Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractDetector   
org.orekit.forces.maneuvers This package provides models of simple maneuvers. This package provides interfaces and classes dealing with events occurring during propagation. 

Uses of AbstractDetector in

Subclasses of AbstractDetector in
 class CentralBodyMaskCircularFOVDetector
          Finder for target entry/exit events with respect to a satellite sensor FOV defined by a vector3D giving the direction in satellite frame and taking into account masking from the central body
 class CombinedPhenomenaDetector
           This class finds the events resulting from the combination of two phenomena.
 class EarthZoneDetector
          Detects when the satellite enters a ground zone (several zones can be defined at the same time).

Uses of AbstractDetector in

Subclasses of AbstractDetector in
 class AbstractDetectorWithTropoCorrection
           Abstract event detector using a station elevation correction.
 class ExtremaSightAxisDetector
          Detects the minimum angle between a sight view line and a PVCoordinateProvider target view from a Frame which origin is on the line.
 class MaskingDetector
           Sensor masking detector.
 class RFVisibilityDetector
          Finder for ground station / satellite RF visibility events.
 class SatToSatMutualVisibilityDetector
           Mutual spacecraft visibility detector : the g function is positive only if each spacecraft is in the main field of view of the other one's sensor.
 class SensorInhibitionDetector
 class SensorVisibilityDetector
 class StationToSatMutualVisibilityDetector
           Mutual station to spacecraft visibility detector : the g function is positive only if the station's sensor sees the spacecraft's sensor AND the spacecraft's sensor sees the station's sensor.
 class TargetInFieldOfViewDetector
 class VisibilityFromStationDetector
          Finder for satellite apparent entering in a station's field of view.

Uses of AbstractDetector in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.stela

Subclasses of AbstractDetector in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.stela
 class PerigeeAltitudeDetector
          Finder for satellite altitude crossing events in Semi-analytical theory.

Uses of AbstractDetector in org.orekit.forces.maneuvers

Subclasses of AbstractDetector in org.orekit.forces.maneuvers
 class ImpulseManeuver
          Impulse maneuver model.

Uses of AbstractDetector in

Subclasses of AbstractDetector in
 class AlignmentDetector
          Finder for satellite/body alignment events.
 class AltitudeDetector
          Finder for satellite altitude crossing events.
 class AnomalyDetector
          Detects when the anomaly of the spacecraft reaches a predetermined value, θ.
Anomaly is not defined for all kinds of orbits: this detector will detect anomaly events only if the corresponding orbit is not a circular orbit, otherwise it may trigger events randomly.
 class AOLDetector
          Detects when the Argument of Latitude of the spacecraft reaches a predetermined value, θ.
 class ApparentElevationDetector
          Finder for satellite apparent elevation events.
 class ApsideDetector
          Finder for apside crossing events.
 class BetaAngleDetector
          Detects when the beta angle of the spacecraft reaches a predetermined value.
The beta angle is the angle between the orbit plane and the vector from the central body to the sun.
 class CircularFieldOfViewDetector
          Finder for target entry/exit events with respect to a satellite sensor field of view.
 class DateDetector
          Finder for date events.
 class DihedralFieldOfViewDetector
          Finder for body entering/exiting dihedral fov events.
 class DistanceDetector
          Detects when the distance from the spacecraft to a given body reaches a predetermined value.
 class EclipseDetector
          Finder for satellite eclipse related events.
 class ElevationDetector
          Finder for satellite raising/setting events.
 class EventShifter
          Wrapper shifting events occurrences times.
 class ExtremaDistanceDetector
          Detects when the distance from the spacecraft to a given body reaches either a local minimum or a local maximum.
 class ExtremaElevationDetector
          Detects the time when the spacecraft reaches the elevation extrema in a given topocentric frame. The local minimum or maximum is chosen through a constructor parameter, with values ExtremaElevationDetector.MIN, ExtremaElevationDetector.MAX and ExtremaElevationDetector.MIN_MAX for both.
 class ExtremaLatitudeDetector
          Detects when the spacecraft reaches the maximal or minimal local latitude.
 class ExtremaLongitudeDetector
          Detects when the spacecraft reaches the maximal or minimal local longitude.
 class ExtremaThreeBodiesAngleDetector
          Detects the maximal or minimal angle between three bodies is reached, the spacecraft eventually being one of the bodies.
 class GroundMaskElevationDetector
          Finder for satellite azimuth-elevation events with respect to a mask.
 class LatitudeDetector
          Detects when the spacecraft reaches a given local latitude.
 class LocalTimeAngleDetector
          Detects when the local time angle of a spacecraft is equal to a predetermined value.
The local time is represented by the angle between the projections of the Sun and the satellite in the equatorial plane; therefore this angle is equal to zero when the local time is 12.00h and Π when the local time is 0.00h (Local Time In Hours = 12.00h + local time angle * 12 / Π).
 class LongitudeDetector
          Detects when the spacecraft reaches a given local longitude.
 class NadirSolarIncidenceDetector
          Spacecraft's nadir point solar incidence detector.
 class NodeDetector
          Finder for node crossing events.
 class NullMassDetector
          This class creates an event detector that detects when the global mass of the satellite becomes null.
 class NullMassPartDetector
          This class creates an event detector that detects when the mass of the element becomes null.
 class SolarTimeAngleDetector
          Detects when the solar time angle of a spacecraft is equal to a predetermined value.
The solar time is represented by the angle between the projections of the Sun in the osculator orbital plane and the satellite position; therefore this angle is equal to zero when the solar time is 12.00h and Π when the solar time is 0.00h (Solar Time In Hours = 12.00h + solar time angle * 12 / Π).
 class ThreeBodiesAngleDetector
          Detects when the angle between three bodies is equal to a predetermined value.

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