User Manual 4.15 Tools
Man must at all costs overcome the Earth's
gravity and have, in reserve, the space at
least of the Solar System.
Konstantin Tsiolkovsky (1857 – 1935)
This section is a short presentation of the Tools package implemented in the PATRIUS Library. It currently implements the following tool(s) that cover some of the software requirements given in [A3] §5.3.2. :
Applicable and Reference Documents
Applicable Documents
[A1] CDCF - Fonctions de Base du Patrimoine de Dynamique du Vol, V1.2, SIRIUS-CF-DV-0049-CN, 2011.
[A2] Dossier de réutilisation Orekit et Commons Math, V1.0, SIRIUS-DLR-DV-0080-CN, 2010.
Reference Documents
None applicable.
None applicable.
The Tools package of the PATRIUS library has been developed according to the SIRIUS Software Requirements [A3]. The tools developed are described hereafter :
- Ephemeris Comparator
- The ephemeris comparator tool of the Tools package of the PATRIUS library is a tool that can compare ephemeris files.
Package List
The following themes have been developed and deployed to the Tools package. These will help develop software covering some of the software requirements given in [A1] §4. :