Catégorie:Patrius Backward Compatibility 4.14

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A specific backward compatibility mechanism is implemented in PATRIUS allowing by default to have a backward compatibility with PATRIUS version 4.12 propagation models and/or optimisation algorithms. If any action is provided by the user, the backward compatibility is activated by default in PATRIUS : this means that external users will see their code/functions working with some of the propagation models/optimisation algorithms of PATRIUS version 4.12.

Backward compatibility functionalities

Available options

Three options are available for users via the enum PatriusVersionCompatibility of the class PatriusConfiguration:

  • OLD_MODELS : the user will use the propagation models and optimisation algorithms coded in PATRIUS version 4.12;
  • MIXED_MODELS : the user will just use propagation models coded in PATRIUS version 4.12 (no backward compatibility on optimisation algorithms);
  • NEW_MODELS : no backward compatibility mechanism is used.

Backward compatibility for propagation models

As previously mentioned, types PatriusVersionCompatibility.OLD_MODELS or MIXED_MODELS allow to restore some of the propagation models to the state of PATRIUS version 4.12 for the following functionalities:

  • eclipse detection via the class EclipseDetector;
  • solar radiation pressure computation with the class SolarRadiationPressure;
  • use of previous obliquity coefficients in the class EclipticMODProvider ;
  • allows the use of previous entries in the factory PrecessionNutationModelFactory and pole coordinates computation in the class IERS20032010PrecessionNutation.

Backward compatibility for optimisation algorithms

The type of compatibility configuration OLD_MODELS allows to restore also the behaviour of the optimisation algorithm for matrix conversion existing in PATRIUS 4.12 and implemented in the method convertMatrixFromAToB of the class AbstractBodyAttraction.

How to set our own Patrius compatibility configuration

The class PatriusConfiguration contains a setter setPatriusCompatibilityMode(PatriusVersionCompatibility) that allows to switch our own configuration as a function of the user needs. A specific getter getPatriusCompatibilityMode allows to retrieve the used configuration at any moment if needed.

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