Uses of Interface

Packages that use MultiEventDetector   
fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.propagation.numerical.multi This package provides interfaces and classes dealing with events occurring during propagation. 

Uses of MultiEventDetector in

Subinterfaces of MultiEventDetector in
 interface MultiCodingEventDetector
           This class is copied from CodingEventDetector and adapted to multi propagation.

Classes in that implement MultiEventDetector
 class MultiGenericCodingEventDetector
           This class is copied from GenericCodingEventDetector and adapted to multi propagation.

Methods in that return MultiEventDetector
 MultiEventDetector MultiEventsLogger.MultiLoggedEvent.getEventDetector()
          Get the event detector triggered.
 MultiEventDetector MultiCodedEventsLogger.monitorDetector(MultiCodingEventDetector detector)
          Takes a MultiCodingEventDetector instance and returns an MultiEventDetector instance that will trigger this MultiCodedEventsLogger every time eventOccurred is called.
 MultiEventDetector MultiEventsLogger.monitorDetector(MultiEventDetector monitoredDetector)
          Monitor a multi event detector.

Methods in with parameters of type MultiEventDetector
 MultiEventDetector MultiEventsLogger.monitorDetector(MultiEventDetector monitoredDetector)
          Monitor a multi event detector.

Constructors in with parameters of type MultiEventDetector
MultiGenericCodingEventDetector(MultiEventDetector multiEventDetectorIn, String increasingCodeIn, String decreasingCodeIn)
          Constructor for a MultiGenericCodingEventDetector that does not support a Phenomenon.
MultiGenericCodingEventDetector(MultiEventDetector multiEventDetectorIn, String increasingCodeIn, String decreasingCodeIn, boolean increasingIsStartIn, String phenomenonCodeIn)
          Constructor for a MultiGenericCodingEventDetector that supports a Phenomenon.
No delays and no occurrence numbers are associated to the events detected by this detector.
MultiGenericCodingEventDetector(MultiEventDetector multiEventDetectorIn, String increasingCodeIn, String decreasingCodeIn, boolean increasingIsStartIn, String phenomenonCodeIn, double delayIn, int occurrenceIn)
          Constructor for a MultiGenericCodingEventDetector that supports a Phenomenon.
A delay and/or an occurrence number can be associated to the events detected by this detector.
When a delay is added to the detected events, two kinds of events will be coded:
- the original events, with their original codes;
- the delayed events, whose codes will be "DELAYED_" followed by the original code.
MultiGenericCodingEventDetector(MultiEventDetector multiEventDetectorIn, String increasingCodeIn, String decreasingCodeIn, double delayIn, int occurrenceIn)
          Constructor for a MultiGenericCodingEventDetector that does not support a Phenomenon.
When a delay is added to the detected events, two kinds of events will be coded:
- the original events, with their original codes;
- the delayed events, whose codes will be "DELAYED_" followed by the original code.

Uses of MultiEventDetector in

Classes in that implement MultiEventDetector
 class SatToSatMutualVisibilityDetector
           Mutual spacecraft visibility detector : the g function is positive only if each spacecraft is in the main field of view of the other one's sensor.

Uses of MultiEventDetector in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.propagation

Methods in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.propagation that return types with arguments of type MultiEventDetector
 Collection<MultiEventDetector> MultiPropagator.getEventsDetectors()
          Get all the events detectors that have been added.

Methods in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.propagation with parameters of type MultiEventDetector
 void MultiPropagator.addEventDetector(MultiEventDetector detector)
          Add a multi spacecraft event detector.

Uses of MultiEventDetector in

Classes in that implement MultiEventDetector
 class MultiAbstractDetector
           This class is copied from AbstractDetector and adapted to multi propagation.
 class OneSatEventDetectorWrapper
           This class allows to convert an EventDetector into a MultiEventDetector.

Constructors in with parameters of type MultiEventDetector
AdaptedMultiEventDetector(MultiEventDetector detector, OrbitType orbitType, PositionAngle angleType, Map<String,AttitudeProvider> attProvidersForces, Map<String,AttitudeProvider> attProvidersEvents, AbsoluteDate referenceDate, Map<String,Double> muMap, Map<String,Frame> framesMap, MultiStateVectorInfo stateVectorInfo)
          Build a wrapped multi-sat event detector.

Uses of MultiEventDetector in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.propagation.numerical.multi

Methods in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.propagation.numerical.multi that return types with arguments of type MultiEventDetector
 Collection<MultiEventDetector> MultiNumericalPropagator.getEventsDetectors()

Methods in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.propagation.numerical.multi with parameters of type MultiEventDetector
 void MultiNumericalPropagator.addEventDetector(MultiEventDetector detector)
protected  void MultiNumericalPropagator.setUpEventDetector(MultiEventDetector osf, Map<String,AttitudeProvider> localAttProvForces, Map<String,AttitudeProvider> localAttProvEvents)
          Wrap an Orekit multi-sat event detector and register it to the integrator.

Uses of MultiEventDetector in

Classes in that implement MultiEventDetector
 class ExtremaThreeBodiesAngleDetector
          Detects the maximal or minimal angle between three bodies is reached, the spacecraft eventually being one of the bodies.
 class ThreeBodiesAngleDetector
          Detects when the angle between three bodies is equal to a predetermined value.

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