Catégorie:User Manual 4.14 Mission
This section presents the events and visibility aspects of the PATRIUS library. First of all, it is necessary to manage the event detection during the propagation, to that purpose, a smart mechanism has been developped in the math package and repeated in Patrius when it comes to propagate with an AbstractPropagator. In Patrius, it is possible to register during the propagation the detected events. A new conception has been developped on this basis in order to create a list of CodedEvent (code + comment + date) during the propagation as well as a list of Phenomenon. Then, the user can perform a post processing on the generated events list and phenomena list thanks to several filters.
Applicable and Reference Documents
Applicable Documents
[A1] CDCF - Fonctions de Base du Patrimoine de Dynamique du Vol, V1.2, SIRIUS-CF-DV-0049-CN, 2011.
[A2] Dossier de réutilisation Orekit et Commons Math, V1.0, SIRIUS-DLR-DV-0080-CN, 2010.
Reference Documents
[R1] Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004, [1].
None applicable.
The following themes are discussed in this section:
- Events detection
- Post processing on events and phenomena
- Maneuvers
- Projections
Pages dans la catégorie « User Manual 4.14 Mission »
Cette catégorie comprend 8 pages, dont les 8 ci-dessous.