Class LagrangeEphemeris

  extended by org.orekit.propagation.AbstractPropagator
      extended by org.orekit.propagation.precomputed.AbstractEphemeris
          extended by org.orekit.propagation.precomputed.LagrangeEphemeris
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, BoundedPropagator, Propagator, PVCoordinatesProvider


public final class LagrangeEphemeris
extends AbstractEphemeris

This class handles tabulated spacecraft states entries (either from a pv coordinates provider and an attitude provider or a spacecraft states array). Tabulated entries are chronologically classified. Within the interval of validity, interpolation is performed in order to obtain continuous output.

  • A Lagrange interpolation is perfomed for PV coordinates
  • A Hermite interpolation is performed for quaternions
  • A Lagrange interpolation is perfomed for additional states

    Important note : the validity interval of the extrapolated points is smaller than the time interval covered by the interpolation points used, because the Lagrange interpolation is required here to have the same number of interpolation points both before and after the extrapolated point date. The methods getMinDate() and getMaxDate() give the boundaries of the effective validity interval.

    This class is deprecated since 3.1 : use the new class EphemerisPvLagrange

    $Id: 17582 2017-05-10 12:58:16Z bignon $
    Sophie Laurens
    See Also:
    PolynomialFunctionLagrangeForm, Serialized Form
    Concurrency :
    not thread-safe
    Concurrency comment :
    instances are mutable

    Field Summary
    Fields inherited from class org.orekit.propagation.precomputed.AbstractEphemeris
    areAddStatesSupported, areAttitudesSupported, DEFAULT_INTERPOLATION_ORDER, DEFAULT_PREVIOUS_INDEX, durationFromTab, frame, interpolationInterval, interpOrder, isFirstIntervalInterp, maxDate, minDate, mu, previousIndex, sortingAlgorithm, stateTab
    Fields inherited from class org.orekit.propagation.AbstractPropagator
    Fields inherited from interface org.orekit.propagation.Propagator
    Constructor Summary
    LagrangeEphemeris(PVCoordinatesProvider pvProv, AttitudeProvider attProvForces, AttitudeProvider attProvEvents, double step, AbsoluteDateInterval intervalOfPoints, Frame frame, double mu)
              Deprecated. Constructor using a PV coordinates provider and an AttitudeProvider to build the interpolation points, defaulting to 8th order for the Lagrange interpolator.
    LagrangeEphemeris(PVCoordinatesProvider pvProv, AttitudeProvider attProvForces, AttitudeProvider attProvEvents, double step, AbsoluteDateInterval intervalOfPoints, Frame frame, double mu, int order)
              Deprecated. Constructor using a PV coordinates provider and an AttitudeProvider to build the interpolation points.
    LagrangeEphemeris(SpacecraftState[] tabulatedStates)
              Deprecated. Constructor for a 8th order Lagrange interpolator.
    LagrangeEphemeris(SpacecraftState[] tab, int order)
              Deprecated. Constructor of class LagrangeEphemeris, used by other constructors of this class.
    LagrangeEphemeris(SpacecraftState[] tab, int order, ISearchIndex algo)
              Deprecated. Constructor of class LagrangeEphemeris, where a search index algorithm is passed on the constructor.
    LagrangeEphemeris(SpacecraftState[] tab, ISearchIndex algo)
              Deprecated. Constructor for a 8th order Lagrange interpolator, where a search index algorithm is passed on the constructor.
    Method Summary
    protected  SpacecraftState getInterpolatedSpacecraftState(AbsoluteDate date)
              Deprecated. Get the interpolated spacecraft state.
    Methods inherited from class org.orekit.propagation.precomputed.AbstractEphemeris
    attitudesInterpolation, basicPropagate, checkBounds, convertTab, generateSpacecraftState, getInitialState, getMaxDate, getMinDate, indexValidity, intervalValidity, propagateOrbit, resetInitialState, setAttitudeProvider, setAttitudeProviderEvents, setAttitudeProviderForces
    Methods inherited from class org.orekit.propagation.AbstractPropagator
    acceptStep, addAdditionalStateProvider, addAdditionalStateProvider, addEventDetector, clearEventsDetectors, getAttitudeProvider, getAttitudeProviderEvents, getAttitudeProviderForces, getEventsDetectors, getFrame, getGeneratedEphemeris, getMode, getPVCoordinates, getPvProvider, manageStateFrame, propagate, propagate, setEphemerisMode, setMasterMode, setMasterMode, setOrbitFrame, setSlaveMode, setStartDate
    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    Methods inherited from interface org.orekit.propagation.Propagator
    addEventDetector, clearEventsDetectors, getAttitudeProvider, getAttitudeProviderEvents, getAttitudeProviderForces, getEventsDetectors, getFrame, getGeneratedEphemeris, getMode, propagate, propagate, setEphemerisMode, setMasterMode, setMasterMode, setOrbitFrame, setSlaveMode
    Methods inherited from interface org.orekit.utils.PVCoordinatesProvider

    Constructor Detail


    public LagrangeEphemeris(PVCoordinatesProvider pvProv,
                             AttitudeProvider attProvForces,
                             AttitudeProvider attProvEvents,
                             double step,
                             AbsoluteDateInterval intervalOfPoints,
                             Frame frame,
                             double mu,
                             int order)
                      throws OrekitException
    Constructor using a PV coordinates provider and an AttitudeProvider to build the interpolation points.

    pvProv - pv coordinates provider
    attProvForces - attitude provider for forces computation
    attProvEvents - attitude provider for events computation
    step - step between two points
    intervalOfPoints - points generation interval (larger than the extrapolations validity interval)
    frame - reference frame
    mu - mu
    order - Lagrange interpolation order. It should be even.
    OrekitException - herited from AbstractEphemeris


    public LagrangeEphemeris(PVCoordinatesProvider pvProv,
                             AttitudeProvider attProvForces,
                             AttitudeProvider attProvEvents,
                             double step,
                             AbsoluteDateInterval intervalOfPoints,
                             Frame frame,
                             double mu)
                      throws OrekitException
    Constructor using a PV coordinates provider and an AttitudeProvider to build the interpolation points, defaulting to 8th order for the Lagrange interpolator.

    pvProv - pv coordinates provider
    attProvForces - attitude provider for forces computation
    attProvEvents - attitude provider for events computation
    step - step between two points
    intervalOfPoints - points generation interval (larger than the extrapolations validity interval)
    frame - reference frame
    mu - mu
    OrekitException - herited from AbstractEphemeris


    public LagrangeEphemeris(SpacecraftState[] tabulatedStates)
                      throws OrekitException
    Constructor for a 8th order Lagrange interpolator.

    tabulatedStates - : an array of SpacecraftState chronologically sorted If not, returned result may be wrong (no exception will be thrown).
    OrekitException - herited from AbstractEphemeris


    public LagrangeEphemeris(SpacecraftState[] tab,
                             int order)
                      throws OrekitException
    Constructor of class LagrangeEphemeris, used by other constructors of this class. Inherit from AbstractEphemeris. Creates a search index algorithm by default as a BinarySearchIndexClosedOpen.

    tab - : an array of SpacecraftState chronologically sorted. If not, returned result may be wrong (no exception will be thrown).
    order - : Lagrange interpolation order. It has to be even.
    OrekitException - OrekitMessages.NOT_ENOUGH_INTERPOLATION_POINTS if the tab is does not contains at least (order) points OrekitMessages.WRONG_INTERPOLATION_ORDER if order < 2


    public LagrangeEphemeris(SpacecraftState[] tab,
                             int order,
                             ISearchIndex algo)
                      throws OrekitException
    Constructor of class LagrangeEphemeris, where a search index algorithm is passed on the constructor. Important remark : the other constructor verifies it contains enough points to do at least one interpolation, and it extracts an AbsoluteDate[] from tab, then converts it into a double[]. If the search index is given, this step is useless, AS LONG AS the instance has been correctly created by user. No exception will be thrown if it is not the case.

    tab - : an array of SpacecraftState chronologically. If not, returned result may be wrong (no exception will be thrown).
    order - : Lagrange interpolation order. It has to be even.
    algo - : an instance of a class implementing ISearchIndex. Contains the search index algorithm to use.
    OrekitException - OrekitMessages.WRONG_INTERPOLATION_ORDER if order < 2 OrekitMessages.ODD_INTERPOLATION_ORDER if order is not even


    public LagrangeEphemeris(SpacecraftState[] tab,
                             ISearchIndex algo)
                      throws OrekitException
    Constructor for a 8th order Lagrange interpolator, where a search index algorithm is passed on the constructor. Important remark : the other constructor verifies it contains enough points to do at least one interpolation, and it extracts an AbsoluteDate[] from tab, then converts it into a double[]. If the search index is given, this step is useless, AS LONG AS the instance has been correctly created by user. No exception will be thrown if it is not the case.

    tab - : an array of SpacecraftState chronologically sorted. If not, returned result may be wrong (no exception will be thrown).
    algo - : an instance of a class implementing ISearchIndex. Contains the search index algorithm to use.
    OrekitException - OrekitMessages.WRONG_INTERPOLATION_ORDER if order < 2 OrekitMessages.ODD_INTERPOLATION_ORDER if order is not even
    Method Detail


    protected SpacecraftState getInterpolatedSpacecraftState(AbsoluteDate date)
                                                      throws OrekitException
    Get the interpolated spacecraft state.

    Specified by:
    getInterpolatedSpacecraftState in class AbstractEphemeris
    date - interpolation date
    interpolated spacecraft state
    OrekitException - if the index does not allow enough point to do the interpolation. if no attitudes are defined

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