Package org.orekit.utils

This package provides useful objects.


Interface Summary
CnesConstants CNES added constants class test.
Constants Set of useful physical constants.
PVCoordinatesProvider Interface for PV coordinates providers.
TimeStampedGenerator<T extends TimeStamped> Generator to use for creating entries in time stamped caches.

Class Summary
AbsoluteDateInterval This class implements an interval based on the AbsoluteDate class,
using the ComparableInterval class.
AbsoluteDateIntervalsList This class represents a list of objects AbsoluteDateInterval.
It extends a TreeSet of AbsoluteDateInterval instances ; as the AbsoluteDateInterval objects implement the ComparableInterval class, the list is an ordered collection of time intervals.
AbstractBoundedPVProvider This abstract class shall be extended to provides a PVCoordinates provider based on manipulation of PVCoordinates ephemeris.
AngularCoordinates Simple container for rotation/rotation rate/rotation acceleration triplet.
ComparableInterval<T extends Comparable<T>> - Class describing an interval of Comparable data.
EphemerisPvHermite This class extends AbstractBoundedPVProvider which implements PVCoordinatesProvider and so provides a position velocity for a given date.
EphemerisPvLagrange This class extends AbstractBoundedPVProvider which implements PVCoordinatesProvider and so provides a position velocity for a given date.
GenericInterval<T> - Generic class to describe an interval.
HermiteInterpolator Polynomial interpolator using both sample values and sample derivatives.
InterpolationTableLoader Used to read an interpolation table from a data file.
OrekitConfiguration Utility class for setting global configuration parameters.
PVCoordinates Simple container for Position/Velocity/Acceleration triplets.
ReferencePointsDisplacement This class provides the model describing the displacements of reference points due to the effect of the solid Earth tides.
SecularAndHarmonic Class for fitting evolution of osculating orbital parameters.
TimeStampedAngularCoordinates time-stamped version of AngularCoordinates.
TimeStampedCache<T extends TimeStamped> Generic thread-safe cache for time-stamped data.
TimeStampedPVCoordinates time-stamped version of PVCoordinates.

Enum Summary
AngularDerivativesFilter Enumerate for selecting which derivatives to use in TimeStampedAngularCoordinates interpolation.
CartesianDerivativesFilter Enumerate for selecting which derivatives to use in TimeStampedPVCoordinates and interpolation.
IntervalEndpointType - Describes the type of an interval endpoint : OPENED or CLOSED.

Package org.orekit.utils Description

This package provides useful objects.

L. Maisonobe

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