Uses of Class

Packages that use GeoMagneticElements This package provides models that simulate certain physical phenomena experienced in the atmosphere of the earth. 

Uses of GeoMagneticElements in

Methods in that return GeoMagneticElements
 GeoMagneticElements GeoMagneticField.calculateField(double latitude, double longitude, double height)
          Calculate the magnetic field at the specified geodetic point identified by latitude, longitude and altitude.
 GeoMagneticElements GeoMagneticField.calculateField(GeodeticPoint gp)
          Calculate the magnetic field at the specified geodetic point identified by geodetic objet.
 GeoMagneticElements GeoMagneticField.calculateField(Vector3D point, Frame frame, AbsoluteDate date)
          Calculate the magnetic field at the specified point identified by the coordinates of the point and the reference point.

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