Package org.orekit.time

This independent package provides classes to handle epochs, time scales, and to compare instants together.


Interface Summary
TimeInterpolable<T extends TimeInterpolable<T>> This interface represents objects that can be interpolated in time.
TimeScale Interface for time scales.
TimeShiftable<T extends TimeShiftable<T>> This interface represents objects that can be shifted in time.
TimeStamped This interface represents objects that have a AbsoluteDate date attached to them.
UTCTAILoader Interface for loading UTC-TAI offsets data files.

Class Summary
AbsoluteDate This class represents a specific instant in time.
ChronologicalComparator Comparator for TimeStamped instance.
DateComponents Class representing a date broken up as year, month and day components.
DateTimeComponents Holder for date and time components.
GalileoScale Galileo system time scale.
GMSTScale Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time.
GPSScale GPS time scale.
LocalTimeAngle This class provides methods to compute local time angle (true local time angle and mean local time angle).
TAIScale International Atomic Time.
TCBScale Barycentric Coordinate Time.
TCGScale Geocentric Coordinate Time.
TDBScale Barycentric Dynamic Time.
TimeComponents Class representing a time within the day broken up as hour, minute and second components.
TimeScalesFactory Factory for predefined time scales.
TTScale Terrestrial Time as defined by IAU(1991) recommendation IV.
UT1Scale Universal Time 1.
UTCScale Coordinated Universal Time.

Enum Summary
Month Enumerate representing a calendar month.

Package org.orekit.time Description

This independent package provides classes to handle epochs, time scales, and to compare instants together.

The principal class is AbsoluteDate which represents a unique instant in time, with no ambiguity. For that purpose, the ways to define this object are quite strict.

The easiest and most evident way is to define an instant with an offset from another one. Orekit defines 9 reference epochs. The first 6 are commonly used in the space community, the seventh one is commonly used in the computer science field and the last two are convenient for initialization in min/max research loops:

The second definition, which could be the source of some confusion if not used with care, is by giving a location (a date) in a specific time scale. It is of prime importance to understand the various available time scales definitions to avoid mistakes. Orekit provides 9 of the most important ones:

Once it is built, an AbsoluteDate can be compared to other ones, and expressed in other time scales. It is used to define states, orbits, frames... Classes that include a date implement the TimeStamped interface. The ChronologicalComparator singleton can sort objects implementing this interface chronologically.

L. Maisonobe

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