constructor for the min and max three bodies angle detector with specified action for both minimum and maximum.
ExtremaThreeBodiesAngleDetector(PVCoordinatesProvider bodyA, PVCoordinatesProvider bodyB, ExtremaThreeBodiesAngleDetector.BodyOrder bodyC, int extremumType)
           Simple constructor for the min and max three bodies angle detector.
ExtremaThreeBodiesAngleDetector(PVCoordinatesProvider bodyA, PVCoordinatesProvider bodyB, ExtremaThreeBodiesAngleDetector.BodyOrder bodyC, int extremumType, double maxCheck, double threshold)
           Constructor for the min and max three bodies angle detector with defined maximum check and convergence threshold.
ExtremaThreeBodiesAngleDetector(PVCoordinatesProvider bodyA, PVCoordinatesProvider bodyB, ExtremaThreeBodiesAngleDetector.BodyOrder bodyC, int extremumType, double maxCheck, double threshold, EventDetector.Action action)
           Constructor for the min and max three bodies angle detector with specified action when extrema is detected.
ExtremaThreeBodiesAngleDetector(PVCoordinatesProvider bodyA, PVCoordinatesProvider bodyB, ExtremaThreeBodiesAngleDetector.BodyOrder bodyC, int extremumType, double maxCheck, double threshold, EventDetector.Action action, boolean remove)
           Constructor for the min and max three bodies angle detector with specified action when extrema is detected.

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