Interface StorelessUnivariateStatistic

All Superinterfaces:
MathArrays.Function, UnivariateStatistic
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractStorelessUnivariateStatistic, GeometricMean, Kurtosis, Max, Mean, Min, Product, SecondMoment, Skewness, StandardDeviation, Sum, SumOfLogs, SumOfSquares, Variance

public interface StorelessUnivariateStatistic
extends UnivariateStatistic

Extends the definition of UnivariateStatistic with increment(double) and incrementAll(double[]) methods for adding values and updating internal state.

This interface is designed to be used for calculating statistics that can be computed in one pass through the data without storing the full array of sample values.

$Id: 7721 2013-02-14 14:07:13Z CardosoP $

Method Summary
 void clear()
          Clears the internal state of the Statistic
 StorelessUnivariateStatistic copy()
          Returns a copy of the statistic with the same internal state.
 long getN()
          Returns the number of values that have been added.
 double getResult()
          Returns the current value of the Statistic.
 void increment(double d)
          Updates the internal state of the statistic to reflect the addition of the new value.
 void incrementAll(double[] values)
          Updates the internal state of the statistic to reflect addition of all values in the values array.
 void incrementAll(double[] values, int start, int length)
          Updates the internal state of the statistic to reflect addition of the values in the designated portion of the values array.
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.UnivariateStatistic
evaluate, evaluate

Method Detail


void increment(double d)
Updates the internal state of the statistic to reflect the addition of the new value.

d - the new value.


void incrementAll(double[] values)
                  throws MathIllegalArgumentException
Updates the internal state of the statistic to reflect addition of all values in the values array. Does not clear the statistic first -- i.e., the values are added incrementally to the dataset.

values - array holding the new values to add
MathIllegalArgumentException - if the array is null


void incrementAll(double[] values,
                  int start,
                  int length)
                  throws MathIllegalArgumentException
Updates the internal state of the statistic to reflect addition of the values in the designated portion of the values array. Does not clear the statistic first -- i.e., the values are added incrementally to the dataset.

values - array holding the new values to add
start - the array index of the first value to add
length - the number of elements to add
MathIllegalArgumentException - if the array is null or the index


double getResult()
Returns the current value of the Statistic.

value of the statistic, Double.NaN if it has been cleared or just instantiated.


long getN()
Returns the number of values that have been added.

the number of values.


void clear()
Clears the internal state of the Statistic


StorelessUnivariateStatistic copy()
Returns a copy of the statistic with the same internal state.

Specified by:
copy in interface UnivariateStatistic
a copy of the statistic

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