Class AbstractStorelessUnivariateStatistic

  extended by org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.AbstractUnivariateStatistic
      extended by org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.AbstractStorelessUnivariateStatistic
All Implemented Interfaces:
StorelessUnivariateStatistic, UnivariateStatistic, MathArrays.Function
Direct Known Subclasses:
GeometricMean, Kurtosis, Max, Mean, Min, Product, SecondMoment, Skewness, StandardDeviation, Sum, SumOfLogs, SumOfSquares, Variance

public abstract class AbstractStorelessUnivariateStatistic
extends AbstractUnivariateStatistic
implements StorelessUnivariateStatistic

Abstract implementation of the StorelessUnivariateStatistic interface.

Provides default evaluate() and incrementAll(double[]) implementations.

Note that these implementations are not synchronized.

$Id: 7721 2013-02-14 14:07:13Z CardosoP $

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
abstract  void clear()
          Clears the internal state of the Statistic
abstract  StorelessUnivariateStatistic copy()
          Returns a copy of the statistic with the same internal state.
 boolean equals(Object object)
          Returns true iff object is an AbstractStorelessUnivariateStatistic returning the same values as this for getResult() and getN()
 double evaluate(double[] values)
          This default implementation calls clear(), then invokes increment(double) in a loop over the the input array, and then uses getResult() to compute the return value.
 double evaluate(double[] values, int begin, int length)
          This default implementation calls clear(), then invokes increment(double) in a loop over the specified portion of the input array, and then uses getResult() to compute the return value.
abstract  double getResult()
          Returns the current value of the Statistic.
 int hashCode()
          Returns hash code based on getResult() and getN()
abstract  void increment(double d)
          Updates the internal state of the statistic to reflect the addition of the new value.
 void incrementAll(double[] values)
          This default implementation just calls increment(double) in a loop over the input array.
 void incrementAll(double[] values, int begin, int length)
          This default implementation just calls increment(double) in a loop over the specified portion of the input array.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.AbstractUnivariateStatistic
evaluate, getData, getDataRef, setData, setData, test, test, test, test
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.StorelessUnivariateStatistic

Constructor Detail


public AbstractStorelessUnivariateStatistic()
Method Detail


public double evaluate(double[] values)
                throws MathIllegalArgumentException
This default implementation calls clear(), then invokes increment(double) in a loop over the the input array, and then uses getResult() to compute the return value.

Note that this implementation changes the internal state of the statistic. Its side effects are the same as invoking clear() and then incrementAll(double[]).

Implementations may override this method with a more efficient and possibly more accurate implementation that works directly with the input array.

If the array is null, a MathIllegalArgumentException is thrown.

Specified by:
evaluate in interface UnivariateStatistic
Specified by:
evaluate in interface MathArrays.Function
evaluate in class AbstractUnivariateStatistic
values - input array
the value of the statistic applied to the input array
MathIllegalArgumentException - if values is null
See Also:


public double evaluate(double[] values,
                       int begin,
                       int length)
                throws MathIllegalArgumentException
This default implementation calls clear(), then invokes increment(double) in a loop over the specified portion of the input array, and then uses getResult() to compute the return value.

Note that this implementation changes the internal state of the statistic. Its side effects are the same as invoking clear() and then incrementAll(double[], int, int).

Implementations may override this method with a more efficient and possibly more accurate implementation that works directly with the input array.

If the array is null or the index parameters are not valid, an MathIllegalArgumentException is thrown.

Specified by:
evaluate in interface UnivariateStatistic
Specified by:
evaluate in interface MathArrays.Function
Specified by:
evaluate in class AbstractUnivariateStatistic
values - the input array
begin - the index of the first element to include
length - the number of elements to include
the value of the statistic applied to the included array entries
MathIllegalArgumentException - if the array is null or the indices are not valid
See Also:
UnivariateStatistic.evaluate(double[], int, int)


public abstract StorelessUnivariateStatistic copy()
Returns a copy of the statistic with the same internal state.

Specified by:
copy in interface StorelessUnivariateStatistic
Specified by:
copy in interface UnivariateStatistic
Specified by:
copy in class AbstractUnivariateStatistic
a copy of the statistic


public abstract void clear()
Clears the internal state of the Statistic

Specified by:
clear in interface StorelessUnivariateStatistic


public abstract double getResult()
Returns the current value of the Statistic.

Specified by:
getResult in interface StorelessUnivariateStatistic
value of the statistic, Double.NaN if it has been cleared or just instantiated.


public abstract void increment(double d)
Updates the internal state of the statistic to reflect the addition of the new value.

Specified by:
increment in interface StorelessUnivariateStatistic
d - the new value.


public void incrementAll(double[] values)
                  throws MathIllegalArgumentException
This default implementation just calls increment(double) in a loop over the input array.

Throws IllegalArgumentException if the input values array is null.

Specified by:
incrementAll in interface StorelessUnivariateStatistic
values - values to add
MathIllegalArgumentException - if values is null
See Also:


public void incrementAll(double[] values,
                         int begin,
                         int length)
                  throws MathIllegalArgumentException
This default implementation just calls increment(double) in a loop over the specified portion of the input array.

Throws IllegalArgumentException if the input values array is null.

Specified by:
incrementAll in interface StorelessUnivariateStatistic
values - array holding values to add
begin - index of the first array element to add
length - number of array elements to add
MathIllegalArgumentException - if values is null
See Also:
StorelessUnivariateStatistic.incrementAll(double[], int, int)


public boolean equals(Object object)
Returns true iff object is an AbstractStorelessUnivariateStatistic returning the same values as this for getResult() and getN()

equals in class Object
object - object to test equality against.
true if object returns the same value as this


public int hashCode()
Returns hash code based on getResult() and getN()

hashCode in class Object
hash code

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