Uses of Interface

Packages that use IFieldOfView   

Uses of IFieldOfView in

Methods in that return IFieldOfView
 IFieldOfView[] SensorProperty.getInhibitionFields()
 IFieldOfView SensorProperty.getMainField()

Methods in with parameters of type IFieldOfView
 void SensorProperty.setInhibitionFieldsAndTargets(IFieldOfView[] fields, PVCoordinatesProvider[] targets, LocalRadiusProvider[] targetRadiuses)
          Sets the arrays of inhibition fields and the associated targets : the two array must have the same length.
 void SensorProperty.setMainFieldOfView(IFieldOfView field)
          Sets the main field of view of this sensor

Uses of IFieldOfView in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type IFieldOfView
 List<IFieldOfView> EarthZoneDetector.getFOV()
          Get FOV list

Uses of IFieldOfView in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.fieldsofview

Classes in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.fieldsofview that implement IFieldOfView
 class AzimuthElevationField
           Field of view defined by an azimuth-elevation mask : the algorithms are from the Orekit GroundMaskElevationDetector detector.
 class BooleanField
          This class describes a boolean field of view that combines two existing fields with a "AND" or "OR" boolean combination.
 class CircularField
          This class describes a right circular field of view to be used in "instruments" part properties.
 class EllipticField
          This class describes an elliptic field of view to be used in "instruments" part properties.
 class InvertField
          This field of view contains an existing field and inverts it.
 class OmnidirectionalField
          This class describes an omnidirectional field of view : any vector is in it, the angular distance is always 1 (positive).
 class PyramidalField
          This class describes a pyramidal field of view defined a list of vectors (its edges) cone, to be used in "instruments" part properties.
 class RectangleField
          This class describes a field of view defined by a rectangle cone, to be used in "instruments" part properties.
 class SectorField
           This class defines a "sector" field of view.

Constructors in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.fieldsofview with parameters of type IFieldOfView
BooleanField(String name, IFieldOfView firstField, IFieldOfView secondField, BooleanField.BooleanCombination booleanCombination)
          Constructor for the "AND" or "OR" combined field of view
InvertField(String name, IFieldOfView invertedField)
          Constructor of the invert field of a given one.

Uses of IFieldOfView in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.groundstation

Methods in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.groundstation that return IFieldOfView
 IFieldOfView GeometricStationAntenna.getFOV()

Constructors in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.groundstation with parameters of type IFieldOfView
GeometricStationAntenna(TopocentricFrame topoFrame, IFieldOfView fieldOfView)
          Constructor of the ground station antenna (for reverse visibility detection)

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