Uses of Class

Packages that use BodiesElements This package provide base classes for exploring the configured data directory tree and read external data that can be used by the library. 

Uses of BodiesElements in

Methods in with parameters of type BodiesElements
protected abstract  double SeriesTerm.argument(BodiesElements elements)
          Compute the argument for the current date.
 double SeriesTerm.value(BodiesElements elements)
          Compute the value of the term for the current date.
 double[] SeriesTerm.value(BodiesElements elements, BodiesElements elementsP)
          Compute the value of the term for the current date and its first time derivative.
 double PoissonSeries.value(double t, BodiesElements elements)
          Compute the value of the development for the current date.
 double[] PoissonSeries.value(double t, BodiesElements elements, BodiesElements elementsP)
          Compute the value of the development for the current date and its first time derivative.

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