Uses of Interface

Packages that use CelestialBody
org.orekit.attitudes This package provides classes to represent simple attitudes. 
org.orekit.bodies This package provides interface to represent the position and geometry of space objects such as stars, planets or asteroids. 

Uses of CelestialBody in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.stela.bodies

Classes in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.stela.bodies that implement CelestialBody
 class MeeusMoonStela
           This class implements the Moon ephemerides according to the algorithm of Meeus, it only provides the position.
 class MeeusSunStela

Uses of CelestialBody in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.stela.forces.atmospheres

Constructors in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.stela.forces.atmospheres with parameters of type CelestialBody
MSIS00Adapter(MSISE2000InputParameters data, double rEq, double f, CelestialBody sunBody)
          Simple constructor for class MSIS00Adapter.

Uses of CelestialBody in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.stela.forces.gravity

Methods in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.stela.forces.gravity that return CelestialBody
 CelestialBody SolidTidesAcc.getMoon()
          Get the Moon.
 CelestialBody SolidTidesAcc.getSun()
          Get the Sun.

Constructors in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.stela.forces.gravity with parameters of type CelestialBody
SolidTidesAcc(boolean computeSunContributionFlag, boolean computeMoonContributionFlag, CelestialBody sunBody, CelestialBody moonBody)
          Advanced constructor: the user can choose if the sun or the moon contribution has to be deactivated.
SolidTidesAcc(CelestialBody sunBody, CelestialBody moonBody)
          Default constructor: both sun and moon contributions have to be computed.
StelaThirdBodyAttraction(CelestialBody thirdBody, int inThirdBodyDegreeMaxPerturbation, int inThirdBodyDegreeMaxShortPeriods, int inThirdBodyDegreeMaxPD)
          Creates a Stela third body attraction force model.

Uses of CelestialBody in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.stela.forces.radiation

Constructors in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.stela.forces.radiation with parameters of type CelestialBody
StelaSRPSquaring(double mass, double surface, double reflectionCoef, int quadraturePoints, CelestialBody sunBody)
          Create an instance of the SRP force Stela model.
StelaSRPSquaring(double mass, double surface, double reflectionCoef, int quadraturePoints, CelestialBody sunBody, double earthRadius, double dRef, double pRef)
          Create an instance of the SRP force Stela model.

Uses of CelestialBody in fr.cnes.sirius.validate.mocks.ephemeris

Classes in fr.cnes.sirius.validate.mocks.ephemeris that implement CelestialBody
 class UserCelestialBody
          User-made Celestial body.

Uses of CelestialBody in org.orekit.attitudes

Constructors in org.orekit.attitudes with parameters of type CelestialBody
IsisSunPointing(CelestialBody sunBody)
          Build a new instance of the class.
SunPointing(CelestialBody body, Vector3D firstAxis, Vector3D secondAxis)
          Constructor of the sun pointing attitude law.
SunPointing(CelestialBody body, Vector3D firstAxis, Vector3D secondAxis, CelestialBody sun)
          Constructor of the sun pointing attitude law.
SunPointing(Vector3D firstAxis, Vector3D secondAxis, CelestialBody sun)
          Constructor of the sun pointing attitude law.

Uses of CelestialBody in org.orekit.attitudes.directions

Constructors in org.orekit.attitudes.directions with parameters of type CelestialBody
CelestialBodyPolesAxisDirection(CelestialBody inBody)
          Build a direction defined by the frame associated to a celestial body.
EarthToCelestialBodyCenterDirection(CelestialBody body)
          Constructor for celestial body center direction from Earth center : the celestial body's center is the target point.
MomentumDirection(CelestialBody inBody)
          Build a direction from the celestial body around witch the orbit is defined.
ToCelestialBodyCenterDirection(CelestialBody inBody)
          Build a direction described by a celestial body : the celestial body's center is the target point.

Uses of CelestialBody in org.orekit.bodies

Classes in org.orekit.bodies that implement CelestialBody
 class AbstractCelestialBody
          Abstract implementation of the CelestialBody interface.
 class MeeusMoon
           This class implements the Moon ephemerides according to the algorithm of Meeus.
 class MeeusSun
           This class implements the Sun ephemerides according to the algorithm of Meeus, it only provides the position.

Methods in org.orekit.bodies that return CelestialBody
static CelestialBody CelestialBodyFactory.getBody(String name)
          Get a celestial body.
static CelestialBody CelestialBodyFactory.getEarth()
          Get the Earth singleton body.
static CelestialBody CelestialBodyFactory.getEarthMoonBarycenter()
          Get the Earth-Moon barycenter singleton bodies pair.
static CelestialBody CelestialBodyFactory.getJupiter()
          Get the Jupiter singleton body.
static CelestialBody CelestialBodyFactory.getMars()
          Get the Mars singleton body.
static CelestialBody CelestialBodyFactory.getMercury()
          Get the Mercury singleton body.
static CelestialBody CelestialBodyFactory.getMoon()
          Get the Moon singleton body.
static CelestialBody CelestialBodyFactory.getNeptune()
          Get the Neptune singleton body.
static CelestialBody CelestialBodyFactory.getPluto()
          Get the Pluto singleton body.
static CelestialBody CelestialBodyFactory.getSaturn()
          Get the Saturn singleton body.
static CelestialBody CelestialBodyFactory.getSolarSystemBarycenter()
          Get the solar system barycenter aggregated body.
static CelestialBody CelestialBodyFactory.getSun()
          Get the Sun singleton body.
static CelestialBody CelestialBodyFactory.getUranus()
          Get the Uranus singleton body.
static CelestialBody CelestialBodyFactory.getVenus()
          Get the Venus singleton body.
 CelestialBody CelestialBodyLoader.loadCelestialBody(String name)
          Load celestial body.
 CelestialBody JPLEphemeridesLoader.loadCelestialBody(String name)
          Load celestial body.

Uses of CelestialBody in org.orekit.forces.atmospheres

Constructors in org.orekit.forces.atmospheres with parameters of type CelestialBody
MSISE2000(MSISE2000InputParameters data, BodyShape earthBody, CelestialBody sunBody)
          Simple constructor for class MSIS00Adapter.

Uses of CelestialBody in org.orekit.forces.gravity

Constructors in org.orekit.forces.gravity with parameters of type CelestialBody
ThirdBodyAttraction(CelestialBody body)
          Simple constructor.
ThirdBodyAttraction(CelestialBody body, boolean computePD)
          Simple constructor.

Uses of CelestialBody in org.orekit.forces.gravity.tides

Constructor parameters in org.orekit.forces.gravity.tides with type arguments of type CelestialBody
TerrestrialTides(Frame centralBodyFrame, double equatorialRadius, double mu, List<CelestialBody> bodies, boolean thirdBodyAttDegree3, boolean frequencyCorr, boolean ellipticityCorr, ITerrestrialTidesDataProvider terrestrialData)
          Creates a new instance.
TerrestrialTides(Frame centralBodyFrame, double equatorialRadius, double mu, List<CelestialBody> bodies, boolean thirdBodyAttDegree3, boolean frequencyCorr, boolean ellipticityCorr, ITerrestrialTidesDataProvider terrestrialData, boolean computePD)
          Creates a new instance.
TerrestrialTides(Frame centralBodyFrame, Parameter equatorialRadius, Parameter mu, List<CelestialBody> bodies, boolean thirdBodyAttDegree3, boolean frequencyCorr, boolean ellipticityCorr, ITerrestrialTidesDataProvider terrestrialData)
          Creates a new instance using Parameter.
TerrestrialTides(Frame centralBodyFrame, Parameter equatorialRadius, Parameter mu, List<CelestialBody> bodies, boolean thirdBodyAttDegree3, boolean frequencyCorr, boolean ellipticityCorr, ITerrestrialTidesDataProvider terrestrialData, boolean computePD)
          Creates a new instance using Parameter.

Uses of CelestialBody in org.orekit.forces.radiation

Constructors in org.orekit.forces.radiation with parameters of type CelestialBody
RediffusedFlux(int nCorona, int nMeridian, Frame bodyFrame, CelestialBody sunProvider, PVCoordinatesProvider satProvider, AbsoluteDate d, IEmissivityModel model)
          Default constructor of rediffused flux.
RediffusedFlux(int nCorona, int nMeridian, Frame bodyFrame, CelestialBody sun, PVCoordinatesProvider satProvider, AbsoluteDate dDate, IEmissivityModel model, boolean inIr, boolean inAlbedo)
          Generic constructor of rediffused flux.
RediffusedRadiationPressure(CelestialBody inSun, Frame inBodyFrame, int inCorona, int inMeridian, IEmissivityModel inEmissivityModel, RediffusedRadiationSensitive inModel)
RediffusedRadiationPressure(CelestialBody inSun, Frame inBodyFrame, int inCorona, int inMeridian, IEmissivityModel inEmissivityModel, RediffusedRadiationSensitive inModel, boolean computePD)

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