Uses of Interface

Packages that use OptimizationData
org.apache.commons.math3.optimization All classes and sub-packages of this package are deprecated. This package provides optimization algorithms that don't require derivatives. 
org.apache.commons.math3.optimization.general This package provides optimization algorithms that require derivatives. 

Uses of OptimizationData in org.apache.commons.math3.optimization

Classes in org.apache.commons.math3.optimization that implement OptimizationData
 class InitialGuess
          Deprecated. As of 3.1 (to be removed in 4.0).
 class SimpleBounds
          Deprecated. As of 3.1 (to be removed in 4.0).
 class Target
          Deprecated. As of 3.1 (to be removed in 4.0).
 class Weight
          Deprecated. As of 3.1 (to be removed in 4.0).

Uses of OptimizationData in

Classes in that implement OptimizationData
 class AbstractSimplex
          Deprecated. As of 3.1 (to be removed in 4.0).
static class CMAESOptimizer.PopulationSize
          Deprecated. Population size.
static class CMAESOptimizer.Sigma
          Deprecated. Input sigma values.
 class MultiDirectionalSimplex
          Deprecated. As of 3.1 (to be removed in 4.0).
 class NelderMeadSimplex
          Deprecated. As of 3.1 (to be removed in 4.0).

Methods in with parameters of type OptimizationData
 PointValuePair BaseAbstractMultivariateOptimizer.optimize(int maxEval, FUNC f, GoalType goalType, OptimizationData... optData)
          Deprecated. Optimize an objective function.
protected  PointVectorValuePair BaseAbstractMultivariateVectorOptimizer.optimize(int maxEval, FUNC f, OptimizationData... optData)
          Deprecated. Optimize an objective function.
protected  PointValuePair BaseAbstractMultivariateOptimizer.optimizeInternal(int maxEval, FUNC f, GoalType goalType, OptimizationData... optData)
          Deprecated. Optimize an objective function.
protected  PointVectorValuePair BaseAbstractMultivariateVectorOptimizer.optimizeInternal(int maxEval, FUNC f, OptimizationData... optData)
          Deprecated. Optimize an objective function.
protected  PointValuePair CMAESOptimizer.optimizeInternal(int maxEval, MultivariateFunction f, GoalType goalType, OptimizationData... optData)
          Deprecated. Optimize an objective function.
protected  PointValuePair SimplexOptimizer.optimizeInternal(int maxEval, MultivariateFunction f, GoalType goalType, OptimizationData... optData)
          Deprecated. Optimize an objective function.

Uses of OptimizationData in org.apache.commons.math3.optimization.general

Methods in org.apache.commons.math3.optimization.general with parameters of type OptimizationData
protected  PointValuePair AbstractDifferentiableOptimizer.optimizeInternal(int maxEval, MultivariateDifferentiableFunction f, GoalType goalType, OptimizationData... optData)
          Deprecated. Optimize an objective function.
protected  PointVectorValuePair AbstractLeastSquaresOptimizer.optimizeInternal(int maxEval, MultivariateDifferentiableVectorFunction f, OptimizationData... optData)
          Deprecated. As of 3.1. Override is necessary only until this class's generic argument is changed to MultivariateDifferentiableVectorFunction.

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