User Manual 3.3 Assemblies in PATRIUS: Building and using an assembly
This section covers the process of building assemblies using the AssemblyBuilder class.
The main assembly objects are available in the package fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.assembly
Library | Javadoc |
Patrius | Package fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.assembly |
Package Overview
Please refer to the Assemblies in PATRIUS: Presentation.
Features Description
Features of the AssemblyBuilder
This construction is to be made using the builder (AssemblyBuilder class). The first step is to create an instance of this builder.
It provides then all the methods needed to build an assembly :
- To define the main part (method “addMainPart”)
- This method creates the main part by giving it a name (String type). This part can remain a virtual one (only a name and a frame) or describe the main body of the assembly. Its frame is the main frame that will be used to link the assembly to the rest of the main tree of frames by an attitude law. From this frame are defined the positions of all other pieces in the local tree of frames.
- To add a part (method addPart)
- To add parts other than the main one is facultative : an assembly can be defined only by one part. Adding parts can only be done if at least the main part has been created.
To add a part to an assembly, two things are necessary : to give it a name, and to define its associated frame from the one of an existing part. To define this frames, two ways are proposed : by an OREKIT transformation (Transform class : a translation and rotation) or by a translation (Vector3D : center of the new frame in the parent frame) and then a rotation (Rotation from the parent frame).
- To add a property to a part (method addProperty)
- For each property, there is a specific class. The entries are the ones needed to describe this particular property. When the property is instanciated, the user can assign it to a part. One part can only have one property of each type (see the "presentation" chapter).
- To get the built assembly (method returnAssembly)
- The output of this method is the assembly (Assembly class) as built until this operation. It contains the assembly with all the parts created by the user (including their properties and frames).
- To link it to the tree of frames
- The assembly can be linked to the main tree of frames by defining its main part's frame in it. The user can simply define this frame or use a SpacecraftState object to do so.
Getting Started
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Interface | Summary | Javadoc |
IPart | Interface for parts composing an Assembly object. | IPart |
IPartProperty | Interface for the properties of the Assembly parts. | IPartProperty |
Class | Summary | Javadoc |
Assembly | This class implements an assembly object. | Assembly |
AssemblyBuilder | This class is a builder to create instances of the Assembly object. | AssemblyBuilder |
MainPart | This class represents the Assembly main part. | MainPart |
Part | This class represents a generic part of the Assembly. | Part |
PropertyType | This enumeration lists all the possible property types that can be associated to an assembly part. | PropertyType |
Building an assembly
The AssemblyBuilder class is a utility class that allows the user to create an assembly, like a satellite or a ground station. When creating an instance of this class, a new assembly is instantiated internally and the user can thus use all the methods of the AssemblyBuilder class described hereunder.
Instantiating an assembly builder
The user can instantiate an assembly builder by calling the constructor of the AssemblyBuilder class:
// An AssemblyBuilder instance
final AssemblyBuilder builder = new AssemblyBuilder();
See section Recover the assembly to build an instance of AssemblyBuilder with an already existing assembly.
When this is done, a new assembly is created in the builder instance.
Adding parts to the assembly
The user must first create the main part of the assembly. After having done so, other parts can be added to the assembly using the methods provided in AssemblyBuilder.
Adding the main part
The method addMainPart
is the only method that adds a MainPart to the assembly. This method creates the main part by assigning a name (a String) to it. This part can be a virtual one (only a name and a frame) or can be used to describe the main body of satellite (like the platform). Its frame is the assemblies main frame : it will be used to link the assembly to the OREKIT frames tree by an attitude law, allowing the user to position the satellite on an orbit and perform otherwise complex computations (eg. orientation of TC/TM antennas in the groundstation frame).
The user can add the main part like so :
// Adding main part
String mainBody = "mainBody";
Adding a part
The method addPart
allows the user to add a part to the assembly. Adding parts other than the main one is not necessary : an assembly can be defined by its MainPart only.
To add a part to the assembly, three things are necessary :
- a name (String type- adding parts with the same name is forbidden),
- the name of the parent part (either the mainPart or another part),
- a frame that represents the orientation of the part with respect to its parent.
Creating this frame can be done by defining the static transformation (Transform class) from the parent part's frame, or more directly by giving the translation vector (coordinates of the zero point of the new part's frame expressed in the parent part's frame) and the rotation then applied to get the new part's frame (rotation from the parent part's frame).
The following code will add a part to the assembly defined by a frame transformation relatively to the mainPart :
// Adding a part
// Create transformation from mainPart
final Vector3D translation = new Vector3D(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
final Transform transformation = new Transform(date, translation);
// Name of the new part
final String newPart = "newPart";
// Add it to the assembly
builder.addPart(newPart, mainBody, transformation);
The translation here defines the position of the new part's frame "zero" point in the frame of the parent part.
The following code will add a part to the assembly defined by a translation (Vector3D) and then a rotation (Rotation) relatively to the newly created translatedPart :
// Adding a part
// Create the translation
final Vector3D translation = new Vector3D(3.0,-2.0, 1.0);
// Create the rotation
final Vector3D rotationAxis = Vector3D.PLUS_K;
final double angle = FastMath.PI / 4.0;
final Rotation rotation = new Rotation(rotationAxis , angle);
// Name of the new part
final String anotherPart = "anotherPart";
// Add it to the assembly
builder.addPart(anotherPart, mainBody, translation, rotation);
Note : Adding parts can be done only if the main part has been created.
Adding properties to a part
- Creating a property
- The user can create a property using the specific class designed to model said property (such classes implement the IPartProperty interface) like so :
// Creating a mass property
final IPartProperty propertyA = new PropertyA(PropertyAInputParams);
- Adding a property to a part
- The method
allows the user to add the selected property to a part of the assembly like so :
// Creating a mass property
builder.addProperty(propertyA, mainBody);
- Available properties
- Each property is of a particular type amongst a list (see Part Properties) and one part can only have only one property of each type (so as to avoid having different masses for the same part, for example).
Recover the assembly
Using the method returnAssembly
, the user can get the assembly as built. It contains the created parts with all their properties and frames. This method can be used like so :
// Get the created assembly
Assembly myAssembly = builder.returnAssembly();
Note : Calling this method will clear the assembly field in the AssemblyBuilder instance. Thus, if this method is called again, a new Assembly()
is returned. If the user wants to modify the assembly after having called the returnAssembly()
method, then a new AssemblyBuilder must be instanciated like so :
AssemblyBuilder newBuilder = new AssemblyBuilder(myAssembly);
Positioning the assembly
When the AssemblyBuilder instance is made, the assemblies main part is associated to a default frame that is not linked to the Orekit frames tree. The mainPart frame is an orphan leaf that is also the root of the assemblies frames tree and that is not defined by a transformation from a frame on the Orekit tree. Thus, transformations between this frame (and the frames linked to the mainPart frame) and the Orekit frames tree are not possible.
In order to allow such transformations, the user must define the position and orientation of the assembly relatively to an existing Orekit frame. This is done by overwriting the mainPart frame and by setting it to a frame that is linked to the Orekit frames tree. Specifically, the parts frames, including the main part, are instances of UpdatableFrame. This allows updating the transform between the reference frame and the main part frame (for example during propagation) whitout having to create frames all over again.
Assuming gcrf
is the reference frame for the propagation, the user can create an initial UpdatableFrame with an identity transformation and set it as the main parts frame. It is important to note that the reference frame (parent) of the main part is coherent with the inertial frame for the propagation.
final UpdatableFrame mainFrame = new UpdatableFrame(gcrf, Transform.IDENTITY, "mainPartFrame");
Additionally, the user can pass the initial orbit bulletin (SpacecraftState) to a method bearing the same name that creates an initial frame with the correct position and orientation :
Link to the tree of frames
Once the vehicle has been built with the builder, it can be linked to the OREKIT frames tree. This operation is to be done using one of the following methods of the Assembly class (see javadoc for more info) :
- initMainPartFrame(SpacecraftState) : initialize the main part's frame using a SpacecraftState; the frame is computed from the spacecraft PV coordinates and attitude, and the parent frame is the spacecraft definition frame;
- initMainPartFrame(UpdatableFrame) : initialize the main part's frame using an UpdatableFrame.
The frames of all the other parts are automatically updated during this initialization process.
Once the vehicle has been built and its parent frame initialized, the user may need to update the main part frame with respect to its parent frame. Two methods exist in the Assembly class to this purpose:
- updateMainPartFrame(SpacecraftState): update the main part frame using the PV coordinates and attitude of the SpacecraftState;
- updateMainPartFrame(Transform): update the main part frame using a Transform instance.
Note : It is assumed the user has already initialized the parent frame (using one of the two methods above). If that is not the case, an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.
A code sample of the previous functions is hereafter.
SpacecraftState state = new SpacecraftState(orbit);
final UpdatableFrame frame = new UpdatableFrame(gcrf, transform, "main");
// to initialize the main part frame using a SpacecraftState:
// or using an UpdatableFrame: assembly.initMainPartFrame(frame);
// to update the main part frame using a SpacecraftState (only if the main part has already a parent frame):
// or using a Tranform: assembly.updateMainPartFrame(transform);
Access to the information
Once the vehicle built, the user can access the parts’ properties :
- Access to the concerned part : call to the vehicle’s method “getPart(String)” with the name of the part.
- Access to the property : call to the part’s method “getProperty(PropertyType)” with the type of property wanted.
The user can first check if this part contains a property of this type by the part’s “hasProperty(PropertyType)” that returns a Boolean.
Only the information about each part can be get this way : to have access to global information computed from several parts, a "model" shall be used.
Once built, the assembly shall be used through models, that will use data of the properties in their computations. Models are independent of the assembly description : a model can use it or not. A model can use another model. For details about models, please refer each themes associated chapters. ("Properties and models")
Tutorial 1
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Tutorial 2
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