Uses of Interface

Packages that use AttitudeLeg
org.orekit.attitudes This package provides classes to represent simple attitudes. 

Uses of AttitudeLeg in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.guidance

Classes in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.guidance that implement AttitudeLeg
 class AngularVelocitiesHarmonicProfile
          Represents an angular velocities guidance profile, calculated with Fourier series
 class AngularVelocitiesPolynomialProfile
          Represents an angular velocities guidance profile, calculated with polynomial functions
 class GuidanceProfile
          Represents a guidance profile
 class QuaternionHarmonicProfile
          Represents a quaternion guidance profile, calculated with Fourier series.
 class QuaternionPolynomialProfile
          Represents a quaternion guidance profile, calculated with polynomial functions

Uses of AttitudeLeg in org.orekit.attitudes

Subinterfaces of AttitudeLeg in org.orekit.attitudes
 interface Slew
          This interface represents a slew model set.

Classes in org.orekit.attitudes that implement AttitudeLeg
 class AbstractIsisSpinBiasSlew
          Abstract class for ISIS spin bias slew: slew with trapezoidal angular velocity profile calculated in GCRF.
 class AbstractSlew
           This abstract class is the basic implementation of the Slew interface.
 class AttitudeLawLeg
          This class represents an attitude law version "attitude", with an interval of validity (whose borders are closed points).
 class AttitudeLegsSequence
          This class handles a sequence of different attitude providers AttitudeLeg.
 class ConstantSpinSlew
           This class extends the AbstractSlew.
 class IsisAnalyticalSpinBiasSlew
          ISIS spin bias slew (in GCRF): slew with trapezoidal angular velocity profile.
 class IsisNumericalSpinBiasSlew
          ISIS spin bias slew (in GCRF): slew with trapezoidal angular velocity profile.
 class RelativeTabulatedAttitudeLeg
          This class implements the tabulated attitude leg relative to a reference date.
 class TabulatedAttitude
           This class implements the tabulated attitude leg.
 class TwoSpinBiasSlew
           This class extends the AbstractSlew.

Methods in org.orekit.attitudes that return AttitudeLeg
 AttitudeLeg AttitudeLegsSequence.getAttitudeLeg(AbsoluteDate date)
          Gets the AttitudeLeg corresponding to the date.
 AttitudeLeg AttitudeLegsSequence.getAttitudeLeg(String code)
          Get the attitude leg in the sequence with the selected code.
 AttitudeLeg AttitudeLegsSequence.getFirstAttitudeLeg()
          Gets the first leg.
 AttitudeLeg AttitudeLegsSequence.getLastAttitudeLeg()
          Gets the last leg.
 AttitudeLeg AttitudeLegsSequence.getNextAttitudeLeg(AttitudeLeg law)
          Gets the next attitude law after the selected AttitudeLeg law.
 AttitudeLeg AttitudeLegsSequence.getNextAttitudeLeg(String law)
          Gets the next attitude law after the AttitudeLeg law with the selected code.
 AttitudeLeg AttitudeLegsSequence.getPreviousAttitudeLeg(AttitudeLeg law)
          Gets the previous attitude law before the selected AttitudeLeg law.
 AttitudeLeg AttitudeLegsSequence.getPreviousAttitudeLeg(String law)
          Gets the previous attitude law before the selected AttitudeLeg law.

Methods in org.orekit.attitudes that return types with arguments of type AttitudeLeg
 LinkedHashMap<String,AttitudeLeg> AttitudeLegsSequence.getSequence()
          Returns a copy of the map containing of all AttitudeLeg instances.

Methods in org.orekit.attitudes with parameters of type AttitudeLeg
 void AttitudeLegsSequence.add(String code, AttitudeLeg leg)
          Adds an AttitudeLeg instance to the sequence, with conditions.
The conditions are : A new instance can only be inserted at the beginning or the end of the sequence (except the first one of course).
 AttitudeLeg AttitudeLegsSequence.getNextAttitudeLeg(AttitudeLeg law)
          Gets the next attitude law after the selected AttitudeLeg law.
 AttitudeLeg AttitudeLegsSequence.getPreviousAttitudeLeg(AttitudeLeg law)
          Gets the previous attitude law before the selected AttitudeLeg law.

Constructors in org.orekit.attitudes with parameters of type AttitudeLeg
AttitudeLegLaw(AttitudeLaw attitudelawBefore, AttitudeLeg attitudeleg, AttitudeLaw attitudelawAfter)
          Build an attitude law version "attitudeLeg".

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