Package org.orekit.propagation.numerical

Interface Summary
AdditionalEquations This interface allows users to add their own differential equations to a numerical propagator.
JacobianParametersProvider Interface for classes that can provide parameters for computing jacobians.
ModeHandler Common interface for all propagator mode handlers initialization.
TimeDerivativesEquations Interface summing up the contribution of several forces into orbit and mass derivatives.

Class Summary
AdditionalStateInfo Utility class that describes in a minimal fashion the structure of an additional state.
AttitudeEquation This interface allows users to add their own attitude differential equations to a numerical propagator.
Jacobianizer Class enabling basic ForceModel instances to be used when processing spacecraft state partial derivatives.
JacobiansMapper Mapper between two-dimensional Jacobian matrices and one-dimensional additional state arrays.
NumericalPropagator This class propagates SpacecraftState using numerical integration.
ParameterConfiguration Simple container associating a parameter name with a step to compute its jacobian and the provider thant manages it.
PartialDerivativesEquations Set of additional equations computing the partial derivatives of the state (orbit) with respect to initial state and force models parameters.

Enum Summary

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