Interface | Description |
Cone |
This interface extends the solid shape for the particular case of cones.
CrossSectionProvider |
Interface for all geometric objects that can provide their cross section from a direction defined by a Vector3D.
Cylinder |
This interface extends the solid shape for the particular case of cylinders.
IEllipsoid |
Interface for Ellipsoid objects.
InfiniteCone |
This interface extends the infinite shape for the particular cases of infinite cones.
InfiniteCylinder |
This interface extends the infinite shape for the particular cases of infinite cylinders.
InfiniteShape |
Interface for all infinite shapes.
Shape |
Interface for all shapes.
SolidShape |
Interface for all solids.
Vector3DFunction |
This interface is a time-dependent function representing a generic vector 3D.
Class | Description |
AbstractEllipse |
This is an abstract describing class for an ellipse in 3D space, with some algorithm to compute intersections and
distances to some other objects.
AbstractVector3DFunction |
This abstract class is a time-dependent function representing a vector 3D.
Disk |
Implements a representation of a disk.
Ellipse |
This is a describing class for an ellipse in 3D space, with some algorithm to compute intersections and distances to
some other objects.
Ellipsoid |
This is the Ellipsoid (also called Revolved Ellipsoid) class.This class cannot represent all ellipsoid objects.
EllipticCone |
This is a describing class for a 3D oblique circular cone ended by a plane normal to its axis, with some algorithm to
compute intersections and distances to some other objects.
EllipticCylinder |
This is a describing class for a 3D oblique circular cylinder ended by two planes normal to its axis, with some
algorithm to compute intersections and distances to some other objects.
Euclidean3D |
This class implements a three-dimensional space.
EulerRotation |
Rotation focusing on Euler angles.
FieldRotation<T extends RealFieldElement<T>> |
This class is a re-implementation of
Rotation using RealFieldElement . |
FieldVector3D<T extends RealFieldElement<T>> |
This class is a re-implementation of
Vector3D using RealFieldElement . |
InfiniteEllipticCone |
This class is the Infinite Oblique Circular Cone class.
InfiniteEllipticCylinder |
This class is the Infinite Elliptic Cylinder class.
InfiniteRectangleCone |
This is a describing class for a 3D infinite cone, with some algorithm to compute intersections and distances to some
other objects.
InfiniteRectangleCylinder |
This is a describing class for a 3D infinite rectangle cylinder, with some algorithm to compute intersections and
distances to some other objects.
InfiniteRightCircularCone |
This is a describing class for a 3D infinite cone, with some algorithm to compute intersections and distances to some
other objects.
InfiniteRightCircularCylinder |
This is a describing class for a 3D infinite right circular cylinder, with some algorithm to compute intersections
and distances to some other objects.
Line |
The class represent lines in a three dimensional space.
LineSegment |
This is a describing class for a line segment in 3D space, with a method to compute the shortest distance to a line.
Matrix3D |
This is a real 3x3 matrix designed to be used in geometric calculations.
OutlineExtractor |
Extractor for
polyhedrons sets outlines. |
Parallelepiped |
This is a describing class for a rectangle parallelepiped shape, with some algorithm to compute intersections and
distances to some other objects.
Plane |
The class represent planes in a three dimensional space.
Plate |
This is a describing class for a 3D rectangle plate shape, with some algorithm to compute intersections and distances
to some other objects.
PolyhedronsSet |
This class represents a 3D region: a set of polyhedrons.
RectangleCone |
This is a describing class for a 3D rectangle cone ended by a plane normal to its axis (pyramid), with some algorithm
to compute intersections and distances to some other objects.
RightCircularCone |
This is a describing class for a 3D right circular cone ended by a plane normal to its axis, with some algorithm to
compute intersections and distances to some other objects.
RightCircularCylinder |
This is a describing class for a 3D right circular cylinder ended by two planes normal to its axis, with some
algorithm to compute intersections and distances to some other objects.
RightCircularSurfaceCylinder |
Cylinder shape class.
RightParallelepiped |
Right parallelepiped shape.
Rotation |
This class implements rotations in a three-dimensional space.
RotationOrder |
This class is a utility representing a rotation order specification
for Cardan or Euler angles specification.
Screw |
This class represents a screw
Segment |
Simple container for a two-points segment.
Sphere |
This is a describing class for a 3D spherical shape, with some algorithm to compute intersections and distances to
some other objects.
SphericalCap |
Implements a representation of a spherical cap solid.
Spheroid |
This is the Spheroid (also called Revolved Ellipsoid) class.
SubLine |
This class represents a subset of a
Line . |
SubPlane |
This class represents a sub-hyperplane for
Plane . |
Vector3D |
This class implements vectors in a three-dimensional space.
Vector3DFormat |
Formats a 3D vector in components list format "{x; y; z}".
Exception | Description |
NotARotationMatrixException |
This class represents exceptions thrown while building rotations
from matrices.
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