Package org.orekit.forces.gravity.tides

Interface Summary
IOceanTidesDataProvider Interface that provides ocean tides inputs.
ITerrestrialTidesDataProvider Interface that provides terrestrial tides inputs.
PotentialTimeVariations Interface for perturbating forces that moficate the C and S coefficients over the time.

Class Summary
AbstractTides Common handling of ForceModel methods for tides models.
OceanTides This class implements the perturbating force due to ocean tides.
OceanTidesDataProvider Ocean tides parameters given by the IERS 1996, 2003 or GINS 2004 standard.
TerrestrialTides This class implements the perturbating force due to terrestrial tides (deformation due to third body attraction on an aneslatic crust, ellipticity correction, frequency correction).
TerrestrialTidesDataProvider Terrestrial tides parameters given by the IERS 2003 standard.
TidesStandards Tides standards
TidesToolbox Tides toolbox

Enum Summary
TidesStandards.TidesStandard Tides standard enum

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