User Manual 4.15 Support
This section presents the support tools implemented in the PATRIUS Library.
Applicable and Reference Documents
Applicable Documents
[A1] CDCF- Fonctions de Base du Patrimoine de Dynamique du Vol, V1.2, SIRIUS-CF-DV-0049-CN, 2011.
[A2] Dossier de réutilisation Orekit et Commons Math, V1.0, SIRIUS-DLR-DV-0080-CN, 2010.
Reference Documents
[R1] ISO 639-2 Langage Code List, International Organization for Standardization, ISO 639-2.
[R2] ISO 3166 French Country Names and Code Elements, International Organization for Standardization, ISO 3166
None applicable.
The following themes are discussed in this section:
- Errors management and internationalization
This chapter describes the errors management, which is a transverse topic to the base functions. General rules are explained.
- Data management system
This chapter is dedicated to the data management system. The implemented tools allow the user to explore the configured data directory tree and to read external data (such as Earth orientation parameters, GRGS files...). This section explains how does the system work and how to use it.
- Intervals implementation
This chapter describes the intervals notion. The implementation in the PATRIUS library is generic, in order to meet the current and future needs. This section explains how to create intervals and how to use it.
Package List
The following tools are described here :
User Manual 4.15 Data management system
User Manual 4.15 Errors management and internationalization
[[Data management>>MU.SUP_tuto#HAccesauxdonnees]] [[Error management>>MU.SUP_tuto#HGestiondeserreurs]]