Uses of Class

Packages that use Rotation
org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed This package provides basic 3D geometry components. 
org.orekit.attitudes This package provides classes to represent simple attitudes. 
org.orekit.frames This package provides classes to handle frames and transforms between them. 
org.orekit.utils This package provides useful objects. 

Uses of Rotation in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.assembly

Methods in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.assembly with parameters of type Rotation
 void AssemblyBuilder.addPart(String partName, String parentPartName, Vector3D translation, Rotation rotation)
          This method adds a new part to the currently built assembly.

Uses of Rotation in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.guidance

Methods in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.guidance that return Rotation
 Rotation QuaternionPolynomialSegment.getOrientation(AbsoluteDate date)
          Get the orientation from the quaternion polynomials at a given date.

Constructors in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.guidance with parameters of type Rotation
AngularVelocitiesHarmonicProfile(AbsoluteDate origin, Rotation initialRotation, Frame frame, FourierSeries xAngle, FourierSeries yAngle, FourierSeries zAngle, AbsoluteDateInterval timeInterval, KinematicsToolkit.IntegrationType integType, double integStep)
          Create a harmonic, angular velocities guidance profile.
AngularVelocitiesPolynomialProfile(Frame frame, AbsoluteDateInterval timeInterval, Rotation initialRotation, List<Vector3DPolynomialSegment> polynomials, KinematicsToolkit.IntegrationType integType, double integStep)
          Create a polynomial, angular velocity guidance profile.

Uses of Rotation in

Methods in that return Rotation
 Rotation RotationDPFacade.getRotation()

Uses of Rotation in org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed

Fields in org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed declared as Rotation
static Rotation Rotation.IDENTITY
          Identity rotation.

Methods in org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed that return Rotation
 Rotation Rotation.applyInverseTo(Rotation r)
          Apply the inverse of the instance to another rotation.
 Rotation Rotation.applyTo(Rotation r)
          Apply the instance to another rotation.
static Rotation Rotation.lerp(Rotation r0, Rotation r1, double h)
          Returns linear interpolated rotation.
 Rotation Rotation.revert()
          Revert a rotation.
static Rotation Rotation.slerp(Rotation r0, Rotation r1, double h)
          Returns spherical linear interpolated rotation.
 Rotation FieldRotation.toRotation()
          Convert to a constant vector without derivatives.

Methods in org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed with parameters of type Rotation
 FieldRotation<T> FieldRotation.applyInverseTo(Rotation r)
          Apply the inverse of the instance to another rotation.
 Rotation Rotation.applyInverseTo(Rotation r)
          Apply the inverse of the instance to another rotation.
<T extends RealFieldElement<T>>
FieldRotation.applyInverseTo(Rotation rOuter, FieldRotation<T> rInner)
          Apply the inverse of the a rotation to another rotation.
<T extends RealFieldElement<T>>
FieldRotation.applyInverseTo(Rotation r, FieldVector3D<T> u)
          Apply the inverse of a rotation to a vector.
 FieldRotation<T> FieldRotation.applyTo(Rotation r)
          Apply the instance to another rotation.
 Rotation Rotation.applyTo(Rotation r)
          Apply the instance to another rotation.
<T extends RealFieldElement<T>>
FieldRotation.applyTo(Rotation r1, FieldRotation<T> rInner)
          Apply a rotation to another rotation.
<T extends RealFieldElement<T>>
FieldRotation.applyTo(Rotation r, FieldVector3D<T> u)
          Apply a rotation to a vector.
static double Rotation.distance(Rotation r1, Rotation r2)
          Compute the distance between two rotations.
 boolean Rotation.isEqualTo(Rotation rotation)
          Compare two rotations with respect to the distance between them (see distance(Rotation, Rotation)
 boolean Rotation.isEqualTo(Rotation rotation, double angleThreshold, double axisThreshold)
          Compare two rotations with respect to their axis and angle
static Rotation Rotation.lerp(Rotation r0, Rotation r1, double h)
          Returns linear interpolated rotation.
 Plane Plane.rotate(Vector3D center, Rotation rotation)
          Rotate the plane around the specified point.
 PolyhedronsSet PolyhedronsSet.rotate(Vector3D center, Rotation rotation)
          Rotate the region around the specified point.
static Rotation Rotation.slerp(Rotation r0, Rotation r1, double h)
          Returns spherical linear interpolated rotation.

Uses of Rotation in org.orekit.attitudes

Methods in org.orekit.attitudes that return Rotation
 Rotation DirectionTrackingOrientation.getOrientation(AbsoluteDate date, Frame frame)
 Rotation IOrientationLaw.getOrientation(AbsoluteDate date, Frame frame)
          Gets the rotation defining the orientation with respect to a given frame at a given date.
 Rotation Attitude.getRotation()
          Get the attitude rotation.

Constructors in org.orekit.attitudes with parameters of type Rotation
Attitude(AbsoluteDate date, Frame referenceFrame, Rotation attitude, Vector3D spin)
          Creates a new instance.
Attitude(AbsoluteDate date, Frame referenceFrame, Rotation attitude, Vector3D spin, Vector3D acceleration)
          Creates a new instance.
ConstantAttitudeLaw(Frame referenceFrame, Rotation rotation)
          Creates new instance.

Constructor parameters in org.orekit.attitudes with type arguments of type Rotation
RelativeTabulatedAttitudeLaw(Frame frame, AbsoluteDate refDate, List<Pair<Double,Rotation>> orientations, RelativeTabulatedAttitudeLaw.AroundAttitudeType lawBefore, RelativeTabulatedAttitudeLaw.AroundAttitudeType lawAfter)
          Create a RelativeTabulatedAttitudeLaw object with list of rotations (during the interval of validity), a law before the interval and a law after the interval.
RelativeTabulatedAttitudeLeg(AbsoluteDate referenceDate, List<Pair<Double,Rotation>> orientations, Frame frame)
          Build a RelativeTabulatedAttitudeLeg with a reference date, a list of Rotations associated with a double representing the time elapsed since the reference date.
RelativeTabulatedAttitudeLeg(AbsoluteDate referenceDate, List<Pair<Double,Rotation>> orientations, Frame frame, int nbInterpolationPoints)
          Build a RelativeTabulatedAttitudeLeg with a reference date, a list of Rotations associated with a double representing the time elapsed since the reference date and a number of points used for interpolation.

Uses of Rotation in org.orekit.attitudes.kinematics

Methods in org.orekit.attitudes.kinematics that return Rotation
abstract  Rotation AbstractOrientationFunction.getOrientation(AbsoluteDate date)
          Get the orientation at a given date.
 Rotation OrientationFunction.getOrientation(AbsoluteDate date)
          Get the orientation at a given date.
static Rotation KinematicsToolkit.integrate(KinematicsToolkit.IntegrationType type, Rotation initOrientation, AbsoluteDate initDate, AbsoluteDate finalDate, Vector3DFunction spin, double step)
          Integrate a spin function.

Methods in org.orekit.attitudes.kinematics with parameters of type Rotation
static Vector3D KinematicsToolkit.estimateSpin(Rotation start, Rotation end, double dt)
          Estimate spin between two orientations.
Estimation is based on a simple fixed rate rotation during the time interval between the two attitude.
static Rotation KinematicsToolkit.integrate(KinematicsToolkit.IntegrationType type, Rotation initOrientation, AbsoluteDate initDate, AbsoluteDate finalDate, Vector3DFunction spin, double step)
          Integrate a spin function.

Uses of Rotation in org.orekit.frames

Methods in org.orekit.frames that return Rotation
protected abstract  Rotation LOFType.rotationFromInertial(PVCoordinates pv)
          Get the rotation from inertial frame to local orbital frame.

Uses of Rotation in org.orekit.frames.transformations

Methods in org.orekit.frames.transformations that return Rotation
 Rotation Transform.getRotation()
          Get the orientation of the "destination" frame in the "origin" one.

Constructors in org.orekit.frames.transformations with parameters of type Rotation
Transform(AbsoluteDate date, Rotation rotation)
          Build a rotation transform.
Transform(AbsoluteDate date, Rotation rotation, Vector3D rotationRate)
          Build a rotation transform.
Transform(AbsoluteDate date, Rotation rotation, Vector3D rotationRate, Vector3D rotationAcceleration)
          Build a rotation transform.

Uses of Rotation in org.orekit.utils

Methods in org.orekit.utils that return Rotation
 Rotation AngularCoordinates.getRotation()
          Get the rotation.

Methods in org.orekit.utils with parameters of type Rotation
static Vector3D AngularCoordinates.estimateRate(Rotation start, Rotation end, double dt)
          Estimate rotation rate between two orientations.

Constructors in org.orekit.utils with parameters of type Rotation
AngularCoordinates(Rotation rotation, Vector3D rotationRate)
          Builds a rotation/rotation rate triplet (acceleration set to Vector3D.ZERO).
AngularCoordinates(Rotation rotation, Vector3D rotationRate, Vector3D rotationAcceleration)
          Builds a rotation/rotation rate/rotation acceleration triplet.
TimeStampedAngularCoordinates(AbsoluteDate date, Rotation rotation, Vector3D rotationRate, Vector3D rotationAcceleration)
          Builds a rotation/rotation rate pair.

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