Uses of Class

Packages that use Wrench

Uses of Wrench in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.assembly.models

Methods in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.assembly.models that return Wrench
 Wrench AeroWrenchModel.dragWrench(SpacecraftState state, double density, Vector3D relativeVelocity)
 Wrench AeroWrenchModel.dragWrench(SpacecraftState state, double density, Vector3D relativeVelocity, Vector3D origin, Frame frame)
          Compute the torque due to radiation pressire.
 Wrench DirectRadiativeWrenchModel.radiationWrench(SpacecraftState state, Vector3D flux)
          Compute the torque due to radiation pressire.
 Wrench DirectRadiativeWrenchModel.radiationWrench(SpacecraftState state, Vector3D flux, Vector3D origin, Frame frame)
          Compute the torque due to radiation pressire.

Uses of Wrench in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.wrenches

Methods in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.wrenches that return Wrench
 Wrench SolarRadiationWrench.computeWrench(SpacecraftState s)
          Compute the resulting wrench at the mass centre of the spacecraft in the frame of the main part.
 Wrench GravitationalAttractionWrench.computeWrench(SpacecraftState s)
          Compute the resulting wrench at the mass centre of the spacecraft in the frame of the main part.
 Wrench DragWrench.computeWrench(SpacecraftState s)
          Compute the resulting wrench at the mass centre of the spacecraft in the frame of the main part.
 Wrench GenericWrenchModel.computeWrench(SpacecraftState s)
          Compute the resulting wrench at the mass centre of the spacecraft in the frame of the main part.
 Wrench MagneticWrench.computeWrench(SpacecraftState s)
          Compute the resulting wrench at the mass centre of the spacecraft in the frame of the main part.
 Wrench SolarRadiationWrench.computeWrench(SpacecraftState s, Vector3D origin, Frame frame)
          Compute the resulting wrench.
 Wrench GravitationalAttractionWrench.computeWrench(SpacecraftState s, Vector3D origin, Frame frame)
          Compute the resulting wrench.
 Wrench DragWrench.computeWrench(SpacecraftState s, Vector3D origin, Frame frame)
          Compute the resulting wrench.
 Wrench GenericWrenchModel.computeWrench(SpacecraftState s, Vector3D origin, Frame frame)
          Compute the resulting wrench.
 Wrench MagneticWrench.computeWrench(SpacecraftState s, Vector3D origin, Frame frame)
          Compute the resulting wrench.
 Wrench DragWrenchSensitive.dragWrench(SpacecraftState state, double density, Vector3D relativeVelocity)
          Compute the torque due to radiation pressire.
 Wrench DragWrenchSensitive.dragWrench(SpacecraftState state, double density, Vector3D relativeVelocity, Vector3D origin, Frame frame)
          Compute the torque due to radiation pressire.
 Wrench RadiationWrenchSensitive.radiationWrench(SpacecraftState state, Vector3D flux)
          Compute the torque due to radiation pressire.
 Wrench RadiationWrenchSensitive.radiationWrench(SpacecraftState state, Vector3D flux, Vector3D origin, Frame frame)
          Compute the torque due to radiation pressire.

Uses of Wrench in org.orekit.frames.transformations

Methods in org.orekit.frames.transformations that return Wrench
 Wrench Transform.transformWrench(Wrench wrench)
          Transform a wrench (ignoring translation effects).

Methods in org.orekit.frames.transformations with parameters of type Wrench
 Wrench Transform.transformWrench(Wrench wrench)
          Transform a wrench (ignoring translation effects).

Uses of Wrench in org.orekit.wrenches

Fields in org.orekit.wrenches declared as Wrench
static Wrench Wrench.ZERO
          Zero wrench.

Methods in org.orekit.wrenches that return Wrench
 Wrench Wrench.add(Wrench wrench)
          Sum of two wrenches.
 Wrench WrenchModel.computeWrench(SpacecraftState s)
          Compute the resulting wrench at the mass centre of the spacecraft in the frame of the main part.
 Wrench WrenchModel.computeWrench(SpacecraftState s, Vector3D origin, Frame frame)
          Compute the resulting wrench.
 Wrench Wrench.displace(Vector3D newOrigin)
          Displace current wrench.
static Wrench Wrench.displace(Wrench wrench, Vector3D newOrigin)
          Displace current wrench.
static Wrench Wrench.sum(Wrench wrench1, Wrench wrench2)
          Sum of two wrenches.

Methods in org.orekit.wrenches with parameters of type Wrench
 Wrench Wrench.add(Wrench wrench)
          Sum of two wrenches.
static Wrench Wrench.displace(Wrench wrench, Vector3D newOrigin)
          Displace current wrench.
static Wrench Wrench.sum(Wrench wrench1, Wrench wrench2)
          Sum of two wrenches.

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