Interface TimeInterpolable<T extends TimeInterpolable<T>>

Type Parameters:
T - Type of the object.
All Known Implementing Classes:
ApsisOrbit, Attitude, CartesianOrbit, CircularOrbit, EquatorialOrbit, EquinoctialOrbit, KeplerianOrbit, Orbit, SpacecraftState, StelaEquinoctialOrbit, Transform

public interface TimeInterpolable<T extends TimeInterpolable<T>>

This interface represents objects that can be interpolated in time.

Luc Maisonobe

Method Summary
 T interpolate(AbsoluteDate date, Collection<T> sample)
          Get an interpolated instance.

Method Detail


T interpolate(AbsoluteDate date,
              Collection<T> sample)
                                          throws OrekitException
Get an interpolated instance.

Note that the state of the current instance may not be used in the interpolation process, only its type and non interpolable fields are used (for example central attraction coefficient or frame when interpolating orbits). The interpolable fields taken into account are taken only from the states of the sample points. So if the state of the instance must be used, the instance should be included in the sample points.

date - interpolation date
sample - sample points on which interpolation should be done
a new instance, interpolated at specified date
OrekitException - if the sample points are inconsistent

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