Class IntegratedEphemeris

  extended by org.orekit.propagation.AbstractPropagator
      extended by org.orekit.propagation.precomputed.IntegratedEphemeris
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, BoundedPropagator, Propagator, PVCoordinatesProvider

public class IntegratedEphemeris
extends AbstractPropagator
implements BoundedPropagator

This class stores sequentially generated orbital parameters for later retrieval.

Instances of this class are built and then must be fed with the results provided by Propagator objects configured in ephemeris generation mode. Once propagation is o, random access to any intermediate state of the orbit throughout the propagation range is possible.

A typical use case is for numerically integrated orbits, which can be used by algorithms that need to wander around according to their own algorithm without cumbersome tight links with the integrator.

Another use case is for persistence, as this class is serializable.

As this class implements the Propagator interface, it can itself be used in batch mode to build another instance of the same type. This is however not recommended since it would be a waste of resources.

Note that this class stores all intermediate states along with interpolation models, so it may be memory intensive.

Mathieu Roméro, Luc Maisonobe, Véronique Pommier-Maurussane
See Also:
NumericalPropagator, Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.orekit.propagation.AbstractPropagator
Fields inherited from interface org.orekit.propagation.Propagator
Constructor Summary
IntegratedEphemeris(List<AbsoluteDate> startDates, List<AbsoluteDate> minDates, List<AbsoluteDate> maxDates, OrbitType orbitType, PositionAngle angleType, AttitudeProvider attitudeForcesProvider, AttitudeProvider attitudeEventsProvider, Map<String,AdditionalStateInfo> additionalStateInfos, List<ContinuousOutputModel> models, Frame referenceFrame, double mu)
          Creates a new instance of IntegratedEphemeris.
Method Summary
protected  SpacecraftState basicPropagate(AbsoluteDate date)
          Propagate an orbit without any fancy features.
 SpacecraftState getInitialState()
          Get the propagator initial state.
 AbsoluteDate getMaxDate()
          Get the last date of the range.
 AbsoluteDate getMinDate()
          Get the first date of the range.
 PVCoordinates getPVCoordinates(AbsoluteDate date, Frame frame)
          Get the PVCoordinates of the body in the selected frame.
 void manageStateFrame()
          In this class, nothing as to be done in the frame managing before propagation because propagation will be performed in Frame referenceFrame It just throws an OrekitException if this frame is non inertial or pseudo-inertial.
protected  Orbit propagateOrbit(AbsoluteDate date)
          Extrapolate an orbit up to a specific target date.
 void resetInitialState(SpacecraftState state)
          Reset the propagator initial state.
Methods inherited from class org.orekit.propagation.AbstractPropagator
acceptStep, addAdditionalStateProvider, addAdditionalStateProvider, addEventDetector, clearEventsDetectors, getAttitudeProvider, getAttitudeProviderEvents, getAttitudeProviderForces, getEventsDetectors, getFrame, getGeneratedEphemeris, getMode, getPvProvider, propagate, propagate, setAttitudeProvider, setAttitudeProviderEvents, setAttitudeProviderForces, setEphemerisMode, setMasterMode, setMasterMode, setOrbitFrame, setSlaveMode, setStartDate
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.orekit.propagation.Propagator
addEventDetector, clearEventsDetectors, getAttitudeProvider, getAttitudeProviderEvents, getAttitudeProviderForces, getEventsDetectors, getFrame, getGeneratedEphemeris, getMode, propagate, propagate, setAttitudeProvider, setAttitudeProviderEvents, setAttitudeProviderForces, setEphemerisMode, setMasterMode, setMasterMode, setOrbitFrame, setSlaveMode

Constructor Detail


public IntegratedEphemeris(List<AbsoluteDate> startDates,
                           List<AbsoluteDate> minDates,
                           List<AbsoluteDate> maxDates,
                           OrbitType orbitType,
                           PositionAngle angleType,
                           AttitudeProvider attitudeForcesProvider,
                           AttitudeProvider attitudeEventsProvider,
                           Map<String,AdditionalStateInfo> additionalStateInfos,
                           List<ContinuousOutputModel> models,
                           Frame referenceFrame,
                           double mu)
                    throws OrekitException
Creates a new instance of IntegratedEphemeris.

startDates - list of start dates of the integration (can be minDate or maxDate)
minDates - list of first dates of the ranges
maxDates - list of last dates of the ranges
orbitType - orbit type
angleType - position angle type
attitudeForcesProvider - attitude provider for forces computation
attitudeEventsProvider - attitude provider for events computation
additionalStateInfos - additional states informations
models - list of underlying raw mathematical models
referenceFrame - reference referenceFrame
mu - central body attraction coefficient
OrekitException - if several providers have the same name
Method Detail


protected SpacecraftState basicPropagate(AbsoluteDate date)
                                  throws PropagationException
Propagate an orbit without any fancy features.

This method is similar in spirit to the AbstractPropagator.propagate(org.orekit.time.AbsoluteDate) method, except that it does not call any handler during propagation, nor any discrete events. It always stop exactly at the specified date.

basicPropagate in class AbstractPropagator
date - target date for propagation
state at specified date
PropagationException - if propagation cannot reach specified date


public void manageStateFrame()
                      throws OrekitException
In this class, nothing as to be done in the frame managing before propagation because propagation will be performed in Frame referenceFrame It just throws an OrekitException if this frame is non inertial or pseudo-inertial.

manageStateFrame in class AbstractPropagator
OrekitException - if the frame is non inertial or pseudo-inertial


protected Orbit propagateOrbit(AbsoluteDate date)
                        throws PropagationException
Extrapolate an orbit up to a specific target date.

Specified by:
propagateOrbit in class AbstractPropagator
date - target date for the orbit
extrapolated parameters
PropagationException - if some parameters are out of bounds


public PVCoordinates getPVCoordinates(AbsoluteDate date,
                                      Frame frame)
                               throws OrekitException
Get the PVCoordinates of the body in the selected frame.

Specified by:
getPVCoordinates in interface PVCoordinatesProvider
getPVCoordinates in class AbstractPropagator
date - current date
frame - the frame where to define the position
position/velocity of the body (m and m/s)
OrekitException - if position cannot be computed in given frame


public AbsoluteDate getMinDate()
Get the first date of the range.

Specified by:
getMinDate in interface BoundedPropagator
the first date of the range


public AbsoluteDate getMaxDate()
Get the last date of the range.

Specified by:
getMaxDate in interface BoundedPropagator
the last date of the range


public void resetInitialState(SpacecraftState state)
                       throws PropagationException
Reset the propagator initial state.

Specified by:
resetInitialState in interface Propagator
resetInitialState in class AbstractPropagator
state - new initial state to consider
PropagationException - if initial state cannot be reset


public SpacecraftState getInitialState()
                                throws OrekitException
Get the propagator initial state.

Specified by:
getInitialState in interface Propagator
getInitialState in class AbstractPropagator
initial state
OrekitException - if state cannot be retrieved

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