Package org.orekit.forces.gravity.potential

This package provides classes to read gravity field files and supports several different formats.


Interface Summary
PotentialCoefficientsProvider Interface used to provide gravity field coefficients.

Class Summary
EGMFormatReader This reader is adapted to the EGM Format.
GravityFieldFactory Factory used to read gravity field files in several supported formats.
GRGSFormatReader Reader for the GRGS gravity field format.
ICGEMFormatReader Reader for the ICGEM gravity field format.
PotentialCoefficientsReader This abstract class represents a Gravitational Potential Coefficients file reader.
SHMFormatReader Reader for the SHM gravity field format.

Package org.orekit.forces.gravity.potential Description

This package provides classes to read gravity field files and supports several different formats.

The simple way to read a file is by using the GravityFieldFactory.

F. Maussion, L. Maisonobe

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