Interface | Description |
ApparentRadiusProvider |
Interface to represent apparent radius providers.
BodyPoint |
Interface for a point linked to a body.
BodyShape |
Extended interface for celestial bodies shapes : extends the OREKIT's BodyShape interface by adding geometric
CelestialBody |
Interface for celestial bodies like Sun, Moon or solar system planets.
CelestialBodyEphemeris |
Interface for celestial body ephemeris.
CelestialBodyEphemerisLoader |
Interface for loading celestial bodies ephemeris.
CelestialBodyIAUOrientation |
Interface for IAU pole and primer meridian orientations.
CelestialBodyLoader |
Interface for loading celestial bodies/points.
CelestialBodyOrientation |
Interface to represent a celestial body orientation.
CelestialPoint |
Interface for celestial points like Sun, Moon or solar system planets (without modeling the shape, orientation, etc).
EllipsoidBodyShape |
Extended interface for spheroid model to represent celestial bodies shape : extends the
interface by adding getters to access the spheroid parameters. |
JPLEphemerisLoader |
Interface for JPL ephemeris loaders.
StarConvexBodyShape |
Extended interface for star-convex bodies shapes : extends the
BodyShape interface by adding a method to get
a GeodeticPoint of the shape from given latitude,longitude and altitude. |
Class | Description |
AbstractBodyPoint |
Abstract class for a point linked to a body.
AbstractBodyShape |
Abstract class for a body shape to mutualize parameters and features.
AbstractCelestialBody |
Abstract implementation of the
CelestialBody interface. |
AbstractCelestialPoint |
Abstract implementation of the
CelestialPoint interface. |
AbstractEllipsoidBodyShape |
Abstract class for an ellipsoid body shape to mutualize parameters and features.
AbstractJPLCelestialBodyLoader |
Abstract class for all JPL celestial body loaders.
BasicBoardSun |
This class provides the Sun direction at a specific date, according to a simple analytical model.
BasicCelestialPoint |
Basic celestial point.
BodyPoint.BodyPointName |
Class allowing to manage the default body point names.
BSPCelestialBodyLoader |
Loader for JPL ephemerides binary files BSP type.
It loads the whole CelestialPoint . |
BSPCelestialBodyLoader.SSBEphemeris |
Solar System Barycenter ephemeris specifically defined in its own class since SSB is not in BSP files, hence
cannot be handled by
BSPEphemerisLoader . |
CelestialBodyFactory |
Factory class for bodies of the solar system.
CelestialBodyTabulatedOrientation |
Celestial body orientation represented by a tabulated attitude leg (quaternions).
ConstantRadiusProvider |
Implementation for constant radius provider.
Earth |
Earth body.
EarthEphemeris |
Earth ephemeris.
EllipsoidPoint |
Point location relative to a 2D body surface of type
EllipsoidBodyShape . |
IAUPoleCoefficients |
IAU coefficients for generic IAU pole model for pole and prime meridian orientations.
IAUPoleCoefficients1D |
IAU pole coefficients for one elements (pole or prime meridian angle).
IAUPoleFactory |
Factory class for IAU poles.
IAUPoleFunction |
IAU pole function: this class is used to define an atomic element of IAU pole computation.
JPLCelestialBodyLoader |
Loader for JPL ephemerides binary files (DE 4xx and BSP) and similar formats (INPOP 06/08/10).
JPLHistoricEphemerisLoader |
Loader for JPL ephemerides binary files (DE 4xx) and similar formats (INPOP 06/08/10).
LLHCoordinates |
This class aims at gathering in one single object the three coordinates latitude, longitude and height, and the
associated coordinates system in which they are expressed.
MeeusMoon |
This class implements the Moon ephemerides according to the algorithm of Meeus.
MeeusSun |
This class implements the Sun ephemerides according to the algorithm of Meeus, it only provides
the position.
OneAxisEllipsoid |
One axis ellipsoid representation.
PosVelChebyshev |
Position-Velocity-Acceleration model based on Chebyshev polynomials.
ThreeAxisEllipsoid |
Three axis ellipsoid representation.
UserCelestialBody |
User-defined celestial body.
UserCelestialBodyLoader |
Loader for
UserCelestialBody or BasicCelestialPoint . |
UserIAUPole |
Generic IAU pole model for pole and prime meridian orientations.
VariableRadiusProvider |
Implementation for variable radius providers.
Enum | Description |
BodyShape.MarginType |
Margin type.
CelestialBodyOrientation.OrientationType |
Describe the orientation type.
CelestialPoint.BodyNature |
Body nature.
EphemerisType |
List of supported ephemerides types (for use in JPL loaders classes).
IAUPoleFunction.IAUTimeDependency |
IAU time dependency (days or centuries).
IAUPoleFunctionType |
IAU pole type: this enumeration lists all possible IAU pole effects (constant, secular, harmonics)
used to convert from ICRF body centered frame to true equator/rotating body centered frame.
IAUPoleModelType |
IAU pole type: this enumeration lists all possible IAU pole effects (constant, secular, harmonics)
used to convert from ICRF body centered frame to true equator/rotating body centered frame.
LLHCoordinatesSystem |
This enumerate define the handled LLH (Latitude/Longitude/Height) coordinates systems.
Each coordinates system is defined by: A lat/long coordinates system An height coordinate system |
MeeusSun.MODEL |
Enumerate to choose the used Meeus model : standard, Stela or board model.
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