Uses of Interface

Packages that use MassProvider
org.orekit.forces.maneuvers This package provides models of simple maneuvers. 
org.orekit.propagation This package provides tools to propagate orbital states with different methods. 
org.orekit.propagation.analytical.tle This package provides classes to read and extrapolate tle's. 
org.orekit.propagation.analytical.twod This package provides interfaces and classes dealing with events occurring during propagation. 

Uses of MassProvider in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.assembly.models

Subinterfaces of MassProvider in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.assembly.models
 interface IInertiaModel

Classes in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.assembly.models that implement MassProvider
 class InertiaComputedModel
          This class is an inertia model computed from the inertia properties of each parts of an Assembly object.
 class InertiaSimpleModel
          Simple inertia model : the mass, mass center and inertia matrix are directly given by the user.
 class MassModel
          This class represents a mass model for an assembly with parts that have mass properties.

Uses of MassProvider in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.forces

Constructors in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.forces with parameters of type MassProvider
ConstantThrustManeuver(AbsoluteDate date, double duration, double thrust, double isp, Vector3D inDirection, MassProvider massProvider, String partNameIn)
          Constructor for a constant direction in satellite frame and constant thrust.
ConstantThrustManeuver(AbsoluteDate date, double duration, double thrust, double isp, Vector3D inDirection, MassProvider massProvider, String partNameIn, Frame frameIn)
          Constructor for a constant direction in provided frame and constant thrust.
ConstantThrustManeuver(AbsoluteDate date, double duration, double thrust, double isp, Vector3D inDirection, MassProvider massProvider, String partNameIn, LOFType lofTyp)
          Constructor for a constant direction in provided local orbital frame and constant thrust.
ConstantThrustManeuver(AbsoluteDate date, double duration, Parameter thrust, Parameter flowRate, Vector3D inDirection, MassProvider massProvider, String partNameIn)
          Constructor for a constant direction in satellite frame and constant thrust using Parameter.
ConstantThrustManeuver(AbsoluteDate date, double duration, Parameter thrust, Parameter flowRate, Vector3D inDirection, MassProvider massProvider, String partNameIn, Frame frameIn)
          Constructor for a constant dDirection in provided frame and constant thrust using Parameter.
ConstantThrustManeuver(AbsoluteDate date, double duration, Parameter thrust, Parameter flowRate, Vector3D inDirection, MassProvider massProvider, String partNameIn, LOFType lofTyp)
          Constructor for a constant direction in provided local orbital frame and constant thrust using Parameter with a local orbital frame defined by its type.
ConstantThrustManeuver(AbsoluteDate date, double duration, PropulsiveProperty engine, Parameter flowRate, Vector3D inDirection, MassProvider massProvider, TankProperty tank)
          Constructor for a constant direction in satellite frame and constant thrust using Parameter, PropulsiveProperty and TankProperty.
ConstantThrustManeuver(AbsoluteDate date, double duration, PropulsiveProperty engine, Parameter flowRate, Vector3D inDirection, MassProvider massProvider, TankProperty tank, Frame frameIn)
          Constructor for a constant direction in satellite frame and constant thrust using Parameter, PropulsiveProperty and TankProperty.
ConstantThrustManeuver(AbsoluteDate date, double duration, PropulsiveProperty engine, Parameter flowRate, Vector3D inDirection, MassProvider massProvider, TankProperty tank, LOFType lofTyp)
          Constructor for a constant direction in satellite frame and constant thrust using Parameter, PropulsiveProperty and TankProperty.
ConstantThrustManeuver(AbsoluteDate date, double duration, PropulsiveProperty engine, Vector3D inDirection, MassProvider massProvider, TankProperty tank)
          Constructor for a constant direction in satellite frame and constant thrust, using PropulsiveProperty and TankProperty.
ConstantThrustManeuver(AbsoluteDate date, double duration, PropulsiveProperty engine, Vector3D inDirection, MassProvider massProvider, TankProperty tank, Frame frameIn)
          Constructor for a constant direction in provided frame and constant thrust, using PropulsiveProperty and TankProperty.
ConstantThrustManeuver(AbsoluteDate date, double duration, PropulsiveProperty engine, Vector3D inDirection, MassProvider massProvider, TankProperty tank, LOFType lofTyp)
          Constructor for a constant direction in provided local orbital frame and constant thrust, using PropulsiveProperty and TankProperty.
ConstantThrustManeuver(EventDetector startEventDetector, EventDetector stopEventDetector, double thrust, double isp, Vector3D inDirection, MassProvider massProvider, String partNameIn)
          Constructor for a constant direction in satellite frame and constant thrust.
ConstantThrustManeuver(EventDetector startEventDetector, EventDetector stopEventDetector, double thrust, double isp, Vector3D inDirection, MassProvider massProvider, String partNameIn, Frame frameIn)
          Constructor for a constant direction in provided frame and constant thrust.
ConstantThrustManeuver(EventDetector startEventDetector, EventDetector stopEventDetector, double thrust, double isp, Vector3D inDirection, MassProvider massProvider, String partNameIn, LOFType lofTyp)
          Constructor for a constant direction in provided local orbital frame and constant thrust.
ConstantThrustManeuver(EventDetector startEventDetector, EventDetector stopEventDetector, PropulsiveProperty engine, Vector3D inDirection, MassProvider massProvider, TankProperty tank)
          Constructor for a constant direction in satellite frame and constant thrust with PropulsiveProperty and TankProperty properties.
ConstantThrustManeuver(EventDetector startEventDetector, EventDetector stopEventDetector, PropulsiveProperty engine, Vector3D inDirection, MassProvider massProvider, TankProperty tank, Frame frameIn)
          Constructor for a constant direction in provided frame and constant thrust with PropulsiveProperty and TankProperty properties.
ConstantThrustManeuver(EventDetector startEventDetector, EventDetector stopEventDetector, PropulsiveProperty engine, Vector3D inDirection, MassProvider massProvider, TankProperty tank, LOFType lofTyp)
          Constructor for a constant direction in local orbital frame and constant thrust with PropulsiveProperty and TankProperty properties.
VariableThrustManeuver(AbsoluteDate date, double duration, IDependentVariable<SpacecraftState> variableThrust, IDependentVariable<SpacecraftState> variableIsp, IDependentVectorVariable<SpacecraftState> variableDirection, MassProvider massModel, String partName)
          Constructor for a variable direction in spacecraft frame, thrust and ISP.
VariableThrustManeuver(AbsoluteDate date, double duration, IDependentVariable<SpacecraftState> variableThrust, IDependentVariable<SpacecraftState> variableIsp, IDependentVectorVariable<SpacecraftState> variableDirection, MassProvider massModel, String partName, Frame refFrame)
          Constructor for a variable direction in provided frame, thrust and ISP.
VariableThrustManeuver(AbsoluteDate date, double duration, IDependentVariable<SpacecraftState> variableThrust, IDependentVariable<SpacecraftState> variableIsp, IDependentVectorVariable<SpacecraftState> variableDirection, MassProvider massModel, String partName, LOFType lofTyp)
          Constructor for a variable direction in provided local orbital frame, thrust and ISP expressed in a LocalOrbitalFrame.
VariableThrustManeuver(AbsoluteDate date, double duration, PropulsiveProperty engine, IDependentVectorVariable<SpacecraftState> variableDirection, MassProvider massModel, TankProperty tank)
          Constructor for a variable direction in spacecraft frame, thrust and ISP, using PropulsiveProperty and TankProperty.
VariableThrustManeuver(AbsoluteDate date, double duration, PropulsiveProperty engine, IDependentVectorVariable<SpacecraftState> variableDirection, MassProvider massModel, TankProperty tank, Frame refFrame)
          Constructor for a variable direction in provided frame, thrust and ISP, using PropulsiveProperty and TankProperty.
VariableThrustManeuver(AbsoluteDate date, double duration, PropulsiveProperty engine, IDependentVectorVariable<SpacecraftState> variableDirection, MassProvider massModel, TankProperty tank, LOFType lofTyp)
          Constructor for a variable direction in provided local orbital frame, thrust and ISP expressed in a LocalOrbitalFrame, using PropulsiveProperty and TankProperty.
VariableThrustManeuver(EventDetector startEventDetector, EventDetector stopEventDetector, IDependentVariable<SpacecraftState> variableThrust, IDependentVariable<SpacecraftState> variableIsp, IDependentVectorVariable<SpacecraftState> variableDirection, MassProvider massModel, String partName)
          Constructor for a variable direction in spacecraft frame, thrust and ISP.
VariableThrustManeuver(EventDetector startEventDetector, EventDetector stopEventDetector, IDependentVariable<SpacecraftState> variableThrust, IDependentVariable<SpacecraftState> variableIsp, IDependentVectorVariable<SpacecraftState> variableDirection, MassProvider massModel, String partName, Frame refFrame)
          Constructor for a variable direction in provided frame, thrust and ISP.
VariableThrustManeuver(EventDetector startEventDetector, EventDetector stopEventDetector, IDependentVariable<SpacecraftState> variableThrust, IDependentVariable<SpacecraftState> variableIsp, IDependentVectorVariable<SpacecraftState> variableDirection, MassProvider massModel, String partName, LOFType lofTyp)
          Constructor for a variable direction in provided local orbital frame, thrust and ISP expressed in a LocalOrbitalFrame.
VariableThrustManeuver(EventDetector startEventDetector, EventDetector stopEventDetector, PropulsiveProperty engine, IDependentVectorVariable<SpacecraftState> variableDirection, MassProvider massModel, TankProperty tank)
          Constructor for a variable direction in spacecraft frame, thrust and ISP, using PropulsiveProperty and TankProperty.
VariableThrustManeuver(EventDetector startEventDetector, EventDetector stopEventDetector, PropulsiveProperty engine, IDependentVectorVariable<SpacecraftState> variableDirection, MassProvider massModel, TankProperty tank, Frame refFrame)
          Constructor for a variable direction in spacecraft frame, thrust and ISP, using PropulsiveProperty and TankProperty.
VariableThrustManeuver(EventDetector startEventDetector, EventDetector stopEventDetector, PropulsiveProperty engine, IDependentVectorVariable<SpacecraftState> variableDirection, MassProvider massModel, TankProperty tank, LOFType lofTyp)
          Constructor for a variable direction in provided local orbital frame, thrust and ISP expressed in a LocalOrbitalFrame.

Uses of MassProvider in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.propagation.numerical.multi

Methods in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.propagation.numerical.multi with parameters of type MassProvider
 void MultiNumericalPropagator.setMassProviderEquation(MassProvider massProvider, String satId)
          Add additional equations associated with the mass provider.

Uses of MassProvider in org.orekit.forces.maneuvers

Constructors in org.orekit.forces.maneuvers with parameters of type MassProvider
ImpulseManeuver(EventDetector trigger, Vector3D deltaVSat, double isp, MassProvider massModel, String part)
          Build a new instance.
ImpulseManeuver(EventDetector trigger, Vector3D deltaVSat, double isp, MassProvider massModel, String part, LOFType lofType)
          Build a new instance with a LocalOrbitalFrame.
ImpulseManeuver(EventDetector trigger, Vector3D deltaVSat, Frame frame, double isp, MassProvider massModel, String part)
          Build a new instance.

Uses of MassProvider in org.orekit.propagation

Classes in org.orekit.propagation that implement MassProvider
 class SimpleMassModel
          Simple implementation of MassProvider.

Methods in org.orekit.propagation with parameters of type MassProvider
 void AbstractPropagator.addAdditionalStateProvider(MassProvider massProvider)
          Add a set of state parameters from MassProvider to be computed along with the orbit propagation.
 SpacecraftState SpacecraftState.addMassProvider(MassProvider massProvider)
          Add the values of mass parts from MassProvider to additional states map.

Constructors in org.orekit.propagation with parameters of type MassProvider
SpacecraftState(Orbit orbit, Attitude attForces, Attitude attEvents, MassProvider massProvider)
          Build a spacecraft state from orbit, attitude for forces and events computation and mass provider.
SpacecraftState(Orbit orbit, Attitude attForces, Attitude attEvents, MassProvider massProvider, Map<String,double[]> additionalStates)
          Build a spacecraft state from orbit, attitude for forces and events computation, mass provider and additional states map.
SpacecraftState(Orbit orbit, Attitude attitude, MassProvider massProvider)
          Build a spacecraft state from orbit, attitude and mass provider.
SpacecraftState(Orbit orbit, MassProvider massProvider)
          Create a new instance from orbit and mass provider.

Uses of MassProvider in org.orekit.propagation.analytical

Constructors in org.orekit.propagation.analytical with parameters of type MassProvider
AbstractLyddanePropagator(Orbit secularOrbit, double referenceRadiusIn, double muIn, double c20In, double c30In, double c40In, double c50In, Frame frameIn, ParametersType parametersTypeIn, AttitudeProvider attitudeProvForces, AttitudeProvider attitudeProvEvents, MassProvider massProvider)
          Generic constructor.
EcksteinHechlerPropagator(Orbit initialOrbit, AttitudeProvider attitudeProvForces, AttitudeProvider attitudeProvEvents, double referenceRadius, double mu, Frame frame, double c20, double c30, double c40, double c50, double c60, MassProvider massProvider, ParametersType paramsType)
          Build a propagator from orbit, attitude provider, mass and potential.
EcksteinHechlerPropagator(Orbit initialOrbit, AttitudeProvider attitudeProv, double referenceRadius, double mu, Frame frame, double c20, double c30, double c40, double c50, double c60, MassProvider massProvider, ParametersType paramsType)
          Build a propagator from orbit, attitude provider, mass and potential.
EcksteinHechlerPropagator(Orbit initialOrbit, double referenceRadius, double mu, Frame frame, double c20, double c30, double c40, double c50, double c60, MassProvider massProvider, ParametersType paramsType)
          Build a propagator from orbit, mass and potential.
J2SecularPropagator(Orbit initialOrbit, double referenceRadiusIn, double muIn, double c20In, Frame frameIn, AttitudeProvider attitudeProvForces, AttitudeProvider attitudeProvEvents, MassProvider massProvider)
          Generic constructor.
J2SecularPropagator(Orbit initialOrbit, double referenceRadiusIn, double muIn, double c20In, Frame frameIn, AttitudeProvider attitudeProvider, MassProvider massProvider)
          Generic constructor.
J2SecularPropagator(Orbit initialOrbit, double referenceRadiusIn, double muIn, double c20In, Frame frameIn, MassProvider massProvider)
          Constructor without attitude provider.
KeplerianPropagator(Orbit initialOrbit, AttitudeProvider attitudeProvForces, AttitudeProvider attitudeProvEvents, double mu, MassProvider massProvider)
          Build propagator from orbit, attitude provider, central attraction coefficient μ and mass.
KeplerianPropagator(Orbit initialOrbit, AttitudeProvider attitudeProv, double mu, MassProvider massProvider)
          Build propagator from orbit, attitude provider, central attraction coefficient μ and mass.
LyddaneLongPeriodPropagator(Orbit initialOrbit, double referenceRadiusIn, double muIn, double c20In, double c30In, double c40In, double c50In, Frame frameIn, ParametersType parametersTypeIn, AttitudeProvider attitudeProvForces, AttitudeProvider attitudeProvEvents, MassProvider massProvider)
          Generic constructor.
LyddaneLongPeriodPropagator(Orbit initialOrbit, double referenceRadiusIn, double muIn, double c20In, double c30In, double c40In, double c50In, Frame frameIn, ParametersType parametersTypeIn, AttitudeProvider attitudeProvider, MassProvider massProvider)
          Generic constructor.
LyddaneLongPeriodPropagator(Orbit initialOrbit, double referenceRadiusIn, double muIn, double c20In, double c30In, double c40In, double c50In, Frame frameIn, ParametersType parametersTypeIn, MassProvider massProvider)
          Constructor without attitude provider.
LyddaneSecularPropagator(Orbit initialOrbit, double referenceRadiusIn, double muIn, double c20In, double c30In, double c40In, double c50In, Frame frameIn, ParametersType parametersTypeIn, AttitudeProvider attitudeProvForces, AttitudeProvider attitudeProvEvents, MassProvider massProvider)
          Generic constructor.
LyddaneSecularPropagator(Orbit initialOrbit, double referenceRadiusIn, double muIn, double c20In, double c30In, double c40In, double c50In, Frame frameIn, ParametersType parametersTypeIn, AttitudeProvider attitudeProvider, MassProvider massProvider)
          Generic constructor.
LyddaneSecularPropagator(Orbit initialOrbit, double referenceRadiusIn, double muIn, double c20In, double c30In, double c40In, double c50In, Frame frameIn, ParametersType parametersTypeIn, MassProvider massProvider)
          Constructor without attitude provider.

Uses of MassProvider in org.orekit.propagation.analytical.tle

Methods in org.orekit.propagation.analytical.tle with parameters of type MassProvider
static TLEPropagator TLEPropagator.selectExtrapolator(TLE tle, AttitudeProvider attitudeProviderForces, AttitudeProvider attitudeProviderEvents, MassProvider mass)
          Selects the extrapolator to use with the selected TLE.
static TLEPropagator TLEPropagator.selectExtrapolator(TLE tle, AttitudeProvider attitudeProvider, MassProvider mass)
          Selects the extrapolator to use with the selected TLE.

Constructors in org.orekit.propagation.analytical.tle with parameters of type MassProvider
TLEPropagator(TLE initialTLE, AttitudeProvider attitudeProviderForces, AttitudeProvider attitudeProviderEvents, MassProvider mass)
          Protected constructor for derived classes.
TLEPropagator(TLE initialTLE, AttitudeProvider attitudeProvider, MassProvider mass)
          Protected constructor for derived classes.

Uses of MassProvider in org.orekit.propagation.analytical.twod

Constructors in org.orekit.propagation.analytical.twod with parameters of type MassProvider
Analytical2DOrbitModel(Analytical2DParameterModel a, Analytical2DParameterModel ex, Analytical2DParameterModel ey, Analytical2DParameterModel i, Analytical2DParameterModel lna, Analytical2DParameterModel alpha, int[] orders, MassProvider mass, double mu)
          Create an analytical 2D orbit model with specified parameter models, development orders, standard gravitational parameter and spacecraft mass.
Analytical2DOrbitModel(Analytical2DParameterModel a, Analytical2DParameterModel ex, Analytical2DParameterModel ey, Analytical2DParameterModel i, Analytical2DParameterModel lna, Analytical2DParameterModel alpha, MassProvider mass, double mu)
          Create an analytical 2D orbit model with specified parameter models, standard gravitational parameter and spacecraft mass.

Uses of MassProvider in

Constructors in with parameters of type MassProvider
NullMassDetector(double maxCheck, double threshold, MassProvider massModel)
          Inherited constructor.
NullMassDetector(int slopeSelection, double maxCheck, double threshold, MassProvider massModel)
          Inherited constructor.
NullMassDetector(MassProvider massModel)
          Build a new instance (based on DateDetector).
NullMassPartDetector(double maxCheck, double threshold, MassProvider massModel, String part)
          Inherited constructor.
NullMassPartDetector(int slopeSelection, double maxCheck, double threshold, MassProvider massModel, String part)
          Inherited constructor.
NullMassPartDetector(MassProvider massModel, String part)
          Build a new instance MaxCheck is set to 10.e9, so almost no other date can be added.

Uses of MassProvider in org.orekit.propagation.numerical

Methods in org.orekit.propagation.numerical with parameters of type MassProvider
 void NumericalPropagator.setMassProviderEquation(MassProvider massProvider)
          Add additional equations associated with the mass provider.

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