Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
MainPart.updateFrame(AbsoluteDate date)
This method implements no action for the main part.
void |
Part.updateFrame(AbsoluteDate date)
Update frame at provided date.
void |
IPart.updateFrame(AbsoluteDate date)
Update frame at provided date.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
double |
SensorModel.celestialBodiesMaskingDistance(AbsoluteDate date)
Computes the minimal euclidian distance to the celestial body shapes.
double |
RFLinkBudgetModel.computeLinkBudget(AbsoluteDate date)
Computes the link budget at a given date.
Matrix3D |
InertiaSimpleModel.getInertiaMatrix(Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date)
Getter for the inertia matrix of the spacecraft,
expressed with respect to the MASS CENTER in a given frame.
Matrix3D |
InertiaComputedModel.getInertiaMatrix(Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date)
Getter for the inertia matrix of the spacecraft,
expressed with respect to the MASS CENTER in a given frame.
Matrix3D |
IInertiaModel.getInertiaMatrix(Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date)
Getter for the inertia matrix of the spacecraft,
expressed with respect to the MASS CENTER in a given frame.
Matrix3D |
InertiaSimpleModel.getInertiaMatrix(Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date,
Vector3D inertiaReferencePoint)
Getter for the inertia matrix of the spacecraft,
once expressed with respect to a point
that can be different from the mass center.
Matrix3D |
InertiaComputedModel.getInertiaMatrix(Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date,
Vector3D inertiaReferencePoint)
Getter for the inertia matrix of the spacecraft,
once expressed with respect to a point
that can be different from the mass center.
Matrix3D |
IInertiaModel.getInertiaMatrix(Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date,
Vector3D inertiaReferencePoint)
Getter for the inertia matrix of the spacecraft,
once expressed with respect to a point
that can be different from the mass center.
double |
SensorModel.getInhibitionTargetAngularRadius(AbsoluteDate date,
int inhibitionFieldNumber)
Computes the angular radius from the sensor of the main target at a date.
double |
SensorModel.getInhibitTargetCenterToFieldAngle(AbsoluteDate date,
int inhibitionFieldNumber)
Computes the angular distance of the CENTER of an inhibition target to the border
of the associated inhibition field
at a date.
Vector3D |
MagneticMomentProvider.getMagneticMoment(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the magnetic moment at given date, in the main frame of the spacecraft
Vector3D |
MagneticMoment.getMagneticMoment(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the magnetic moment at given date, in the main frame of the spacecraft
double |
SensorModel.getMainTargetAngularRadius(AbsoluteDate date)
Computes the angular radius from the sensor of the main target at a date.
Vector3D |
InertiaSimpleModel.getMassCenter(Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date)
Getter for the mass center.
Vector3D |
InertiaComputedModel.getMassCenter(Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date)
Getter for the mass center.
Vector3D |
IInertiaModel.getMassCenter(Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date)
Getter for the mass center.
Vector3D |
SensorModel.getNormalisedTargetVectorInSensorFrame(AbsoluteDate date)
Computes the target vector at a date in the sensor's frame.
PVCoordinates |
SensorModel.getPVCoordinates(AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Get the
PVCoordinates of the sensor part in the selected frame. |
Vector3D[] |
SensorModel.getRefrenceAxis(Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date)
Computes the reference axis of the sensor in a given frame at a date
Vector3D |
SensorModel.getSightAxis(Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date)
Computes the sight axis of the sensor in a given frame at a date
double |
SensorModel.getTargetCenterFOVAngle(AbsoluteDate date)
Computes the angular distance of the CENTER of the main target to the border of the main field
of view at a date.
double[] |
SensorModel.getTargetDihedralAngles(AbsoluteDate date)
Computes the dihedral angles of the target at a date in the sensor's frame.
double |
SensorModel.getTargetRefAxisAngle(AbsoluteDate date,
int axisNumber) |
double |
SensorModel.getTargetRefAxisElevation(AbsoluteDate date,
int axisNumber) |
double |
SensorModel.getTargetSightAxisAngle(AbsoluteDate date) |
double |
SensorModel.getTargetSightAxisElevation(AbsoluteDate date) |
Vector3D |
SensorModel.getTargetVectorInSensorFrame(AbsoluteDate date)
Computes the target vector at a date in the sensor's frame.
boolean |
SensorModel.isMainTargetInField(AbsoluteDate date)
Checks if the main target at least partially is in the field of view at a date
boolean |
SensorModel.noInhibition(AbsoluteDate date)
Checks if at least an inhibition target is at least partially in its associated
inhibition field at a date
double |
SensorModel.spacecraftsMaskingDistance(AbsoluteDate date)
Computes the minimal euclidian distance to the spacecraft's shapes (GEOMERTY properties).
boolean |
SensorModel.visibilityOk(AbsoluteDate date)
Checks if the main target is in the field of view and no inhibition target in its inhibition field
at a given date.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected AbsoluteDate |
Initial or final date of the slew.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AbsoluteDate |
Get the date of attitude parameters.
AbsoluteDate |
Getter for the start date of the rotation.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected double |
VariableStepAttitudeEphemerisGenerator.computeStep(AbsoluteDate date,
AbsoluteDateInterval ephemerisInterval)
Computes the step used during the variable step ephemeris generation.
protected double |
FixedStepAttitudeEphemerisGenerator.computeStep(AbsoluteDate date,
AbsoluteDateInterval ephemerisInterval)
Computes the step used during attitude ephemeris generation.
protected abstract double |
AbstractAttitudeEphemerisGenerator.computeStep(AbsoluteDate date,
AbsoluteDateInterval ephemerisInterval)
Computes the step used during attitude ephemeris generation.
Attitude |
TwoSpinBiasSlew.getAttitude(AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Compute the attitude.
Attitude |
ConstantSpinSlew.getAttitude(AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Compute the attitude.
Attitude |
Slew.getAttitude(AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Compute the attitude.
Attitude |
AbstractIsisSpinBiasSlew.getAttitude(AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Compute the attitude.
Attitude |
AbstractSlew.getAttitude(PVCoordinatesProvider pvProv,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Warning: provided
PVCoordinatesProvider is here not used. |
Attitude |
LofOffsetPointing.getAttitude(PVCoordinatesProvider pvProv,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Compute the attitude corresponding to an orbital state.
Attitude |
YawSteering.getAttitude(PVCoordinatesProvider pvProv,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Compute the attitude corresponding to an orbital state.
Attitude |
AttitudeProvider.getAttitude(PVCoordinatesProvider pvProv,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Compute the attitude corresponding to an orbital state.
Attitude |
RelativeTabulatedAttitudeLaw.getAttitude(PVCoordinatesProvider pvProv,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Compute the attitude corresponding to an orbital state.
Attitude |
AttitudeLegLaw.getAttitude(PVCoordinatesProvider pvProv,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Compute the attitude corresponding to an orbital state.
Attitude |
ComposedAttitudeLaw.getAttitude(PVCoordinatesProvider pvProv,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Compute the attitude corresponding to an orbital state.
Attitude |
TabulatedAttitude.getAttitude(PVCoordinatesProvider pvProvider,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Compute the attitude corresponding to an orbital state.
Attitude |
AttitudesSequence.getAttitude(PVCoordinatesProvider pvProv,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Compute the attitude corresponding to an orbital state.
Attitude |
LofOffset.getAttitude(PVCoordinatesProvider pvProv,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Compute the attitude corresponding to an orbital state.
Attitude |
FixedRate.getAttitude(PVCoordinatesProvider pvProv,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Compute the attitude corresponding to an orbital state.
Attitude |
AeroAttitudeLaw.getAttitude(PVCoordinatesProvider pvProv,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Compute the attitude corresponding to an orbital state.
Attitude |
TwoDirectionsAttitude.getAttitude(PVCoordinatesProvider pvProv,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Compute the attitude corresponding to an orbital state.
Attitude |
ConstantAttitudeLaw.getAttitude(PVCoordinatesProvider pvProv,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Compute the attitude corresponding to an orbital state.
Attitude |
AttitudeLawLeg.getAttitude(PVCoordinatesProvider pvProv,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Compute the attitude corresponding to an orbital state.
Attitude |
BodyCenterPointing.getAttitude(PVCoordinatesProvider pvProv,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Compute the attitude corresponding to an orbital state.
Attitude |
SpinStabilized.getAttitude(PVCoordinatesProvider pvProv,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Compute the attitude corresponding to an orbital state.
Attitude |
YawCompensation.getAttitude(PVCoordinatesProvider pvProv,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Compute the attitude corresponding to an orbital state.
Attitude |
IsisSunPointing.getAttitude(PVCoordinatesProvider pvProv,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Compute the attitude corresponding to an orbital state.
Attitude |
AbstractGroundPointing.getAttitude(PVCoordinatesProvider pvProv,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Compute the attitude corresponding to an orbital state.
Attitude |
TargetPointing.getAttitude(PVCoordinatesProvider pvProv,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Compute the attitude corresponding to an orbital state.
Attitude |
CelestialBodyPointed.getAttitude(PVCoordinatesProvider pvProv,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Compute the attitude corresponding to an orbital state.
Attitude |
RelativeTabulatedAttitudeLeg.getAttitude(PVCoordinatesProvider pvProv,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Compute the attitude corresponding to an orbital state.
Attitude |
AttitudeLegsSequence.getAttitude(PVCoordinatesProvider pvProv,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Gets the attitude from the sequence.
Attitude |
AbstractGroundPointingWrapper.getBaseState(PVCoordinatesProvider pvProv,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Compute the base system state at given date, without compensation.
TimeStampedAngularCoordinates |
YawSteering.getCompensation(PVCoordinatesProvider pvProv,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame orbitFrame,
Attitude base)
Compute the TimeStampedAngularCoordinates at a given time.
TimeStampedAngularCoordinates |
YawCompensation.getCompensation(PVCoordinatesProvider pvProv,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame orbitFrame,
Attitude base)
Compute the TimeStampedAngularCoordinates at a given time.
abstract TimeStampedAngularCoordinates |
AbstractGroundPointingWrapper.getCompensation(PVCoordinatesProvider pvProv,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame,
Attitude base)
Compute the TimeStampedAngularCoordinates at a given time.
Rotation |
DirectionTrackingOrientation.getOrientation(AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Gets the rotation defining the orientation with respect to a given frame at a given date.
Rotation |
IOrientationLaw.getOrientation(AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Gets the rotation defining the orientation with respect to a given frame at a given date.
Attitude |
AttitudeLegsSequence.getPreviousAttitude(PVCoordinatesProvider provider,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Returns attitude from previous leg (compared to leg matching provided date) from the
Vector3D |
TwoSpinBiasSlew.getSpinDerivatives(AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
get the spin derivatives (default implementation : finite differences differentiator).
Vector3DFunction |
TwoSpinBiasSlew.getSpinFunction(Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate zeroAbscissa) |
protected Vector3D |
LofOffsetPointing.getTargetPoint(PVCoordinatesProvider pvProv,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Compute the target point in specified frame.
protected Vector3D |
NadirPointing.getTargetPoint(PVCoordinatesProvider pvProv,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Compute the target point in specified frame.
protected Vector3D |
TargetGroundPointing.getTargetPoint(PVCoordinatesProvider pvProv,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Compute the target point in specified frame.
protected Vector3D |
BodyCenterGroundPointing.getTargetPoint(PVCoordinatesProvider pvProv,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Compute the target point in specified frame.
protected abstract Vector3D |
AbstractGroundPointing.getTargetPoint(PVCoordinatesProvider pvProv,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Compute the target point in specified frame.
protected Vector3D |
AbstractGroundPointingWrapper.getTargetPoint(PVCoordinatesProvider pvProv,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Compute the target point in specified frame.
TimeStampedPVCoordinates |
NadirPointing.getTargetPV(PVCoordinatesProvider pvProv,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Compute the target point position/velocity in specified frame.
protected TimeStampedPVCoordinates |
AbstractGroundPointing.getTargetPV(PVCoordinatesProvider pvProv,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Compute the target point position/velocity in specified frame.
protected TimeStampedPVCoordinates |
AbstractGroundPointingWrapper.getTargetPV(PVCoordinatesProvider pvProv,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Compute the target point position/velocity in specified frame.
Transform |
OrientationTransformProvider.getTransform(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the
Transform corresponding to specified date. |
Transform |
AttitudeTransformProvider.getTransform(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the
Transform corresponding to specified date. |
Transform |
OrientationTransformProvider.getTransform(AbsoluteDate date,
boolean computeSpinDerivatives)
Get the
Transform corresponding to specified date. |
Transform |
AttitudeTransformProvider.getTransform(AbsoluteDate date,
boolean computeSpinDerivatives)
Get the
Transform corresponding to specified date. |
Transform |
OrientationTransformProvider.getTransform(AbsoluteDate date,
FramesConfiguration config)
Get the
Transform corresponding to specified date. |
Transform |
AttitudeTransformProvider.getTransform(AbsoluteDate date,
FramesConfiguration config)
Get the
Transform corresponding to specified date. |
Transform |
OrientationTransformProvider.getTransform(AbsoluteDate date,
FramesConfiguration config,
boolean computeSpinDerivatives)
Get the
Transform corresponding to specified date. |
Transform |
AttitudeTransformProvider.getTransform(AbsoluteDate date,
FramesConfiguration config,
boolean computeSpinDerivatives)
Get the
Transform corresponding to specified date. |
double |
YawCompensation.getYawAngle(PVCoordinatesProvider pvProv,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Compute the yaw compensation angle at date.
Attitude |
Attitude.interpolate(AbsoluteDate interpolationDate,
Collection<Attitude> sample)
Get an interpolated instance.
Attitude |
Attitude.interpolate(AbsoluteDate interpolationDate,
Collection<Attitude> sample,
boolean computeSpinDerivatives)
Interpolates attitude.
static Attitude |
Attitude.slerp(AbsoluteDate date,
Attitude attitude1,
Attitude attitude2,
Frame frame,
boolean computeSpinDerivative)
The slerp interpolation method is efficient but is less accurate than the interpolate method.
Constructor and Description |
AbstractIsisSpinBiasSlew(AttitudeProvider initialLawIn,
AttitudeProvider finalLawIn,
AbsoluteDate initialOrFinalDateIn,
AbstractIsisSpinBiasSlew.TypeOfDate typeOfDateIn,
double dtSCAOIn,
double thetaMaxAllowedIn,
double durationMaxIn,
double dtConvergenceThresholdIn,
double[][] inertiaMatrixIn,
double rwTorqueAllocAccelIn,
double rwTorqueAllocDecelIn,
double rwDeltaMomentumAllocIn,
double[][] rwMatrixIn,
double tranquillisationTimeIn)
Constructor with default maximum number of iterations allowed for slew duration computation's convergence.
AbstractIsisSpinBiasSlew(AttitudeProvider initialLawIn,
AttitudeProvider finalLawIn,
AbsoluteDate initialOrFinalDateIn,
AbstractIsisSpinBiasSlew.TypeOfDate typeOfDateIn,
double dtSCAOIn,
double thetaMaxAllowedIn,
double durationMaxIn,
double dtConvergenceThresholdIn,
double[][] inertiaMatrixIn,
double rwTorqueAllocAccelIn,
double rwTorqueAllocDecelIn,
double rwDeltaMomentumAllocIn,
double[][] rwMatrixIn,
double tranquillisationTimeIn,
int maxIterationsNumberIn)
AbstractIsisSpinBiasSlew(AttitudeProvider initialLawIn,
AttitudeProvider finalLawIn,
AbsoluteDate initialOrFinalDateIn,
AbstractIsisSpinBiasSlew.TypeOfDate typeOfDateIn,
double dtSCAOIn,
double thetaMaxAllowedIn,
double durationMaxIn,
double dtConvergenceThresholdIn,
double[][] inertiaMatrixIn,
double rwTorqueAllocAccelIn,
double rwTorqueAllocDecelIn,
double rwDeltaMomentumAllocIn,
double[][] rwMatrixIn,
double tranquillisationTimeIn,
int maxIterationsNumberIn,
String natureIn)
AbstractIsisSpinBiasSlew(AttitudeProvider initialLawIn,
AttitudeProvider finalLawIn,
AbsoluteDate initialOrFinalDateIn,
AbstractIsisSpinBiasSlew.TypeOfDate typeOfDateIn,
double dtSCAOIn,
double thetaMaxAllowedIn,
double durationMaxIn,
double dtConvergenceThresholdIn,
double[][] inertiaMatrixIn,
double rwTorqueAllocAccelIn,
double rwTorqueAllocDecelIn,
double rwDeltaMomentumAllocIn,
double[][] rwMatrixIn,
double tranquillisationTimeIn,
String natureIn)
Constructor with default maximum number of iterations allowed for slew duration computation's
AbstractSlew(AttitudeProvider initialLaw,
AttitudeProvider finalLaw,
AbsoluteDate initialDate,
AbsoluteDate finalDate)
Builds a slew when its interval of validity is known.
AbstractSlew(AttitudeProvider initialLaw,
AttitudeProvider finalLaw,
AbsoluteDate initialDate,
AbsoluteDate finalDate,
String natureIn)
Builds a slew when its interval of validity is known.
Attitude(AbsoluteDate date,
Frame referenceFrameIn,
AngularCoordinates orientationIn)
Creates a new instance.
Attitude(AbsoluteDate date,
Frame referenceFrameIn,
Rotation attitude,
Vector3D spin)
Creates a new instance.
Attitude(AbsoluteDate date,
Frame referenceFrameIn,
Rotation attitude,
Vector3D spin,
Vector3D acceleration)
Creates a new instance.
Attitude(double[] y,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame referenceFrameIn)
Creates a new instance from an array containing a quaternion and a spin vector.
AttitudeLawLeg(AttitudeLaw attitudeLaw,
AbsoluteDate initialDate,
AbsoluteDate finalDate)
Build an attitude law version "attitude".
AttitudeLawLeg(AttitudeLaw attitudeLaw,
AbsoluteDate initialDate,
AbsoluteDate finalDate,
String natureIn)
Build an attitude law version "attitude".
ConstantSpinSlew(AttitudeProvider initialLaw,
AttitudeProvider finalLaw,
AbsoluteDate initialDate,
AbsoluteDate finalDate)
Builds a ConstantSpinSlew based on a given interval of dates
ConstantSpinSlew(AttitudeProvider initialLaw,
AttitudeProvider finalLaw,
AbsoluteDate initialDate,
AbsoluteDate finalDate,
String natureIn)
Builds a ConstantSpinSlew based on a given interval of dates
ConstantSpinSlew(AttitudeProvider initialLaw,
AttitudeProvider finalLaw,
AbsoluteDate date,
boolean isStartDate,
double constraintValue,
ConstantSpinSlew.Constraint constraintType)
Builds a ConstantSpinSlew from a type of constraint and its value
ConstantSpinSlew(AttitudeProvider initialLaw,
AttitudeProvider finalLaw,
AbsoluteDate date,
boolean isStartDate,
double constraintValue,
ConstantSpinSlew.Constraint constraintType,
String natureIn)
Builds a ConstantSpinSlew from a type of constraint and its value
IsisAnalyticalSpinBiasSlew(AttitudeProvider initialLawIn,
AttitudeProvider finalLawIn,
AbsoluteDate initialOrFinalDateIn,
AbstractIsisSpinBiasSlew.TypeOfDate typeOfDate,
double dtSCAOIn,
double thetaMaxAllowedIn,
double durationMaxIn,
double dtConvergenceThresholdIn,
double[][] inertiaMatrixIn,
double rwTorqueAllocAccelIn,
double rwTorqueAllocDecelIn,
double rwDeltaMomentumAllocIn,
double[][] rwMatrixIn,
double tranquillisationTimeIn)
Constructor with default maximum number of iterations allowed for slew duration computation's convergence.
IsisAnalyticalSpinBiasSlew(AttitudeProvider initialLawIn,
AttitudeProvider finalLawIn,
AbsoluteDate initialOrFinalDateIn,
AbstractIsisSpinBiasSlew.TypeOfDate typeOfDate,
double dtSCAOIn,
double thetaMaxAllowedIn,
double durationMaxIn,
double dtConvergenceThresholdIn,
double[][] inertiaMatrixIn,
double rwTorqueAllocAccelIn,
double rwTorqueAllocDecelIn,
double rwDeltaMomentumAllocIn,
double[][] rwMatrixIn,
double tranquillisationTimeIn,
int maxIterationsNumberIn)
IsisAnalyticalSpinBiasSlew(AttitudeProvider initialLawIn,
AttitudeProvider finalLawIn,
AbsoluteDate initialOrFinalDateIn,
AbstractIsisSpinBiasSlew.TypeOfDate typeOfDate,
double dtSCAOIn,
double thetaMaxAllowedIn,
double durationMaxIn,
double dtConvergenceThresholdIn,
double[][] inertiaMatrixIn,
double rwTorqueAllocAccelIn,
double rwTorqueAllocDecelIn,
double rwDeltaMomentumAllocIn,
double[][] rwMatrixIn,
double tranquillisationTimeIn,
int maxIterationsNumberIn,
String natureIn)
IsisAnalyticalSpinBiasSlew(AttitudeProvider initialLawIn,
AttitudeProvider finalLawIn,
AbsoluteDate initialOrFinalDateIn,
AbstractIsisSpinBiasSlew.TypeOfDate typeOfDate,
double dtSCAOIn,
double thetaMaxAllowedIn,
double durationMaxIn,
double dtConvergenceThresholdIn,
double[][] inertiaMatrixIn,
double rwTorqueAllocAccelIn,
double rwTorqueAllocDecelIn,
double rwDeltaMomentumAllocIn,
double[][] rwMatrixIn,
double tranquillisationTimeIn,
String natureIn)
Constructor with default maximum number of iterations allowed for slew duration computation's
IsisNumericalSpinBiasSlew(AttitudeProvider initialLawIn,
AttitudeProvider finalLawIn,
AbsoluteDate initialOrFinalDateIn,
AbstractIsisSpinBiasSlew.TypeOfDate typeOfDate,
double dtSCAOIn,
double thetaMaxAllowedIn,
double durationMaxIn,
double dtConvergenceThresholdIn,
double[][] inertiaMatrixIn,
double rwTorqueAllocAccelIn,
double rwTorqueAllocDecelIn,
double rwDeltaMomentumAllocIn,
double[][] rwMatrixIn,
double tranquillisationTimeIn)
Constructor with default maximum number of iterations allowed for slew duration computation's convergence.
IsisNumericalSpinBiasSlew(AttitudeProvider initialLawIn,
AttitudeProvider finalLawIn,
AbsoluteDate initialOrFinalDateIn,
AbstractIsisSpinBiasSlew.TypeOfDate typeOfDate,
double dtSCAOIn,
double thetaMaxAllowedIn,
double durationMaxIn,
double dtConvergenceThresholdIn,
double[][] inertiaMatrixIn,
double rwTorqueAllocAccelIn,
double rwTorqueAllocDecelIn,
double rwDeltaMomentumAllocIn,
double[][] rwMatrixIn,
double tranquillisationTimeIn,
int maxIterationsNumberIn)
IsisNumericalSpinBiasSlew(AttitudeProvider initialLawIn,
AttitudeProvider finalLawIn,
AbsoluteDate initialOrFinalDateIn,
AbstractIsisSpinBiasSlew.TypeOfDate typeOfDate,
double dtSCAOIn,
double thetaMaxAllowedIn,
double durationMaxIn,
double dtConvergenceThresholdIn,
double[][] inertiaMatrixIn,
double rwTorqueAllocAccelIn,
double rwTorqueAllocDecelIn,
double rwDeltaMomentumAllocIn,
double[][] rwMatrixIn,
double tranquillisationTimeIn,
int maxIterationsNumberIn,
String natureIn)
IsisNumericalSpinBiasSlew(AttitudeProvider initialLawIn,
AttitudeProvider finalLawIn,
AbsoluteDate initialOrFinalDateIn,
AbstractIsisSpinBiasSlew.TypeOfDate typeOfDate,
double dtSCAOIn,
double thetaMaxAllowedIn,
double durationMaxIn,
double dtConvergenceThresholdIn,
double[][] inertiaMatrixIn,
double rwTorqueAllocAccelIn,
double rwTorqueAllocDecelIn,
double rwDeltaMomentumAllocIn,
double[][] rwMatrixIn,
double tranquillisationTimeIn,
String natureIn)
Constructor with default maximum number of iterations allowed for slew duration computation's
RelativeTabulatedAttitudeLaw(AbsoluteDate refDate,
List<Pair<Double,AngularCoordinates>> angularCoordinates,
Frame frame,
RelativeTabulatedAttitudeLaw.AroundAttitudeType lawBefore,
RelativeTabulatedAttitudeLaw.AroundAttitudeType lawAfter)
Create a RelativeTabulatedAttitudeLaw object with list of Angular Coordinates (during the interval of validity),
a law before the interval and a law after the interval.
RelativeTabulatedAttitudeLaw(Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate refDate,
List<Pair<Double,Rotation>> orientations,
RelativeTabulatedAttitudeLaw.AroundAttitudeType lawBefore,
RelativeTabulatedAttitudeLaw.AroundAttitudeType lawAfter)
Create a RelativeTabulatedAttitudeLaw object with list of rotations (during the interval of validity),
a law before the interval and a law after the interval.
RelativeTabulatedAttitudeLeg(AbsoluteDate referenceDate,
Frame frame,
List<Pair<Double,AngularCoordinates>> angularCoordinates)
Build a RelativeTabulatedAttitudeLeg with a reference date, a list of angular coordinates
associated with a double representing the time elapsed since the reference date.
RelativeTabulatedAttitudeLeg(AbsoluteDate referenceDate,
Frame frame,
List<Pair<Double,AngularCoordinates>> angularCoordinates,
String natureIn)
Build a RelativeTabulatedAttitudeLeg with a reference date, a list of angular coordinates
associated with a double representing the time elapsed since the reference date.
RelativeTabulatedAttitudeLeg(AbsoluteDate referenceDate,
List<Pair<Double,AngularCoordinates>> angularCoordinates,
int nbInterpolationPoints,
Frame frame)
Build a RelativeTabulatedAttitudeLeg with a reference date, a list of angular coordinates
associated with a double representing the time elapsed since the reference date
and a number of points used for interpolation.
RelativeTabulatedAttitudeLeg(AbsoluteDate referenceDate,
List<Pair<Double,AngularCoordinates>> angularCoordinates,
int nbInterpolationPoints,
Frame frame,
String natureIn)
Build a RelativeTabulatedAttitudeLeg with a reference date, a list of angular coordinates
associated with a double representing the time elapsed since the reference date and a number
of points used for interpolation.
RelativeTabulatedAttitudeLeg(AbsoluteDate referenceDate,
List<Pair<Double,Rotation>> orientations,
Frame frame)
Build a RelativeTabulatedAttitudeLeg with a reference date, a list of Rotations
associated with a double representing the time elapsed since the reference date.
RelativeTabulatedAttitudeLeg(AbsoluteDate referenceDate,
List<Pair<Double,Rotation>> orientations,
Frame frame,
int nbInterpolationPoints)
Build a RelativeTabulatedAttitudeLeg with a reference date, a list of Rotations
associated with a double representing the time elapsed since the reference date
and a number of points used for interpolation.
RelativeTabulatedAttitudeLeg(AbsoluteDate referenceDate,
List<Pair<Double,Rotation>> orientations,
Frame frame,
int nbInterpolationPoints,
String natureIn)
Build a RelativeTabulatedAttitudeLeg with a reference date, a list of Rotations associated
with a double representing the time elapsed since the reference date and a number of points
used for interpolation.
RelativeTabulatedAttitudeLeg(AbsoluteDate referenceDate,
List<Pair<Double,Rotation>> orientations,
Frame frame,
String natureIn)
Build a RelativeTabulatedAttitudeLeg with a reference date, a list of Rotations associated
with a double representing the time elapsed since the reference date.
SpinStabilized(AttitudeLaw pNonRotatingLaw,
AbsoluteDate pStart,
Vector3D pAxis,
double pRate)
Creates a new instance.
TwoSpinBiasSlew(AttitudeProvider initialLaw,
AttitudeProvider targetLaw,
AbsoluteDate initialDate,
double dtSCAOIn,
double thetaMaxIn,
double tauIn,
double epsInRall,
double omegaHigh,
double thetaSwitch,
double epsOutRall,
double omegaLow,
double tStab)
This class extends the AbstractSlew.
TwoSpinBiasSlew(AttitudeProvider initialLaw,
AttitudeProvider targetLaw,
AbsoluteDate initialDate,
double dtSCAOIn,
double thetaMaxIn,
double tauIn,
double epsInRall,
double omegaHigh,
double thetaSwitch,
double epsOutRall,
double omegaLow,
double tStab,
String natureIn)
This class extends the AbstractSlew.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Vector3D |
GlintApproximatePointingDirection.getGlintVectorPosition(PVCoordinatesProvider origin,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Get the position vector of the glint point
Line |
MomentumDirection.getLine(PVCoordinatesProvider origin,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Provides the line containing the origin (given PV coordinates) and directed by the direction vector.
Line |
EarthCenterDirection.getLine(PVCoordinatesProvider pvCoord,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Provides the line containing the origin (given PV coordinates) and directed by the direction vector.
Line |
VelocityDirection.getLine(PVCoordinatesProvider origin,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Provides the line containing the origin (given PV coordinates) and directed by the direction vector.
Line |
ConstantVectorDirection.getLine(PVCoordinatesProvider pvCoord,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Provides the line containing the given origin point and directed by the direction vector
Line |
ToCelestialBodyCenterDirection.getLine(PVCoordinatesProvider origin,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Provides the line containing the origin (given PV coordinates) and directed by the direction vector.
Line |
NadirDirection.getLine(PVCoordinatesProvider pvCoord,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Provides the line containing the origin (given PV coordinates) and directed by the direction vector.
Line |
GlintApproximatePointingDirection.getLine(PVCoordinatesProvider origin,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Provides the line containing the origin (given PV coordinates) and directed by the direction vector.
Line |
EarthToCelestialBodyCenterDirection.getLine(PVCoordinatesProvider pvCoord,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Provides the line containing the origin (given PV coordinates) and directed by the direction vector.
Line |
IDirection.getLine(PVCoordinatesProvider pvCoord,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Provides the line containing the origin (given PV coordinates) and directed by the direction vector.
Line |
GroundVelocityDirection.getLine(PVCoordinatesProvider pvCoord,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Provides the line containing the origin (given PV coordinates) and directed by the direction vector.
Line |
GenericTargetDirection.getLine(PVCoordinatesProvider origin,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Provides the line containing the origin (given PV coordinates) and directed by the direction vector.
Line |
CrossProductDirection.getLine(PVCoordinatesProvider pvCoord,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Provides the line containing the origin (given PV coordinates) and directed by the cross product of directions.
Line |
CelestialBodyPolesAxisDirection.getLine(PVCoordinatesProvider pvCoord,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Provides the line containing the origin (given PV coordinates) and directed by the direction vector.
PVCoordinates |
EarthCenterDirection.getTargetPVCoordinates(AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Provides the target point at a given date in a given frame, represented by the
associated PVCoordinates object
PVCoordinates |
ToCelestialBodyCenterDirection.getTargetPVCoordinates(AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Provides the target point at a given date in a given frame, represented by the
associated PVCoordinates object
PVCoordinates |
EarthToCelestialBodyCenterDirection.getTargetPVCoordinates(AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Provides the target point at a given date in a given frame, represented by the
associated PVCoordinates object
PVCoordinates |
GenericTargetDirection.getTargetPVCoordinates(AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Provides the target point at a given date in a given frame, represented by the
associated PVCoordinates object
PVCoordinates |
ITargetDirection.getTargetPVCoordinates(AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Provides the target point at a given date in a given frame, represented by the
associated PVCoordinates object
Vector3D |
MomentumDirection.getVector(PVCoordinatesProvider origin,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Provides the direction vector at a given date in a given frame.
Vector3D |
EarthCenterDirection.getVector(PVCoordinatesProvider pvCoord,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Provides the direction vector at a given date in a given frame.
Vector3D |
VelocityDirection.getVector(PVCoordinatesProvider origin,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Provides the direction vector at a given date in a given frame.
Vector3D |
ConstantVectorDirection.getVector(PVCoordinatesProvider pvCoord,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Provides the direction vector at a given date in a given frame.
Vector3D |
ToCelestialBodyCenterDirection.getVector(PVCoordinatesProvider origin,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Provides the direction vector at a given date in a given frame.
Vector3D |
NadirDirection.getVector(PVCoordinatesProvider pvCoord,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Provides the direction vector at a given date in a given frame.
Vector3D |
GlintApproximatePointingDirection.getVector(PVCoordinatesProvider origin,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Provides the direction vector at a given date in a given frame.
Vector3D |
EarthToCelestialBodyCenterDirection.getVector(PVCoordinatesProvider pvCoord,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Provides the direction vector at a given date in a given frame.
Vector3D |
IDirection.getVector(PVCoordinatesProvider pvCoord,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Provides the direction vector at a given date in a given frame.
Vector3D |
GroundVelocityDirection.getVector(PVCoordinatesProvider pvCoord,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Provides the direction vector at a given date in a given frame.
Vector3D |
GenericTargetDirection.getVector(PVCoordinatesProvider origin,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Provides the direction vector at a given date in a given frame.
Vector3D |
CrossProductDirection.getVector(PVCoordinatesProvider pvCoord,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Provides the cross product of direction1 vector and dirction2 vector.
Vector3D |
CelestialBodyPolesAxisDirection.getVector(PVCoordinatesProvider pvCoord,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Provides the direction vector at a given date in a given frame.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AbsoluteDate |
Get the date at x = 0.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Vector3D |
AbstractOrientationFunction.computeSpin(AbsoluteDate date)
Estimate the spin at a given date from the current
OrientationFunction using the quaternions formula:
Ω = 2 * Q' dQ, where Q' is the conjugate of the quaternion and dQ is the derivative of the quaternion at
the given date. |
Vector3D |
AbstractOrientationFunction.estimateRate(AbsoluteDate date,
double dt)
Estimate the spin at a given date from the current
OrientationFunction using the
AngularCoordinates.estimateRate(Rotation, Rotation, double) method. |
abstract Rotation |
AbstractOrientationFunction.getOrientation(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the orientation at a given date.
Rotation |
OrientationFunction.getOrientation(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the orientation at a given date.
static Rotation |
KinematicsToolkit.integrate(KinematicsToolkit.IntegrationType type,
Rotation initOrientation,
AbsoluteDate initDate,
AbsoluteDate finalDate,
Vector3DFunction spin,
double step)
Integrate a spin function.
Constructor and Description |
AbstractOrientationFunction(AbsoluteDate zeroDate)
Constructor setting a default finite differences differentiator.
AbstractOrientationFunction(AbsoluteDate zeroDate,
UnivariateVectorFunctionDifferentiator inDifferentiator) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Attitude |
MultiAttitudeProviderWrapper.getAttitude(Map<String,PVCoordinatesProvider> pvProvs,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Computes the attitude corresponding to several orbital states.
Attitude |
MultiAttitudeProvider.getAttitude(Map<String,PVCoordinatesProvider> pvProvs,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Computes the attitude corresponding to several orbital states.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
double |
OrientationAngleProvider.getOrientationAngle(PVCoordinatesProvider pvProv,
AbsoluteDate date)
Compute the orientation angle corresponding to an orbital state.
double |
ConstantOrientationAngleLeg.getOrientationAngle(PVCoordinatesProvider pvProv,
AbsoluteDate date)
Compute the orientation angle corresponding to an orbital state.
double |
ConstantOrientationAngleLaw.getOrientationAngle(PVCoordinatesProvider pvProv,
AbsoluteDate date)
Compute the orientation angle corresponding to an orbital state.
double |
OrientationAngleProfileSequence.getOrientationAngle(PVCoordinatesProvider pvProv,
AbsoluteDate date)
Compute the orientation angle corresponding to an orbital state.
double |
OrientationAngleLawLeg.getOrientationAngle(PVCoordinatesProvider pvProv,
AbsoluteDate date)
Compute the orientation angle corresponding to an orbital state.
double |
OrientationAngleLegsSequence.getOrientationAngle(PVCoordinatesProvider pvProv,
AbsoluteDate date)
Compute the orientation angle corresponding to an orbital state.
Constructor and Description |
OrientationAngleLawLeg(OrientationAngleLaw orientationAngleLawIn,
AbsoluteDate initialDate,
AbsoluteDate finalDate)
OrientationAngleLawLeg(OrientationAngleLaw orientationAngleLawIn,
AbsoluteDate initialDate,
AbsoluteDate finalDate,
String natureIn)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AbsoluteDate |
Get the date zero of the polynomial functions.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
AbstractAttitudeProfile.checkDate(AbsoluteDate userDate)
Check date validity.
Attitude |
QuaternionHarmonicProfile.getAttitude(PVCoordinatesProvider pvProv,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Compute the attitude corresponding to an orbital state.
Attitude |
AngularVelocitiesPolynomialProfile.getAttitude(PVCoordinatesProvider pvProv,
AbsoluteDate userDate,
Frame frame)
Compute the attitude corresponding to an orbital state.
Attitude |
AttitudeProfilesSequence.getAttitude(PVCoordinatesProvider pvProv,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Gets the attitude from the sequence.
Attitude |
AngularVelocitiesHarmonicProfile.getAttitude(PVCoordinatesProvider pvProv,
AbsoluteDate userDate,
Frame frame)
Compute the attitude corresponding to an orbital state.
Attitude |
QuaternionPolynomialProfile.getAttitude(PVCoordinatesProvider pvProv,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Compute the attitude corresponding to an orbital state.
Rotation |
AngularVelocitiesPolynomialSegment.getOrientation(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the orientation from the quaternion polynomials at a given date.
Rotation |
QuaternionPolynomialSegment.getOrientation(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the orientation from the quaternion polynomials at a given date.
Vector3D |
AngularVelocitiesPolynomialSegment.getRotationAcceleration(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the rotation acceleration from the vector3D at a given date.
Vector3D |
AngularVelocitiesHarmonicProfile.getRotationAcceleration(AbsoluteDate dateIn)
Get the rotation acceleration from the vector3D at a given date.
Vector3D |
AngularVelocitiesPolynomialSegment.getVelocity(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the velocity from the vector3D at a given date.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AbsoluteDate |
Get the date.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
double |
GeometricBodyShape.distanceTo(Line line,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date)
Computes the distance to a line.
double |
ExtendedOneAxisEllipsoid.distanceTo(Line line,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date)
Computes the distance to a line.
double |
ExtendedOneAxisEllipsoid.getApparentRadius(Vector3D position,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date,
PVCoordinatesProvider occultedBody)
Calculate the apparent radius.
double |
EllipsoidBodyShape.getApparentRadius(Vector3D position,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date,
PVCoordinatesProvider occultedBody)
Calculate the apparent radius.
GeodeticPoint |
OneAxisEllipsoid.getIntersectionPoint(Line line,
Vector3D close,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date)
Get the intersection point of a line with the surface of the body.
GeodeticPoint |
ExtendedOneAxisEllipsoid.getIntersectionPoint(Line line,
Vector3D close,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date)
Get the intersection point of a line with the surface of the body.
GeodeticPoint |
BodyShape.getIntersectionPoint(Line line,
Vector3D close,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date)
Get the intersection point of a line with the surface of the body.
Vector3D[] |
GeometricBodyShape.getIntersectionPoints(Line line,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date)
Compute the intersection points with a line.
Vector3D[] |
ExtendedOneAxisEllipsoid.getIntersectionPoints(Line line,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date)
Compute the intersection points with a line.
Line |
BasicBoardSun.getLine(PVCoordinatesProvider pvCoord,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Get the line from the position in pvCoord to the Sun.
double |
GeometricBodyShape.getLocalRadius(Vector3D position,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date,
PVCoordinatesProvider occultedBody)
Calculate the apparent radius.
double |
ExtendedOneAxisEllipsoid.getLocalRadius(Vector3D position,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date,
PVCoordinatesProvider occultedBody)
Calculate the apparent radius.
Vector3D |
IAUPole.getPole(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the body North pole direction in EME2000 frame.
PVCoordinates |
PosVelChebyshev.getPositionVelocity(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the position-velocity at a specified date.
double |
IAUPole.getPrimeMeridianAngle(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the prime meridian angle.
PVCoordinates |
MeeusSun.getPVCoordinates(AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Get the
PVCoordinates of the body in the selected frame. |
PVCoordinates |
UserCelestialBody.getPVCoordinates(AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Get the
PVCoordinates of the body in the selected frame. |
abstract PVCoordinates |
AbstractCelestialBody.getPVCoordinates(AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Get the
PVCoordinates of the body in the selected frame. |
PVCoordinates |
ExtendedOneAxisEllipsoid.getPVCoordinates(AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Get the
PVCoordinates of the body in the selected frame. |
PVCoordinates |
MeeusMoon.getPVCoordinates(AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Get the
PVCoordinates of the body in the selected frame. |
Vector3D |
BasicBoardSun.getVector(PVCoordinatesProvider pvCoord,
AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Get the direction of the sun.
boolean |
PosVelChebyshev.inRange(AbsoluteDate date)
Check if a date is in validity range.
GeodeticPoint |
OneAxisEllipsoid.transform(Vector3D point,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date)
Transform a cartesian point to a surface-relative point.
GeodeticPoint |
ExtendedOneAxisEllipsoid.transform(Vector3D point,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date)
Transform a cartesian point to a surface-relative point.
GeodeticPoint |
BodyShape.transform(Vector3D point,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date)
Transform a cartesian point to a surface-relative point.
GeodeticPoint |
OneAxisEllipsoid.transformAndComputeJacobian(Vector3D point,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date,
double[][] jacobian)
Transform a cartesian point to a surface-relative point and compute the jacobian of
the transformation.
static void |
MeeusSun.updateTransform(AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Update cached transform from
FramesFactory.getMOD(boolean) to provided frame. |
Constructor and Description |
BasicBoardSun(AbsoluteDate ref,
double alpha1,
double alpha2,
double nu1,
double nu2,
double lon1,
double epsilon)
Constructor with user values.
PosVelChebyshev(AbsoluteDate startIn,
double durationIn,
double[] xCoeffsIn,
double[] yCoeffsIn,
double[] zCoeffsIn)
Simple constructor.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AbsoluteDate |
Get the date.
AbsoluteDate |
CodedEvent.getDate() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static CodedEvent |
CodedEvent.buildUndefinedEvent(AbsoluteDate date,
boolean isStarting)
Factory method for an undefined event, that still has a valid date.
Set<CodedEvent> |
CodedEventsList.getEvents(String code,
String comment,
AbsoluteDate date)
Finds one/more events in the list of
CodedEvent following some criteria. |
void |
CombinedPhenomenaDetector.init(SpacecraftState s0,
AbsoluteDate t)
Initialize event handler at the start of a propagation.
void |
EarthZoneDetector.init(SpacecraftState s0,
AbsoluteDate t)
Initialize event handler at the start of a propagation.
void |
GenericCodingEventDetector.init(SpacecraftState s0,
AbsoluteDate t)
Initialize event handler at the start of a propagation.
Constructor and Description |
CodedEvent(String codeIn,
String commentIn,
AbsoluteDate dateIn,
boolean startingEventIn)
Constructor for the coded event.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AbsoluteDate |
Get the date.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
MultiGenericCodingEventDetector.init(Map<String,SpacecraftState> s0,
AbsoluteDate t)
Initialize event handler at the start of a propagation.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
SatToSatMutualVisibilityDetector.init(Map<String,SpacecraftState> s0,
AbsoluteDate t)
Initialize event handler at the start of a propagation.
void |
ExtremaSightAxisDetector.init(SpacecraftState s0,
AbsoluteDate t)
Initialize event handler at the start of a propagation.
void |
StationToSatMutualVisibilityDetector.init(SpacecraftState s0,
AbsoluteDate t)
Initialize event handler at the start of a propagation.
void |
SatToSatMutualVisibilityDetector.init(SpacecraftState s0,
AbsoluteDate t)
Initialize event handler at the start of a propagation.
void |
SensorInhibitionDetector.init(SpacecraftState s0,
AbsoluteDate t)
Initialize event handler at the start of a propagation.
void |
SensorVisibilityDetector.init(SpacecraftState s0,
AbsoluteDate t)
Initialize event handler at the start of a propagation.
void |
TargetInFieldOfViewDetector.init(SpacecraftState s0,
AbsoluteDate t)
Initialize event handler at the start of a propagation.
void |
VisibilityFromStationDetector.init(SpacecraftState s0,
AbsoluteDate t)
Initialize event handler at the start of a propagation.
void |
MaskingDetector.init(SpacecraftState s0,
AbsoluteDate t)
Initialize event handler at the start of a propagation.
void |
SecondarySpacecraft.updateSpacecraftState(AbsoluteDate date)
Updates the assembly frames at a given date from the orbit and attitude
information provided by the propagator.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AbsoluteDate |
Get the date.
AbsoluteDate |
Returns the epoch for this coordinate.
AbsoluteDate |
Returns the start epoch of the orbit file.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
SatelliteTimeCoordinate.setEpoch(AbsoluteDate epochIn)
Set the epoch for this coordinate.
Constructor and Description |
SatelliteTimeCoordinate(AbsoluteDate time,
PVCoordinates coord)
Creates a new
SatelliteTimeCoordinate instance with
a given epoch and coordinate. |
SatelliteTimeCoordinate(AbsoluteDate time,
PVCoordinates coord,
double clockCorr,
double rateChange)
Creates a new
SatelliteTimeCoordinate instance with a given
epoch, coordinate and clock value / rate change. |
SatelliteTimeCoordinate(AbsoluteDate time,
Vector3D pos,
double clock)
Creates a new
SatelliteTimeCoordinate object with a given epoch
and position coordinate. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AbsoluteDate |
Returns the start epoch of the orbit file.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
SP3File.setEpoch(AbsoluteDate time)
Set the epoch of the SP3 file.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AbsoluteDate |
Gets the available data range maximum date.
AbsoluteDate |
Gets the available data range maximum date.
AbsoluteDate |
Gets the available data range maximum date.
AbsoluteDate |
Gets the available data range minimum date.
AbsoluteDate |
Gets the available data range minimum date.
AbsoluteDate |
Gets the available data range minimum date.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
double |
DTM2000InputParameters.get24HoursKp(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the last 24H mean geomagnetic index.
double |
JB2006InputParameters.getAp(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the Geomagnetic planetary 3-hour index Ap.
double[] |
MSISE2000InputParameters.getApValues(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the array containing the 7 ap values
AtmosphereData |
DTM2000.getData(AbsoluteDate date,
Vector3D position,
Frame frame)
Get detailed atmospheric data.
AtmosphereData |
MSISE2000.getData(AbsoluteDate date,
Vector3D position,
Frame frame)
Get detailed atmospheric data.
AtmosphereData |
ExtendedAtmosphere.getData(AbsoluteDate date,
Vector3D position,
Frame frame)
Get detailed atmospheric data.
double |
HarrisPriester.getDensity(AbsoluteDate date,
Vector3D position,
Frame frame)
Get the local density.
double |
DTM2000.getDensity(AbsoluteDate date,
Vector3D position,
Frame frame)
Get the local density.
double |
US76.getDensity(AbsoluteDate date,
Vector3D position,
Frame frame)
Get the local density for altitude in interval [0, 1E6] m
Note: if altitude < 0 m or altitude > 1E6 m the density corresponding to the closest bound is returned.
double |
Atmosphere.getDensity(AbsoluteDate date,
Vector3D position,
Frame frame)
Get the local density.
double |
MSISE2000.getDensity(AbsoluteDate date,
Vector3D position,
Frame frame)
Get the local density.
double |
JB2006.getDensity(AbsoluteDate date,
Vector3D position,
Frame frame)
Get the local density.
double |
SimpleExponentialAtmosphere.getDensity(AbsoluteDate date,
Vector3D position,
Frame frame)
Get the local density.
double |
JB2006InputParameters.getF10(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the value of the instantaneous solar flux index
double |
JB2006InputParameters.getF10B(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the value of the mean solar flux.
double |
DTM2000InputParameters.getInstantFlux(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the value of the instantaneous solar flux.
double |
MSISE2000InputParameters.getInstantFlux(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the value of the instantaneous solar flux.
double |
DTM2000InputParameters.getMeanFlux(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the value of the mean solar flux.
double |
MSISE2000InputParameters.getMeanFlux(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the 81 day average of F10.7 flux.
double |
US76.getPress(AbsoluteDate date,
Vector3D position,
Frame frame)
Get the local pressure for altitude in interval [0, 1E6] m
Note: if altitude < 0 m or altitude > 1E6 m the pressure corresponding to the closest bound is returned.
double |
MSISE2000.getPressure(AbsoluteDate date,
Vector3D position,
Frame frame)
Returns pressure.
double |
JB2006InputParameters.getS10(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the EUV index (26-34 nm) scaled to F10.
double |
JB2006InputParameters.getS10B(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the EUV 81-day averaged centered index.
double |
HarrisPriester.getSpeedOfSound(AbsoluteDate date,
Vector3D position,
Frame frame)
Get the local speed of sound.
double |
DTM2000.getSpeedOfSound(AbsoluteDate date,
Vector3D position,
Frame frame)
Get the local speed of sound.
double |
US76.getSpeedOfSound(AbsoluteDate date,
Vector3D position,
Frame frame)
Get the local speed of sound.
double |
Atmosphere.getSpeedOfSound(AbsoluteDate date,
Vector3D position,
Frame frame)
Get the local speed of sound.
double |
MSISE2000.getSpeedOfSound(AbsoluteDate date,
Vector3D position,
Frame frame)
Get the local speed of sound.
double |
JB2006.getSpeedOfSound(AbsoluteDate date,
Vector3D position,
Frame frame)
Get the local speed of sound.
double |
SimpleExponentialAtmosphere.getSpeedOfSound(AbsoluteDate date,
Vector3D position,
Frame frame)
Get the local speed of sound.
double |
US76.getTemp(AbsoluteDate date,
Vector3D position,
Frame frame)
Get the local temperature for altitude in interval [0, 1E6] m
Note: if altitude < 0 m or altitude > 1E6 m the temperature corresponding to the closest bound is returned.
double |
DTM2000InputParameters.getThreeHourlyKP(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the value of the 3 hours geomagnetic index.
Vector3D |
HarrisPriester.getVelocity(AbsoluteDate date,
Vector3D position,
Frame frame)
Get the inertial velocity of atmosphere molecules.
Vector3D |
DTM2000.getVelocity(AbsoluteDate date,
Vector3D position,
Frame frame)
Get the inertial velocity of atmosphere molecules.
Vector3D |
US76.getVelocity(AbsoluteDate date,
Vector3D position,
Frame frame)
Get the spacecraft velocity relative to the atmosphere.
Vector3D |
Atmosphere.getVelocity(AbsoluteDate date,
Vector3D position,
Frame frame)
Get the spacecraft velocity relative to the atmosphere.
Vector3D |
MSISE2000.getVelocity(AbsoluteDate date,
Vector3D position,
Frame frame)
Get the spacecraft velocity relative to the atmosphere.
Vector3D |
JB2006.getVelocity(AbsoluteDate date,
Vector3D position,
Frame frame)
Get the inertial velocity of atmosphere molecules.
Vector3D |
SimpleExponentialAtmosphere.getVelocity(AbsoluteDate date,
Vector3D position,
Frame frame)
Get the spacecraft velocity relative to the atmosphere.
double |
JB2006InputParameters.getXM10(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the MG2 index scaled to F10.
double |
JB2006InputParameters.getXM10B(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the MG2 81-day average centered index.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AbsoluteDate |
Get maximum date of ap / kp values
AbsoluteDate |
Get maximum date of ap / kp values
AbsoluteDate |
Get maximum date of ap / kp values
AbsoluteDate |
Get maximum date of ap / kp values
AbsoluteDate |
Get minimum date of ap / kp values
AbsoluteDate |
Get minimum date of ap / kp values
AbsoluteDate |
Get minimum date of ap / kp values
AbsoluteDate |
Get minimum date of ap / kp values
AbsoluteDate |
Get maximum date of flux values
AbsoluteDate |
Get maximum date of flux values
AbsoluteDate |
Get maximum date of flux values
AbsoluteDate |
Get maximum date of flux values
AbsoluteDate |
Get minimum date of flux values
AbsoluteDate |
Get minimum date of flux values
AbsoluteDate |
Get minimum date of flux values
AbsoluteDate |
Get minimum date of flux values
AbsoluteDate |
Get maximum date at which both flux and ap values are available
AbsoluteDate |
Get maximum date at which both flux and ap values are available
AbsoluteDate |
Get maximum date at which both flux and ap values are available
AbsoluteDate |
Get maximum date at which both flux and ap values are available
AbsoluteDate |
Get minimum date at which both flux and ap values are available
AbsoluteDate |
Get minimum date at which both flux and ap values are available
AbsoluteDate |
Get minimum date at which both flux and ap values are available
AbsoluteDate |
Get minimum date at which both flux and ap values are available
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SortedMap<AbsoluteDate,Double[]> |
SolarActivityDataReader.getApKpValues(AbsoluteDate date1,
AbsoluteDate date2)
Get ap / kp values between the given dates
SortedMap<AbsoluteDate,Double[]> |
ConstantSolarActivity.getApKpValues(AbsoluteDate date1,
AbsoluteDate date2)
Get ap / kp values between the given dates
SortedMap<AbsoluteDate,Double[]> |
SolarActivityDataProvider.getApKpValues(AbsoluteDate date1,
AbsoluteDate date2)
Get ap / kp values between the given dates
SortedMap<AbsoluteDate,Double[]> |
ExtendedSolarActivityWrapper.getApKpValues(AbsoluteDate date1,
AbsoluteDate date2)
Get ap / kp values between the given dates
SortedMap<AbsoluteDate,Double> |
SolarActivityDataReader.getInstantFluxValues(AbsoluteDate date1,
AbsoluteDate date2)
Get raw instant flux values between the given dates
SortedMap<AbsoluteDate,Double> |
ConstantSolarActivity.getInstantFluxValues(AbsoluteDate date1,
AbsoluteDate date2)
Get raw instant flux values between the given dates
SortedMap<AbsoluteDate,Double> |
SolarActivityDataProvider.getInstantFluxValues(AbsoluteDate date1,
AbsoluteDate date2)
Get raw instant flux values between the given dates
SortedMap<AbsoluteDate,Double> |
ExtendedSolarActivityWrapper.getInstantFluxValues(AbsoluteDate date1,
AbsoluteDate date2)
Get raw instant flux values between the given dates
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
SolarActivityDataReader.addApKp(AbsoluteDate date,
Double[][] apkp)
Add a flux value
protected void |
SolarActivityDataReader.addF107(AbsoluteDate date,
double f107)
Add a flux value
double |
SolarActivityDataReader.getAp(AbsoluteDate date)
Get Ap value at given user date
double |
ConstantSolarActivity.getAp(AbsoluteDate date)
Get Ap value at given user date
double |
SolarActivityDataProvider.getAp(AbsoluteDate date)
Get Ap value at given user date
double |
ExtendedSolarActivityWrapper.getAp(AbsoluteDate date)
Get Ap value at given user date
SortedMap<AbsoluteDate,Double[]> |
SolarActivityDataReader.getApKpValues(AbsoluteDate date1,
AbsoluteDate date2)
Get ap / kp values between the given dates
SortedMap<AbsoluteDate,Double[]> |
ConstantSolarActivity.getApKpValues(AbsoluteDate date1,
AbsoluteDate date2)
Get ap / kp values between the given dates
SortedMap<AbsoluteDate,Double[]> |
SolarActivityDataProvider.getApKpValues(AbsoluteDate date1,
AbsoluteDate date2)
Get ap / kp values between the given dates
SortedMap<AbsoluteDate,Double[]> |
ExtendedSolarActivityWrapper.getApKpValues(AbsoluteDate date1,
AbsoluteDate date2)
Get ap / kp values between the given dates
static double |
SolarActivityToolbox.getAverageFlux(AbsoluteDate date1,
AbsoluteDate date2,
SolarActivityDataProvider data)
Compute mean flux between given dates.
double |
ConstantSolarActivity.getInstantFlux(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the value of the instantaneous solar flux.
double |
SolarActivityDataReader.getInstantFluxValue(AbsoluteDate date)
Get instant flux values at the given dates (possibly interpolated)
double |
ConstantSolarActivity.getInstantFluxValue(AbsoluteDate date)
Get instant flux values at the given dates (possibly interpolated)
double |
SolarActivityDataProvider.getInstantFluxValue(AbsoluteDate date)
Get instant flux values at the given dates (possibly interpolated)
double |
ExtendedSolarActivityWrapper.getInstantFluxValue(AbsoluteDate date)
Get instant flux values at the given dates (possibly interpolated)
SortedMap<AbsoluteDate,Double> |
SolarActivityDataReader.getInstantFluxValues(AbsoluteDate date1,
AbsoluteDate date2)
Get raw instant flux values between the given dates
SortedMap<AbsoluteDate,Double> |
ConstantSolarActivity.getInstantFluxValues(AbsoluteDate date1,
AbsoluteDate date2)
Get raw instant flux values between the given dates
SortedMap<AbsoluteDate,Double> |
SolarActivityDataProvider.getInstantFluxValues(AbsoluteDate date1,
AbsoluteDate date2)
Get raw instant flux values between the given dates
SortedMap<AbsoluteDate,Double> |
ExtendedSolarActivityWrapper.getInstantFluxValues(AbsoluteDate date1,
AbsoluteDate date2)
Get raw instant flux values between the given dates
double |
SolarActivityDataReader.getKp(AbsoluteDate date)
Get Kp value at given user date
double |
ConstantSolarActivity.getKp(AbsoluteDate date)
Get Kp value at given user date
double |
SolarActivityDataProvider.getKp(AbsoluteDate date)
Get Kp value at given user date
double |
ExtendedSolarActivityWrapper.getKp(AbsoluteDate date)
Get Kp value at given user date
static double |
SolarActivityToolbox.getMeanAp(AbsoluteDate minDate,
AbsoluteDate maxDate,
SolarActivityDataProvider data)
Compute mean flux between given dates (rectangular rule)
static double |
SolarActivityToolbox.getMeanFlux(AbsoluteDate date1,
AbsoluteDate date2,
SolarActivityDataProvider data)
Compute mean flux between given dates using trapezoidal rule
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AbsoluteDate |
Gets the available data range maximum date.
AbsoluteDate |
Gets the available data range maximum date.
AbsoluteDate |
Gets the available data range maximum date.
AbsoluteDate |
Gets the available data range minimum date.
AbsoluteDate |
Gets the available data range minimum date.
AbsoluteDate |
Gets the available data range minimum date.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
double |
MarshallSolarActivityFutureEstimation.get24HoursKp(AbsoluteDate date)
The Kp index is derived from the Ap index.
double |
DTM2000SolarData.get24HoursKp(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the last 24H mean geomagnetic index.
double[] |
ClassicalMSISE2000SolarData.getApValues(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the array containing the 7 ap values
double[] |
ContinuousMSISE2000SolarData.getApValues(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the array containing the 7 ap values
abstract double[] |
AbstractMSISE2000SolarData.getApValues(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the array containing the 7 ap values
DateComponents |
MarshallSolarActivityFutureEstimation.getFileDate(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the date of the file from which data at the specified date comes from.
double |
MarshallSolarActivityFutureEstimation.getInstantFlux(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the value of the instantaneous solar flux.
double |
ContinuousMSISE2000SolarData.getInstantFlux(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the value of the instantaneous solar flux.
double |
AbstractMSISE2000SolarData.getInstantFlux(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the value of the instantaneous solar flux.
double |
DTM2000SolarData.getInstantFlux(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the value of the instantaneous solar flux.
double |
MarshallSolarActivityFutureEstimation.getMeanFlux(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the value of the mean solar flux.
double |
ContinuousMSISE2000SolarData.getMeanFlux(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the 81 day average of F10.7 flux.
double |
AbstractMSISE2000SolarData.getMeanFlux(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the 81 day average of F10.7 flux.
double |
DTM2000SolarData.getMeanFlux(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the value of the mean solar flux.
double |
MarshallSolarActivityFutureEstimation.getThreeHourlyKP(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the value of the 3 hours geomagnetic index.
double |
DTM2000SolarData.getThreeHourlyKP(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the value of the 3 hours geomagnetic index.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Vector3D |
DragForce.computeAcceleration(PVCoordinates pv,
Frame frame,
Atmosphere atm,
AbsoluteDate date,
double kD,
double mass)
Method to compute the acceleration.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Vector3D |
CunninghamAttractionModel.computeAcceleration(PVCoordinates pv,
AbsoluteDate date)
Method to compute the acceleration.
Vector3D |
DrozinerAttractionModel.computeAcceleration(PVCoordinates pv,
AbsoluteDate date)
Method to compute the acceleration.
Vector3D |
ThirdBodyAttraction.computeAcceleration(PVCoordinates pv,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date)
Method to compute the acceleration.
Vector3D |
NewtonianAttraction.computeAcceleration(PVCoordinates pv,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date)
Method to compute the acceleration.
static double[][] |
GravityToolbox.computeDAccDPos(PVCoordinates pv,
AbsoluteDate date,
double equatorialRadius,
double mu,
double[][] c,
double[][] s)
Compute the partial derivatives of the acceleration (Cunningham algorithm) with respect to the position.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Vector3D |
AbstractTides.computeAcceleration(PVCoordinates pv,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date)
Method to compute the acceleration, from Balmino algorithm (see BalminoAttractionModel class).
static double[][] |
TidesToolbox.computeFundamentalArguments(AbsoluteDate date,
TidesStandards.TidesStandard standard)
Method to compute the Doodson fundamental arguments.
double[][] |
OceanTides.getDenormalizedCCoefs(AbsoluteDate date)
Get denormalized C coefficients table
double[][] |
OceanTides.getDenormalizedSCoefs(AbsoluteDate date)
Get denormalized S coefficients table
double[][] |
OceanTides.getNormalizedCCoefs(AbsoluteDate date)
Get normalized C coefficients table
double[][] |
OceanTides.getNormalizedSCoefs(AbsoluteDate date)
Get normalized S coefficients table
static Vector3D |
ReferencePointsDisplacement.solidEarthTidesCorrections(AbsoluteDate date,
Vector3D point,
Vector3D sun,
Vector3D moon)
Computes the displacement of reference points due to the effect of the solid Earth tides.
void |
OceanTides.updateCoefficientsCandS(AbsoluteDate date)
Update the C and the S coefficients for acceleration computation.
abstract void |
AbstractTides.updateCoefficientsCandS(AbsoluteDate date)
Update the C and the S coefficients for acceleration computation.
void |
PotentialTimeVariations.updateCoefficientsCandS(AbsoluteDate date)
Update the C and the S coefficients for acceleration computation.
void |
TerrestrialTides.updateCoefficientsCandS(AbsoluteDate date)
Update the C and the S coefficients for acceleration computation.
void |
OceanTides.updateCoefficientsCandSPD(AbsoluteDate date)
Update the C and the S coefficients for partial derivatives computation.
abstract void |
AbstractTides.updateCoefficientsCandSPD(AbsoluteDate date)
Update the C and the S coefficients for partial derivatives computation.
void |
PotentialTimeVariations.updateCoefficientsCandSPD(AbsoluteDate date)
Update the C and the S coefficients for partial derivatives computation.
void |
TerrestrialTides.updateCoefficientsCandSPD(AbsoluteDate date)
Update the C and the S coefficients for partial derivatives computation.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Vector3D |
VariablePotentialAttractionModel.computeAcceleration(AbsoluteDate date,
PVCoordinates pv)
Compute acceleration in rotating frame
void |
VariablePotentialAttractionModel.updateCoefficientsCandS(AbsoluteDate date)
Update the C and the S coefficients for acceleration computation.
void |
VariablePotentialAttractionModel.updateCoefficientsCandSPD(AbsoluteDate date)
Update the C and the S coefficients for partial derivatives computation.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AbsoluteDate |
Get the reference date of the file
AbsoluteDate |
VariablePotentialCoefficientsReader.getDate() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AbsoluteDate |
Get the date of the maneuver.
AbsoluteDate |
Return the maneuver stop date (if a date or a
DateDetector as been provided). |
AbsoluteDate |
Return the maneuver stop date (if a date or a
DateDetector as been provided). |
AbsoluteDate |
Return the maneuver start date (if a date or a
DateDetector as been provided). |
AbsoluteDate |
Return the maneuver start date (if a date or a
DateDetector as been provided). |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ImpulseManeuver.init(SpacecraftState s0,
AbsoluteDate t)
Initialize event handler at the start of a propagation.
Constructor and Description |
ConstantThrustError(AbsoluteDate date,
double duration,
double cx,
double cy,
double cz)
Create a constant thrust error model whose x, y and z components are constant functions:
fx = cx fy = cy fz = cz Errors components are expressed in spacecraft frame. |
ConstantThrustError(AbsoluteDate date,
double duration,
double ax,
double bx,
double ay,
double by,
double az,
double bz,
AbsoluteDate date0)
Create a constant thrust error model whose x, y and z components are linear functions:
fx = ax*t + bx fy = ay*t + by fz = az*t + bz Errors components are expressed in spacecraft frame. |
ConstantThrustError(AbsoluteDate date,
double duration,
Frame frame,
double cx,
double cy,
double cz)
Create a constant thrust error model whose x, y and z components are constant functions:
fx = cx fy = cy fz = cz Errors components are expressed in provided frame. |
ConstantThrustError(AbsoluteDate date,
double duration,
Frame frame,
double ax,
double bx,
double ay,
double by,
double az,
double bz,
AbsoluteDate date0)
Create a constant thrust error model whose x, y and z components are linear functions:
fx = ax*t + bx fy = ay*t + by fz = az*t + bz Errors components are expressed in provided frame. |
ConstantThrustError(AbsoluteDate date,
double duration,
Frame frame,
IParamDiffFunction fx,
IParamDiffFunction fy,
IParamDiffFunction fz)
Create a constant thrust error model whose x, y and z components are parameterizable and differentiable function.
ConstantThrustError(AbsoluteDate date,
double duration,
Frame frame,
Parameter cx,
Parameter cy,
Parameter cz)
Create a constant thrust error model whose x, y and z components are constant functions:
fx = cx fy = cy fz = cz Errors components are expressed in provided frame. |
ConstantThrustError(AbsoluteDate date,
double duration,
Frame frame,
Parameter ax,
Parameter bx,
Parameter ay,
Parameter by,
Parameter az,
Parameter bz,
AbsoluteDate date0)
Create a constant thrust error model whose x, y and z components are linear functions:
fx = ax*t + bx fy = ay*t + by fz = az*t + bz Errors components are expressed in provided frame. |
ConstantThrustError(AbsoluteDate date,
double duration,
IParamDiffFunction fx,
IParamDiffFunction fy,
IParamDiffFunction fz)
Create a constant thrust error model whose x, y and z components are parameterizable and differentiable function.
ConstantThrustError(AbsoluteDate date,
double duration,
LOFType lofType,
double cx,
double cy,
double cz)
Create a constant thrust error model whose x, y and z components are constant functions:
fx = cx fy = cy fz = cz Errors components are expressed in provided local orbital frame. |
ConstantThrustError(AbsoluteDate date,
double duration,
LOFType lofType,
double ax,
double bx,
double ay,
double by,
double az,
double bz,
AbsoluteDate date0)
Create a constant thrust error model whose x, y and z components are linear functions:
fx = ax*t + bx fy = ay*t + by fz = az*t + bz Errors components are expressed in provided local orbital frame. |
ConstantThrustError(AbsoluteDate date,
double duration,
LOFType lofType,
IParamDiffFunction fx,
IParamDiffFunction fy,
IParamDiffFunction fz)
Create a constant thrust error model whose x, y and z components are parameterizable and differentiable function.
ConstantThrustError(AbsoluteDate date,
double duration,
LOFType lofType,
Parameter cx,
Parameter cy,
Parameter cz)
Create a constant thrust error model whose x, y and z components are constant functions:
fx = cx fy = cy fz = cz Errors components are expressed in provided local orbital frame. |
ConstantThrustError(AbsoluteDate date,
double duration,
LOFType lofType,
Parameter ax,
Parameter bx,
Parameter ay,
Parameter by,
Parameter az,
Parameter bz,
AbsoluteDate date0)
Create a constant thrust error model whose x, y and z components are linear functions:
fx = ax*t + bx fy = ay*t + by fz = az*t + bz Errors components are expressed in provided local orbital frame. |
ConstantThrustError(AbsoluteDate date,
double duration,
Parameter cx,
Parameter cy,
Parameter cz)
Create a constant thrust error model whose x, y and z components are constant functions:
fx = cx fy = cy fz = cz Errors components are expressed in spacecraft frame. |
ConstantThrustError(AbsoluteDate date,
double duration,
Parameter ax,
Parameter bx,
Parameter ay,
Parameter by,
Parameter az,
Parameter bz,
AbsoluteDate date0)
Create a constant thrust error model whose x, y and z components are linear functions:
fx = ax*t + bx fy = ay*t + by fz = az*t + bz Errors components are expressed in spacecraft frame. |
ContinuousThrustManeuver(AbsoluteDate date,
double duration,
PropulsiveProperty engine,
IDependentVectorVariable<SpacecraftState> inDirection,
MassProvider massProvider,
TankProperty tank)
Constructor for a variable direction in satellite frame.
ContinuousThrustManeuver(AbsoluteDate date,
double duration,
PropulsiveProperty engine,
IDependentVectorVariable<SpacecraftState> inDirection,
MassProvider massProvider,
TankProperty tank,
Frame frameIn)
Constructor for a variable direction in provided frame.
ContinuousThrustManeuver(AbsoluteDate date,
double duration,
PropulsiveProperty engine,
IDependentVectorVariable<SpacecraftState> inDirection,
MassProvider massProvider,
TankProperty tank,
LOFType lofTyp)
Constructor for a variable direction in provided local orbital frame.
ContinuousThrustManeuver(AbsoluteDate date,
double duration,
PropulsiveProperty engine,
Vector3D inDirection,
MassProvider massProvider,
TankProperty tank)
Constructor for a constant direction in satellite frame.
ContinuousThrustManeuver(AbsoluteDate date,
double duration,
PropulsiveProperty engine,
Vector3D inDirection,
MassProvider massProvider,
TankProperty tank,
Frame frameIn)
Constructor for a constant direction in provided frame.
ContinuousThrustManeuver(AbsoluteDate date,
double duration,
PropulsiveProperty engine,
Vector3D inDirection,
MassProvider massProvider,
TankProperty tank,
LOFType lofTyp)
Constructor for a constant direction in provided local orbital frame.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static AbsoluteDate |
reference day of Knocke-Ries model.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
double[] |
KnockeRiesModel.getEmissivity(AbsoluteDate cdate,
double latitude,
double longitude)
Computing of the emissivities of earth (albedo and infrared) based of the Knocke-Reis model (the longitude is not
used in this model)
See Obelix Reference manuel (NT-07-1)
double[] |
IEmissivityModel.getEmissivity(AbsoluteDate cdate,
double latitude,
double longitude)
Get the albedo and infrared emissivities.
static double |
SolarRadiationPressureEllipsoid.getLightningRatio(PVCoordinatesProvider sun,
Vector3D satSunVector,
GeometricBodyShape earthModel,
Vector3D position,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date)
Get the lightning ratio ([0-1]).
double |
SolarRadiationPressureCircular.getLightningRatio(Vector3D position,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date)
Get the lightning ratio ([0-1]).
Constructor and Description |
RediffusedFlux(int nCorona,
int nMeridian,
Frame bodyFrame,
CelestialBody sunProvider,
PVCoordinatesProvider satProvider,
AbsoluteDate d,
IEmissivityModel model)
Default constructor of rediffused flux.
RediffusedFlux(int nCorona,
int nMeridian,
Frame bodyFrame,
CelestialBody sun,
PVCoordinatesProvider satProvider,
AbsoluteDate dDate,
IEmissivityModel model,
boolean inIr,
boolean inAlbedo)
Generic constructor of rediffused flux.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AbsoluteDate |
Getter for the reference date.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
double |
TopocentricFrame.getAzimuth(Vector3D extPoint,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date)
Get the azimuth of a point with regards to the topocentric frame center point.
double |
TopocentricFrame.getAzimuthRate(PVCoordinates extPV,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date)
Get the azimuth rate of a point.
double |
TopocentricFrame.getElevation(Vector3D extPoint,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date)
Get the elevation of a point with regards to the local point.
double |
TopocentricFrame.getElevationRate(PVCoordinates extPV,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date)
Get the elevation rate of a point.
Frame |
Frame.getFrozenFrame(Frame reference,
AbsoluteDate freezingDate,
String frozenName)
Get a new version of the instance, frozen with respect to a reference frame.
static Frame |
FramesFactory.getH0MinusN(String name,
AbsoluteDate h0MinusN,
double longitude)
Get the "H0 - n" reference frame.
static Frame |
FramesFactory.getH0MinusN(String name,
AbsoluteDate h0,
double n,
double longitude)
Get the "H0 - n" reference frame.
PVCoordinates |
TopocentricFrame.getPVCoordinates(AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Get the
PVCoordinates of the topocentric frame origin in the selected frame. |
double |
TopocentricFrame.getRange(Vector3D extPoint,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date)
Get the range of a point with regards to the topocentric frame center point.
double |
TopocentricFrame.getRangeRate(PVCoordinates extPV,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date)
Get the range rate of a point with regards to the topocentric frame center point.
RealMatrix |
Frame.getTransformJacobian(Frame to,
AbsoluteDate date)
Compute the Jacobian from current frame to target frame at provided date.
Transform |
Frame.getTransformTo(Frame destination,
AbsoluteDate date)
Get the transform from the instance to another frame.
Transform |
Frame.getTransformTo(Frame destination,
AbsoluteDate date,
boolean computeSpinDerivatives)
Get the transform from the instance to another frame.
Transform |
Frame.getTransformTo(Frame destination,
AbsoluteDate date,
FramesConfiguration config)
Get the transform from the instance to another frame.
Transform |
Frame.getTransformTo(Frame destination,
AbsoluteDate date,
FramesConfiguration config,
boolean computeSpinDerivatives)
Get the transform from the instance to another frame.
double |
TopocentricFrame.getXangleCardan(Vector3D extPoint,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date)
Get the Cardan x angle of a point.
double |
TopocentricFrame.getXangleCardanRate(PVCoordinates extPV,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date)
Get the Cardan x angle rate.
double |
TopocentricFrame.getYangleCardan(Vector3D extPoint,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date)
Get the Cardan y angle of a point with regards to the projection point on the plane defined
by the zenith and the west axis.
double |
TopocentricFrame.getYangleCardanRate(PVCoordinates extPV,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date)
Get the Cardan y angle rate.
Transform |
LOFType.transformFromInertial(AbsoluteDate date,
PVCoordinates pv)
Get the transform from an inertial frame defining position-velocity and the local orbital
Transform |
LOFType.transformFromInertial(AbsoluteDate date,
PVCoordinates pv,
boolean computeSpinDerivatives)
Get the transform from an inertial frame defining position-velocity and the local orbital
CardanMountPosition |
TopocentricFrame.transformFromPositionToCardan(Vector3D extPoint,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date)
Transform a Cartesian position coordinates into Cardan mounting in this local
topocentric frame.
TopocentricPosition |
TopocentricFrame.transformFromPositionToTopocentric(Vector3D extPoint,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date)
Transform a Cartesian position coordinates into topocentric coordinates in this local
topocentric frame.
CardanMountPV |
TopocentricFrame.transformFromPVToCardan(PVCoordinates extPV,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date)
Transform a Cartesian position coordinates into Cardan mounting in this local
topocentric frame.
TopocentricPV |
TopocentricFrame.transformFromPVToTopocentric(PVCoordinates extPV,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date)
Transform a Cartesian position and velocity coordinates into topocentric coordinates in this local
topocentric frame.
void |
UpdatableFrame.updateTransform(Frame f1,
Frame f2,
Transform f1Tof2,
AbsoluteDate date)
Update the transform from parent frame implicitly according to two other
Constructor and Description |
H0MinusNFrame(String name,
AbsoluteDate h0In,
double nIn,
double longitudeIn)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
double[] |
PrecessionNutation.getCIPMotion(AbsoluteDate date)
Compute the CIP pole coordinates at given date.
double[] |
FramesConfigurationImplementation.getCIPMotion(AbsoluteDate date)
Compute the corrected Celestial Intermediate Pole motion (X, Y, S) in the GCRS.
double[] |
FramesConfiguration.getCIPMotion(AbsoluteDate date)
Compute the corrected Celestial Intermediate Pole motion (X, Y, S) in the GCRS.
double[] |
PrecessionNutation.getCIPMotionTimeDerivative(AbsoluteDate date)
Compute the CIP pole coordinate derivatives at given date.
double[] |
FramesConfigurationImplementation.getCIPMotionTimeDerivative(AbsoluteDate date)
Compute the time derivative Celestial Intermediate Pole motion in the GCRS.
double[] |
FramesConfiguration.getCIPMotionTimeDerivative(AbsoluteDate date)
Compute the time derivative Celestial Intermediate Pole motion in the GCRS.
double[] |
FramesConfigurationImplementation.getPolarMotion(AbsoluteDate date)
Compute corrected polar motion.
double[] |
FramesConfiguration.getPolarMotion(AbsoluteDate date)
Compute corrected polar motion.
PoleCorrection |
PolarMotion.getPoleCorrection(AbsoluteDate date)
Compute pole correction.
double |
PolarMotion.getSP(AbsoluteDate date)
Compute S'.
double |
FramesConfigurationImplementation.getSprime(AbsoluteDate date)
Compute S' value.
double |
FramesConfiguration.getSprime(AbsoluteDate date)
Compute S' value.
double |
DiurnalRotation.getUT1Correction(AbsoluteDate date)
Compute ut1-tai correction.
double |
FramesConfigurationImplementation.getUT1Correction(AbsoluteDate date)
Compute correction dut1.
double |
FramesConfiguration.getUT1Correction(AbsoluteDate date)
Compute correction dut1.
double |
FramesConfigurationImplementation.getUT1MinusTAI(AbsoluteDate date)
Compute corrected ut1-tai.
double |
FramesConfiguration.getUT1MinusTAI(AbsoluteDate date)
Compute corrected ut1-tai.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AbsoluteDate |
Get the date.
AbsoluteDate |
Get the date of the last available Earth Orientation Parameters.
AbsoluteDate |
Get the date of the last available Earth Orientation Parameters.
AbsoluteDate |
AbsoluteDate |
EOP2000HistoryConstantOutsideInterval.getEndDate() |
AbsoluteDate |
Get the date of the first available Earth Orientation Parameters.
AbsoluteDate |
Get the date of the first available Earth Orientation Parameters.
AbsoluteDate |
AbsoluteDate |
EOP2000HistoryConstantOutsideInterval.getStartDate() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
double |
EOPHistory.getLOD(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the LoD (Length of Day) value.
double |
AbstractEOPHistory.getLOD(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the LoD (Length of Day) value.
double |
NoEOP2000History.getLOD(AbsoluteDate date)
double |
EOP2000HistoryConstantOutsideInterval.getLOD(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the LoD (Length of Day) value.
protected EOPEntry[] |
AbstractEOPHistory.getNeighbors(AbsoluteDate central)
Get the entries surrounding a central date.
NutationCorrection |
EOPHistory.getNutationCorrection(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the correction to the nutation parameters.
NutationCorrection |
AbstractEOPHistory.getNutationCorrection(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the correction to the nutation parameters.
NutationCorrection |
NoEOP2000History.getNutationCorrection(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the correction to the nutation parameters.
NutationCorrection |
EOP2000HistoryConstantOutsideInterval.getNutationCorrection(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the correction to the nutation parameters.
PoleCorrection |
EOPHistory.getPoleCorrection(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the pole IERS Reference Pole correction.
PoleCorrection |
AbstractEOPHistory.getPoleCorrection(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the pole IERS Reference Pole correction.
PoleCorrection |
NoEOP2000History.getPoleCorrection(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the pole IERS Reference Pole correction.
PoleCorrection |
EOP2000HistoryConstantOutsideInterval.getPoleCorrection(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the pole IERS Reference Pole correction.
double |
EOPHistory.getUT1MinusTAI(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the UT1-TAI value.
double |
AbstractEOPHistory.getUT1MinusTAI(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the UT1-TAI value.
double |
NoEOP2000History.getUT1MinusTAI(AbsoluteDate date)
double |
EOP2000HistoryConstantOutsideInterval.getUT1MinusTAI(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the UT1-TAI value.
double |
EOPHistory.getUT1MinusUTC(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the UT1-UTC value.
double |
AbstractEOPHistory.getUT1MinusUTC(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the UT1-UTC value.
double |
EOP2000HistoryConstantOutsideInterval.getUT1MinusUTC(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the UT1-UTC value.
Constructor and Description |
EOP1980Entry(AbsoluteDate adate,
double dt,
double lod,
double x,
double y,
double ddPsi,
double ddEps)
Constructor with an AbsoluteDate parameter.
EOP1980Entry(AbsoluteDate adate,
double dt,
double lod,
double x,
double y,
double ddPsi,
double ddEps,
EOPEntry.DtType type)
Constructor with an AbsoluteDate parameter.
EOP2000Entry(AbsoluteDate adate,
double dt,
double lod,
double x,
double y,
double dx,
double dy)
Constructor with an AbsoluteDate parameter.
EOP2000Entry(AbsoluteDate adate,
double dt,
double lod,
double x,
double y,
double dx,
double dy,
EOPEntry.DtType type)
Constructor with an AbsoluteDate parameter.
EOPEntry(AbsoluteDate adate,
double dtIn,
double lodIn,
double xIn,
double yIn,
double dxIn,
double dyIn)
Constructor with an AbsoluteDate parameter.
EOPEntry(AbsoluteDate adate,
double dtIn,
double lodIn,
double xIn,
double yIn,
double dxIn,
double dyIn,
EOPEntry.DtType type)
Constructor with an AbsoluteDate parameter.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PoleCorrection |
NoLibrationCorrection.getPoleCorrection(AbsoluteDate t)
Compute the pole corrections at a given date.
PoleCorrection |
IERS2010LibrationCorrection.getPoleCorrection(AbsoluteDate date)
This method provides the diurnal lunisolar effect on polar motion in time domain.
PoleCorrection |
LibrationCorrectionModel.getPoleCorrection(AbsoluteDate t)
Compute the pole corrections at a given date.
PoleCorrection |
LibrationCorrectionPerThread.getPoleCorrection(AbsoluteDate date)
Compute the pole corrections at a given date.
double |
NoLibrationCorrection.getUT1Correction(AbsoluteDate t)
Compute the UT1-TAI corrections at a given date.
double |
IERS2010LibrationCorrection.getUT1Correction(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the dUT1 value.
double |
LibrationCorrectionModel.getUT1Correction(AbsoluteDate t)
Compute the UT1-TAI corrections at a given date.
double |
LibrationCorrectionPerThread.getUT1Correction(AbsoluteDate date)
Compute the UT1-TAI corrections at a given date.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AbsoluteDate |
Get the date.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<CIPCoordinates> |
CIPCoordinatesGenerator.generate(CIPCoordinates existingData,
AbsoluteDate date)
Generate a chronologically sorted list of entries to be cached.
double[] |
NoPrecessionNutation.getCIPMotion(AbsoluteDate t)
Compute the Celestial Intermediate pole motion in the GCRS.
double[] |
StelaPrecessionNutationModel.getCIPMotion(AbsoluteDate date)
Compute the Celestial Intermediate pole motion in the GCRS.
double[] |
IERS20032010PrecessionNutation.getCIPMotion(AbsoluteDate date)
Compute the Celestial Intermediate pole motion in the GCRS.
double[] |
PrecessionNutationModel.getCIPMotion(AbsoluteDate t)
Compute the Celestial Intermediate pole motion in the GCRS.
double[] |
PrecessionNutationPerThread.getCIPMotion(AbsoluteDate date)
Compute the Celestial Intermediate pole motion in the GCRS.
double[] |
PrecessionNutationCache.getCIPMotion(AbsoluteDate date)
Compute the Celestial Intermediate pole motion in the GCRS.
double[] |
NoPrecessionNutation.getCIPMotionTimeDerivative(AbsoluteDate t)
Compute the Celestial Intermediate pole motion in the GCRS.
double[] |
StelaPrecessionNutationModel.getCIPMotionTimeDerivative(AbsoluteDate date)
Compute the Celestial Intermediate pole motion in the GCRS.
double[] |
IERS20032010PrecessionNutation.getCIPMotionTimeDerivative(AbsoluteDate date)
Compute the Celestial Intermediate pole motion in the GCRS.
double[] |
PrecessionNutationModel.getCIPMotionTimeDerivative(AbsoluteDate t)
Compute the Celestial Intermediate pole motion in the GCRS.
double[] |
PrecessionNutationPerThread.getCIPMotionTimeDerivative(AbsoluteDate date)
Compute the Celestial Intermediate pole motion in the GCRS.
double[] |
PrecessionNutationCache.getCIPMotionTimeDerivative(AbsoluteDate date)
Compute the Celestial Intermediate pole motion in the GCRS.
Constructor and Description |
CIPCoordinates(AbsoluteDate dateIn,
double[] cip,
double[] cipDV) |
CIPCoordinates(AbsoluteDate dateIn,
double xIn,
double xPIn,
double yIn,
double yPIn,
double sIn,
double sPIn) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
double |
SPrimeModel.getSP(AbsoluteDate t)
Compute the correction S' at a given date.
double |
NoSpCorrection.getSP(AbsoluteDate t)
Compute the correction S' at a given date.
double |
IERS2010SPCorrection.getSP(AbsoluteDate date)
Compute the correction S' at a given date.
double |
IERS2003SPCorrection.getSP(AbsoluteDate date)
Compute the correction S' at a given date.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AbsoluteDate |
TidalCorrection.getDate() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected TidalCorrection |
IERS2003TidalCorrection.computeCorrections(AbsoluteDate date)
Compute the partials of the tidal variations to the orthoweights.
List<TidalCorrection> |
TidalCorrectionGenerator.generate(TidalCorrection existingData,
AbsoluteDate date)
Generate a chronologically sorted list of entries to be cached.
double |
IERS2003TidalCorrection.getLODCorrection(AbsoluteDate t)
Get length of day correction.
double |
TidalCorrectionPerThread.getLODCorrection(AbsoluteDate date)
Get length of day correction.
double |
TidalCorrectionModel.getLODCorrection(AbsoluteDate date)
Get length of day correction.
double |
IERS2010TidalCorrection.getLODCorrection(AbsoluteDate date)
Get length of day correction.
double |
NoTidalCorrection.getLODCorrection(AbsoluteDate t)
Get length of day correction.
PoleCorrection |
IERS2003TidalCorrection.getPoleCorrection(AbsoluteDate date)
Compute the pole corrections at a given date.
PoleCorrection |
TidalCorrectionPerThread.getPoleCorrection(AbsoluteDate date)
Compute the pole corrections at a given date.
PoleCorrection |
TidalCorrectionModel.getPoleCorrection(AbsoluteDate date)
Compute the pole corrections at a given date.
PoleCorrection |
IERS2010TidalCorrection.getPoleCorrection(AbsoluteDate date)
Compute the pole corrections at a given date.
PoleCorrection |
NoTidalCorrection.getPoleCorrection(AbsoluteDate t)
Compute the pole corrections at a given date.
double |
IERS2003TidalCorrection.getUT1Correction(AbsoluteDate date)
Compute the UT1-TAI corrections at a given date.
double |
TidalCorrectionPerThread.getUT1Correction(AbsoluteDate date)
Compute the UT1-TAI corrections at a given date.
double |
TidalCorrectionModel.getUT1Correction(AbsoluteDate date)
Compute the UT1-TAI corrections at a given date.
double |
IERS2010TidalCorrection.getUT1Correction(AbsoluteDate date)
Compute the UT1-TAI corrections at a given date.
double |
NoTidalCorrection.getUT1Correction(AbsoluteDate t)
Compute the UT1-TAI corrections at a given date.
Constructor and Description |
TidalCorrection(AbsoluteDate dateIn,
PoleCorrection poleIn,
double ut1Corr,
double lodCor) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AbsoluteDate |
Get the date.
AbsoluteDate |
Get the reference epoch of the transform.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static double |
TIRFProvider.getEarthRotationAngle(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the Earth Rotation Angle at the current date.
static double |
TODProvider.getEquationOfEquinoxes(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the Equation of the Equinoxes at the current date.
double[] |
MODProvider.getEulerAngles(AbsoluteDate date)
Compute Euler angles (3, 2, 3) of MOD => EME2000 transformation and their derivatives with respect to time.
double |
GTODProvider.getGAST(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the Greenwich apparent sidereal time, in radians.
double |
GTODProvider.getGAST(AbsoluteDate date,
FramesConfiguration config)
Get the Greenwich apparent sidereal time, in radians.
static double |
GTODProvider.getGMST(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the Greenwich mean sidereal time, in radians.
static double |
GTODProvider.getGMST(AbsoluteDate date,
FramesConfiguration config)
Get the Greenwich mean sidereal time, in radians.
double |
TODProvider.getLOD(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the LoD (Length of Day) value.
PoleCorrection |
TODProvider.getPoleCorrection(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the pole IERS Reference Pole correction.
static double |
GTODProvider.getRotationRate(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the rotation rate of the Earth.
static double |
GTODProvider.getRotationRate(AbsoluteDate date,
FramesConfiguration config)
Get the rotation rate of the Earth.
Transform |
TODProvider.getTransform(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the transform from Mean Of Date at specified date.
Transform |
MODProvider.getTransform(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the transfrom from parent frame.
Transform |
EODProvider.getTransform(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the
Transform corresponding to specified date. |
Transform |
ITRFEquinoxProvider.getTransform(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the transform from GTOD at specified date.
Transform |
TransformProvider.getTransform(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the
Transform corresponding to specified date. |
Transform |
HelmertTransformation.getTransform(AbsoluteDate date)
Compute the transform at some date.
Transform |
VEISProvider.getTransform(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the transform from GTOD at specified date.
Transform |
TIRFProvider.getTransform(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the transform from CIRF 2000 at specified date.
Transform |
GTODProvider.getTransform(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the transform from TOD at specified date.
Transform |
TEMEProvider.getTransform(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the transform from True Of Date date.
Transform |
ITRFProvider.getTransform(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the transform from TIRF 2000 at specified date.
Transform |
InterpolatingTransformProvider.getTransform(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the
Transform corresponding to specified date. |
Transform |
FixedTransformProvider.getTransform(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the
Transform corresponding to specified date. |
Transform |
CIRFProvider.getTransform(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the transform from GCRF to CIRF2000 at the specified date.
Transform |
TODProvider.getTransform(AbsoluteDate date,
boolean computeSpinDerivatives)
Get the transform from Mean Of Date at specified date.
Transform |
MODProvider.getTransform(AbsoluteDate date,
boolean computeSpinDerivatives)
Get the transfrom from parent frame.
Transform |
EODProvider.getTransform(AbsoluteDate date,
boolean computeSpinDerivatives)
Get the
Transform corresponding to specified date. |
Transform |
ITRFEquinoxProvider.getTransform(AbsoluteDate date,
boolean computeSpinDerivatives)
Get the transform from GTOD at specified date.
Transform |
TransformProvider.getTransform(AbsoluteDate date,
boolean computeSpinDerivatives)
Get the
Transform corresponding to specified date. |
Transform |
HelmertTransformation.getTransform(AbsoluteDate date,
boolean computeSpinDerivatives)
Compute the transform at some date.
Transform |
VEISProvider.getTransform(AbsoluteDate date,
boolean computeSpinDerivatives)
Get the transform from GTOD at specified date.
Transform |
TIRFProvider.getTransform(AbsoluteDate date,
boolean computeSpinDerivatives)
Get the transform from CIRF 2000 at specified date.
Transform |
GTODProvider.getTransform(AbsoluteDate date,
boolean computeSpinDerivatives)
Get the transform from TOD at specified date.
Transform |
TEMEProvider.getTransform(AbsoluteDate date,
boolean computeSpinDerivatives)
Get the transform from True Of Date date.
Transform |
ITRFProvider.getTransform(AbsoluteDate date,
boolean computeSpinDerivatives)
Get the transform from TIRF 2000 at specified date.
Transform |
InterpolatingTransformProvider.getTransform(AbsoluteDate date,
boolean computeSpinDerivatives)
Get the
Transform corresponding to specified date. |
Transform |
FixedTransformProvider.getTransform(AbsoluteDate date,
boolean computeSpinDerivatives)
Get the
Transform corresponding to specified date. |
Transform |
CIRFProvider.getTransform(AbsoluteDate date,
boolean computeSpinDerivatives)
Get the transform from GCRF to CIRF2000 at the specified date.
Transform |
TODProvider.getTransform(AbsoluteDate date,
FramesConfiguration config)
Get the transform from Mean Of Date at specified date.
Transform |
MODProvider.getTransform(AbsoluteDate date,
FramesConfiguration config)
Get the transfrom from parent frame.
Transform |
EODProvider.getTransform(AbsoluteDate date,
FramesConfiguration config)
Get the
Transform corresponding to specified date. |
Transform |
ITRFEquinoxProvider.getTransform(AbsoluteDate date,
FramesConfiguration config)
Get the transform from GTOD at specified date.
Transform |
TransformProvider.getTransform(AbsoluteDate date,
FramesConfiguration config)
Get the
Transform corresponding to specified date. |
Transform |
HelmertTransformation.getTransform(AbsoluteDate date,
FramesConfiguration config)
Compute the transform at some date.
Transform |
VEISProvider.getTransform(AbsoluteDate date,
FramesConfiguration config)
Get the
Transform corresponding to specified date. |
Transform |
TIRFProvider.getTransform(AbsoluteDate date,
FramesConfiguration config)
Get the transform from CIRF 2000 at specified date.
Transform |
GTODProvider.getTransform(AbsoluteDate date,
FramesConfiguration config)
Get the transform from TOD at specified date.
Transform |
TEMEProvider.getTransform(AbsoluteDate date,
FramesConfiguration config)
Get the transform from True Of Date date.
Transform |
ITRFProvider.getTransform(AbsoluteDate date,
FramesConfiguration config)
Get the transform from TIRF 2000 at specified date.
Transform |
InterpolatingTransformProvider.getTransform(AbsoluteDate date,
FramesConfiguration config)
Get the
Transform corresponding to specified date. |
Transform |
FixedTransformProvider.getTransform(AbsoluteDate date,
FramesConfiguration config)
Get the
Transform corresponding to specified date. |
Transform |
CIRFProvider.getTransform(AbsoluteDate date,
FramesConfiguration config)
Get the transform from GCRF to CIRF2000 at the specified date.
Transform |
TODProvider.getTransform(AbsoluteDate date,
FramesConfiguration config,
boolean computeSpinDerivatives)
Get the transform from Mean Of Date at specified date.
Transform |
MODProvider.getTransform(AbsoluteDate date,
FramesConfiguration config,
boolean computeSpinDerivatives)
Get the transfrom from parent frame.
Transform |
EODProvider.getTransform(AbsoluteDate date,
FramesConfiguration config,
boolean computeSpinDerivatives)
Get the
Transform corresponding to specified date. |
Transform |
ITRFEquinoxProvider.getTransform(AbsoluteDate date,
FramesConfiguration config,
boolean computeSpinDerivatives)
Get the transform from GTOD at specified date.
Transform |
TransformProvider.getTransform(AbsoluteDate date,
FramesConfiguration config,
boolean computeSpinDerivatives)
Get the
Transform corresponding to specified date. |
Transform |
HelmertTransformation.getTransform(AbsoluteDate date,
FramesConfiguration config,
boolean computeSpinDerivatives)
Compute the transform at some date.
Transform |
VEISProvider.getTransform(AbsoluteDate date,
FramesConfiguration config,
boolean computeSpinDerivatives)
Get the
Transform corresponding to specified date. |
Transform |
TIRFProvider.getTransform(AbsoluteDate date,
FramesConfiguration config,
boolean computeSpinDerivatives)
Get the transform from CIRF 2000 at specified date.
Transform |
GTODProvider.getTransform(AbsoluteDate date,
FramesConfiguration config,
boolean computeSpinDerivatives)
Get the transform from TOD at specified date.
Transform |
TEMEProvider.getTransform(AbsoluteDate date,
FramesConfiguration config,
boolean computeSpinDerivatives)
Get the transform from True Of Date date.
Transform |
ITRFProvider.getTransform(AbsoluteDate date,
FramesConfiguration config,
boolean computeSpinDerivatives)
Get the transform from TIRF 2000 at specified date.
Transform |
InterpolatingTransformProvider.getTransform(AbsoluteDate date,
FramesConfiguration config,
boolean computeSpinDerivatives)
Get the
Transform corresponding to specified date. |
Transform |
FixedTransformProvider.getTransform(AbsoluteDate date,
FramesConfiguration config,
boolean computeSpinDerivatives)
Get the
Transform corresponding to specified date. |
Transform |
CIRFProvider.getTransform(AbsoluteDate date,
FramesConfiguration config,
boolean computeSpinDerivatives)
Get the transform from GCRF to CIRF2000 at the specified date.
static Transform |
Transform.interpolate(AbsoluteDate date,
boolean useVelocities,
boolean useRotationRates,
Collection<Transform> sample)
Interpolate a transform from a sample set of existing transforms.
static Transform |
Transform.interpolate(AbsoluteDate date,
boolean useVelocities,
boolean useRotationRates,
Collection<Transform> sample,
boolean computeSpinDerivative)
Interpolate a transform from a sample set of existing transforms.
Transform |
Transform.interpolate(AbsoluteDate interpolationDate,
Collection<Transform> sample)
Get an interpolated instance.
Transform |
Transform.interpolate(AbsoluteDate interpolationDate,
Collection<Transform> sample,
boolean computeSpinDerivative)
Get an interpolated instance.
Constructor and Description |
H0MinusNProvider(AbsoluteDate h0MinusN,
double longitude)
Simple constructor.
HelmertTransformation(AbsoluteDate epochIn,
double t1,
double t2,
double t3,
double r1,
double r2,
double r3,
double t1Dot,
double t2Dot,
double t3Dot,
double r1Dot,
double r2Dot,
double r3Dot)
Build a transform from its primitive operations.
InterpolatingTransformProvider(TransformProvider rawProviderIn,
boolean useVelocitiesIn,
boolean useRotationRatesIn,
AbsoluteDate earliestIn,
AbsoluteDate latestIn,
int gridPoints,
double stepIn,
int maxSlots,
double maxSpan,
double newSlotInterval)
Simple constructor.
InterpolatingTransformProvider(TransformProvider rawProviderIn,
boolean useVelocitiesIn,
boolean useRotationRatesIn,
AbsoluteDate earliestIn,
AbsoluteDate latestIn,
int gridPoints,
double stepIn,
int maxSlots,
double maxSpan,
double newSlotInterval,
boolean computeSpinDerivatives)
Simple constructor.
Transform(AbsoluteDate dateIn,
AngularCoordinates angularIn)
Build a rotation transform.
Transform(AbsoluteDate dateIn,
PVCoordinates cartesianIn)
Build a translation transform, with its first time derivative.
Transform(AbsoluteDate dateIn,
PVCoordinates cartesianIn,
AngularCoordinates angularIn)
Build a transform from its primitive operations.
Transform(AbsoluteDate dateIn,
Rotation rotation)
Build a rotation transform.
Transform(AbsoluteDate dateIn,
Rotation rotation,
Vector3D rotationRate)
Build a rotation transform.
Transform(AbsoluteDate dateIn,
Rotation rotation,
Vector3D rotationRate,
Vector3D rotationAcceleration)
Build a rotation transform.
Transform(AbsoluteDate dateIn,
Transform first,
Transform second)
Build a transform by combining two existing ones without computing spin derivatives.
Transform(AbsoluteDate dateIn,
Transform first,
Transform second,
boolean computeSpinDerivatives)
Build a transform by combining two existing ones.
Transform(AbsoluteDate dateIn,
Vector3D translation)
Build a translation transform.
Transform(AbsoluteDate dateIn,
Vector3D translation,
Vector3D velocity)
Build a translation transform, with its first time derivative.
Transform(AbsoluteDate dateIn,
Vector3D translation,
Vector3D velocity,
Vector3D acceleration)
Build a translation transform, with its first and second time derivatives.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PVCoordinates |
GeometricStationAntenna.getPVCoordinates(AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Get the
PVCoordinates of the station antenna in the selected frame. |
PVCoordinates |
RFStationAntenna.getPVCoordinates(AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Get the
PVCoordinates of the body in the selected frame. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AbsoluteDate |
Get the reference date.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
SecularAndHarmonic.addPoint(AbsoluteDate date,
double osculatingValue)
Add a fitting point.
double[] |
SecularAndHarmonic.approximateAsPolynomialOnly(int combinedDegree,
AbsoluteDate combinedReference,
int meanDegree,
int meanHarmonics,
AbsoluteDate start,
AbsoluteDate end,
double step)
Approximate an already fitted model to polynomial only terms.
double |
SecularAndHarmonic.meanDerivative(AbsoluteDate date,
int degree,
int harmonics)
Get mean derivative, truncated to first components.
double |
SecularAndHarmonic.meanSecondDerivative(AbsoluteDate date,
int degree,
int harmonics)
Get mean second derivative, truncated to first components.
double |
SecularAndHarmonic.meanValue(AbsoluteDate date,
int degree,
int harmonics)
Get mean value, truncated to first components.
double |
SecularAndHarmonic.osculatingDerivative(AbsoluteDate date)
Get fitted osculating derivative.
double |
SecularAndHarmonic.osculatingSecondDerivative(AbsoluteDate date)
Get fitted osculating second derivative.
double |
SecularAndHarmonic.osculatingValue(AbsoluteDate date)
Get fitted osculating value.
void |
SecularAndHarmonic.resetFitting(AbsoluteDate date,
double... initialGuess)
Reset fitting.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AbsoluteDate |
Get the date at x = 0.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
abstract Vector3D |
AbstractVector3DFunction.getVector3D(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the vector at a given date.
Vector3D |
Vector3DFunction.getVector3D(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the vector at a given date.
Constructor and Description |
AbstractVector3DFunction(AbsoluteDate zeroDate)
Constructor setting a default finite differences differentiator and a default trapezoid integrator.
AbstractVector3DFunction(AbsoluteDate zeroDate,
UnivariateVectorFunctionDifferentiator inDifferentiator)
Constructor setting a default trapezoid integrator.
AbstractVector3DFunction(AbsoluteDate zeroDate,
UnivariateVectorFunctionDifferentiator inDifferentiator,
UnivariateIntegrator inIntegrator)
Constructor and Description |
LinearFunction(AbsoluteDate t0,
double slope,
double zeroValue)
Simple constructor of a linear function a * (t - t0) + b
using input constant a, b and initial date.
LinearFunction(AbsoluteDate t0,
Parameter slope,
Parameter zeroValue)
Constructor and Description |
PiecewiseFunction(ArrayList<IParamDiffFunction> flist,
ArrayList<AbsoluteDate> xlist)
Simple constructor with 2 lists (IParamDiffFunction and AbsoluteDate) where
dates list represent the connection points between functions.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
GeoMagneticElements |
GeoMagneticField.calculateField(Vector3D point,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date)
Calculate the magnetic field at the specified point identified
by the coordinates of the point and the reference point.
static double |
GeoMagneticField.getDecimalYear(AbsoluteDate date)
Utility function to get a decimal year for a given AbsoluteDate.
static GeoMagneticField |
GeoMagneticFieldFactory.getField(GeoMagneticFieldFactory.FieldModel type,
AbsoluteDate year)
Get the
GeoMagneticField for the given model type and year. |
static GeoMagneticField |
GeoMagneticFieldFactory.getIGRF(AbsoluteDate year)
Get the IGRF model for the given year.
static GeoMagneticField |
GeoMagneticFieldFactory.getWMM(AbsoluteDate year)
Get the WMM model for the given year.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AbsoluteDate |
Get the date of orbital parameters.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PVCoordinates |
Orbit.getPVCoordinates(AbsoluteDate otherDate,
Frame otherFrame)
Get the
PVCoordinates of the body in the selected frame. |
EquinoctialOrbit |
EquinoctialOrbit.interpolate(AbsoluteDate date,
Collection<Orbit> sample)
Get an interpolated instance.
AlternateEquinoctialOrbit |
AlternateEquinoctialOrbit.interpolate(AbsoluteDate date,
Collection<Orbit> sample)
Get an interpolated instance.
KeplerianOrbit |
KeplerianOrbit.interpolate(AbsoluteDate date,
Collection<Orbit> sample)
Get an interpolated instance.
CartesianOrbit |
CartesianOrbit.interpolate(AbsoluteDate date,
Collection<Orbit> sample)
Get an interpolated instance.
EquatorialOrbit |
EquatorialOrbit.interpolate(AbsoluteDate date,
Collection<Orbit> sample)
Get an interpolated instance.
ApsisOrbit |
ApsisOrbit.interpolate(AbsoluteDate date,
Collection<Orbit> sample)
Get an interpolated instance.
CircularOrbit |
CircularOrbit.interpolate(AbsoluteDate date,
Collection<Orbit> sample)
Get an interpolated instance.
abstract Orbit |
OrbitType.mapArrayToOrbit(double[] array,
PositionAngle type,
AbsoluteDate date,
double mu,
Frame frame)
Convert state array to orbital parameters.
Constructor and Description |
AlternateEquinoctialOrbit(double n,
double ex,
double ey,
double hx,
double hy,
double l,
PositionAngle type,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date,
double mu)
Creates a new instance.
AlternateEquinoctialOrbit(IOrbitalParameters parametersIn,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date)
Creates a new instance.
AlternateEquinoctialOrbit(PVCoordinates pvCoordinates,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date,
double mu)
Constructor from cartesian parameters.
ApsisOrbit(double peri,
double apo,
double i,
double pa,
double raan,
double anomaly,
PositionAngle type,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date,
double mu)
Creates a new instance.
ApsisOrbit(IOrbitalParameters parametersIn,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date)
Creates a new instance.
ApsisOrbit(PVCoordinates pvCoordinates,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date,
double mu)
Constructor from cartesian parameters.
CartesianOrbit(IOrbitalParameters parametersIn,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date)
Creates a new instance.
CartesianOrbit(PVCoordinates pvCoordinates,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date,
double mu)
Constructor from cartesian parameters.
CircularOrbit(double a,
double ex,
double ey,
double i,
double raan,
double alpha,
PositionAngle type,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date,
double mu)
Creates a new instance.
CircularOrbit(IOrbitalParameters parametersIn,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date)
Creates a new instance.
CircularOrbit(PVCoordinates pvCoordinates,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date,
double mu)
Constructor from cartesian parameters.
EquatorialOrbit(double a,
double e,
double pomega,
double ix,
double iy,
double anomaly,
PositionAngle type,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date,
double mu)
Creates a new instance.
EquatorialOrbit(IOrbitalParameters parametersIn,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date)
Creates a new instance.
EquatorialOrbit(PVCoordinates pvCoordinates,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date,
double mu)
Constructor from cartesian parameters.
EquinoctialOrbit(double a,
double ex,
double ey,
double hx,
double hy,
double l,
PositionAngle type,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date,
double mu)
Creates a new instance.
EquinoctialOrbit(IOrbitalParameters parametersIn,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date)
Creates a new instance.
EquinoctialOrbit(PVCoordinates pvCoordinates,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date,
double mu)
Constructor from cartesian parameters.
KeplerianOrbit(double a,
double e,
double i,
double pa,
double raan,
double anomaly,
PositionAngle type,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date,
double mu)
Creates a new instance.
KeplerianOrbit(IOrbitalParameters parametersIn,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date)
Creates a new instance.
KeplerianOrbit(PVCoordinates pvCoordinates,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date,
double mu)
Constructor from cartesian parameters.
Orbit(Frame frameIn,
AbsoluteDate dateIn,
double muIn)
Default constructor.
Orbit(PVCoordinates pvCoordinatesIn,
Frame frameIn,
AbsoluteDate dateIn,
double muIn)
Set the orbit from Cartesian parameters.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected AbsoluteDate[] |
Dates table
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AbsoluteDate |
Get the date.
AbsoluteDate |
GalileoAlmanacParameters.getDate(int weekNumber,
double milliInWeek)
Returns GNSS date given a week number and second in the week.
AbsoluteDate |
GPSAlmanacParameters.getDate(int weekNumber,
double milliInWeek)
Returns GNSS date given a week number and second in the week.
abstract AbsoluteDate |
AlmanacParameter.getDate(int weekNumber,
double milliInWeek)
Returns GNSS date given a week number and second in the week.
AbsoluteDate |
Get the reference date
AbsoluteDate |
Return the higher date authorized to call getPVCoordinates.
AbsoluteDate |
Return the lower date authorized to call getPVCoordinates.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected PVCoordinates |
AbstractBoundedPVProvider.checkBounds(AbsoluteDate date)
Returns PV Coordinates on bounds if duration is on bounds.
PVCoordinates |
EphemerisPvLagrange.getPVCoordinates(AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Frame can be null : by default the frame of expression is the frame used at instantiation
(which is the frame of the first spacecraft state when instantiation is done from a table of spacecraft states).
PVCoordinates |
EphemerisPvHermite.getPVCoordinates(AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Get the
PVCoordinates of the body in the selected frame. |
PVCoordinates |
AlmanacPVCoordinates.getPVCoordinates(AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Geometric computation of the position to a date.
PVCoordinates |
PVCoordinatesProvider.getPVCoordinates(AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Get the
PVCoordinates of the body in the selected frame. |
static TimeStampedPVCoordinates |
TimeStampedPVCoordinates.interpolate(AbsoluteDate date,
CartesianDerivativesFilter filter,
Collection<TimeStampedPVCoordinates> sample)
Interpolate position-velocity.
Constructor and Description |
AbstractBoundedPVProvider(PVCoordinates[] tabPV,
int order,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate[] tabDate,
ISearchIndex algo)
Instantiation of AbstractBoundedPVProvider attributes.
EphemerisPvHermite(PVCoordinates[] tabPV,
int samples,
Vector3D[] tabAcc,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate[] tabDate,
ISearchIndex algo)
Creates an instance of EphemerisPvHermite.
EphemerisPvHermite(PVCoordinates[] tabPV,
Vector3D[] tabAcc,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate[] tabDate,
ISearchIndex algo)
Creates an instance of EphemerisPvHermite with default number of samples = 2.
EphemerisPvLagrange(PVCoordinates[] tabPV,
int order,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate[] tabDate,
ISearchIndex algo)
Creates an instance of EphemerisPvLagrange
TimeStampedPVCoordinates(AbsoluteDate dateIn,
double a,
PVCoordinates pv)
Multiplicative constructor
Build a TimeStampedPVCoordinates from another one and a scale factor.
TimeStampedPVCoordinates(AbsoluteDate dateIn,
double a1,
PVCoordinates pv1,
double a2,
PVCoordinates pv2)
Linear constructor
Build a TimeStampedPVCoordinates from two other ones and corresponding scale factors.
TimeStampedPVCoordinates(AbsoluteDate dateIn,
double a1,
PVCoordinates pv1,
double a2,
PVCoordinates pv2,
double a3,
PVCoordinates pv3)
Linear constructor
Build a TimeStampedPVCoordinates from three other ones and corresponding scale factors.
TimeStampedPVCoordinates(AbsoluteDate dateIn,
double a1,
PVCoordinates pv1,
double a2,
PVCoordinates pv2,
double a3,
PVCoordinates pv3,
double a4,
PVCoordinates pv4)
Linear constructor
Build a TimeStampedPVCoordinates from four other ones and corresponding scale factors.
TimeStampedPVCoordinates(AbsoluteDate dateIn,
FieldVector3D<DerivativeStructure> p)
Builds a TimeStampedPVCoordinates triplet from a
FieldVector3D <DerivativeStructure >. |
TimeStampedPVCoordinates(AbsoluteDate dateIn,
PVCoordinates pv)
Build from position velocity acceleration coordinates.
TimeStampedPVCoordinates(AbsoluteDate dateIn,
PVCoordinates start,
PVCoordinates end)
Subtractive constructor
Build a relative TimeStampedPVCoordinates from a start and an end position.
TimeStampedPVCoordinates(AbsoluteDate dateIn,
Vector3D position,
Vector3D velocity)
Build from position and velocity.
TimeStampedPVCoordinates(AbsoluteDate dateIn,
Vector3D position,
Vector3D velocity,
Vector3D acceleration)
Builds a TimeStampedPVCoordinates triplet.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AbsoluteDate |
Get the date.
AbsoluteDate |
Get the last date of the range.
AbsoluteDate |
Get the last date of the range.
AbsoluteDate |
Get the first date of the range.
AbsoluteDate |
Get the first date of the range.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected SpacecraftState |
AbstractPropagator.acceptStep(AbsoluteDate target,
double epsilon)
Accept a step, triggering events and step handlers.
protected SpacecraftState |
AbstractPropagator.basicPropagate(AbsoluteDate date)
Propagate an orbit without any fancy features.
double[] |
AdditionalStateProvider.getAdditionalState(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the additional state.
double[] |
SimpleAdditionalStateProvider.getAdditionalState(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the additional state.
PVCoordinates |
AbstractPropagator.getPVCoordinates(AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Get the
PVCoordinates of the body in the selected frame. |
SpacecraftState |
SpacecraftState.interpolate(AbsoluteDate date,
Collection<SpacecraftState> sample)
Get an interpolated instance.
SpacecraftState |
AbstractPropagator.propagate(AbsoluteDate target)
Propagate towards a target date.
SpacecraftState |
Propagator.propagate(AbsoluteDate target)
Propagate towards a target date.
SpacecraftState |
AnalyticalIntegratedEphemeris.propagate(AbsoluteDate target)
Propagate towards a target date.
Map<String,SpacecraftState> |
MultiPropagator.propagate(AbsoluteDate target)
Propagate towards a target date.
SpacecraftState |
AbstractPropagator.propagate(AbsoluteDate start,
AbsoluteDate target)
Propagate from a start date towards a target date.
SpacecraftState |
Propagator.propagate(AbsoluteDate start,
AbsoluteDate target)
Propagate from a start date towards a target date.
SpacecraftState |
AnalyticalIntegratedEphemeris.propagate(AbsoluteDate start,
AbsoluteDate target)
Propagate from a start date towards a target date.
Map<String,SpacecraftState> |
MultiPropagator.propagate(AbsoluteDate start,
AbsoluteDate target)
Propagate from a start date towards a target date.
Orbit |
MeanOsculatingElementsProvider.propagateMeanOrbit(AbsoluteDate date)
Propagate mean orbit until provided date.
protected abstract Orbit |
AbstractPropagator.propagateOrbit(AbsoluteDate date)
Extrapolate an orbit up to a specific target date.
protected Orbit |
AnalyticalIntegratedEphemeris.propagateOrbit(AbsoluteDate date)
Extrapolate an orbit up to a specific target date.
protected Orbit |
PVCoordinatePropagator.propagateOrbit(AbsoluteDate date)
Extrapolate an orbit up to a specific target date.
protected void |
AbstractPropagator.setStartDate(AbsoluteDate startDateIn)
Set a start date.
Constructor and Description |
PVCoordinatePropagator(PVCoordinatesProvider pvCoordProvider,
AbsoluteDate initDate,
double mu,
Frame frame)
Creates an instance of PVCoordinatePropagator without attitude and additional state providers
PVCoordinatePropagator(PVCoordinatesProvider pvCoordProvider,
AbsoluteDate initDate,
double mu,
Frame frame,
AttitudeProvider attProviderForces,
AttitudeProvider attProviderEvents,
List<AdditionalStateProvider> additionalStateProviders)
Creates an instance of PVCoordinatePropagator with
PV, attitude for forces, attitude for events, and additional state providers
given by the user.
SimpleAdditionalStateProvider(String name,
AbsoluteDate[] dateTab,
double[][] additionalStatesTab,
ISearchIndex algo)
Creates an instance of SimpleAdditionalStateProvider from a name describing
the additional state double table, a table of dates, and a table of additional states
associated to these dates.
SpacecraftState(double[] y,
OrbitType orbitType,
PositionAngle angleType,
AbsoluteDate date,
double mu,
Frame frame,
Map<String,AdditionalStateInfo> addStatesInfo,
Attitude attForces,
Attitude attEvents)
Build a spacecraft from an array (a state vector) and an additional states informations map.
SpacecraftState(double[] y,
OrbitType orbitType,
PositionAngle angleType,
AbsoluteDate date,
double mu,
Frame frame,
Map<String,AdditionalStateInfo> addStatesInfo,
AttitudeProvider attProviderForces,
AttitudeProvider attProviderEvents)
Build a spacecraft from an array (a state vector) and an additional states informations map.
Constructor and Description |
AnalyticalIntegratedEphemeris(List<AbsoluteDate> initialDatesIn,
List<AbsoluteDate> finalDatesIn,
List<SpacecraftState> initialStatesIn,
Propagator propagatorIn,
AttitudeProvider attForcesProvider,
AttitudeProvider attEventsProvider,
boolean isForwardIn)
AnalyticalIntegratedEphemeris(List<AbsoluteDate> initialDatesIn,
List<AbsoluteDate> finalDatesIn,
List<SpacecraftState> initialStatesIn,
Propagator propagatorIn,
AttitudeProvider attForcesProvider,
AttitudeProvider attEventsProvider,
boolean isForwardIn)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected SpacecraftState |
AdapterPropagator.basicPropagate(AbsoluteDate date)
Propagate an orbit without any fancy features.
void |
AnalyticalEphemerisModeHandler.init(SpacecraftState s0,
AbsoluteDate t)
Initialize step handler at the start of a propagation.
Orbit |
EcksteinHechlerPropagator.propagateMeanOrbit(AbsoluteDate date)
Propagate mean orbit until provided date.
Orbit |
AbstractLyddanePropagator.propagateMeanOrbit(AbsoluteDate date)
Propagate mean orbit until provided date.
Orbit |
LyddaneSecularPropagator.propagateMeanOrbit(AbsoluteDate date)
Propagate mean orbit until provided date.
Orbit |
EcksteinHechlerPropagator.propagateOrbit(AbsoluteDate date)
Extrapolate an orbit up to a specific target date.
Orbit |
J2SecularPropagator.propagateOrbit(AbsoluteDate date)
Extrapolate an orbit up to a specific target date.
protected Orbit |
KeplerianPropagator.propagateOrbit(AbsoluteDate date)
Extrapolate an orbit up to a specific target date.
Orbit |
AbstractLyddanePropagator.propagateOrbit(AbsoluteDate date)
Extrapolate an orbit up to a specific target date.
protected Orbit |
AdapterPropagator.propagateOrbit(AbsoluteDate date)
Extrapolate an orbit up to a specific target date.
protected Orbit |
AbstractLyddanePropagator.propagateOrbit(AbsoluteDate date,
Orbit secularOrbit,
Frame outputFrame,
AbstractLyddanePropagator.LyddaneParametersType returnType)
Propagate orbit to provided date.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AbsoluteDate |
Get the date.
AbsoluteDate |
CovarianceInterpolation.getT1() |
AbsoluteDate |
CovarianceInterpolation.getT2() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
RealMatrix |
CovarianceInterpolation.interpolate(AbsoluteDate t)
Computes the interpolation of a covariance matrix based on its two surrounding covariance matrices which define
the interpolation interval allowed.
double[][] |
CovarianceInterpolation.interpolateArray(AbsoluteDate t)
Computes the interpolation of a covariance matrix based on its two surrounding covariance matrices which define
the interpolation interval allowed.
OrbitCovariance |
OrbitCovariance.propagate(Orbit refOrbit,
AbsoluteDate target)
Propagate covariance.
void |
CovarianceInterpolation.setFirstCovarianceMatrix(RealMatrix covMatrix,
AbsoluteDate t)
Allows to change the CovarianceMatrix standing for the lower bound of the
interpolation interval, associated with t1.
void |
CovarianceInterpolation.setSecondCovarianceMatrix(RealMatrix covMatrix,
AbsoluteDate t)
Allows to change the CovarianceMatrix standing for the upper bound of the
interpolation interval, associated with t2.
Constructor and Description |
CovarianceInterpolation(AbsoluteDate t1In,
double[][] matrix1,
AbsoluteDate t2In,
double[][] matrix2,
int order,
Orbit orbitSatellite,
double muValue)
Constructor of the class CovarianceInterpolation
CovarianceInterpolation(AbsoluteDate t1In,
RealMatrix matrix1,
AbsoluteDate t2In,
RealMatrix matrix2,
int order,
Orbit orbitSatellite,
double muValue)
Constructor of the class CovarianceInterpolation
OrbitCovariance(AbsoluteDate covDate,
Frame refFrame,
OrbitType coordType,
RealMatrix covMat)
Simple constructor
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AbsoluteDate |
Get the TLE current date.
AbsoluteDate |
Get the start date of the series.
AbsoluteDate |
Get the last date of the series.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
TLESeries.getClosestTLE(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the closest TLE to the selected date.
PVCoordinates |
TLESeries.getPVCoordinates(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the extrapolated position and velocity from an initial date.
PVCoordinates |
TLEPropagator.getPVCoordinates(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the extrapolated position and velocity from an initial TLE.
protected Orbit |
TLEPropagator.propagateOrbit(AbsoluteDate date)
Extrapolate an orbit up to a specific target date.
Constructor and Description |
TLE(int satelliteNumberIn,
char classificationIn,
int launchYearIn,
int launchNumberIn,
String launchPieceIn,
int ephemerisTypeIn,
int elementNumberIn,
AbsoluteDate epochIn,
double meanMotionIn,
double meanMotionFirstDerivativeIn,
double meanMotionSecondDerivativeIn,
double e,
double i,
double paIn,
double raanIn,
double meanAnomalyIn,
int revolutionNumberAtEpochIn,
double bStarIn)
Simple constructor from already parsed elements.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AbsoluteDate[] |
Returns a copy of date intervals.
AbsoluteDate |
Returns the model origin date.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
double |
Analytical2DParameterModel.getCenteredValue(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the centered value of the model.
protected int |
AbstractDateIntervalFunction.getIndexInterval(AbsoluteDate date)
Returns index such as dateIntervals[k] <= date <= dateIntervals[k+1].
double |
Analytical2DParameterModel.getValue(AbsoluteDate date,
double pso,
double lna)
Get the value of the model at provided date.
double |
Analytical2DParameterModel.getValue(AbsoluteDate date,
double pso,
double lna,
int order)
Get the value of the model at provided date.
double[] |
Analytical2DOrbitModel.propagateModel(AbsoluteDate date)
Propagate each parameter model to specified date and return an array of 6 values.
double[] |
Analytical2DOrbitModel.propagateModel(AbsoluteDate date,
int[] orders)
Propagate each parameter model to specified date and return an array of 6 values.
protected Orbit |
Analytical2DPropagator.propagateOrbit(AbsoluteDate date)
Extrapolate an orbit up to a specific target date.
double |
DateIntervalParabolicFunction.value(AbsoluteDate t)
Returns value of function at provided date.
double |
DatePolynomialFunction.value(AbsoluteDate date)
Returns value of function at provided date.
double |
DateIntervalLinearFunction.value(AbsoluteDate t)
Returns value of function at provided date.
double |
UnivariateDateFunction.value(AbsoluteDate date)
Returns value of function at provided date.
Constructor and Description |
AbstractDateIntervalFunction(AbsoluteDate[] timeIntervals)
Analytical2DPropagator(Analytical2DOrbitModel model,
AbsoluteDate initialDate)
Create an instance of a 2D propagator with default EME2000 aligned attitude.
Analytical2DPropagator(Analytical2DOrbitModel model,
AbsoluteDate initialDate,
int[] orders)
Create an instance of a 2D propagator with default EME2000 aligned attitude.
Analytical2DPropagator(AttitudeProvider attitudeProvider,
Analytical2DOrbitModel model,
AbsoluteDate initialDate)
Create an instance of a 2D propagator.
Analytical2DPropagator(AttitudeProvider attitudeProvider,
Analytical2DOrbitModel model,
AbsoluteDate initialDate,
int[] orders)
Create an instance of a 2D propagator.
DateIntervalLinearFunction(double ax0,
AbsoluteDate[] timeIntervals,
double[] axDotIntervals)
DateIntervalParabolicFunction(double ax0,
double axDot0,
AbsoluteDate[] timeIntervals,
double[] axDotDotIntervals)
DatePolynomialFunction(AbsoluteDate origin,
double[] polynomialCoefs)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AbsoluteDate |
Get the current event date according to the propagator.
AbsoluteDate |
Get the occurrence time of the event triggered in the current step.
AbsoluteDate |
Getter for the reference date of the event.
AbsoluteDate |
Getter for t0.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
DateDetector.addEventDate(AbsoluteDate target)
Add an event date.
double |
LocalRadiusProvider.getLocalRadius(Vector3D position,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date,
PVCoordinatesProvider occultedBodyIn)
Calculate the apparent radius.
double |
VariableRadiusProvider.getLocalRadius(Vector3D position,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date,
PVCoordinatesProvider occultedBodyIn)
Calculate the apparent radius.
double |
ConstantRadiusProvider.getLocalRadius(Vector3D position,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date,
PVCoordinatesProvider occultedBodyIn)
Calculate the apparent radius.
void |
ExtremaThreeBodiesAngleDetector.init(Map<String,SpacecraftState> s0,
AbsoluteDate t)
Initialize event handler at the start of a propagation.
void |
ThreeBodiesAngleDetector.init(Map<String,SpacecraftState> s0,
AbsoluteDate t)
Initialize event handler at the start of a propagation.
void |
SolarTimeAngleDetector.init(SpacecraftState s0,
AbsoluteDate t)
Initialize event handler at the start of a propagation.
void |
ExtremaThreeBodiesAngleDetector.init(SpacecraftState s0,
AbsoluteDate t)
Initialize event handler at the start of a propagation.
void |
ExtremaLatitudeDetector.init(SpacecraftState s0,
AbsoluteDate t)
Initialize event handler at the start of a propagation.
void |
ExtremaDistanceDetector.init(SpacecraftState s0,
AbsoluteDate t)
Initialize event handler at the start of a propagation.
void |
LocalTimeAngleDetector.init(SpacecraftState s0,
AbsoluteDate t)
Initialize event handler at the start of a propagation.
void |
EventShifter.init(SpacecraftState s0,
AbsoluteDate t)
Initialize event handler at the start of a propagation.
void |
AbstractDetector.init(SpacecraftState s0,
AbsoluteDate t)
Initialize event handler at the start of a propagation.
void |
ThreeBodiesAngleDetector.init(SpacecraftState s0,
AbsoluteDate t)
Initialize event handler at the start of a propagation.
void |
AnomalyDetector.init(SpacecraftState s0,
AbsoluteDate t)
Initialize event handler at the start of a propagation.
void |
ExtremaLongitudeDetector.init(SpacecraftState s0,
AbsoluteDate t)
Initialize event handler at the start of a propagation.
void |
IntervalOccurrenceDetector.init(SpacecraftState s0,
AbsoluteDate t)
Initialize event handler at the start of a propagation.
void |
LongitudeDetector.init(SpacecraftState s0,
AbsoluteDate t)
Initialize event handler at the start of a propagation.
void |
LatitudeDetector.init(SpacecraftState s0,
AbsoluteDate t)
Initialize event handler at the start of a propagation.
void |
DistanceDetector.init(SpacecraftState s0,
AbsoluteDate t)
Initialize event handler at the start of a propagation.
void |
NadirSolarIncidenceDetector.init(SpacecraftState s0,
AbsoluteDate t)
Initialize event handler at the start of a propagation.
void |
BetaAngleDetector.init(SpacecraftState s0,
AbsoluteDate t)
Initialize event handler at the start of a propagation.
void |
EventDetector.init(SpacecraftState s0,
AbsoluteDate t)
Initialize event handler at the start of a propagation.
void |
ExtremaElevationDetector.init(SpacecraftState s0,
AbsoluteDate t)
Initialize event handler at the start of a propagation.
void |
AOLDetector.init(SpacecraftState s0,
AbsoluteDate t)
Initialize event handler at the start of a propagation.
void |
AdaptedEventDetector.reinitialize(Map<String,AdditionalStateInfo> info,
OrbitType orbitTypeIn,
PositionAngle angleTypeIn,
AttitudeProvider attProviderForces,
AttitudeProvider attProviderEvents,
AbsoluteDate referenceDateIn,
double muIn,
Frame integrationFrameIn)
Reinitialize reference data.
Constructor and Description |
AdaptedEventDetector(EventDetector detectorIn,
Map<String,AdditionalStateInfo> info,
OrbitType orbitTypeIn,
PositionAngle angleTypeIn,
AttitudeProvider attProviderForces,
AttitudeProvider attProviderEvents,
AbsoluteDate referenceDateIn,
double muIn,
Frame integrationFrameIn)
Build a wrapped event detector.
DateDetector(AbsoluteDate target)
Build a new instance.
DateDetector(AbsoluteDate target,
double maxCheck,
double threshold)
Build a new instance.
DateDetector(AbsoluteDate target,
double maxCheck,
double threshold,
EventDetector.Action action)
Build a new instance.
DateDetector(AbsoluteDate target,
double maxCheck,
double threshold,
EventDetector.Action action,
boolean remove)
Build a new instance.
RelativeDateDetector(double relativeDateIn,
AbsoluteDate referenceDateIn,
TimeScale offsetTimeScale)
Constructor with target relative date and reference date. maxCheck (1.e10 s) and threshold
(1.0e-9 s).
RelativeDateDetector(double relativeDateIn,
AbsoluteDate referenceDateIn,
TimeScale offsetTimeScale,
double maxCheck,
double threshold,
EventDetector.Action action)
Constructor with target relative date and reference date. maxCheck, threshold and action are
also configurable.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
MultiAbstractDetector.init(Map<String,SpacecraftState> s0,
AbsoluteDate t)
Initialize event handler at the start of a propagation.
void |
OneSatEventDetectorWrapper.init(Map<String,SpacecraftState> s0,
AbsoluteDate t)
Initialize event handler at the start of a propagation.
void |
MultiEventDetector.init(Map<String,SpacecraftState> s0,
AbsoluteDate t)
Initialize event handler at the start of a propagation.
void |
AdaptedMultiEventDetector.reinitialize(OrbitType orbitType,
PositionAngle angleType,
Map<String,MultiAttitudeProvider> attProvidersForces,
Map<String,MultiAttitudeProvider> attProvidersEvents,
AbsoluteDate referenceDate,
Map<String,Double> muMap,
Map<String,Frame> framesMap,
MultiStateVectorInfo stateVectorInfo)
Reinitialize data.
void |
AdaptedMonoEventDetector.reinitialize(OrbitType orbitType,
PositionAngle angleType,
MultiAttitudeProvider attProviderForces,
MultiAttitudeProvider attProviderEvents,
AbsoluteDate referenceDate,
MultiStateVectorInfo stateVectorInfo,
String satId)
Reinitialize data.
Constructor and Description |
AdaptedMonoEventDetector(EventDetector detector,
OrbitType orbitType,
PositionAngle angleType,
MultiAttitudeProvider attProviderForces,
MultiAttitudeProvider attProviderEvents,
AbsoluteDate referenceDate,
MultiStateVectorInfo stateVectorInfo,
String satId)
Build a wrapped event detector.
AdaptedMultiEventDetector(MultiEventDetector detector,
OrbitType orbitType,
PositionAngle angleType,
Map<String,MultiAttitudeProvider> attProvidersForces,
Map<String,MultiAttitudeProvider> attProvidersEvents,
AbsoluteDate referenceDate,
Map<String,Double> muMap,
Map<String,Frame> framesMap,
MultiStateVectorInfo stateVectorInfo)
Build a wrapped multi-sat event detector.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PVCoordinates |
NumericalPropagator.getPVCoordinates(AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Get the
PVCoordinates of the body in the selected frame. |
void |
ModeHandler.initialize(OrbitType orbit,
PositionAngle angle,
AttitudeProvider attitudeProviderForces,
AttitudeProvider attitudeProviderEvents,
Map<String,AdditionalStateInfo> additionalStateInfos,
boolean activateHandlers,
AbsoluteDate reference,
Frame frame,
double mu)
Initialize the mode handler.
SpacecraftState |
NumericalPropagator.propagate(AbsoluteDate target)
Propagate towards a target date.
SpacecraftState |
NumericalPropagator.propagate(AbsoluteDate tStart,
AbsoluteDate tEnd)
Propagate from a start date towards a target date.
void |
ModeHandler.setReference(AbsoluteDate newReference)
Define new reference date.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PVCoordinates |
MultiNumericalPropagator.getPVCoordinates(AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame,
String satId)
Get the
PVCoordinates of the body in the selected frame. |
void |
MultiEphemerisModeHandler.initialize(OrbitType orbit,
PositionAngle angle,
Map<String,MultiAttitudeProvider> attitudeProvidersForces,
Map<String,MultiAttitudeProvider> attitudeProvidersEvents,
MultiStateVectorInfo stateVectorInfo,
boolean activateHandlers,
AbsoluteDate reference,
Map<String,Frame> frame,
Map<String,Double> mu)
Initialize the mode handler.
void |
MultiModeHandler.initialize(OrbitType orbit,
PositionAngle angle,
Map<String,MultiAttitudeProvider> attitudeProvidersForces,
Map<String,MultiAttitudeProvider> attitudeProvidersEvents,
MultiStateVectorInfo stateVectorInfo,
boolean activateHandlers,
AbsoluteDate reference,
Map<String,Frame> frame,
Map<String,Double> mu)
Initialize the mode handler.
SpacecraftState |
MultiStateVectorInfo.mapArrayToState(double[] y,
AbsoluteDate currentDate,
OrbitType orbitType,
PositionAngle angleType,
MultiAttitudeProvider attProviderForces,
MultiAttitudeProvider attProviderEvents,
String id)
Extract a given SpacecraftState from the state vector.
Map<String,SpacecraftState> |
MultiStateVectorInfo.mapArrayToStates(double[] y,
AbsoluteDate currentDate,
OrbitType orbitType,
PositionAngle angleType,
Map<String,MultiAttitudeProvider> attProvidersForces,
Map<String,MultiAttitudeProvider> attProvidersEvents,
Map<String,Double> mu,
Map<String,Frame> integrationFrame)
Convert state vector into a Map of SpacecraftState
Map<String,SpacecraftState> |
MultiNumericalPropagator.propagate(AbsoluteDate target)
Propagate towards a target date.
Map<String,SpacecraftState> |
MultiNumericalPropagator.propagate(AbsoluteDate start,
AbsoluteDate target)
Propagate from a start date towards a target date.
void |
MultiEphemerisModeHandler.setReference(AbsoluteDate newReference)
Define new reference date.
void |
MultiModeHandler.setReference(AbsoluteDate newReference)
Define new reference date.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AbsoluteDate |
Get the last date of the range.
AbsoluteDate |
Get the last date of the range.
AbsoluteDate |
Get the first date of the range.
AbsoluteDate |
Get the first date of the range.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected SpacecraftState |
IntegratedEphemeris.basicPropagate(AbsoluteDate date)
Propagate an orbit without any fancy features.
SpacecraftState |
Ephemeris.basicPropagate(AbsoluteDate date) |
PVCoordinates |
IntegratedEphemeris.getPVCoordinates(AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Get the
PVCoordinates of the body in the selected frame. |
PVCoordinates |
Ephemeris.getPVCoordinates(AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Get the
PVCoordinates of the body in the selected frame. |
protected Orbit |
IntegratedEphemeris.propagateOrbit(AbsoluteDate date)
Extrapolate an orbit up to a specific target date.
protected Orbit |
Ephemeris.propagateOrbit(AbsoluteDate date)
Extrapolate an orbit up to a specific target date.
Constructor and Description |
IntegratedEphemeris(List<AbsoluteDate> startDatesIn,
List<AbsoluteDate> minDatesIn,
List<AbsoluteDate> maxDatesIn,
OrbitType orbitTypeIn,
PositionAngle angleTypeIn,
AttitudeProvider attitudeForcesProvider,
AttitudeProvider attitudeEventsProvider,
Map<String,AdditionalStateInfo> additionalStateInfos,
List<ContinuousOutputModel> modelsIn,
Frame referenceFrameIn,
double muIn)
Creates a new instance of IntegratedEphemeris.
IntegratedEphemeris(List<AbsoluteDate> startDatesIn,
List<AbsoluteDate> minDatesIn,
List<AbsoluteDate> maxDatesIn,
OrbitType orbitTypeIn,
PositionAngle angleTypeIn,
AttitudeProvider attitudeForcesProvider,
AttitudeProvider attitudeEventsProvider,
Map<String,AdditionalStateInfo> additionalStateInfos,
List<ContinuousOutputModel> modelsIn,
Frame referenceFrameIn,
double muIn)
Creates a new instance of IntegratedEphemeris.
IntegratedEphemeris(List<AbsoluteDate> startDatesIn,
List<AbsoluteDate> minDatesIn,
List<AbsoluteDate> maxDatesIn,
OrbitType orbitTypeIn,
PositionAngle angleTypeIn,
AttitudeProvider attitudeForcesProvider,
AttitudeProvider attitudeEventsProvider,
Map<String,AdditionalStateInfo> additionalStateInfos,
List<ContinuousOutputModel> modelsIn,
Frame referenceFrameIn,
double muIn)
Creates a new instance of IntegratedEphemeris.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AbsoluteDate |
Get the last date of the range.
AbsoluteDate |
Get the first date of the range.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected SpacecraftState |
MultiIntegratedEphemeris.basicPropagate(AbsoluteDate date)
Propagate an orbit without any fancy features.
PVCoordinates |
MultiIntegratedEphemeris.getPVCoordinates(AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Get the
PVCoordinates of the body in the selected frame. |
protected Orbit |
MultiIntegratedEphemeris.propagateOrbit(AbsoluteDate date)
Extrapolate an orbit up to a specific target date.
Constructor and Description |
MultiIntegratedEphemeris(List<AbsoluteDate> startDatesIn,
List<AbsoluteDate> minDatesIn,
List<AbsoluteDate> maxDatesIn,
OrbitType orbitTypeIn,
PositionAngle angleTypeIn,
MultiAttitudeProvider multiAttitudeProviderForcesIn,
MultiAttitudeProvider multiAttitudeProviderEventsIn,
MultiStateVectorInfo stateInfos,
List<ContinuousOutputModel> modelsIn,
Frame referenceFrameIn,
String satIdIn)
Creates a new instance of IntegratedEphemeris.
MultiIntegratedEphemeris(List<AbsoluteDate> startDatesIn,
List<AbsoluteDate> minDatesIn,
List<AbsoluteDate> maxDatesIn,
OrbitType orbitTypeIn,
PositionAngle angleTypeIn,
MultiAttitudeProvider multiAttitudeProviderForcesIn,
MultiAttitudeProvider multiAttitudeProviderEventsIn,
MultiStateVectorInfo stateInfos,
List<ContinuousOutputModel> modelsIn,
Frame referenceFrameIn,
String satIdIn)
Creates a new instance of IntegratedEphemeris.
MultiIntegratedEphemeris(List<AbsoluteDate> startDatesIn,
List<AbsoluteDate> minDatesIn,
List<AbsoluteDate> maxDatesIn,
OrbitType orbitTypeIn,
PositionAngle angleTypeIn,
MultiAttitudeProvider multiAttitudeProviderForcesIn,
MultiAttitudeProvider multiAttitudeProviderEventsIn,
MultiStateVectorInfo stateInfos,
List<ContinuousOutputModel> modelsIn,
Frame referenceFrameIn,
String satIdIn)
Creates a new instance of IntegratedEphemeris.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AbsoluteDate |
Get the current grid date.
AbsoluteDate |
Get the current grid date.
AbsoluteDate |
Get the current grid date.
AbsoluteDate |
Get the interpolated date.
AbsoluteDate |
Get the interpolated date.
AbsoluteDate |
Get the interpolated date.
AbsoluteDate |
Get the previous grid date.
AbsoluteDate |
Get the previous grid date.
AbsoluteDate |
Get the previous grid date.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
PatriusFixedStepHandler.init(SpacecraftState s0,
AbsoluteDate t)
Initialize step handler at the start of a propagation.
void |
PatriusStepNormalizer.init(SpacecraftState s0,
AbsoluteDate t)
Initialize step handler at the start of a propagation.
void |
PatriusStepHandler.init(SpacecraftState s0,
AbsoluteDate t)
Initialize step handler at the start of a propagation.
void |
PatriusStepHandlerMultiplexer.init(SpacecraftState s0,
AbsoluteDate t)
Initialize step handler at the start of a propagation.
void |
AdaptedStepHandler.initialize(OrbitType orbit,
PositionAngle angle,
AttitudeProvider attitudeProviderForces,
AttitudeProvider attitudeProviderEvents,
Map<String,AdditionalStateInfo> additionalStateInfos,
boolean activateHandlers,
AbsoluteDate reference,
Frame frame,
double mu)
Initialize the mode handler.
void |
BasicStepInterpolator.setInterpolatedDate(AbsoluteDate date)
Set the interpolated date.
void |
PatriusStepInterpolator.setInterpolatedDate(AbsoluteDate date)
Set the interpolated date.
void |
AdaptedStepHandler.setInterpolatedDate(AbsoluteDate date)
Set the interpolated date.
void |
AdaptedStepHandler.setReference(AbsoluteDate newReference)
Define new reference date.
void |
BasicStepInterpolator.storeDate(AbsoluteDate date)
Store the current step date.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AbsoluteDate |
Get the current grid date.
AbsoluteDate |
Get the current grid date.
AbsoluteDate |
Get the interpolated date.
AbsoluteDate |
Get the interpolated date.
AbsoluteDate |
Get the previous grid date.
AbsoluteDate |
Get the previous grid date.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
MultiPatriusStepHandler.init(Map<String,SpacecraftState> s0,
AbsoluteDate t)
Initialize step handler at the start of a propagation.
void |
MultiPatriusFixedStepHandler.init(Map<String,SpacecraftState> s0,
AbsoluteDate t)
Initialize step handler at the start of a propagation.
void |
MultiPatriusStepNormalizer.init(Map<String,SpacecraftState> s0,
AbsoluteDate t)
Initialize step handler at the start of a propagation.
void |
MultiAdaptedStepHandler.initialize(OrbitType orbit,
PositionAngle angle,
Map<String,MultiAttitudeProvider> attProvidersForces,
Map<String,MultiAttitudeProvider> attProvidersEvents,
MultiStateVectorInfo stateVectorInfo,
boolean activateHandlers,
AbsoluteDate reference,
Map<String,Frame> frameMap,
Map<String,Double> muMap)
Initialize the mode handler.
void |
MultiPatriusStepInterpolator.setInterpolatedDate(AbsoluteDate date)
Set the interpolated date.
void |
MultiAdaptedStepHandler.setInterpolatedDate(AbsoluteDate date)
Set the interpolated date.
void |
MultiAdaptedStepHandler.setReference(AbsoluteDate newReference)
Define new reference date.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AbsoluteDate |
SignalPropagation.getEndDate() |
AbsoluteDate |
SignalPropagation.getStartDate() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SignalPropagation |
SignalPropagationModel.computeSignalPropagation(PVCoordinatesProvider transmitter,
PVCoordinatesProvider receiver,
AbsoluteDate date,
SignalPropagationModel.FixedDate fixedDateType)
Computes the signal propagation object in the void at a particular date
Constructor and Description |
SignalPropagation(Vector3D propagationVector,
AbsoluteDate inEmissionDate,
AbsoluteDate inReceptionDate,
Frame refFrame,
SignalPropagationModel.FixedDate fixedDate)
Constructor with computation of one of the dates
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
double |
BentModel.computeElectronicCont(AbsoluteDate date,
Vector3D satellite,
Frame frameSat)
Computation of the electric content between the station and the satellite at a date.
double |
BentModel.computeSignalDelay(AbsoluteDate date,
Vector3D satellite,
Frame frameSat)
Calculates the ionospheric signal delay for the signal path from the position
of the transmitter and the receiver and the current date.
double |
IonosphericCorrection.computeSignalDelay(AbsoluteDate date,
Vector3D satellite,
Frame satFrame)
Calculates the ionospheric signal delay for the signal path from the position
of the transmitter and the receiver and the current date.
fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.signalpropagation.iono.USKData |
USKProvider.getData(AbsoluteDate date,
double r12)
Returns the USK data for the Bent model.
fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.signalpropagation.iono.USKData |
USKLoader.getData(AbsoluteDate date,
double r12)
Returns the USK data for the Bent model.
double |
R12Provider.getR12(AbsoluteDate date)
Provides the R12 value for the Bent model.
double |
R12Loader.getR12(AbsoluteDate date)
Provides the R12 value for the Bent model.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static double |
EarthRotation.getERA(AbsoluteDate date)
Compute the Earth Rotation Angle (ERA) using Capitaine model (2000).
static double |
EarthRotation.getERADerivative(AbsoluteDate date)
Compute the Earth Rotation Angle (ERA) derivative.
double |
GeodPosition.getGeodeticLongitude(Vector3D position,
AbsoluteDate date)
Compute the geodetic longitude at a given date.
static double |
EarthRotation.getGMST(AbsoluteDate date)
Compute Greenwich Mean Sideral Time.
static double |
EarthRotation.getGMSTDerivative(AbsoluteDate date)
Compute Greenwich Mean Sideral Time derivative.
PVCoordinates |
MeeusMoonStela.getPVCoordinates(AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Get the
PVCoordinates of the body in the selected frame. |
double |
GeodPosition.getTloc(Vector3D position,
Vector3D positionSun,
AbsoluteDate date)
Compute the local solar time at a given date.
static void |
MeeusMoonStela.updateTransform(AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Update cached transform from
FramesFactory.getMOD(boolean) to provided frame. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static AbsoluteDate[] |
Squaring.getSquaringJDCNES() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AtmosphereData |
MSIS00Adapter.getData(AbsoluteDate date,
Vector3D position,
Frame frame)
Get detailed atmospheric data.
double |
MSIS00Adapter.getDensity(AbsoluteDate date,
Vector3D position,
Frame frame)
Get the local density.
double |
MSIS00Adapter.getPressure(AbsoluteDate date,
Vector3D position,
Frame frame)
Returns pressure.
double |
MSIS00Adapter.getSpeedOfSound(AbsoluteDate date,
Vector3D position,
Frame frame)
Get the local speed of sound.
Vector3D |
MSIS00Adapter.getVelocity(AbsoluteDate date,
Vector3D position,
Frame frame)
Get the spacecraft velocity relative to the atmosphere.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Vector3D |
NonInertialContribution.computeOmega(AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame1,
Frame frame2)
Compute rotation vector of frame2 with respect to frame1 expressed in frame2,
which is the rotation vector from frame1 to frame2.
Vector3D |
NonInertialContribution.computeOmegaDerivative(AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame1,
Frame frame2,
double dt)
Compute rotation vector derivative from frame1 to frame2 using finite differences.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PVCoordinates |
StelaEquinoctialOrbit.getPVCoordinates(AbsoluteDate otherDate,
Frame otherFrame)
Get the
PVCoordinates of the body in the selected frame. |
Orbit |
StelaEquinoctialOrbit.interpolate(AbsoluteDate date,
Collection<Orbit> sample)
Get an interpolated instance.
Constructor and Description |
StelaEquinoctialOrbit(double aIn,
double exIn,
double eyIn,
double ixIn,
double iyIn,
double lMIn,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date,
double mu)
Creates a new instance.
StelaEquinoctialOrbit(double aIn,
double exIn,
double eyIn,
double ixIn,
double iyIn,
double lMIn,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date,
double mu,
boolean isCorrectedIn)
Creates a new instance.
StelaEquinoctialOrbit(IOrbitalParameters params,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date)
Creates a new instance.
StelaEquinoctialOrbit(PVCoordinates pvCoordinates,
Frame frame,
AbsoluteDate date,
double mu)
Constructor from cartesian parameters.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected AbsoluteDate |
Max date after which simulation has to fail if exception mecanism was triggered
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AbsoluteDate |
Get the current grid date.
AbsoluteDate |
Get the interpolated date.
AbsoluteDate |
Get the previous grid date.
AbsoluteDate |
Get the reference date
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected SpacecraftState |
StelaAbstractPropagator.acceptStep(AbsoluteDate target,
double epsilon)
Accept a step, triggering events and step handlers.
protected SpacecraftState |
StelaAbstractPropagator.basicPropagate(AbsoluteDate date)
Propagate a SpacecraftState without any fancy features.
protected abstract double |
StelaAbstractPropagator.getMass(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the mass.
protected double |
StelaGTOPropagator.getMass(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the mass.
PVCoordinates |
StelaAbstractPropagator.getPVCoordinates(AbsoluteDate date,
Frame frame)
Get the
PVCoordinates of the body in the selected frame. |
protected SpacecraftState |
StelaAbstractPropagator.goAhead(double stepSize,
double dt,
AbsoluteDate target)
go one step ahead
void |
ForcesStepHandler.init(SpacecraftState s0,
AbsoluteDate t)
Initialize step handler at the start of a propagation.
SpacecraftState |
StelaAbstractPropagator.propagate(AbsoluteDate target)
Propagate towards a target date.
SpacecraftState |
StelaAbstractPropagator.propagate(AbsoluteDate start,
AbsoluteDate target)
Propagate from a start date towards a target date.
SpacecraftState |
StelaGTOPropagator.propagate(AbsoluteDate start,
AbsoluteDate target)
Propagate from a start date towards a target date.
protected abstract SpacecraftState |
StelaAbstractPropagator.propagateSpacecraftState(AbsoluteDate date)
Extrapolate a spacecraftState up to a specific target date.
protected SpacecraftState |
StelaGTOPropagator.propagateSpacecraftState(AbsoluteDate date)
Extrapolate a spacecraftState up to a specific target date.
protected SpacecraftState |
StelaAbstractPropagator.propagationManagement(SpacecraftState state,
double stepSize,
double dt,
AbsoluteDate target)
Manages the current step, method to override when user wants to deal with exceptions during the propagation.
protected SpacecraftState |
StelaGTOPropagator.propagationManagement(SpacecraftState state,
double stepSize,
double dt,
AbsoluteDate target)
Manages the current step, method to override when user wants to deal with exceptions during the propagation.
void |
StelaBasicInterpolator.setInterpolatedDate(AbsoluteDate interpolatedDate)
Set the interpolated date.
protected void |
StelaAbstractPropagator.setStartDate(AbsoluteDate startDateIn)
Set a start date.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static AbsoluteDate |
Reference epoch for CCSDS Time Code Format (CCSDS 301.0-B-4):
1958-01-01T00:00:00 International Atomic Time (not UTC).
static AbsoluteDate |
Reference epoch for 1950 dates: 1950-01-01T00:00:00 TAI.
static AbsoluteDate |
Reference epoch for 1950 dates: 1950-01-01T00:00:00 Terrestrial Time.
static AbsoluteDate |
Reference epoch for 1950 dates: 1950-01-01T00:00:00 UTC.
static AbsoluteDate |
Dummy date at infinity in the future direction.
static AbsoluteDate |
Reference epoch for Galileo System Time: 1999-08-22T00:00:00 UTC.
static AbsoluteDate |
Reference epoch for GPS weeks: 1980-01-06T00:00:00 GPS time.
static AbsoluteDate |
J2000.0 Reference epoch: 2000-01-01T12:00:00 Terrestrial Time (not UTC).
static AbsoluteDate |
Java Reference epoch: 1970-01-01T00:00:00 Universal Time Coordinate is equivalent to
Java Reference epoch: 1970-01-01T00:00:08 TAI.
static AbsoluteDate |
Reference epoch for julian dates: -4712-01-01T12:00:00 Terrestrial Time.
static AbsoluteDate |
Reference epoch for modified julian dates: 1858-11-17T00:00:00 Terrestrial Time.
static AbsoluteDate |
Dummy date at infinity in the past direction.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static AbsoluteDate |
AbsoluteDate.createGPSDate(int weekNumber,
double milliInWeek)
Build an instance corresponding to a GPS date.
AbsoluteDate |
Get the date.
AbsoluteDate |
Get the date.
AbsoluteDate |
Get the date of the first known leap second.
AbsoluteDate |
Get the date of the last known leap second.
static AbsoluteDate |
AbsoluteDate.parseCCSDSCalendarSegmentedTimeCode(byte preambleField,
byte[] timeField)
Build an instance from a CCSDS Calendar Segmented Time Code (CCS).
static AbsoluteDate |
AbsoluteDate.parseCCSDSDaySegmentedTimeCode(byte preambleField,
byte[] timeField,
DateComponents agencyDefinedEpoch)
Build an instance from a CCSDS Day Segmented Time Code (CDS).
static AbsoluteDate |
AbsoluteDate.parseCCSDSUnsegmentedTimeCode(byte preambleField1,
byte preambleField2,
byte[] timeField,
AbsoluteDate agencyDefinedEpoch)
Build an instance from a CCSDS Unsegmented Time Code (CUC).
AbsoluteDate |
AbsoluteDate.shiftedBy(double dt)
Get a time-shifted date.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
int |
AbsoluteDate.compareTo(AbsoluteDate date)
Compare the instance with another date.
double |
LocalTimeAngle.computeEquationOfTime(AbsoluteDate date)
Compute equation of time in TIRF in the range [-43200s; 43200s].
double |
LocalTimeAngle.computeMeanLocalTimeAngle(AbsoluteDate date,
Vector3D pos,
Frame frame)
Compute mean local time angle in TIRF frame in the range [-Π, Π[.
double |
LocalTimeAngle.computeTrueLocalTimeAngle(AbsoluteDate date,
Vector3D pos,
Frame frame)
Compute true local time angle in TIRF frame in the range [-Π, Π[.
double |
AbsoluteDate.durationFrom(AbsoluteDate instant)
Compute the physically elapsed duration between two instants.
double |
AbsoluteDate.durationFrom(AbsoluteDate instant,
TimeScale timeScale)
Compute elapsed duration between two instants in provided time scale.
AbsoluteDateInterval |
AbsoluteDateInterval.extendTo(AbsoluteDate epoch)
Returns the interval after extending it so that it includes (closed endpoint) or is
connected (open endpoint) to the specified value.
List<T> |
TimeStampedGenerator.generate(T existing,
AbsoluteDate date)
Generate a chronologically sorted list of entries to be cached.
AbsoluteDateIntervalsList |
AbsoluteDateIntervalsList.getIntervalsContainingDate(AbsoluteDate date)
Gets the
AbsoluteDateIntervalsList containing the specified date. |
double |
UTCScale.getLeap(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the value of the previous leap.
T[] |
TimeStampedCache.getNeighbors(AbsoluteDate central)
Get the entries surrounding a central date.
boolean |
UTCScale.insideLeap(AbsoluteDate date)
Check if date is within a leap second introduction.
T |
TimeInterpolable.interpolate(AbsoluteDate date,
Collection<T> sample)
Get an interpolated instance.
double |
AbsoluteDate.offsetFrom(AbsoluteDate instant,
TimeScale timeScale)
Compute the apparent clock offset between two instant in the
perspective of a specific
time scale . |
double |
TAIScale.offsetFromTAI(AbsoluteDate taiTime)
Get the offset to convert locations from
TAIScale to instance. |
double |
TimeScale.offsetFromTAI(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the offset to convert locations from
TAIScale to instance. |
double |
TDBScale.offsetFromTAI(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the offset to convert locations from
TAIScale to instance. |
double |
GalileoScale.offsetFromTAI(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the offset to convert locations from
TAIScale to instance. |
double |
TTScale.offsetFromTAI(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the offset to convert locations from
TAIScale to instance. |
double |
TCGScale.offsetFromTAI(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the offset to convert locations from
TAIScale to instance. |
double |
GPSScale.offsetFromTAI(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the offset to convert locations from
TAIScale to instance. |
double |
UT1Scale.offsetFromTAI(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the offset to convert locations from
TAIScale to instance. |
double |
GMSTScale.offsetFromTAI(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the offset to convert locations from
TAIScale to instance. |
double |
TCBScale.offsetFromTAI(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the offset to convert locations from
TAIScale to instance. |
double |
UTCScale.offsetFromTAI(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the offset to convert locations from
TAIScale to instance. |
static AbsoluteDate |
AbsoluteDate.parseCCSDSUnsegmentedTimeCode(byte preambleField1,
byte preambleField2,
byte[] timeField,
AbsoluteDate agencyDefinedEpoch)
Build an instance from a CCSDS Unsegmented Time Code (CUC).
double |
AbsoluteDate.preciseDurationFrom(AbsoluteDate instant)
Compute the physically elapsed duration between two instants.
AbsoluteDateInterval |
AbsoluteDateInterval.scale(double scalingFactor,
AbsoluteDate epoch)
Returns the interval scaled by a given factor with respect to the specified epoch.
String |
AbsoluteDateInterval.toString(AbsoluteDate date)
Returns a String representing the durations between the interval's bounds and a specified
Constructor and Description |
AbsoluteDate(AbsoluteDate since,
double elapsedDuration)
Build an instance from an elapsed duration since to another instant.
AbsoluteDate(AbsoluteDate reference,
double apparentOffset,
TimeScale timeScale)
Build an instance from an apparent clock offset with respect to another
instant in the perspective of a specific
time scale . |
AbsoluteDateInterval(AbsoluteDate lowerData,
AbsoluteDate upperData)
Builds a new
AbsoluteDateInterval with closed endpoints. |
AbsoluteDateInterval(ComparableInterval<Double> interval,
AbsoluteDate referenceDate)
AbsoluteDateInterval(IntervalEndpointType lowerEndpointIn,
AbsoluteDate lowerDataIn,
AbsoluteDate upperDataIn,
IntervalEndpointType upperEndpointIn)
Builds a new
AbsoluteDateInterval . |
Constructor and Description |
AbsoluteDateInterval(ComparableInterval<AbsoluteDate> interval)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AbsoluteDate |
Get the date.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static TimeStampedAngularCoordinates |
TimeStampedAngularCoordinates.interpolate(AbsoluteDate date,
AngularDerivativesFilter filter,
Collection<TimeStampedAngularCoordinates> sample)
Interpolate angular coordinates.
static TimeStampedAngularCoordinates |
TimeStampedAngularCoordinates.interpolate(AbsoluteDate date,
AngularDerivativesFilter filter,
Collection<TimeStampedAngularCoordinates> sample,
boolean computeSpinDerivatives)
Interpolate angular coordinates.
Constructor and Description |
TimeStampedAngularCoordinates(AbsoluteDate dateIn,
AngularCoordinates angular)
Builds from angular coordinates.
TimeStampedAngularCoordinates(AbsoluteDate dateIn,
PVCoordinates u1,
PVCoordinates u2,
PVCoordinates v1,
PVCoordinates v2,
double tolerance)
Build the rotation that transforms a pair of pv coordinates into another pair.
TimeStampedAngularCoordinates(AbsoluteDate dateIn,
PVCoordinates u1,
PVCoordinates u2,
PVCoordinates v1,
PVCoordinates v2,
double tolerance,
boolean spinDerivativesComputation)
Build the rotation that transforms a pair of pv coordinates into another pair.
TimeStampedAngularCoordinates(AbsoluteDate dateIn,
Rotation rotation,
Vector3D rotationRate,
Vector3D rotationAcceleration)
Builds a rotation/rotation rate pair.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
L |
LegsSequence.getLeg(AbsoluteDate date)
Return the leg whose time interval contains the input date.
L |
AbstractLegsSequence.getLeg(AbsoluteDate date)
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