Uses of Class

Packages that use IntervalEndpointType
org.orekit.utils This package provides useful objects. 

Uses of IntervalEndpointType in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.utils

Methods in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.utils that return IntervalEndpointType
 IntervalEndpointType AbstractInterval.getLowerEndPoint()
 IntervalEndpointType AbstractInterval.getUpperEndPoint()

Methods in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.utils with parameters of type IntervalEndpointType
protected  void AbstractInterval.setLowerEndPoint(IntervalEndpointType lowEndPoint)
protected  void AbstractInterval.setUpperEndPoint(IntervalEndpointType upEndPoint)

Constructors in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.utils with parameters of type IntervalEndpointType
AngleInterval(double referenceIn, double lengthIn, IntervalEndpointType lowerEndPointIn, IntervalEndpointType upperEndPointIn)
Needs the reference angle and the interval length.
AngleInterval(IntervalEndpointType lowerEndPointIn, double lowerAngleIn, double upperAngleIn, IntervalEndpointType upperEndPointIn)
Needs the two end points values.
GenericInterval(IntervalEndpointType lowerEndPointIn, T lowerDataIn, T upperDataIn, IntervalEndpointType upperEndPointIn)
Constructor : the T type must be defined.

Uses of IntervalEndpointType in org.orekit.utils

Methods in org.orekit.utils that return IntervalEndpointType
 IntervalEndpointType GenericInterval.getLowerEndpoint()
 IntervalEndpointType IntervalEndpointType.getOpposite()
          Returns OPEN if the instance is CLOSED and CLOSED if the instance is OPEN.
 IntervalEndpointType GenericInterval.getUpperEndpoint()
static IntervalEndpointType IntervalEndpointType.valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static IntervalEndpointType[] IntervalEndpointType.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Constructors in org.orekit.utils with parameters of type IntervalEndpointType
AbsoluteDateInterval(IntervalEndpointType lowerEndpointIn, AbsoluteDate lowerDataIn, AbsoluteDate upperDataIn, IntervalEndpointType upperEndpointIn)
          Constructor for an AbsoluteDate interval.
ComparableInterval(IntervalEndpointType lowerEndpointIn, T lowerDataIn, T upperDataIn, IntervalEndpointType upperEndpointIn)
The input parameters have to be not null.
The lower and upper endpoints also have to be properly ordered.
Otherwise a MathIllegalArgumentException is thrown.
GenericInterval(IntervalEndpointType lowerEndpointIn, T lowerDataIn, T upperDataIn, IntervalEndpointType upperEndpointIn)
The input parameters have to be not null.
Otherwise a MathIllegalArgumentException is thrown.

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