Uses of Class

Packages that use Line
org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed This package provides basic 3D geometry components. 
org.orekit.bodies This package provides interface to represent the position and geometry of space objects such as stars, planets or asteroids. 

Uses of Line in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.bodies

Methods in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.bodies that return Line
 Line BasicBoardSun.getLine(PVCoordinatesProvider pvCoord, AbsoluteDate date, Frame frame)
           Get the line from the position in pvCoord to the Sun.

Uses of Line in org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed

Methods in org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed that return Line
static Line Line.createLine(Vector3D point, Vector3D direction)
          Creates a Line object from a point of space and a direction vector.
 Line Segment.getLine()
          Get the line containing the segment.
 Line Plane.intersection(Plane other)
          Build the line shared by the instance and another plane.
 Line Line.revert()
          Get a line with reversed direction.

Methods in org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed with parameters of type Line
 Vector3D Line.closestPoint(Line line)
          Compute the point of the instance closest to another line.
 Vector3D[] RectangleCone.closestPointTo(Line line)
          Computes the points of the shape and the line realizing the shortest distance.
 Vector3D[] RightCircularCylinder.closestPointTo(Line line)
          Computes the points of the shape and the line realizing the shortest distance.
 Vector3D[] InfiniteEllipticCone.closestPointTo(Line line)
          Calculate the closest point to a line
 Vector3D[] Plate.closestPointTo(Line line)
          Computes the points of the shape and the line realizing the shortest distance.
 Vector3D[] InfiniteRectangleCone.closestPointTo(Line line)
          Computes the points of the shape and the line realizing the shortest distance.
 Vector3D[] InfiniteRightCircularCylinder.closestPointTo(Line line)
          Computes the points of the shape and the line realizing the shortest distance.
 Vector3D[] Plane.closestPointTo(Line line)
          Computes the points of the shape and the line realizing the shortest distance.
 Vector3D[] Shape.closestPointTo(Line line)
          Computes the points of the shape and the line realizing the shortest distance.
 Vector3D[] EllipticCylinder.closestPointTo(Line line)
          Computes the points of the shape and the line realizing the shortest distance.
 Vector3D[] SphericalCap.closestPointTo(Line line)
          Computes the points of the shape and the line realizing the shortest distance.
 Vector3D[] LineSegment.closestPointTo(Line line)
          Computation of the closest point to a line, and the associated point of the line;
 Vector3D[] Ellipsoid.closestPointTo(Line line)
          This method computes the point on the line that is the closest to the ellipsoid.
 Vector3D[] AbstractEllipse.closestPointTo(Line line)
          Computes the points of the shape and the line realizing the shortest distance.
 Vector3D[] InfiniteRightCircularCone.closestPointTo(Line line)
          Computes the points of the shape and the line realizing the shortest distance.
 Vector3D[] Line.closestPointTo(Line line)
          Computes the points of this and another line realizing the shortest distance.
 Vector3D[] InfiniteRectangleCylinder.closestPointTo(Line line)
          Computes the points of the shape and the line realizing the shortest distance.
 Vector3D[] EllipticCone.closestPointTo(Line line)
          Computes the points of the shape and the line realizing the shortest distance.
 Vector3D[] Sphere.closestPointTo(Line line)
          Computes the points of the shape and the line realizing the shortest distance.
 Vector3D[] RightCircularCone.closestPointTo(Line line)
          Computes the points of the shape and the line realizing the shortest distance.
 Vector3D[] InfiniteEllipticCylinder.closestPointTo(Line line)
          Calculate closest point to a line
 Vector3D[] Parallelepiped.closestPointTo(Line line)
          Computes the points of the shape and the line realizing the shortest distance.
 double Line.distance(Line line)
          Compute the shortest distance between the instance and another line.
 double RectangleCone.distanceTo(Line line)
          Computes the distance to a line.
 double RightCircularCylinder.distanceTo(Line line)
          Computes the distance to a line.
 double InfiniteEllipticCone.distanceTo(Line line)
          Get the smallest distance from the line to the cone
 double Plate.distanceTo(Line line)
          Computes the distance to a line.
 double InfiniteRectangleCone.distanceTo(Line line)
          Computes the distance to a line.
 double InfiniteRightCircularCylinder.distanceTo(Line line)
          Computes the distance to a line.
 double Plane.distanceTo(Line line)
          Computes the distance between this plane and a line.
 double Shape.distanceTo(Line line)
          Computes the distance to a line.
 double EllipticCylinder.distanceTo(Line line)
          Computes the distance to a line.
 double SphericalCap.distanceTo(Line line)
          Gives the distance from the line to the spherical cap.
When the line intersects the spherical cap, the distance is 0.
 double LineSegment.distanceTo(Line line)
          Computes the shortest distance to a line of space.
 double Ellipsoid.distanceTo(Line line)
          Get the smallest distance from the line to the ellipsoid
 double AbstractEllipse.distanceTo(Line line)
          Computes the distance to a line.
 double InfiniteRightCircularCone.distanceTo(Line line)
          Computes the distance to a line.
 double InfiniteRectangleCylinder.distanceTo(Line line)
          Computes the distance to a line.
 double EllipticCone.distanceTo(Line line)
          Computes the distance to a line.
 double Sphere.distanceTo(Line line)
          Computes the distance to a line.
 double RightCircularCone.distanceTo(Line line)
          Computes the distance to a line.
 double InfiniteEllipticCylinder.distanceTo(Line line)
          Get the smallest distance from the line to the cone
 double Parallelepiped.distanceTo(Line line)
          Computes the distance to a line.
 SubHyperplane<Euclidean3D> PolyhedronsSet.firstIntersection(Vector3D point, Line line)
          Get the first sub-hyperplane crossed by a semi-infinite line.
 Vector3D[] RectangleCone.getIntersectionPoints(Line line)
          Compute the intersection points with a line.
 Vector3D[] RightCircularCylinder.getIntersectionPoints(Line line)
          Compute the intersection points with a line.
 Vector3D[] InfiniteEllipticCone.getIntersectionPoints(Line line)
          This methods computes and returns the intersection points between a line and the cone.
 Vector3D[] Plate.getIntersectionPoints(Line line)
          Compute the intersection points with a line.
 Vector3D[] InfiniteRectangleCone.getIntersectionPoints(Line line)
          Compute the intersection points with a line.
 Vector3D[] InfiniteRightCircularCylinder.getIntersectionPoints(Line line)
          Compute the intersection points with a line.
 Vector3D[] Plane.getIntersectionPoints(Line line)
          Compute the intersection points with a line.
 Vector3D[] Shape.getIntersectionPoints(Line line)
          Compute the intersection points with a line.
 Vector3D[] EllipticCylinder.getIntersectionPoints(Line line)
          Compute the intersection points with a line.
 Vector3D[] SphericalCap.getIntersectionPoints(Line line)
          Returns a list of intersection points between the line and the spherical cap.
Only the border points are given.
 Vector3D[] Ellipsoid.getIntersectionPoints(Line line)
          If more than one intersection points are found, the closest to the line's origin is returned first
 Vector3D[] AbstractEllipse.getIntersectionPoints(Line line)
          Compute the intersection points with a line.
 Vector3D[] InfiniteRightCircularCone.getIntersectionPoints(Line line)
          Compute the intersection points with a line.
 Vector3D[] Line.getIntersectionPoints(Line line)
          Compute the intersection points with another line if it exists.
 Vector3D[] InfiniteRectangleCylinder.getIntersectionPoints(Line line)
          Compute the intersection points with a line.
 Vector3D[] EllipticCone.getIntersectionPoints(Line line)
          Compute the intersection points with a line.
 Vector3D[] Sphere.getIntersectionPoints(Line line)
          Compute the intersection points with a line.
 Vector3D[] RightCircularCone.getIntersectionPoints(Line line)
          Compute the intersection points with a line.
 Vector3D[] InfiniteEllipticCylinder.getIntersectionPoints(Line line)
          This methods computes and returns the intersection points between a line and the cylinder.
 Vector3D[] Parallelepiped.getIntersectionPoints(Line line)
          Compute the intersection points with a line.
 Vector3D Plane.intersection(Line line)
          Get the intersection of a line with the instance.
 Vector3D Line.intersection(Line line)
          Get the intersection point of the instance and another line.
 boolean RectangleCone.intersects(Line line)
          Tests the intersection with a line.
 boolean RightCircularCylinder.intersects(Line line)
          Tests the intersection with a line.
 boolean InfiniteEllipticCone.intersects(Line line)
          This method returns true if the user specified line intersects the cone.
 boolean Plate.intersects(Line line)
          Tests the intersection with a line.
 boolean InfiniteRectangleCone.intersects(Line line)
          Tests the intersection with a line.
 boolean InfiniteRightCircularCylinder.intersects(Line line)
          Tests the intersection with a line.
 boolean Plane.intersects(Line line)
          Tests the intersection with a line.
 boolean Shape.intersects(Line line)
          Tests the intersection with a line.
 boolean EllipticCylinder.intersects(Line line)
          Tests the intersection with a line.
 boolean SphericalCap.intersects(Line line)
          Returns true when the line intersects the spherical cap.
 boolean Ellipsoid.intersects(Line line)
          This method returns true if the line intersects the ellipsoid
 boolean AbstractEllipse.intersects(Line line)
          Tests the intersection with a line.
 boolean InfiniteRightCircularCone.intersects(Line line)
          Tests the intersection with a line.
 boolean InfiniteRectangleCylinder.intersects(Line line)
          Tests the intersection with a line.
 boolean EllipticCone.intersects(Line line)
          Tests the intersection with a line.
 boolean Sphere.intersects(Line line)
          Tests the intersection with a line.
 boolean RightCircularCone.intersects(Line line)
          Tests the intersection with a line.
 boolean InfiniteEllipticCylinder.intersects(Line line)
          This method returns true if the user specified line intersects the cylinder.
 boolean Parallelepiped.intersects(Line line)
          Tests the intersection with a line.
 boolean Line.isSimilarTo(Line line)
          Check if the instance is similar to another line.

Constructors in org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed with parameters of type Line
InfiniteRectangleCylinder(Line inDirection, Vector3D inUVector, double inLength, double inWidth)
          Build an infinite rectangle cylinder from its dimensions, orientation and the origin and direction of its axis
InfiniteRightCircularCylinder(Line inDirection, double inRadius)
          Build an infinite right circular cylinder from its radius and its axis as a line
Line(Line line)
          Copy constructor.
Plane(Line line, Vector3D vector)
          Build a plane from a line and a vector.
Plane(Vector3D point, Line line)
          Build a plane from a line and a point out of the line.
RightCircularCylinder(Line inDirection, double inRadius, double inLength)
          Build an infinite right circular cylinder from its radius and its axis as a line
Segment(Vector3D start, Vector3D end, Line line)
          Build a segment.
SubLine(Line line, IntervalsSet remainingRegion)
          Simple constructor.

Uses of Line in org.orekit.attitudes.directions

Methods in org.orekit.attitudes.directions that return Line
 Line IDirection.getLine(PVCoordinatesProvider pvCoord, AbsoluteDate date, Frame frame)
          Provides the line containing the origin (given PV coordinates) and directed by the direction vector.
 Line NadirDirection.getLine(PVCoordinatesProvider pvCoord, AbsoluteDate date, Frame frame)
 Line MomentumDirection.getLine(PVCoordinatesProvider origin, AbsoluteDate date, Frame frame)
          Provides the line containing the origin (given PV coordinates) and directed by the direction vector.
 Line GlintApproximatePointingDirection.getLine(PVCoordinatesProvider origin, AbsoluteDate date, Frame frame)
          Provides the line containing the origin (given PV coordinates) and directed by the direction vector.
 Line EarthToCelestialBodyCenterDirection.getLine(PVCoordinatesProvider pvCoord, AbsoluteDate date, Frame frame)
          Provides the line containing the origin (given PV coordinates) and directed by the direction vector.
 Line GenericTargetDirection.getLine(PVCoordinatesProvider origin, AbsoluteDate date, Frame frame)
          Provides the line containing the origin (given PV coordinates) and directed by the direction vector.
 Line ConstantVectorDirection.getLine(PVCoordinatesProvider pvCoord, AbsoluteDate date, Frame frame)
          Provides the line containing the given origin point and directed by the direction vector
 Line EarthCenterDirection.getLine(PVCoordinatesProvider pvCoord, AbsoluteDate date, Frame frame)
          Provides the line containing the origin (given PV coordinates) and directed by the direction vector.
 Line CrossProductDirection.getLine(PVCoordinatesProvider pvCoord, AbsoluteDate date, Frame frame)
          Provides the line containing the origin (given PV coordinates) and directed by the cross product of directions.
 Line GroundVelocityDirection.getLine(PVCoordinatesProvider pvCoord, AbsoluteDate date, Frame frame)
 Line CelestialBodyPolesAxisDirection.getLine(PVCoordinatesProvider pvCoord, AbsoluteDate date, Frame frame)
          Provides the line containing the origin (given PV coordinates) and directed by the direction vector.
 Line VelocityDirection.getLine(PVCoordinatesProvider origin, AbsoluteDate date, Frame frame)
          Provides the line containing the origin (given PV coordinates) and directed by the direction vector.
 Line ToCelestialBodyCenterDirection.getLine(PVCoordinatesProvider origin, AbsoluteDate date, Frame frame)
          Provides the line containing the origin (given PV coordinates) and directed by the direction vector.

Uses of Line in org.orekit.bodies

Methods in org.orekit.bodies with parameters of type Line
 double GeometricBodyShape.distanceTo(Line line, Frame frame, AbsoluteDate date)
          Computes the distance to a line.
 double ExtendedOneAxisEllipsoid.distanceTo(Line line, Frame frame, AbsoluteDate date)
 GeodeticPoint BodyShape.getIntersectionPoint(Line line, Vector3D close, Frame frame, AbsoluteDate date)
          Get the intersection point of a line with the surface of the body.
 GeodeticPoint ExtendedOneAxisEllipsoid.getIntersectionPoint(Line line, Vector3D close, Frame frame, AbsoluteDate date)
 GeodeticPoint OneAxisEllipsoid.getIntersectionPoint(Line line, Vector3D close, Frame frame, AbsoluteDate date)
          Get the intersection point of a line with the surface of the body.
 Vector3D[] GeometricBodyShape.getIntersectionPoints(Line line, Frame frame, AbsoluteDate date)
          Compute the intersection points with a line.
 Vector3D[] ExtendedOneAxisEllipsoid.getIntersectionPoints(Line line, Frame frame, AbsoluteDate date)

Uses of Line in org.orekit.frames.transformations

Methods in org.orekit.frames.transformations that return Line
 Line Transform.transformLine(Line line)
          Transform a line from an algebraic point of view.

Methods in org.orekit.frames.transformations with parameters of type Line
 Line Transform.transformLine(Line line)
          Transform a line from an algebraic point of view.

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