Uses of Interface

Packages that use IPartProperty

Uses of IPartProperty in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.assembly

Methods in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.assembly that return IPartProperty
 IPartProperty MainPart.getProperty(PropertyType propertyType)
 IPartProperty Part.getProperty(PropertyType propertyType)
 IPartProperty IPart.getProperty(PropertyType propertyType)
          Returns a property of the part : if in this part, one exists of the given type.

Methods in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.assembly with parameters of type IPartProperty
 void MainPart.addProperty(IPartProperty property)
 void Part.addProperty(IPartProperty property)
 void IPart.addProperty(IPartProperty property)
          Adds a property to the part.
 void AssemblyBuilder.addProperty(IPartProperty property, String partName)
          Adds a property of any type to a part of the assembly.

Uses of IPartProperty in

Subinterfaces of IPartProperty in
 interface IInertiaProperty
          This is the interface for all inertia properties : those properties can provide the inertia matrix, mass and mass center of the part, and the frame in which the vector and the matrix are expressed.

Classes in that implement IPartProperty
 class AbstractInertiaProperty
          This class is the abstract class for all inertia properties : those properties can provide the inertia matrix and mass center of the part.
 class AeroApplicationPoint
          This class represents a drag application point property
 class AeroCrossSectionProperty
          This class is a cross section property providing the cross section of shapes such as sphere, cylinder or parallelepiped.
 class AeroFacetProperty
          This class is a facet property to use with the aerodynamic part property for the PATRIUS assembly.
This property is meant to be used in a LEO average precision aerodynamic context.
 class AeroGlobalProperty
          This class is a cross section property providing the cross section of shapes such as sphere, cylinder or parallelepiped.
 class AeroProperty
          Aero property.
 class AeroSphereProperty
          This class is a sphere property to use with the aerodynamic part property for the PATRIUS assembly.
This property is meant to be used in a LEO average precision aerodynamic context.
 class CrossSectionProviderProperty
          This class is a part property for the PATRIUS assembly.
 class GeometricProperty
          This class defines the Geometric Property to be used with assemblies.
 class InertiaCylinderProperty
          Inertia property for a cylinder part.
 class InertiaParallelepipedProperty
          Inertia property for a parallelepipedic part.
 class InertiaSimpleProperty
          This class is a simple inertia property that can be added to a part.
 class InertiaSphereProperty
          Inertia property for a spherical part.
 class MassProperty
          This class is a part property for the PATRIUS assembly.
 class PropulsiveProperty
          Propulsive property : gathers all thrust properties.
 class RadiativeApplicationPoint
          This class represents a radiative application point property
 class RadiativeCrossSectionProperty
          This class is a cross section property providing the cross section of shapes such as sphere, cylinder or parallelepiped.
 class RadiativeFacetProperty
          This class is a part property for the PATRIUS assembly.
 class RadiativeIRProperty
          This class is a part property for the PATRIUS assembly.
 class RadiativeProperty
          This class is a part property for the PATRIUS assembly.
 class RadiativeSphereProperty
          This class is a part property for the PATRIUS assembly.
 class RFAntennaProperty
          This class represents an RF antenna property for a part of the assembly.
 class SensorProperty
          This class represents a generic sensor property for a part of the assembly.
 class TankProperty
          Tank property: gathers all properties of a fuel tank.

Uses of IPartProperty in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.forces

Methods in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.forces that return IPartProperty
 IPartProperty ConstantThrustManeuver.getPropulsiveProperty()
          Get the propulsive property.
 IPartProperty ConstantThrustManeuver.getTankProperty()
          Get the tank property.

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