Uses of Class

Packages that use MassProperty   

Uses of MassProperty in

Methods in that return MassProperty
 MassProperty AbstractInertiaProperty.getMassProperty()
 MassProperty TankProperty.getMassProperty()
          Getter for the underlying mass property.
 MassProperty IInertiaProperty.getMassProperty()

Constructors in with parameters of type MassProperty
AbstractInertiaProperty(Vector3D massCenter, Matrix3D inertiaMatrix, MassProperty mass)
          Constructor for the abstract inertia property.
AbstractInertiaProperty(Vector3D massCenter, Matrix3D inertiaMatrix, Vector3D inertiaReferencePoint, MassProperty mass)
          Constructor for the abstract inertia property.
InertiaCylinderProperty(double radius, double height, MassProperty mass)
          Constructor for the cylinder inertia property.
InertiaParallelepipedProperty(double length, double width, double height, MassProperty mass)
          Constructor for the parallelepiped inertia property.
InertiaSimpleProperty(Vector3D massCenter, Matrix3D inertiaMatrix, MassProperty mass)
          Constructor for the simple inertia property
InertiaSimpleProperty(Vector3D massCenter, Matrix3D inertiaMatrix, Vector3D inertiaReferencePoint, MassProperty mass)
          Constructor for the simple inertia property; the inertia matrix is expressed with respect to a point that can be different from the mass center.
InertiaSphereProperty(double radius, MassProperty mass)
          Constructor for the spherical inertia property.

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