User Manual 4.13 Attitude leg
The purpose of this chapter is to describe the current Patrius attitude legs.
An attitude leg is a time-bounded attitude law. Generalities on attitude laws can be found [ATT_ALW_Home here].
Library | Javadoc |
Patrius | Package fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.attitudes |
Patrius | Package fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.attitudes |
Orekit attitudes : Orekit Attitudes architecture description
Useful Documents
None as of now.
Package Overview
The attitude leg AttitudeLeg
interface inherits the AttitudeProvider
Its place in the global Attitude design can be found [ATT_ALW_PkgOverview here].
It also inherits the general Leg
interface presented below.
Features Description
Generalities: the Leg and the LegsSequence interfaces
Attitude legs inherit the interface AttitudeLeg
In addition to AttitudeProvider
services, they inherit the methods of the Leg
interface which means they are time-bounded attitude providers.
The Leg
interface is a generic interface for time-bounded timestamped data. It has only one method getTimeInterval()
(as well as method allowing to retrieve start and end of interval). This Leg
interface allows to define an AttitudeLeg
In order to define an attitude sequence StrictAttitudeLegsSequence
, another generic interface is available: the LegsSequence
interface. This interface defines a sequence of Leg
and provides methods to manipulate a collection of timestamped legs similarly to the Collection
interface (methods first()
, next()
, etc.).
A implementation of LegsSequence
is available: StrictLegsSequence
. This class handles a sequence of legs which are strictly ordered (not overlapping is allowed), legs are ordered by their starting date.
The sequence of attitude legs StrictAttitudeLegsSequence
inherits the StrictLegsSequence
by considering legs as AttitudeLegs
Note: the Leg
and LegsSequence
interfaces are purely generic and therefore can be used for any other time-bounded data.
Available attitude leg
Attitude legs sequence
An attitude legs sequence is a container for several attitude legs, contiguous for their time intervals, in such a way that the attitude legs sequence can be processed like a single attitude leg by the propagator.
The attitude legs sequence is the equivalent of the [ATT_ALW_Home#HAttitudessequence Attitudes sequence], using attitude legs (AttitudeLeg
instances) rather than attitude laws (AttitudeLaw
The switching from one attitude leg to another is based on the time interval of validity of the two legs.
is an implementation of AttitudeLeg
. It represents a tabulated attitude leg.
In order to interpolate the attitude at a date, the user must specify a list of ordered attitudes, and can specify a number of points used by Hermite interpolation. If not specified, the number of points used by Hermite interpolation is set to a default number (currently 2).
final List<Attitude> attList = new ArrayList<Attitude>();
final int nbrInterpPoints = 2;
final TabulatedAttitude attLeg = new TabulatedAttitude(attList, nbrInterpPoints);
It is possible to get the non-interpolated ordered attitudes :
final List<Attitude> attitudes = attLeg.getAttitudes();
Once the tabulated is defined, the computation can be performed on any orbital state using getAttitude()
Attitude attitude = attLeg.getAttitude(orbit, date, FramesFactory.getEME2000());
is an implementation of AttitudeLeg
. An instance of RelativeTabulatedAttitudeLeg
can be created with a List<Pair<Double, Rotation>>
or with a List<Pair<Double, AngularCoordinates>>
. Each Rotation
(or AngularCoordinates
) is associated with a double
representing its time ellapsed in seconds since the reference date. Here is an example of a creation of an instance of RelativeTabulatedAttitudeLeg
// date and frame
AbsoluteDate refDate = new AbsoluteDate(2008, 1, 1, TimeScalesFactory.getTAI());
Frame frame = FramesFactory.getGCRF();
double timeEllapsedSinceRefDate = 1.0;
// List of AR
List<Pair<Double, AngularCoordinates>> listAr = new ArrayList<Pair<Double, AngularCoordinates>>();
final AngularCoordinates ar = new AngularCoordinates(
new Rotation(false, 0.48, 0.64, 0.36, 0.48), Vector3D.PLUS_I, Vector3D.PLUS_J);
listAr.add(new Pair<Double, AngularCoordinates>(timeEllapsedSinceRefDate, ar));
// create RelativeTabulatedAttitudeLeg
final RelativeTabulatedAttitudeLeg relativeTabulatedAttitudeLeg =
new RelativeTabulatedAttitudeLeg(refDate, frame, listAr);
Getting Started
Building an attitude legs sequence
The attitude legs sequence was designed as a simple container, it performs only a few coherence checks on its inner attitude laws. Here's how an attitude sequence is built.
- An attitude legs sequence is created empty, associated to a single
- The sequence is mutable, attitude laws can be added to it one by one.
- Each attitude law is identified by a code.
- The sequence has a validity time interval, which is the grouping of the validity time intervals of all contained laws.
- The time interval of a newly added law must be contiguous to the grouped time interval of the already added laws. Otherwise an PatriusException is thrown.
- As soon as the sequence contains at least one law, methods of the
interface can be called on the attitude sequence. The attitude sequence forwards the request to the appropriate attitude leg (according to the asking date), but replaces thePVCoordinatesProvider
attribute of the call with the innerPVCoordinatesProvider
AttitudeLawLeg and AttitudeLegsSequence : Code sample
final BodyCenterPointing earthCenterAttitudeLaw = new BodyCenterPointing(itrf);
final AttitudeLeg law1 = new AttitudeLawLeg(earthCenterAttitudeLaw, date1, date2);
final AttitudeLeg law2 = ... ;
final AttitudeLeg law3 = ... ;
PVCoordinatesProvider pvProvider = new CartesianOrbit(pvCoordinates, gcrf, date1, mu);
final StrictAttitudeLegsSequence sequence = new StrictAttitudeLegsSequence(pvProvider);
// Call to getAttitude on the sequence
final Attitude attitude = sequence.getAttitude(pvProvider, date, itrf);
Interface | Summary | Javadoc |
Leg | This interface is a generic interface for any king of time-bounded data. | ... |
LegsSequence | This interface is a generic interface for any sequence of legs. | ... |
AttitudeLeg | This interface extends the AttitudeProvider interface and adds the time interval of validity notion to the attitude laws. | ... |
Class | Summary | Javadoc |
StrictLegsSequence | This class is a generic class for handling any sequence of legs. | ... |
AttitudeLawLeg | Object representing an attitude law for spacecraft attitude field purposes. | ... |
TabulatedAttitude | Object representing a tabulated attitude leg : the attitude at a date is interpolated from a list of known ones. | ... |
StrictAttitudeLegsSequence | Object representing a sequence of attitude legs. | ... |
RelativeTabulatedAttitudeLeg | This class implements a tabulated attitude leg with relative dates. | ... |