Uses of Interface

Packages that use FieldElement
org.apache.commons.math3 Common classes used throughout the commons-math library. 
org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.differentiation This package holds the main interfaces and basic building block classes dealing with differentiation. 
org.apache.commons.math3.complex Complex number type and implementations of complex transcendental functions. 
org.apache.commons.math3.dfp Decimal floating point library for Java 
org.apache.commons.math3.fraction Fraction number type and fraction number formatting. 
org.apache.commons.math3.linear Linear algebra support. 
org.apache.commons.math3.util Convenience routines and common data structures used throughout the commons-math library. 

Uses of FieldElement in org.apache.commons.math3

Subinterfaces of FieldElement in org.apache.commons.math3
 interface RealFieldElement<T>
          Interface representing a real field.

Methods in org.apache.commons.math3 that return types with arguments of type FieldElement
 Class<? extends FieldElement<T>> Field.getRuntimeClass()
          Returns the runtime class of the FieldElement.

Uses of FieldElement in org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.differentiation

Classes in org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.differentiation that implement FieldElement
 class DerivativeStructure
          Class representing both the value and the differentials of a function.

Uses of FieldElement in org.apache.commons.math3.complex

Classes in org.apache.commons.math3.complex that implement FieldElement
 class Complex
          Representation of a Complex number, i.e.

Methods in org.apache.commons.math3.complex that return types with arguments of type FieldElement
 Class<? extends FieldElement<Complex>> ComplexField.getRuntimeClass()
          Returns the runtime class of the FieldElement.

Uses of FieldElement in org.apache.commons.math3.dfp

Classes in org.apache.commons.math3.dfp that implement FieldElement
 class Dfp
          Decimal floating point library for Java
 class DfpDec
          Subclass of Dfp which hides the radix-10000 artifacts of the superclass.

Methods in org.apache.commons.math3.dfp that return types with arguments of type FieldElement
 Class<? extends FieldElement<Dfp>> DfpField.getRuntimeClass()
          Returns the runtime class of the FieldElement.

Uses of FieldElement in org.apache.commons.math3.fraction

Classes in org.apache.commons.math3.fraction that implement FieldElement
 class BigFraction
          Representation of a rational number without any overflow.
 class Fraction
          Representation of a rational number.

Methods in org.apache.commons.math3.fraction that return types with arguments of type FieldElement
 Class<? extends FieldElement<BigFraction>> BigFractionField.getRuntimeClass()
          Returns the runtime class of the FieldElement.
 Class<? extends FieldElement<Fraction>> FractionField.getRuntimeClass()
          Returns the runtime class of the FieldElement.

Uses of FieldElement in org.apache.commons.math3.linear

Classes in org.apache.commons.math3.linear with type parameters of type FieldElement
 class AbstractFieldMatrix<T extends FieldElement<T>>
          Basic implementation of FieldMatrix methods regardless of the underlying storage.
 class Array2DRowFieldMatrix<T extends FieldElement<T>>
          Implementation of FieldMatrix using a FieldElement[][] array to store entries.
 class ArrayFieldVector<T extends FieldElement<T>>
          This class implements the FieldVector interface with a FieldElement array.
 class BlockFieldMatrix<T extends FieldElement<T>>
          Cache-friendly implementation of FieldMatrix using a flat arrays to store square blocks of the matrix.
 class DefaultFieldMatrixChangingVisitor<T extends FieldElement<T>>
          Default implementation of the FieldMatrixChangingVisitor interface.
 class DefaultFieldMatrixPreservingVisitor<T extends FieldElement<T>>
          Default implementation of the FieldMatrixPreservingVisitor interface.
 interface FieldDecompositionSolver<T extends FieldElement<T>>
          Interface handling decomposition algorithms that can solve A × X = B.
 class FieldLUDecomposition<T extends FieldElement<T>>
          Calculates the LUP-decomposition of a square matrix.
 interface FieldMatrix<T extends FieldElement<T>>
          Interface defining field-valued matrix with basic algebraic operations.
 interface FieldMatrixChangingVisitor<T extends FieldElement<?>>
          Interface defining a visitor for matrix entries.
 interface FieldMatrixPreservingVisitor<T extends FieldElement<?>>
          Interface defining a visitor for matrix entries.
 interface FieldVector<T extends FieldElement<T>>
          Interface defining a field-valued vector with basic algebraic operations.
 class SparseFieldMatrix<T extends FieldElement<T>>
          Deprecated. As of version 3.1, this class is deprecated, for reasons exposed in this JIRA ticket. This class will be removed in version 4.0.
 class SparseFieldVector<T extends FieldElement<T>>
          Deprecated. As of version 3.1, this class is deprecated, for reasons exposed in this JIRA ticket. This class will be removed in version 4.0.

Methods in org.apache.commons.math3.linear with type parameters of type FieldElement
protected static
<T extends FieldElement<T>>
AbstractFieldMatrix.buildArray(Field<T> field, int length)
          Build an array of elements.
protected static
<T extends FieldElement<T>>
AbstractFieldMatrix.buildArray(Field<T> field, int rows, int columns)
          Build an array of elements.
<T extends FieldElement<T>>
BlockFieldMatrix.createBlocksLayout(Field<T> field, int rows, int columns)
          Create a data array in blocks layout.
<T extends FieldElement<T>>
MatrixUtils.createColumnFieldMatrix(T[] columnData)
          Creates a column FieldMatrix using the data from the input array.
<T extends FieldElement<T>>
MatrixUtils.createFieldDiagonalMatrix(T[] diagonal)
          Returns a diagonal matrix with specified elements.
<T extends FieldElement<T>>
MatrixUtils.createFieldIdentityMatrix(Field<T> field, int dimension)
          Returns dimension x dimension identity matrix.
<T extends FieldElement<T>>
MatrixUtils.createFieldMatrix(Field<T> field, int rows, int columns)
          Returns a FieldMatrix with specified dimensions.
<T extends FieldElement<T>>
MatrixUtils.createFieldMatrix(T[][] data)
          Returns a FieldMatrix whose entries are the the values in the the input array.
<T extends FieldElement<T>>
MatrixUtils.createFieldVector(T[] data)
          Creates a FieldVector using the data from the input array.
<T extends FieldElement<T>>
MatrixUtils.createRowFieldMatrix(T[] rowData)
          Create a row FieldMatrix using the data from the input array.
protected static
<T extends FieldElement<T>>
AbstractFieldMatrix.extractField(T[] d)
          Get the elements type from an array.
protected static
<T extends FieldElement<T>>
AbstractFieldMatrix.extractField(T[][] d)
          Get the elements type from an array.
<T extends FieldElement<T>>
BlockFieldMatrix.toBlocksLayout(T[][] rawData)
          Convert a data array from raw layout to blocks layout.

Methods in org.apache.commons.math3.linear that return FieldElement
protected static
<T extends FieldElement<T>>
AbstractFieldMatrix.buildArray(Field<T> field, int length)
          Build an array of elements.
protected static
<T extends FieldElement<T>>
AbstractFieldMatrix.buildArray(Field<T> field, int rows, int columns)
          Build an array of elements.
<T extends FieldElement<T>>
BlockFieldMatrix.createBlocksLayout(Field<T> field, int rows, int columns)
          Create a data array in blocks layout.
 T[] AbstractFieldMatrix.getColumn(int column)
          Get the entries in column number col as an array.
 T[] BlockFieldMatrix.getColumn(int column)
          Get the entries in column number col as an array.
 T[] FieldMatrix.getColumn(int column)
          Get the entries in column number col as an array.
 T[] FieldVector.getData()
          Deprecated. as of 3.1, to be removed in 4.0. Please use the FieldVector.toArray() method instead.
 T[][] AbstractFieldMatrix.getData()
          Returns matrix entries as a two-dimensional array.
 T[][] Array2DRowFieldMatrix.getData()
          Returns matrix entries as a two-dimensional array.
 T[][] BlockFieldMatrix.getData()
          Returns matrix entries as a two-dimensional array.
 T[][] FieldMatrix.getData()
          Returns matrix entries as a two-dimensional array.
 T[] ArrayFieldVector.getData()
          Returns vector entries as a T array.
 T[] SparseFieldVector.getData()
          Deprecated. as of 3.1, to be removed in 4.0. Please use the SparseFieldVector.toArray() method instead.
 T[][] Array2DRowFieldMatrix.getDataRef()
          Get a reference to the underlying data array.
 T[] ArrayFieldVector.getDataRef()
          Returns a reference to the underlying data array.
 T[] AbstractFieldMatrix.getRow(int row)
          Get the entries in row number row as an array.
 T[] BlockFieldMatrix.getRow(int row)
          Get the entries in row number row as an array.
 T[] FieldMatrix.getRow(int row)
          Get the entries in row number row as an array.
 T[] AbstractFieldMatrix.operate(T[] v)
          Returns the result of multiplying this by the vector v.
 T[] Array2DRowFieldMatrix.operate(T[] v)
          Returns the result of multiplying this by the vector v.
 T[] BlockFieldMatrix.operate(T[] v)
          Returns the result of multiplying this by the vector v.
 T[] FieldMatrix.operate(T[] v)
          Returns the result of multiplying this by the vector v.
 T[] AbstractFieldMatrix.preMultiply(T[] v)
          Returns the (row) vector result of premultiplying this by the vector v.
 T[] Array2DRowFieldMatrix.preMultiply(T[] v)
          Returns the (row) vector result of premultiplying this by the vector v.
 T[] BlockFieldMatrix.preMultiply(T[] v)
          Returns the (row) vector result of premultiplying this by the vector v.
 T[] FieldMatrix.preMultiply(T[] v)
          Returns the (row) vector result of premultiplying this by the vector v.
 T[] FieldVector.toArray()
          Convert the vector to a T array.
 T[] ArrayFieldVector.toArray()
          Convert the vector to a T array.
 T[] SparseFieldVector.toArray()
          Deprecated. Convert the vector to a T array.
<T extends FieldElement<T>>
BlockFieldMatrix.toBlocksLayout(T[][] rawData)
          Convert a data array from raw layout to blocks layout.

Methods in org.apache.commons.math3.linear with parameters of type FieldElement
 void AbstractFieldMatrix.copySubMatrix(int[] selectedRows, int[] selectedColumns, T[][] destination)
          Copy a submatrix.
 void FieldMatrix.copySubMatrix(int[] selectedRows, int[] selectedColumns, T[][] destination)
          Copy a submatrix.
 void AbstractFieldMatrix.copySubMatrix(int startRow, int endRow, int startColumn, int endColumn, T[][] destination)
          Copy a submatrix.
 void FieldMatrix.copySubMatrix(int startRow, int endRow, int startColumn, int endColumn, T[][] destination)
          Copy a submatrix.
<T extends FieldElement<T>>
MatrixUtils.createColumnFieldMatrix(T[] columnData)
          Creates a column FieldMatrix using the data from the input array.
<T extends FieldElement<T>>
MatrixUtils.createFieldDiagonalMatrix(T[] diagonal)
          Returns a diagonal matrix with specified elements.
<T extends FieldElement<T>>
MatrixUtils.createFieldMatrix(T[][] data)
          Returns a FieldMatrix whose entries are the the values in the the input array.
<T extends FieldElement<T>>
MatrixUtils.createFieldVector(T[] data)
          Creates a FieldVector using the data from the input array.
<T extends FieldElement<T>>
MatrixUtils.createRowFieldMatrix(T[] rowData)
          Create a row FieldMatrix using the data from the input array.
protected static
<T extends FieldElement<T>>
AbstractFieldMatrix.extractField(T[] d)
          Get the elements type from an array.
protected static
<T extends FieldElement<T>>
AbstractFieldMatrix.extractField(T[][] d)
          Get the elements type from an array.
 T[] AbstractFieldMatrix.operate(T[] v)
          Returns the result of multiplying this by the vector v.
 T[] Array2DRowFieldMatrix.operate(T[] v)
          Returns the result of multiplying this by the vector v.
 T[] BlockFieldMatrix.operate(T[] v)
          Returns the result of multiplying this by the vector v.
 T[] FieldMatrix.operate(T[] v)
          Returns the result of multiplying this by the vector v.
 T[] AbstractFieldMatrix.preMultiply(T[] v)
          Returns the (row) vector result of premultiplying this by the vector v.
 T[] Array2DRowFieldMatrix.preMultiply(T[] v)
          Returns the (row) vector result of premultiplying this by the vector v.
 T[] BlockFieldMatrix.preMultiply(T[] v)
          Returns the (row) vector result of premultiplying this by the vector v.
 T[] FieldMatrix.preMultiply(T[] v)
          Returns the (row) vector result of premultiplying this by the vector v.
 void AbstractFieldMatrix.setColumn(int column, T[] array)
          Set the entries in column number column as a column matrix.
 void BlockFieldMatrix.setColumn(int column, T[] array)
          Set the entries in column number column as a column matrix.
 void FieldMatrix.setColumn(int column, T[] array)
          Set the entries in column number column as a column matrix.
 void AbstractFieldMatrix.setRow(int row, T[] array)
          Set the entries in row number row as a row matrix.
 void BlockFieldMatrix.setRow(int row, T[] array)
          Set the entries in row number row as a row matrix.
 void FieldMatrix.setRow(int row, T[] array)
          Set the entries in row number row as a row matrix.
 void AbstractFieldMatrix.setSubMatrix(T[][] subMatrix, int row, int column)
          Replace the submatrix starting at (row, column) using data in the input subMatrix array.
 void Array2DRowFieldMatrix.setSubMatrix(T[][] subMatrix, int row, int column)
          Replace the submatrix starting at (row, column) using data in the input subMatrix array.
 void BlockFieldMatrix.setSubMatrix(T[][] subMatrix, int row, int column)
          Replace the submatrix starting at (row, column) using data in the input subMatrix array.
 void FieldMatrix.setSubMatrix(T[][] subMatrix, int row, int column)
          Replace the submatrix starting at (row, column) using data in the input subMatrix array.
<T extends FieldElement<T>>
BlockFieldMatrix.toBlocksLayout(T[][] rawData)
          Convert a data array from raw layout to blocks layout.

Constructors in org.apache.commons.math3.linear with parameters of type FieldElement
Array2DRowFieldMatrix(Field<T> field, T[] v)
          Create a new (column) FieldMatrix<T> using v as the data for the unique column of the created matrix.
Array2DRowFieldMatrix(Field<T> field, T[][] d)
          Create a new FieldMatrix<T> using the input array as the underlying data array.
Array2DRowFieldMatrix(Field<T> field, T[][] d, boolean copyArray)
          Create a new FieldMatrix<T> using the input array as the underlying data array.
Array2DRowFieldMatrix(T[] v)
          Create a new (column) FieldMatrix<T> using v as the data for the unique column of the created matrix.
Array2DRowFieldMatrix(T[][] d)
          Create a new FieldMatrix<T> using the input array as the underlying data array.
Array2DRowFieldMatrix(T[][] d, boolean copyArray)
          Create a new FieldMatrix<T> using the input array as the underlying data array.
ArrayFieldVector(ArrayFieldVector<T> v1, T[] v2)
          Construct a vector by appending one vector to another vector.
ArrayFieldVector(Field<T> field, T[] d)
          Construct a vector from an array, copying the input array.
ArrayFieldVector(Field<T> field, T[] d, boolean copyArray)
          Create a new ArrayFieldVector using the input array as the underlying data array.
ArrayFieldVector(Field<T> field, T[] d, int pos, int size)
          Construct a vector from part of a array.
ArrayFieldVector(Field<T> field, T[] v1, T[] v2)
          Construct a vector by appending one vector to another vector.
ArrayFieldVector(Field<T> field, T[] v1, T[] v2)
          Construct a vector by appending one vector to another vector.
ArrayFieldVector(T[] d)
          Construct a vector from an array, copying the input array.
ArrayFieldVector(T[] v1, ArrayFieldVector<T> v2)
          Construct a vector by appending one vector to another vector.
ArrayFieldVector(T[] d, boolean copyArray)
          Create a new ArrayFieldVector using the input array as the underlying data array.
ArrayFieldVector(T[] d, int pos, int size)
          Construct a vector from part of a array.
ArrayFieldVector(T[] v1, T[] v2)
          Construct a vector by appending one vector to another vector.
ArrayFieldVector(T[] v1, T[] v2)
          Construct a vector by appending one vector to another vector.
BlockFieldMatrix(int rows, int columns, T[][] blockData, boolean copyArray)
          Create a new dense matrix copying entries from block layout data.
BlockFieldMatrix(T[][] rawData)
          Create a new dense matrix copying entries from raw layout data.
SparseFieldVector(Field<T> field, T[] values)
          Deprecated. Create from a Field array.

Uses of FieldElement in org.apache.commons.math3.util

Classes in org.apache.commons.math3.util with type parameters of type FieldElement
 class OpenIntToFieldHashMap<T extends FieldElement<T>>
          Open addressed map from int to FieldElement.

Classes in org.apache.commons.math3.util that implement FieldElement
 class BigReal
          Arbitrary precision decimal number.
 class Decimal64
          This class wraps a double value in an object.

Methods in org.apache.commons.math3.util that return types with arguments of type FieldElement
 Class<? extends FieldElement<Decimal64>> Decimal64Field.getRuntimeClass()
          Returns the runtime class of the FieldElement.
 Class<? extends FieldElement<BigReal>> BigRealField.getRuntimeClass()
          Returns the runtime class of the FieldElement.

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