Uses of Class

Packages that use BigFraction
org.apache.commons.math3.fraction Fraction number type and fraction number formatting. 
org.apache.commons.math3.linear Linear algebra support. 

Uses of BigFraction in org.apache.commons.math3.fraction

Fields in org.apache.commons.math3.fraction declared as BigFraction
static BigFraction BigFraction.FOUR_FIFTHS
          A fraction representing "4/5".
static BigFraction BigFraction.MINUS_ONE
          A fraction representing "-1 / 1".
static BigFraction BigFraction.ONE
          A fraction representing "1".
static BigFraction BigFraction.ONE_FIFTH
          A fraction representing "1/5".
static BigFraction BigFraction.ONE_HALF
          A fraction representing "1/2".
static BigFraction BigFraction.ONE_QUARTER
          A fraction representing "1/4".
static BigFraction BigFraction.ONE_THIRD
          A fraction representing "1/3".
static BigFraction BigFraction.THREE_FIFTHS
          A fraction representing "3/5".
static BigFraction BigFraction.THREE_QUARTERS
          A fraction representing "3/4".
static BigFraction BigFraction.TWO
          A fraction representing "2 / 1".
static BigFraction BigFraction.TWO_FIFTHS
          A fraction representing "2/5".
static BigFraction BigFraction.TWO_QUARTERS
          A fraction representing "2/4".
static BigFraction BigFraction.TWO_THIRDS
          A fraction representing "2/3".
static BigFraction BigFraction.ZERO
          A fraction representing "0".

Methods in org.apache.commons.math3.fraction that return BigFraction
 BigFraction BigFraction.abs()
           Returns the absolute value of this BigFraction.
 BigFraction BigFraction.add(BigFraction fraction)
           Adds the value of this fraction to another, returning the result in reduced form.
 BigFraction BigFraction.add(BigInteger bg)
           Adds the value of this fraction to the passed BigInteger, returning the result in reduced form.
 BigFraction BigFraction.add(int i)
           Adds the value of this fraction to the passed integer, returning the result in reduced form.
 BigFraction BigFraction.add(long l)
           Adds the value of this fraction to the passed long, returning the result in reduced form.
 BigFraction BigFraction.divide(BigFraction fraction)
           Divide the value of this fraction by another, returning the result in reduced form.
 BigFraction BigFraction.divide(BigInteger bg)
           Divide the value of this fraction by the passed BigInteger, ie this * 1 / bg, returning the result in reduced form.
 BigFraction BigFraction.divide(int i)
           Divide the value of this fraction by the passed int, ie this * 1 / i, returning the result in reduced form.
 BigFraction BigFraction.divide(long l)
           Divide the value of this fraction by the passed long, ie this * 1 / l, returning the result in reduced form.
 BigFraction BigFractionField.getOne()
          Get the multiplicative identity of the field.
static BigFraction BigFraction.getReducedFraction(int numerator, int denominator)
           Creates a BigFraction instance with the 2 parts of a fraction Y/Z.
 BigFraction BigFractionField.getZero()
          Get the additive identity of the field.
 BigFraction BigFraction.multiply(BigFraction fraction)
           Multiplies the value of this fraction by another, returning the result in reduced form.
 BigFraction BigFraction.multiply(BigInteger bg)
           Multiplies the value of this fraction by the passed BigInteger, returning the result in reduced form.
 BigFraction BigFraction.multiply(int i)
           Multiply the value of this fraction by the passed int, returning the result in reduced form.
 BigFraction BigFraction.multiply(long l)
           Multiply the value of this fraction by the passed long, returning the result in reduced form.
 BigFraction BigFraction.negate()
           Return the additive inverse of this fraction, returning the result in reduced form.
 BigFraction BigFractionFormat.parse(String source)
          Parses a string to produce a BigFraction object.
 BigFraction BigFractionFormat.parse(String source, ParsePosition pos)
          Parses a string to produce a BigFraction object.
 BigFraction ProperBigFractionFormat.parse(String source, ParsePosition pos)
          Parses a string to produce a BigFraction object.
 BigFraction BigFraction.pow(BigInteger exponent)
           Returns a BigFraction whose value is (thisexponent), returning the result in reduced form.
 BigFraction BigFraction.pow(int exponent)
           Returns a BigFraction whose value is (this<sup>exponent</sup>), returning the result in reduced form.
 BigFraction BigFraction.pow(long exponent)
           Returns a BigFraction whose value is (thisexponent), returning the result in reduced form.
 BigFraction BigFraction.reciprocal()
           Return the multiplicative inverse of this fraction.
 BigFraction BigFraction.reduce()
           Reduce this BigFraction to its lowest terms.
 BigFraction BigFraction.subtract(BigFraction fraction)
           Subtracts the value of another fraction from the value of this one, returning the result in reduced form.
 BigFraction BigFraction.subtract(BigInteger bg)
           Subtracts the value of an BigInteger from the value of this BigFraction, returning the result in reduced form.
 BigFraction BigFraction.subtract(int i)
           Subtracts the value of an integer from the value of this BigFraction, returning the result in reduced form.
 BigFraction BigFraction.subtract(long l)
           Subtracts the value of a long from the value of this BigFraction, returning the result in reduced form.

Methods in org.apache.commons.math3.fraction that return types with arguments of type BigFraction
 Class<? extends FieldElement<BigFraction>> BigFractionField.getRuntimeClass()
          Returns the runtime class of the FieldElement.

Methods in org.apache.commons.math3.fraction with parameters of type BigFraction
 BigFraction BigFraction.add(BigFraction fraction)
           Adds the value of this fraction to another, returning the result in reduced form.
 int BigFraction.compareTo(BigFraction object)
           Compares this object to another based on size.
 BigFraction BigFraction.divide(BigFraction fraction)
           Divide the value of this fraction by another, returning the result in reduced form.
 StringBuffer BigFractionFormat.format(BigFraction BigFraction, StringBuffer toAppendTo, FieldPosition pos)
          Formats a BigFraction object to produce a string.
 StringBuffer ProperBigFractionFormat.format(BigFraction fraction, StringBuffer toAppendTo, FieldPosition pos)
          Formats a BigFraction object to produce a string.
static String BigFractionFormat.formatBigFraction(BigFraction f)
          This static method calls formatBigFraction() on a default instance of BigFractionFormat.
 BigFraction BigFraction.multiply(BigFraction fraction)
           Multiplies the value of this fraction by another, returning the result in reduced form.
 BigFraction BigFraction.subtract(BigFraction fraction)
           Subtracts the value of another fraction from the value of this one, returning the result in reduced form.

Uses of BigFraction in org.apache.commons.math3.linear

Method parameters in org.apache.commons.math3.linear with type arguments of type BigFraction
static Array2DRowRealMatrix MatrixUtils.bigFractionMatrixToRealMatrix(FieldMatrix<BigFraction> m)
          Convert a FieldMatrix/BigFraction matrix to a RealMatrix.

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