Uses of Interface

Packages that use Slew
org.orekit.attitudes This package provides classes to represent simple attitudes. 

Uses of Slew in org.orekit.attitudes

Classes in org.orekit.attitudes that implement Slew
 class AbstractIsisSpinBiasSlew
          Abstract class for ISIS spin bias slew: slew with trapezoidal angular velocity profile calculated in GCRF.
 class AbstractSlew
           This abstract class is the basic implementation of the Slew interface.
 class ConstantSpinSlew
           This class extends the AbstractSlew.
 class IsisAnalyticalSpinBiasSlew
          ISIS spin bias slew (in GCRF): slew with trapezoidal angular velocity profile.
 class IsisNumericalSpinBiasSlew
          ISIS spin bias slew (in GCRF): slew with trapezoidal angular velocity profile.
 class TwoSpinBiasSlew
           This class extends the AbstractSlew.

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